Avatar of Invader Len
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Invader Len
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 760 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Invader Len 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Wow it's been a long while since I was last on. I'm gonna have to update a lot of stuff.
6 yrs ago
Lifetip: Don't forget to eat for 2 days, then drink 44 oz of coke at the movies. I don't feel too good, Mr. Stark.
6 yrs ago
Finally finished editing that transcript. At this point the only person I'm rooting for in this case is the judge.
6 yrs ago
"Boy I sure am feeling harassed after I bullied someone else and people pointed it out to me"
6 yrs ago
"A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making the truth itself appear like falsehood." - William Shenstone


I'm a 24 year old college student with a "tragic past" and a series of flunked schools and medical bills. Roleplaying has been my one escape from a harsh reality while growing up, and I really appreciate this site and everyone on it.

I've been on Roleplayer Guild for eight years, going on nine in a few months.

I started roleplaying at 13 on an Invader Zim fan site... I accept my shame and disgrace.

Most Recent Posts

Sure, you can apply for a Familiar! We're trying to balance things out, but if you submit a CS and get accepted, we'll work on pairing you up!

Oh, and just for clarification, Familiars aren't "underlings". Familiars and Mages are equals. Some Mages have more passive magic like Healing, Weather, Light, and Shadow, while Familiars might have more offensive abilities, like super strength, super speed, or telekinesis. It wholly depends on the magic type and ability that determines a character being offensive, passive, or support. :)

Also, everyone in the world is either a Mage or a Familiar, so there's no one without powers. A Mage is someone who can use magic, and a Familiar is someone who can't, but has lots of it and has an extraordinary ability.
@Invader Len

Is it possible for me to reroll Frankie's power? I don't think I'll have much for my character to do with that ability.

Sure! We've reconvened, and your reroll has nicked you a very rare Ability, Copy. Copy is an Enigma Ability, an extremely rare Ability type! Copy allows you to copy the Ability of any Familiar! Whoa! Copy has only been recorded a few times in history, and is one of the most sought after abilities! While useless on its own, by touching a nearby Familiar with skin-to-skin contact, you can copy their Ability! However, you can can only hold one power at a time, new touches will overwrite each other, and the power you copy only lasts for one hour. You can only copy a specific person's power once a day, so make sure it counts! In addition, you inherit all the weaknesses of a specific Ability, and you may not be as skilled in its use as the original user. However, this versatility allows you to operate in a wide array of fields, and makes you a force to be reckoned with! Awesome!



With this, you are all free to post your characters in the characters tabs, join the discord, and post in the IC. HOWEVER, due to an issue we’re trying to work out, your partners will be announced on Monday evening. For the mean time, you can post your character’s in the Sun Room, but DO NOT approach the podium or announce your pairings. Remember to look over the Students Schedule and classes to get a good idea of the elective you’d like to take and familiarize yourselves with our schedule!
Minor announcement!

New countries have been added to the opening OOC page! Check them out when you can! If you have any questions about the countries, feel free to @ me, PM me, or ask in the discord!


Edit: I forgot to put this is, But Alice will be partnered with Mikayla! And Mikayla's magic is electricity! With electricity, you can send out powerful shocks, but requires a small copper ball to focus their spells. Without a familiar, your powers and wattage are rather low. But with a familiars help, you can increase your powers and unleash devastating shock! Wow!
@Invader Len well thanks for calmly explaining what was wrong...

I would watch that attitude, I am the GM of the RP you’re applying to. If you can’t respect me, my rules, or my critiques, then you quite simply aren’t mature enough for this RP. My critiques are not personal attacks, they are corrections of character. And frankly, this character needs to be thrown out and completely rewritten.

I don’t appreciate disrespect, and it sends me a big red flag. Because if you can’t respect me, then you won’t respect my story, my rules, or my players. If you can’t handle your tragic past Mary Sue being thrown into the trash compacter, then perhaps low casual is a more appropriate fit.

I’ll have you kicked from the Discord until you submit a new CS and have it accepted, and I’d advise you to watch your salt. And read our rules, while you’re at it.

Our Monster Design contest is over, and it's time to declare the winners! The winning five monsters get to be made canon and added to the bestiary, and the top two monster makers get to make an additional character! Note: These characters are still subjected to reviews, and must be accepted and partnered before stuck in the IC.

We got a lot of good monsters, and exactly five! So they will all be added to the Beastiary! And now, without further ado, our winning monsters!

1st place: @Raijinslayer's Shadow Dragon
2nd place: @TheHangedMan's Corpse Snail
3rd place: @Discontent's Eremite
4th place: @Redmarshmellow's Trickster
5th place: @Sorrelmyst's Chikoddee

In addition, our participants get a bonus prize! 5 extra points to spend as you please! Thank you all for your wonderful monsters, they'll be added to the Bestiary soon! And don't forget your points!
@Hammerman However you do it is up to you. Sudden change of heart, volunteers telling them, etc. It's up to you.

Just a reminder that this is the last day of the monster contest! We will be ending the contest around 10:00 PM PST! If you want to make a submission, this is the last day to do it! We'll be judging and discussing monsters over the next few days, and will have a decision on the winners before Wednesday.
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