Avatar of JunkMail


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3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
I am also not like other girls. I am not a girl.
4 yrs ago
NEVER forgive. ALWAYS forget. Remain in a perpetual state of confusion and anger forever!
4 yrs ago
Honey is the best insect vomit I’ve had so far.
4 yrs ago
It's fucked up that there are 1000 Christmas songs but only one song about the boys being back in town.


A letter of recommendation:

People on my junk mail list <3

@The Ghost Note
@Luminous Beings
@Spoopy Scary

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by JunkMail>

When I don't specify between two non-boolean sets of data I mean to refer to both of them you pissblanket

The universal type really is extraordinary :)

I am the universal type. It gives me the ability to know when someone is a pissmonkey or not.

Just O? You fucking degenerate. There's O+ and O-.

Universal donor is the best shade I've found.
<Snipped quote by Surtr Inc>

Screw you I'm cool

My favorite color is blood.
<Snipped quote by JunkMail>

Am I the only one whose mind swapped the T in "tuckin'" with an F?

you have a dirty mind. disgustin'
In any case I'm sure that this will kill her... unless she awakens.

<Snipped quote by JunkMail>

ah shucks, can't accuse a snaileg of being a normie...

Anything is better than an immediate transition from powerless to being aware of all that their power can do... I may muck about and have David be unaware of how to activate his power or if he has one for a bit since it does require him to place some mental link on others... you can't have someone know how to do that in such a short time, especially if he doesn't know what he can do. Though enough of that, we wouldn't want the others thinking that you are singling me out as your favourite

keep talkin like that am imma be tuckin' you into bed with a kiss and a bed time story
<Snipped quote by JunkMail>

says the normie with the words "come at me bro" coating their avatar

I'll have this attack be his awakening in any case - or at least the cause for it, I'll be a slow boi and gain my powers sssssllllooooooowwwwwllllyyyyyy...


Hey man, cheers to that. In the last version of this RP Dexter was like, the only character aside from Surtr's that didn't IMMEDIATELY know everything about their power and spent the better part of all posts following figuring some of it out.
<Snipped quote by JunkMail>

I mean, David wouldn't have seen much of what happened on outside - since Jason was standing by the window to have seen the body. Having a confused person this close to the attack, not knowing what was going on and then whack he down or hurt... I think that would be fun.

remain a normie then reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@pokemad1 Im makin my character vomit over here n shit I'm just sayin if I have the opportunity to awaken my personal IC meme machine then you bet your sweet ass that Im doin it

<Snipped quote by Surtr Inc>

Welp, was a good'un, either I'm dead, suffer serious injuries or become untouchable god-chan 500k.

Sorry about my sudden absence, college and all that jazz. Imma sleep but a post will be uploaded in around 12 hours

Just have him 'awaken', instinctively replicate Jason's combat knowledge and redirect the blade.

[ultra instinct theme plays]
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