Avatar of inuyashachick13


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If your wanting to double up I would love to talk to you about an arranged marriage rp.
Oh my you had quite the list to go through. One pair did pull my interest though. I would love to talk about Female Angel/Devil's Son and see if we can make a story happen.
You made my day when I seen the black bird plot, within the first two lines I knew what the plot belonged to. If your interested I would love to chat about it seeing I had one going before but the person it was with hasn't logged on in months.... Also liking the idea behind the arranged marriage between the teacher and student.
I am in love with both ideas. If your still looking for someone I would love to hear from you.
Okay never been good with trying to make up a 1x1 search so here it goes.

What I am looking for:
- someone to play a male role (I play females myself though if convinced by a plot I can double if you do.)
- 18+ please for comfort reasons I am in my 20's. This is due to a variety of mature subjects that could happen, be it language, violence, drugs ect...
- someone who can post once a day possibly every other day. I know sometimes things come up however, we are human with lives off the net.
- casual level, my usual is 1-2 paragraphs but can write more depending on what I am given and what's going on)
- someone who won't leave right away


- Skip Beat
- Midnight Secretary (manga just need to know plot. Wiki has it)
- Hapi Mari (manga just need to know general plot. Wiki has it)
- Honey x Honey drop (manga)
- Vampire knight
- Riverdale
- Devil may cry

Non Fandom:
Arranged marriage (plot in mind)
Demon x Angel (plot in mind)
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x hunter
Vampire x human

Have an idea let me know, you never know it could interest me.

(Will add more as I think of them and don't feel afraid to suggest.)
I would love to talk to you about the arranged marriage idea if your okay with the fact I am more of a casual role player. I try to give at least two paragraphs per post and keep the story moving.
I am interested in this, if you still need someone shoot me a pm.
I love the idea behind this. If you still need someone shoot me a pm and let's talk more about it.
If your still looking for someone shoot me a pm and let's see if we can get something going. From the looks of things I think we could mesh well.
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