Avatar of JaceBeleren
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    1. JaceBeleren 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Sadly, I'm going to be leaving RoleplayerGuild, possibly for good. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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A quick introduction of myself and a few associates of mine

For real though, I'm a Brit who dabbles in most genres of roleplay, but tends to go for fantasy and sci-fi in particular. I prefer high casual, but will use a more or less advanced writing style if I like the concept.

Most Recent Posts

Kobasratha's pretty close now, but the rest of the cult is busy gathering minions, so a bit behind.

On another note, that map isn't going to happen. I can't draw normally, and I'm not having much luck with online stuff either.
Kobasratha arrived in Eceterum Alacis University, having spent the past night and some of the next day moving from body to body as necessary to get there without drawing too much attention to himself. He finally got there using one of Mallen Jex's fellow graduates, Kola Trin, a woman chosen for a specific reason. Both Mallen and Kobasratha's host were continuing to higher degrees, and both were prodigies in the field of archeology.

He shadowed Jex until he found a suitable moment, and one came fairly quickly. Locking the door behind him, Kobasratha and Jex would have at least a few minutes alone before anyone thought anything strange was happening. Still, Kobasratha saw no reason to waste time. A gritty, black smoke began to seep out of Kola's skin as she fell to the floor, unconcious. Mallen, seeing the magic, ran for the door, but two deep black phantoms manifested in his path. They couldn't hurt him, but they definitely looked like they could. The smoke solidified and now Kobasratha was in his true form, a figure towering over the human. He covered Mallen's mouth with one hand before he could scream.

"Cry for help, and you die, the authorities think Kola did it while I walk free. You're rivals, there's a motive. With my capabilties it's not hard to convince them of the rest." Kobasratha removed his hand from Mallen's mouth and let him stumble a few steps away, ensuring to place himself between the door and Mallen.

"Wh- What do you want?" Mallen stumbled over his words, very obviously in fear. "I'm a university student, I'm not important, why me over anyone else?"

Kobasratha stepped forwards, making the difference in size more apparent and himself more intimidating. "You wrote something that interests me. You've been to Doch Mol. There are some who are, shall we say, interested in what lies there. You're going to take me there, and you're going to help me decipher its riddles."

"So- So you need information. And if- And if you need information, you can't kill me, can you? Because if you do, you've lost your lead." Mallen looked more confident now, genuinely believing he'd outsmarted the demon and saved himself.

Kobasratha was laughing, and Mallen's face falling. Kobasratha wasn't that stupid. Instead, he withdrew Notes on Rzailian Archeology, flicked through the first handful of pages. "How sweet of you. Putting dedications to your fellows in your book. I count at least half a dozen names here that could help me. You know you're the best of them. That's why I came to you first. Understand that this does not make you necessary, however. Your friends are my contingencies."

Mallen had gone pale, and the appearance of utter fear had returned. He seemed to shrink into himself, like he was trying to make himself seem smaller. "Fine. I'll help. But I'll need supplies for the journey, at the very least to keep myself alive."

"Wait. I don't want you betraying me. To ensure that, I suggest a contract. If you betray me, your soul is forfeit. If I get what I want, you're free from the contract. I assume you understand what I consider a betrayal." As this was said, Kobasratha withdrew a sheet of paper describing the exact terms he had just uttered.

"Do I have any other choice? I understand." Mallen said, biting his lip in pain as the barbed quill that put his blood onto paper bit into his hand.

"Excellent." Kobasratha took the contract back, and it faded from the physical realm to a store on his plane. "You have one hour to get what you need and explain the absence of yourself and of Kola. You will meet me at the north gate of the city when you are ready."
@CollectorOfMyst It's up to you. If you're really stuck, talk with any players you might be working with, see what kind of characters they're making. A variety of specialisations works well.

With your other note, thanks for that. I'd meant to do it, but apparently forgotten.
@CollectorOfMyst @Wick @Majoras End @Polybius @Conscripts @FallenTrinity @Ashevelendar

OOC is up for real now. I'll be posting the characer creation steps one-by-one to let you get started as soon as possible, if you choose. I know the lore post is terrifyingly huge, please know I don't expect you to read all that any time soon (nearly 60 pages, over 138,000 characters). I will continue to accept new players for the time being, and plan for official launch in about a week.
Lore for the game will be stored on this 0th post, as it comes too close to the 150,000 character limit to be stored on the first post. I would like players to read through it, but completely at their own pace. In the original book, it's about sixty pages, and like I said, it's close to the character limit.

Tessa Imlotel

Tessa reacted quickly, and had already drawn her wand and begun saying the incantation for a Chill Touch spell when she saw what her companion (Arius, though she did not know it) was doing. Tessa had no doubt that, assuming Alric's tale was true, these men were benefitting from the maltreatment of the innocent, and were vile enough to deserve death. However, the warrior's work had already begun, and she'd only be a hindrance to attack lethally. Besides, there were certainly more deserving sufferers of her full capabilities. This was what lead her to attack with her dagger instead, striking at the head of the guard her companion had not attacked with the pommel of her dagger. It connected beautifully, with an unpleasant thud as the metal struck the man's skull.

My roll was 17.
Not being English, we find we have to argue that point.

We would say that no single nation's humor is "best".

Not only does it vary by taste, but the humor from one decade is not the same as the humor from another, let alone when you mix in numerous decades as well.

No, no. English humour is by far the best. I would know.
@CollectorOfMyst Yeah, the Falcons are basically the good (by modern standards) guys of the Blooded, though technically the only thing they have in common is Courage (I'll get to that with the game mechanics, but basically each House has one Virtue which directly relates to it and gets a small bonus.)
@HeroicSociopath Okay so Frixion Prime's basically dead, and I'd like to continue playing Diana (you may remember, she briefly met Giggles, Marco and possibly Colin, not sure about him). Anyways I was wondering if we could figure out a way for her to join your group, if that's okay with you guys.
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