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Rolling Male warlock to balance things, will double with a male hybrid if the need arises.

Name: Daniel O'niall

Age: 26

Species: Warlock (Male Witch)

Pyrokinesis(Control over Fire)
Illusory Images(Images, without smell or sound)
Enhanced Metabolism(Accelerating metabolism would be an improvement to speed)

Basic Witch Skills:
Casting spells/enchantments with the coven
Making potions/tonics
Skilled knowledge of herbs
Group healing

Other Skills:
Hand to hand combat training, including dagger-work
First Aid
Good Swimmer

Personality: Smart, Humorous, Wise, Neutral Morality

Brief Description:

Quick to attempt to befriend others, Daniel occupies a quirky role within the Coven, playing both the obligatory “funny guy” and yet also a bit of a sounding board for when people need someone they can go to in order to complain or seek advice. Although he is a fan of using very bad puns and an occasional joke to get others to open up to him, he has always known when to take matters seriously and provide real advice to those who ask for it. In addition, he has never shown much interest in taking a leading role in the Coven, as he feels he better serves in his current role.



Daniel was born and raised along the coast of California, in the western United States, the second-born of four children to parents who had immigrated from Ireland. When Daniel's pyrokinesis began to develop, his parents remembered the old stories they had been told as children, and had quietly reach out to their former homeland for someone who could explain what was happening to their son. Fire would inexplicably break out near him, and no matter which way the wind was blowing, the fires would constantly lean towards him, as though attempting to seek him out. While they waited, Daniel's home was quickly fireproofed as best as his parents could manage. Daniel himself was cut off largely from the world around him, his mother home schooled him, his friends could only come over to his house, and he was told that he had a medical condition which would cause him to hallucinate if his blood pressure got too high from stress. Unfortunately, even with all of these precautions, an accident was inevitable.

At the age of 15, Daniel had every reason to believe that he was an ordinary teenager placed in some mildly unusual circumstances. So, like most other teenagers, he began sneaking out at night and exploring the beach alongside the small town in which he lived. He met others his own age, and though the interactions were a bit socially awkward at first, he soon learned that people open up to a person that makes them laugh. He met a girl, and though he plays it off more as a fling than anything else, his first experience with love was a rocky one. When they broke things off, it was hard on Daniel, and when he snuck out again later that night, he went to a pier that stretched out over the ocean. Even Daniel doesn't remember how the fire got started, the next thing he knew, the pier was quickly becoming enveloped in flames, the fires fed by the untrained magic he had unknowingly tapped into. His fear of being burnt alive only fed the fires more, but as the flames reached toward him, he subconsciously willed them back. By the time the Fire department arrived and put out the fire, Daniel had recovered enough to dive into the ocean, but the local news still told the story of the mysterious fire... and the ten foot circle of unburnt wood near the end of the pier.

Conspiracy theorists blamed everything from aliens to super mutants, but although Daniel was not specifically mentioned, it didn't take long for the Coven to discover the story and seek him out. When they sent a representative to collect Daniel, he at first denied them, unable to comprehend that he was really a witch, something out of the old legends. The representative agreed to give him some time to reconsider, but even Daniel began to realise that the Coven was his only hope for learning how to use these new abilities. Two weeks later, he said his good-byes to his family, and moved to one of the Coven safehouses.

The years passed quickly for Daniel, he learned not only how to control his power of pyrokinesis, but that he had developed two additional abilities as well. Although relatively new to the Coven, he was quick to make friends in his new world. When tensions mounted with the Hybrid Covens, Daniel felt it would be wise to split his focus between developing his powers, and learning how to fight with and without his powers. Although he as no personal reason to hate the Hybrids, he feels no need to show mercy to those who threaten the Coven.
Im in. Very interested in what kind of plot you have in mind.

Ah, thank you. I wanted to make sure before putting up a character sheet. Should have one up within the next 24 hours.
Need some clarification in the Hybrid department. *waves sign*

Powers: Do hybrids get powers?

Basic Hybrid Abilities
Enhanced Senses
Humanity being switched on and off
Always on or off? Or put in the post whether its one or off? Only in a hybrid form?
I'll scribble in my interest. Let me know when the OOC gets put up.
Kyran chuckled to himself as he watched the ceremony unfold from within the large circle of King's Guard. It had been a week of legendary revelry for him, and though he had tried to preserve the grace and dignity of his homeland, he had found himself swept up in the surging excitement of the festival. Add to that the free ride the Red Mage's embassy had provided for him, and he couldn't help but feel some pang of regret that it would all soon be over. He would be permitted a single day to recover after the festival, and then would have to make his way back home, where a long list of training exercises both physical and spiritual would undoubtedly await him.

Still, there was no reason to focus on the future right now. This ceremony was for the past.

“A great darkness shrouded the world.
The wind died.
The sea raged.
The earth began to decay.
Only a prophecy kept hope alive in people's hearts.
"When darkness veils the world, four warriors of light shall come.”
And after journeying far, four young warriors did at last appear.
In the hands of each rested a mysterious crystal... “

The King's voice echoed through the area, the crowd silenced as the ceremony seemed to reach it's climax. Sheets were pulled off the four wagons, and resting in each was a strange, colored orb. Kyran furrowed his brow, hadn't that strange red-hatted man said something about the Orbs? Were these the ones he was talking about? Something about them doing something... weird?

One of the orbs flared with light, causing the stirrings of fear and panic amongst the crowd. Kyran muttered a rather un-monk like curse as the orb continued to flare and leak raw energy. Although Kyran had never been to the Corneria festival before, he was fairly certain that wasn't supposed to happen. Screams split the air and he dropped into a fighting stance out of instinct, although the danger had not yet reached them yet. The King began to shout orders, but Kyran's attention was diverted, seeking the source of the confusion and panic.

Imps, foul little creatures that seemed to delight in the slaughter they were performing, poured from the surrounding city, attacking anything that moved that wasn't one of them. The guards responded quickly, and soon the sounds of steel striking steel sounded through the city. Kyran sighed a bit, casting a glance at the other ambassadors, "Anybody else hate it when doomspeaking Red Mages happen to be right?"

One of the others darted past him, dressed in a black cloak and moving towards a pillar of red light in the distance. She stopped a short distance away, a small group of imps taking notice of her and moving towards the seemingly lone target. To his mild surprise, she had a dagger in her hand, and seemed like she knew how to use it too. With no more time to spend on the thought, he sprinted forward, cloak billowing in the wind behind him as he passed the dagger-wielding woman. He chose the imp furthest to his right to engage first, stopping just short of it's reach and grinning as the wicked-looking dagger went sailing through the air where he would have been. Unfortunately for the imp, the creature's short arms, plus the added length of the dagger, barely equaled Kyran's reach with just his arms. The monk stiffened his fingers and jabbed them painfully into the imp's arm. He grabbed the creature's arm and twisted , bringing his other hand up to the creature's shoulder and swinging around, send him rolling along the ground towards the other ambassadors.

A dagger glanced off his armored leg, reminding him that the surprise of his rush was spent. He dropped into a defensive stance, strangely eager to see how this played out.
For approval::::::::::::::;

Name: Kyran

Class: Monk

Gender: Male

Short black hair, blue eyes


Body: Clothes(Simple Traveler style)
Hands: Leather Gloves(Hardened and marred by repeated strikes)
Legs: Simple cloth pants under two sets of buckled hardened leather plates, one starting a few inches below the waist and ending just above and the other starting just below the knee and ending a few inches before the ankle.
Feet: Leather boots

Combat Abilities:

Stunning Strike = Kyran's study of anatomy has given him a more than average knowledge of the human body, though nowhere near the understanding of a Master. During a fight, Kyran can will sometimes choose to strike a precise muscle, causing a muscular spasm that inhibits their ability to fight.

Martial Art Training = Kyran has been trained in a functional style of hand to hand combat, relevant to the current era. As such, his style is adapted to work against common weaponry and armor. While he is incapable of punching through metal or breaking a sword with his bare hands, he has been trained that slapping the flat of the blade away from him can create an opening for him to close in or to strike the arm.

Ki Energy = The monk has a basic understanding of a universal energy, to the point of a very weak sixth sense. His attunement with the world around him allows him to sense the flow of this energy in his surroundings. During combat, it allows him to instinctively sense weaknesses in an enemy's defenses(although this takes time and a focus on one particular enemy) or alternatively, increase the power of his own strikes. This ability will develop over time.

Peace of Mind = Monks adhere to a strict sense of discipline, and are rarely given to action that is purely motivated by emotion. Many have learned that so many hours spent meditating and performing combat katas have led to an increased level of protection against mind-altering magic or poisons.

Non-Combat Abilities:

Anatomical Study = Monks are encouraged to learn as much about the way a body works as possible. While the martial applications involve breaking bones, learning which nerves control which muscles, or damaging specific organs, their knowledge of anatomy also bears some beneficial fruit. Kyran is adept at first aid, from staunching a bleeding wound to setting and bracing broken bones.

Bookworm = Kyran enjoys reading, and has spent much of his spare time devouring(not literally) any book he could get his hands on. Although the subject matter was limited where he came from, largely pertaining to martial arts and local history, he has developed a certain love for fictitious writings.

Personality: Kyran is a bit of an oddity as a monk. He enjoys what he calls “the outside world”, and is a very lively person that is generally ready with a good story or a joke. He claims this is a result of the monks from his home being so “dreadfully boring”. In addition to this he has a love for knowledge, learning all that he can any time he is away from his home.
What classes are currently available?
fraid Im goingtohave to back out of this one. Work just landed about half a dozen new contracts and Im in charge of making sure they stay happy.
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