Avatar of Jarl Coolgruuf


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ma! The sex roleplayers are being weird in the advanced tab again, Ma!
4 yrs ago
Stack sats, print gats, distill vats, feed cats
1 like
4 yrs ago
We here at Cyberdine Systems have heard your demands and we answer your cries with "BullyBot". With the push of a button you can now automate all of your cyberbullying. The future is here. Embrace it.
4 yrs ago
>using the phrase "normie" unironically
4 yrs ago
They always ask me, "What the fuck are you doing!?" but never, "How the fuck you doing?"


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Most Recent Posts

@Dervish My reverence belongs to another

I'm guessing this isn't going anywwhere

shame, I was excited
@Xanadu Sounds good hit me
So many human characters. Where are the turians.

>so many human characters
>where are the Turians?
>on a ship ran by a human
>less than a generation after the First Contact war

but in all seriousness I expected a gaggle of asari and krogans and turians oh my! so I figured my human would be in the minority

Finally ready to put this up

@Dervish brutal
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

You know the Salarians get a lot of shit for the genophage... but like the only reason they had to make it was because the Turians' "best army in the galaxy" couldn't handle a bunch of angry lizards on their own....

get got you frilly headed wannabe dinosaurs
@Loo Tenant she told him to babysit the rest of the party including Adrian lmao get fucked


@Stormflyx it's real angsty hours in the Terminus system
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