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Hilarious joke, that's what I am.

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Troe Revinah

Troe subconsciously scooted back to avoid the table as he took a final sip of his coffee, completely unaware as he began setting it down that A: he had pushed himself back...and B: the table was currently in halves anyway. The cup fell to the floor and shattered, shaking him from his train of thought in time to hear Ashley say that it was their cue to leave. Of course, he hadn't agreed to anything, but this whole arrangement was kind of exactly what he had been looking for.

When he stood up he casually looked for the Violet eyed stranger, but upon seeing the shattered window he assumed the guy had been thrown out it by whoever had trashed the place. Guess that's what happens when you stand on a table in the middle of a bar? Troe patted his robes briefly to be sure that the coffee he had dropped wasn't all over himself.

As he walked up to Ashley he glanced over to see a rather tall one-armed woman and cocked his head slightly. Given the axe and the way she carried herself, he almost wanted to ask if she was one of the refugees from Irinoth. Women of both Rjaskav and Solvnir were famous for their battle prowess and size, both of which Troe could assume this 'Tonka' had in spades...well the latter more obviously of course.

"So, I may have been...well, locked in thought about the subject of this expedition for the past few minutes. I remember mention of a ship and at least a few claiming that they would also be coming along. I trust that you intend to lead this..." Troe looked at a few of the others that he presumed were coming. "Band of mercenaries?" He said, assuming that would be the most apt description of those present.
Troe Revinah

Troe barely looked up when the violet eyed person he had asked to follow him earlier stood up on the bar and boldly declared that he was looking for companions. Not a very subtle guy. He thought as he sipped his coffee again.

Moments later he heard a more familiar voice, someone that he remembered interviewing for a paper on curses...that had ended up adding almost thirty pages in quotes alone. It appeared that this bar was probably the right place to find companions, and Ashley even seemed interested in coming along and bringing someone that sounded rather strong too. Troe nodded slightly and got back to his coffee and thinking now that he figured both their transportation and teambuilding issues were resolved...Wait, did she call Violet Eyes a scholar? He thought to himself. Of course, he hadn't really paid appropriate attention to the stranger so it was entirely possible. Then again, from his 'brief' interaction with the woman, it was also possible that the words were either false flattery or sarcasm. "Hey Doctor Wycliffe." Troe said without looking up from his coffee.

Troe shook his head, getting his mind back to task on the topic at hand. Why would this seemingly infinite force attack only one island? If it was truly unending as the claim had stated, it would have been more prudent to attack everywhere at once and simply complete whatever their objective was all at once. Either the force was limited...or simply had a limited means of transport?

Apparently a barfight had broken out around Troe, though he was simply none the wiser as he was focused on the current train of thought even as a man tried to take the chair out from under him. Without a thought he lifted his hand and blew the rude stranger away with a simple blast of wind.

But if they could simply walk out of the ocean, doesn't it stand to reason that they came from the ocean? If that was the case they could have just walked to the other islands. There had to be some sort of system keeping them there for now, but what? A live sample would be the best thing to study such anomalous entities, but if there was something holding them on Irinoth it could be impossible.
Troe Revinah


"You've got quick eyes." Troe said, not too interested in answering the actual question. "I had it out for an instant at best." He took note of the stranger's violet eyes, but in his own scholarly pursuits he had seen much stranger things. Many in the crowd had begun to separate into their own groups to form recon teams in an attempt to claim that reward money for themselves...The longer he thought, the more he realized that he had to at least go to see things for himself.

"Hey, if you're planning on taking this job you can follow me a bit. Eventually I'll need to find someone with a reliable means of getting there. Bad as it sounds, I'd bet fifteen hundred gold half of these idiots are going to sink themselves along the way." Troe said back to the violet eyed stranger. Only an idiot would throw their lot in with the first few people close enough to hear their voice. A bounty that size likely meant that the higher ups didn't expect a high success...or survival rate. Of course, that made sense given the kingdoms that were wiped out were filled to the brim with proud warriors. Whatever these invaders were, the signs pointed to them being immeasurably dangerous.

Many of the adventurers here seemed to have the wrong idea, this wasn't a job for a large group of mercenaries. What they needed was a research team and a few bodyguards. Anything more would attract undue attention from a thus far undefeated army. Deep in thought, Troe entered the bar to grab a black coffee. He'd probably need it to keep this train of thought going. When he eventually received the drink, he sat down and tapped his fingers on a table for a few minutes, not even really noting if the violet eyed stranger from before had followed him. Given the relatively young age of the countries within the archipelago, they had no legends or known prophecies to point to such a cataclysmic event...even if this certainly felt like the kind of scenario that would involve such a contrived explanation. He knew for a fact that none of the books in the town's rather large library mentioned warriors from the ocean, nor had any sailors mentioned such a possibility any of the times he had tried to explain their other wive's tales.

"Maybe if Rjaskav or Solvnir wrote their damned folklore down on the occasion there could be something there." He muttered, the frustration clear in his tone. Of course he knew that neither civilization did such a thing. Word of mouth prevailed in both countries, and so the already unreliable tall tales would only be made exponentially more unreliable if they truly existed. Troe downed the still hot coffee angrily, not even paying any mind to the burning of his mouth and throat. If anything the pain helped derail the near tangent he had almost gone on in his head.
In the Capital of Faroth-En

After two weeks of it being in every paper throughout the island and being spread by word of mouth, the time had finally come for the long awaited royal decree involving the happenings at Irinoth island and how the kingdom would be responding. Anyone looking for adventure and/or exorbitant rewards was likely to be present in the capital's square before Noon as such a situation would likely require droves of mercenaries.

"ATTENTION, ATTENTION PLEASE!" A herald shouted as another man blew a horn to pierce through the hustle and bustle of the crowd. As everybody quieted down, the herald cleared his throat. "His royal highness has declared a state of emergency regarding the unknown threat in the south that has likely destroyed both the kingdom of Rjaskav and Solvnir. All of the information we have is from key nobles that have relocated here to seek refuge, so its reliability is questionable. These are trying times and as such, recent events may have skewed their perception. All we know for certain is that a strange conquering army invaded the island and conquered it. Because of this, the king is offering a bounty of two hundred and fifty thousand gold to any group that can provide solid evidence of this strange army and their intentions. This reconnaissance will be vitally important in the days to come, so any and all adventurers are invited to participate in the scouting party. Know that this mission could be incredibly dangerous. In the meantime, the king has asked that our citizens provide shelter and aid to the refugees fleeing their home as we could only hope they would for us."

Troe Revinah

Troe listened to the man speak. Of course he hadn't been intending to be here for this announcement, but he had woken up late and the crowd had basically blocked him from getting to the library. As he had been buried in books for study, he had no idea about what had happened back 'home'. The news hit him, not that anybody could probably tell given the crowds' own reactions to the rewards and mission offered. Troe had woken up today like it was any other...and learned that everyone from his own past life was most likely dead.

With that revelation he gripped his signet ring that he kept in his pocket tightly. It was the only reminder that he had been able to keep of his family and birthplace...Despite all they had put him through, this news still felt awful. He took a breath after what felt like several minutes, deciding that he would at least try to join up with a group planning on exploring his conquered homeland.
@Dark Cloud All good, just say the word.
@Dark Cloud All good, no rush.

@Dark Cloud A heads up, a brief history is also needed now.

@BreathOfTheWoof Neat, well we've got a link to the OOC which has the discord and stuff so if you're wanting to join that'd be where to start.
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