Avatar of ihinka


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10 mos ago
Current I wonder if it would be worth my while to return to this site. I've had pretty much abysmal luck with games. Wonder if it'll be any different after a couple of years of absence...?!
6 yrs ago
Last plug. I shall pester you no more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Here's your daily useless plug :) roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'll continue to plug this for a week or so and than leave y'all alone. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Most Recent Posts

@Lucius CypherInsight check to try and determine what's the quarrel between the pixie and the orc. Or would that be investigation?
@Lucius CypherYAAAAASH! I totally saw iiiiiit! Hugs that 22.

And once we know what the light is, we'll see about the other stuff
@Lucius Cypher Can Shem'et still see this green light? Can she tell what it is?

Can Shem do a general assessment of the situation to maybe determine how to react? You know, like, what the fuck is going on and how do I react sort of a thing?

Also, what time of the day is it by now?
We seem to be missing Jason...
With both hands and feet for it!
Shem'et tried her very best to follow the road while keeping an eye out for any landmarks she could add to the map. She had thought that it wouldn't be that difficult drawing a map, considering she often had to sketch schematics for various crafting inventions. As it turned out, it was way harder than she'd imagined. She was stopping more often to get her bearings and when she finally arrived at the treeline it was all she could do to walk in a straight path. And yet somehow she had the feeling she was going in circles. Did I get lost?! The crafter couldn't get even a hint of where those iron sand deposits were.

Luckily, though, she did manage to spot the herb Barthem had asked her to look for. But something was off. It looked like something had been nibbling on it. The stem was bent and a flower had been torn off and lying on the ground. Shem immediately unsheathed her claws and took a fighting stance, her feline eyes scanning the immediate vicinity. She noticed some sort of a wooden pipe not too far from the herb, on the ground, but she remained vigilant and decided to leave it for later inspection. Her safety was of more pressing concern at the moment!

@Lucius CypherDo you need any rolls from Shem before that happens?
Yay, more elderly folk!

Zoya Nikolova

Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Medical Ward
Skills: N/A

Z was startled out of her self-reflection by Tinley launching herself at Emilia. What followed was a whirlwind of action and commotion and before Nik could get anywhere near to the two agents, Emilia had screamed her last 'Hail, Hydra!' and expired in jerking convulsions. The explosives engineer stood gobsmacked in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but her medical gown. Yet managing not to feel self-conscious because of what had just happened.

"I thought S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to be squid free! What the bleeding actual fuck!" She pointed at Emilia. "We studied with this one, trained with her, lived with her! How do we continue to allow Hydra to infiltrate us?!" Z shook her head. "Moreover, how did she get passed the vetting process for the experiment?!" Nik was throwing questions at no one in particular. Rather it was more a statement of disappointment. "How are we supposed to trust each other after witnessing something like this?" Z asked, her tone now quieter, more uncertain. "I mean... Even I was somewhat friendly with Agent Rivera and didn't catch wind of her true nature." She shook her head again. This was not a good foundation to build a team of super powered individuals on! Not even a bit.

It was rare for Z to react so strongly in such an open forum of people, but Libra's were usually like that. They tended to be creatures of balance. But when their scales tipped, they usually tipped all the way.

Z glanced at Niah. She's probably the only person I can truly trust! God damned Hydra tossers! Always messing with our heads like that. Then something else penetrated Z's perturbed mind. Something Agent Ridgeway had mentioned while Nik was busy with her self-reflections. Antoine hadn't survived the procedures. As if things weren't bad enough already! Z felt a familiar rage rise within her. She went to Niah, sticking close in case her friend should need her.

Nik was still there when Fury arrived with their evaluations, and power rankings. She almost balked hearing she'd been promoted to Team Beta Field commander. Considering her low power ranking and her next to abysmal performance in the Framework. Z couldn't even muster the energy to feel chuffed with the promotion. In her eyes she wasn't deserving of it. But if the senior agents had decided to promote her than she would bust her ass off to become deserving of it. Forget stealth! I need to study up on mission and team tactics. Z was familiar with deploying tactically EOD specialists during a mission, but as a Sci-Tech alumna she hadn't really studied much S.H.I.E.L.D. mission tactics. More importantly, however, she needed to get a handle on her powers. Though simplistic in their nature, she'd had trouble deploying them in the Framework. And deep down Z had this feeling that they could potentially grow to be a rather powerful mix of super abilities. If only she knew how to hone them!
@Black Keys I mean, I suppose you can still catch up to Shem if our DM allows it.
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