Avatar of Hekazu
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hekazu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1802 (0.47 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hekazu 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
And back I am. Exhausted, certainly, and may need a while for that to wear off, but I'm once more here to read and even write!
5 yrs ago
Won't be replying for a while. Am hiking.
5 yrs ago
My congratulations to the winners of TI9! Well played gentlemen, well played.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Should have been writing posts. Took part in D&D shenaniganry instead. Got to fix that tomorrow.
5 yrs ago
There's a lot of backlog here on my end. I'm trying my best to lessen it, but replies might be less frequent for a time. A welcome change from the nothing doing I went through though! Thanks partners!


I suppose it is about time for me to copypaste fill in some information about myself over here just as well. Only took me a few years to getting around to do it.

I am a married individual in my twenties from the country some people dare claim does not exist. The Finland conspiracy is an old joke, you can stop with it now. Not a native speaker of the English language by any means, though I did begin studying it exceptionally early for our country's standards. I suppose it was some sort of a test case. With that out of the way though, what more should I be saying here...
  • I like being nice to people. If one needs to ask why, well that alone is reason enough.
  • I play and Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons, both offline and in the past also over here.
  • I enjoy OOC chatter, be it planning the RP or a more casual exchange (not that RP'ing is that serious). I can make do without, but don't be afraid to talk to me.
  • Whatever the case, I'm here to have fun and hone my writing abilities!
I do think that should about cover it, yes.

Thanks for stopping by I suppose! I do also have a Discord account, but I prefer to start anything RP related on the site. At least with people I don't know from the past, that is! But hey, now if you are a longer time contact of mine and happened to read this, now you know and can ask!

Most Recent Posts

@Lord of Evil
Yup, that leaves me with the next one... should be up soon, I've got the time.
@Dusksong@Lord of Evil
I'd say Derrick still has enough time to do something before he reaches the end point of my last post.
Just a friendly reminder that it is your turn, assuming @LChris314 truly has left us behind.
On the roof of the tower, the wounded governor and his bodyguards waited. While people were still on their way, Nighthill kept his eyes on his town, taking in all the tactical information he could. Once all of the summoned had been gathered, the guard on governor's right side tapped the man's shoulder, prompting him to turn around. The governor did just so and took a few steps towards the group of adventurers. No matter his injuries, he still stood up straight and as he spoke, his voice did not even hint towards any pain.

"With the dragon gone, I expected the raiders to leave. But they are still going strong, which can only mean their commander was not the giant in the skies. And I believe I've seen the one they truly follow." Once that was said, Nighthill used his good hand to suggest the adventurers to follow as he approached the edge of the tower. "Can you see that person? That one with the purple robe and a dozen men guarding them? I think that's the real mastermind of the operation. I'd give anything to know what we're up against, and why. But for that, we need prisoners. Aiming for such a well guarded target would not be wise though. A commander, even a low ranking one would be for the best though."

The governor then walked back from the edge and and continued: "But while that is a nice tactical bonus if you can manage it, it is not exactly why I called you here. All guard officials have confirmed a fear of mine: There is no trace of Falconmoon anywhere to be seen. He is a priest of the temple of Chauntea here in Greenest, and I am afraid he has had to barricade himself and some of the people into the temple. And their walls are not as sturdy as ours." He kept a short pause and glanced at Kyra, who he knew knew the temple well.

While he let the adventurers think about his words for a moment, he soon continued: "We have found a safe way outside. Well, as safe as they come anyway. An old tunnel beneath the keep has been thoroughly secured for passage into the streambed. You should ask Escobert for details." With that, Governor Nighthill seemed to be done with his monologue, as he and his guard moved to the other side of the tower's roof and the man laid his sight onto the dragon-devastated battlements. Even up here, the smell of burnt flesh and a familiar tingly feeling like one that preceded a thunderstorm could be felt. Hopefully that terrible beast would not be returning.

@Norschtalen@Gordian Nought@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher
Kenza's attempt to retrieve whatever it was that was glowing within the maw of the statue ended in her fingers touching the back of the thing's maw. Seems like it wasn't something added as an afterthought, but a part of the statue itself. With there seemingly being nothing to gain, probing further did not seem like anything but a waste of time. However, as soon as she retracted her hand, the statue rumbled on it's spot.

The blue light seemed to pulse once, for a moment becoming dim and then flashing brighter than before, returning to ordinary soon after. The wings of the statue slowly began to unfurl as the blue light travelled across the statue's "veins", slowly but surely. If the adventurers stayed to observe for a moment, they could notice the pace of the light accelerating and reaching further parts of the statue every passing moment... And then came the cracking sound as some pieces of the stone dragon were unceremoniously flung from their spot, only to slowly be dragged back towards the sculpture by unseen forces.

@Dusksong@Lord of Evil@LChris314
@Dusksong@Lord of Evil
Tagging in OOC since I forgot to do so on the IC side.

Also, I remembered that I've not yet answered to the question regarding timezones: GMT+2, Finland. I sleep like a vampire though, so my activity does not exactly equal that of a normal person on the zone.
Despite their best searching efforts and the additional light provided by the statue, the hunters did not find much. The weapon racks showed signs of age in both the amount of accumulated dust and the occasional broken parts and while it came as quite a surprise to find two shortspears leaning in these abandoned storage implements, it quickly became evident why: Their handles were brittle. They would probably snap if too much force was used, but at the very least they were weapons.

In addition to these, a single book could be found open behind the assumed altar, although the open pages were pressed against the floor. It had no name on it's leather covers and the text inside was unintelligible. Well, the script was familiar as it was written in common alphabet. The problem being that none of the words made any sense. On further inspection, each "chapter" if one could call them so seemed to end in the words "Ekil Erif, Ekam Erif, Erif Erif", whatever that was supposed to mean.
Approval was given, the curtain both approached and moved aside. Behind it laid something they had partially expected: There was a window there. However, there was no light coming from it, the source of the blue tinted illumination instead being in front of it. It was a statue as far as naked eye could discern, made of some black rock that had vein-like markings on it's surface that reflected the blue light coming from the mouth of the statue. It depicted a dragon-like figure, wrapped in it's own wings. It was quite skinny in it's shape and did not exactly give a powerful or awe inspiring aura. It was... rather bad as far as sculptures go to be quite honest.

However, the blue tinted light did indeed come from the statue's mouth. One could not fit their head close enough to peek deeper in as the bony wings were in the way, leaving but a small gap between the tip of the upper jaw and the top of the sheltering wings. Whatever it was, it laid perfectly still. There were no particular changes to be noticed anywhere and Mistletoe gave no reports of activity from the hallway either.

Now that the blue light could spread a little, the rest of the room was somewhat better illuminated though. The appearance of an abandoned barrack was somewhat shaken by the fact the opposing wall had some sort of icons on it, although so time worn it was hard to tell what they might be. The weapon racks were clearly bolted to the floor though, so they had to belong here... An odd space indeed. And strangely void of furniture.

@Lord of Evil@Dusksong@LChris314
The question is, where does this 4th character appear from? I may open this up again, but that will have to wait for an opportune moment. Nobody wants to be accepted and then wait multiple weeks.
@Dusksong@Lord of Evil
My ruling would be to move on even in @lchris314's absence. If he does not appear soon, I'll have to find some way to... remove Mistletoe from the group.
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