Avatar of Jabberwocky
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 118 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Jabberwocky 9 yrs ago


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Let's normalize saying "dude" in every situation.
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When your only emotion is "teenager" 64.media.tumblr.com/fa2611f…
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@Overlord Thraka tenor.com/view/gif-4558036


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My form's almost done, should be ready to send by the end of today. Sorry for taking so long

Not to worry, there's still plenty of time.


One by one most of the crowd trickled out. Standing some feet behind and to the left of the king, Brynan watched them leave and felt her seething anger grow. It was impotent anger, directed more at herself than any of them, but that knowledge did nothing to soothe the turmoil in her heart. Clenched behind her back, her fists were white-knuckled and itching to grip the cool steel hilts of her scimitars.

Wasting another minute hidden behind the walls of the castle seemed foolish. If it was her decision alone she would already have set off in search of the prince, not tarried here with random opportunists off the streets. Looking over the faces of those that remained, she thought to herself that if even one of them had any formal training with a weapon she would fall on her back in surprise.

At King Brand’s call to action, Brynan was the first to step forward. But for a tightness around her tired eyes, her face betrayed nothing of her feelings when she placed herself between the king and those assembled. She sank to one knee, her head lowered.

“You know my name, sire, and my shame. On my honour, I will return your son to you.” Briefly, she glanced up to meet the Queen’s eye. “I swear it.” The grief in their eyes was too much to bear. She swiftly rose again and made her way to the entrance, ready to leave as quickly as possible.
@Stitches It is slice of life, yeah. Focus is placed on character development. Hopefully I've given people enough of a playground wherein they can explore different stories without the constraints of a specific plot. Of course as a GM I intend to throw in little events now and then, but these will be on a small scale.
The quote isn't a big deal, no. I would prefer if it was filled out but I'm also not going to lose any sleep over it. As for the image, it's fine to leave it. Just make sure you describe them thoroughly in the appearance section.

The OOC is up a little earlier than expected. Head on over.

If you're afraid someone may snap up a class before you can complete a character sheet, feel free to let me know and I'll list it here as reserved. Note: it will only last for 7 days. After that it's back up for grabs.

  • Care of Magical Creatures - Sedjwick - Jul 1st
  • History of Magic - Jeremor - Jul 1st
  • Divination - WindsofFate - Jul 2nd
  • Studies of Ancient Runes - Salenea - Jul 3rd
  • Charms & Counselor - Cosmic Eclipse - Jul 5th


  • Flight Instructor / Quidditch Coach - Agatha 'Aggie' Statenham, played by @Jabberwocky
  • Muggle Studies - Andrew Bansing, played by @Calle


We've all heard the story of Atlantis; that of a utopian island said to be inhabited by a nation of people in possession of advanced knowledge and the favour of the gods. But it didn't last ... Eventually they were punished for their hubris and Atlantis was sunk into the ocean deep, never to be seen again.

At least, that's the Muggles version. The truth is a little different.

In reality the island of Atlantis was a land of wizards, it's city a bastion of magical research and philosophy. However, at some point in time, the non-magical world became a bit too aware of the mystical place off their shores. That was when it was decided that the island had to be moved, far away from prying eyes.

Atlantis was transported to the Atlantic ocean, to a place that would come to be known as the Bermuda Triangle. It sat in isolation for many years, before slowly being forgotten. Time moved on and the wizarding world did too, before an enterprising group of wizards remembered the mythical island. It would be the perfect place for their dream, an entirely international and neutral wizarding school for any wizard in the world to come learn.

Ten years ago, three wizards from different corners of the world met together on the abandoned island of Atlantis. Now a place of empty buildings and tropical overgrowth, it's school of magic was still largely intact. The School of Atlantis was quickly set up to cater to all wizards, from anywhere in the world, regardless of everything except a willingness to learn.


The year is 2010. It's been twelve years since the defeat of Voldemort at Hogwarts, and ten years since wizards returned to the island of Atlantis for the first time in centuries.

At the center of the island of Atlantis is a grand tower and various outbuildings, what has become the grounds of the school of magic. Though ancient, it is surprisingly well-kept and beautifully designed. Teal, taupe, and coral at the dominant colors of the school, with rounded, smooth buildings that evoke the feeling of flowing water.

A large city of empty, dilapidated buildings surrounds the school grounds. In recent years a few members of the wizarding community have started to repopulate the island, mostly business owners who cater to visiting students. But much of it remains uninhabited, and it can be unwise to wander about alone... which of course doesn't stop a few of the more rebellious students from doing so.

Outside of the ruined city is a large tropical island of great beauty, with a lush landscape and pristine beaches. It's also inhabited by many varieties of magical creatures that are drawn to the island.


Since day one, Atlas has been focused on catering to a worldwide selection of students. Rather than being selective or elite, the school seeks out those that need a fresh start for any variety of reasons. On top of this, the island of Atlantis is welcome to any werewolf wizards, commonly shunned from other parts of the magical world. The three founders, Velile Tambo, Felicia Stoica and Matt Shui, dedicate themselves to fostering a place of inclusivity and redemption for their students. The three of them form a council to lead the school equally, rather than having any one headmaster as is traditional. As of 2010 there are 226 students registered at Atlas Academny, a number that's growing with each passing year.

Velile Tambo, a wizard hailing from southern Africa, leads her house with zeal and focus. Their house color is teal, and their emblem is the great white shark. House Tambo is known to be full of the courageous and those with strong moral codes.

Felicia Stoica, from Romania, prizes knowledge and curiosity in her house. Their house color is coral and their emblem is the octopus. House Stoica is synonymous with students top of their class, those that are often found nose deep in a book.

Matt Shui is an American wizard with a notoriously large heart and big smile. Their house color is taupe and their emblem is the seagull. House Shui are the glue that brings the other two houses together, those selfless people that put others first.

In the center of the campus is the great tower of Atlantis, a gorgeous spire of smooth rock, where most of the classes and learning takes place. About it are many connected buildings, the largest of which serve as the co-mingled dorms. Rather than separating the houses into their own living areas, students are encouraged to mingle with each other and foster a sense of community. The mess hall is at the base of the tower, a large room of four tables set into the ground.

The quidditch field of Atlas Academy isn't actually a field at all, but rather rings floating above the raging ocean itself. Many a quidditch player has gotten a surprise bath after losing their seat from the impact of a Bludger.

With the exception of Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, all classrooms are located inside the tower of Atlantis. They boast a gorgeous view of the entire island and the ocean beyond, as well as a small but comfortable suite of rooms connected to each one. This is where the teachers sleep and spend their free time.


◆ Guild rules apply.

◆ Players must be 18 or older in order to join. Although this is not a dark-themed roleplay, I encourage plots with deeper and potentially difficult subject matter.

◆ All characters must be;
◈ Completely original. There can be no relation, however distant, to existing canon characters.
◈ 18 or over. Students are strictly NPCs and will therefor not be playable.
◈ Of an appropriate age to hold their current staff position.

◆ You may play up to 3 different characters.

◆ Don't break the world. Stick to canon in terms of past events, spells, etc.

◆ All images used must be of either real life, well-known celebrities or realistic artwork. Anime images will not be accepted.

◆ Posts must be a minimum of one paragraph long, written in third person, past tense.

◆ There will be no set posting order. I simply ask that you give others a chance to respond before posting again.

◆ And most important of all, be nice to each other. OOC drama will get you hit with a Howler and expelled from the roleplay.


Please PM me your completed character sheet. Do not post it in the Character tab until you've been approved.

When filling out your character sheet, please make sure to remove the spaces from the hr tags in order for them to show up properly. If you need any help with the code, don't hesitate to PM me and I'll be happy to fix it for you.

Thank you to my wonderful husband @Jeremor for helping me out with this when writer's block kicked my ass.
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