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I am also not like other girls. I am not a girl.
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NEVER forgive. ALWAYS forget. Remain in a perpetual state of confusion and anger forever!
4 yrs ago
Honey is the best insect vomit I’ve had so far.
4 yrs ago
It's fucked up that there are 1000 Christmas songs but only one song about the boys being back in town.


A letter of recommendation:

People on my junk mail list <3

@The Ghost Note
@Luminous Beings
@Spoopy Scary

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Without further adieu, the three split off from the Coven to take care of business, much like they had when they went to beat vampiric ass. Kayla held the door for Oleander, and settled herself into the far back row of seats with her dog.

Madison lead them to north Tampa, not too far from where they had bee, maybe a twenty minute drive away- but too the woods. Kayla disliked the woods at night. The woods can be intimidating in the daylight if you don't know where you are and where you're going; at night, well, it's a whole different beast, and Florida- Florida was snake country. She wasn't particularly worried, she knew her passenger would be looking out for her, but the idea of both of them making a mistake and needing to visit the hospital was no small concern. It was raining some, most of the water being dispersed by the canopies up above and her own ability kept her warm. It wasn't the most comfortable she had ever been, but Oleander wasn't being a pain and so she could deal.

"Kayla, you aren't just doing this so I'll owe you something in return, right?"

"Listen, Madison," Kayla said, her tone easy. "You had my back when I asked for help. I have yours. Only difference is that I'm not saying your thing is a bad idea." As Madison had said, even though things had been fine. Kayla snarked, but offered Madison a slight smile. She was used to people thinking any job she needed doing or any idea she had, had some degree of insanity to it. Obviously Madison doubting before hadn't particularly bothered her.

Kayla's attention on Madison was dropped when her other noted something. The sounds of the forest are gone. Kayla quieted to listen, and then there was almost a sensation like a plane depressurizing. She felt her ears pop, and had this odd sensation of having dropped about ten feet. Fog began trailing in, thin at first, but so thick that one could cut it with a knife after a few dozen more yards. Eventually its voice boomed out, speaking to Madison. Kayla whistled a low note, calling a snarling Oleander to her side. She was the further back in the group, and could only just see the giant's form through the fog, aside from its eyes, which shone through the night and fog like search lights. "Jessica..." she warned, her stance instinctually dropping. "...Shut up." Fire began dancing between her fingertips, arching between her digits like red electricity. The entity was gigantic, easily the size of a small elephant.

"I take it back, Madison." she said, her voice low and quiet. "This was a bad idea."

"Is there some sort of bar for entrance that I wasn't made aware of?" Kayla drawled, lazily looking Agatha over with thinly veiled boredom. "A good portion of us simply joined. Some of us, and I don't mean this in any way negative..." she said, her eyes glancing to Herik and Molly, "...Don't even possess any abilities of their own. Do we even need another member?"

There was an unspoken second part to Kayla's question. An insinuation that would likely be picked up by those paying attention around her. Another member that you cant control. Kayla was not the type to openly insult people, preferring to choose her battles and dress her temperament in biting tact that held truth to the statement. She sighed and rubbed her temples a bit. "Madison," she said, her tone ever sharp. "I'll help you." she said simply, not bothering to explained her thought process too much further. Simply put, Madison helped her settle her business and Kayla owed her one... And Kayla hated owing people anything. She turned her attention back to Agatha.

"I see no reason not to give the person the time of day, but calling a vote when we know nothing about them is..." Moronic, stupid, asinine, unintelligent, dumb "...Unwise. I want to see what I'm voting for."

When Kayla had called the retreat, she had ensured that first and foremost that the girls that came got out of there. She had rallied them behind her, and she'd be damned if she left anyone behind. She didn't care if she had to burn the whole neighborhood to the ground to do it. So she had waited. She made sure each of the girls got out, and then she ensured the most important thing out of all of this: That they weren't followed.

This was, for all intents and purposes, the equivalent of a drive by, or even gang warfare. She they came in, hospitalized a few people when they weren't ready or expecting her, and then peeled out before the vampires really knew what hit them. They probably could've stayed longer, hit harder, done more damage... but the goal was to send a message- Don't fuck with me. Not to cause totally irreparable damage. As soon as one of their own had eaten a bullet it was time to boogie and Kayla knew it, even if they didn't.

But because she had eaten a bullet, Kayla stayed. She needed to know if there were cops coming. If they needed to lay low for a while. Or if they were at risk of the vampires telling. They had parked far enough away that license plates and vehicle identifiers were unlikely, and they had all worn face masks- it was unlikely anyone could be truly identified...

But she needed to make it look like an accident. Just in case.

Kayla knew that one of the trailers was less of a trailer and more of a meth lab than it was a home. She also knew that they sold, and while they had yet to encroach on her own dealing business, another dealer of anything in her general area wasn't good. She circled back, driving just within sight of the Greenwood's estate, and more importantly the trailer.

She focused on it, and shoved the rising bile in her throat down to steel her nerves. It was her and her coven or them. They had attacked her. They- they had brought this on themselves, she rationalized. Meth production was a sensitive, extremely volatile process. One misplaced medication here, overheating of the chemical reaction there, one errant twitch and... Kablewy.

She couldn't check to see if anyone was inside, but she whispered a silent, unheard apology to whatever was listening IF anything was listening as a chemical reaction gone wrong exploded within the trailer, sending shrapnel and debris and an enormous thick plume of smoke sky high in a thunderous cacophony. Kayla wasted no time fleeing the scene, speeding off towards their meeting point. If any police came now, it would be written off as infighting. No one would come for them.

When she arrived at the meeting point, she walked into the Dairy Queen without her glove and without her bandana. She was rattled, and a little shook as she always was knowing she very well could have killed another person or more. She wouldn't sleep right. At least not until she returned a week later and spoke to the vampires after she dealt to them and found out if anyone died in the trailer explosion. She hoped it had been unoccupied, that they had run out to fight the coven and been unhurt by the explosion. If they hadn't... well, she really wouldn't sleep right.

Kayla marched straight in with Oleander in tow, completely ignoring the 'no pets' sign and coven at first, and slapped a ten dollar bill on the table. "I'd like a large oreo blizzard and a bottle of water." she said, just barely concealing her shaken voice. Now is the time to be strong, Kayla. She was thirsty, as she always was after using her heat based abilities. She hadn't used them much but... it was always a good idea to stay hydrated when one was a pyrokinetic.

She took her change, and waited at the counter for both parts of her order before joining the rest of The Coven at their booth. She pasted a smug smile on her face, forcing the shaken feeling down into the pits of her gut to be dealt with later. "Ladies," she said, glancing over the table. "Glad you all made it back in one piece. For the most part. Anyone need stitches?"
I mean, the gunfire is a pretty good reason to gtfo lol

*EDIT: So, when we're all running, are we retrieving our cars or no? I mean, Elise probably stopped by the DQ earlier just for the quick escape. But Jess and a lot of the others brought cars

Hmmm yes today I shall run to DQ on foot for no reason

Kayla pulled again against 'Pa's' neck with the chain as he clawed at the metal around his throat in a desperate bid to free himself. The heat in the chain traveled further down the chain, the molten metal transitioning from red to yellow as it became hotter and hotter- with the red hot ends of the chain getting closer and closer to the man's neck. Choked screams began coming from that man's throat as the chain branded it's pattern into the sides of his throat.

Kayla was more than happy to leave it, to let the brand go deeper, to make him suffer more for sending a man to break into her home and hurt her dog... but the sound of a gunshot tapered the rage in her hot blooded attack. Her grip slackened, and she dropped the molten chains to stand up. The head vampire she had been beating did not rise with her, too focused on attempting to breath than anything else. She whistled a low, monotonous tone, and Oleander was instantly circling the the downed man in case his beating wasn't lesson enough. "Stay." she snapped to the man, rather than Oleander.

Some of the vampires had firearms. Firearms meant injury, and drawing loads of unnecessary attention. The alarm had gone off now though, and if there were any police in the area, a gunshot was sure to draw them in. She sighed, it was close to time to end this.

How many?

Five. That disembodied voice answered her. Her eyes felt like they moved without her say so, dragging her to details she had seen but hadn't paid enough attention to, to notice. Revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Kayla's eyes darted to the shotgun that the head vampire had possessed before he had been effectively dropped.

Her eyes went to the various firearms again, she took a breath in, and snapped her fingers.

It was impossible to see from an outsider's perspective, but she focused on the chambers of the guns- subtly raising their temperature while dropping their spark point and in a moment, like marvelous, dangerous fireworks, the ammunition inside the firearms began exploding in a brilliant chain reaction. It was loud as all hell, because it was live ammunition she was setting off, but it was effective. Burning hot shrapnel was everywhere, one of the vampires had almost shot one of their own. Some of their hands were disfigured from holding what Kayla had deftly turned into improvised explosives.

She turned back to the man she had beaten down earlier, and pulled him up by the chain that was around his neck- seemingly completely unaffected by how hot the chain still was.

"Don't fuck with me, old man." she hissed, roughly twisting the chain so that the metal links bit into the burnt skin on his neck. "You got a problem, you take it up with me. All nice like, and I'll take it up with you, just as nice like."

The shoved him back into the ground and stood back to her full height. "Girls! Finish your business! We're getting out of here!" she just about roared, not wanting to stick around any longer in case any law enforcement was on the way. She began taking a step towards the gate of the neighborhood, but stopped. Kayla decided to say one last thing to the downed leader.

"I'll see you next week, Bill. Hope Les' arm heals up well enough." She looked from him to the rest of The Coven, and made for the gate.

The hum of a diesel engine in the distance caught The Coven's attention.

Old Ford truck, it's color faded from the sun and it's model easily older than anyone in the Coven was, a bit beaten and weathered- came to a stop by the group. In the passenger seat was Kayla and Oleander. Now, some of those without critical thinking skills might assume that Kayla had broken one of her own directives- to park a few minutes walk away. They would be correct, but the difference is that the vampires of Greenwood Estate knew Kayla was coming. Her goal in having the rest of the group park out of the way was that, if things went south, they had alibis. Nothing was more attention grabbing than a convoy of vehicles and occupants wielding weapons from bats to... onions?

Kayla furrowed her brow and regarded Riley's garlic necklace and antics with hidden humor, obscured only by a maroon bandana that covered her face. Her outfit was mostly the same as it had been before- but this time had forgone her typical leather jacket, wearing only her tank top and black jeans. However, she had taken a to a pair of leather gloves and what appeared to be steel toed boots. Wrapped around her forearm and secured in her grip was a chain. It appeared she had no other weapon on her.

"You're a bit confused, but I like the spirit." she commented to Riley, stepping out of her car and putting her weight onto one hip. She held the door open for Oleander, and shut the car door as soon as the dog had hopped out of the passenger's seat. "Thank you all for coming." she said, regarding all of them evenly. She took a moment to eye the weaponry each person had arrived with and had it not been the mask they would have absolutely seen how wide her smile was.

"I take it none of you have done this before." she stated, her eyebrow raising as her half hidden expression fell into a smirk. "Alright, crash course," Kayla said as she reached out and took the end of Lyss' baseball bat, and with deft hands moved it to various points on her body. The first and foremost, across the sternum. "Aim here. The torso's a big place. You'll bruise 'em bad and break rips but you wont kill them." she explained, and then moved down, directing Lyss' bat to her knee. "This is also a good spot. You'll take someone out of a fight. And potentially cripple someone for life. It takes fifteen pounds of force to dislocate the knee. A bat can swing with over a hundred."

She placed her hands over Lyss' and angled her hand upwards, placing the bat in the crook of her neck. "Collarbone is a good place. Easy to break. Across the back is good, too." she lifted the bat and held it against her temple. "Aim here if you intent to end someone's life. Girls, do not aim above the shoulders today."

Kayla dropped the end of Lyss' bat and nodded to the other woman. "Remember, they arent expecting any retaliation. Just follow me, and follow my lead. Only jump in if you think someone on their side is going to. You follow me in there, you dont leave without everyone else. Now or never, girls."

Kayla turned without another word and began walking into the Greenwood Estate, lifting her arm and making a 'follow me' motion with her hand. Time for heads to roll.

Edison is an starborn mercenary and hired handyman who has, for the most part, placed his days as a hired gun firmly behind him. In his younger years he was renowned as a capable technician and an even better shot. Now that he has reached an age that most in his line of world would consider old (or experienced, as he'd prefer to put it), he retired to spend most of his time with his family to which funds were funneled in his time in the stars. Times have become harder once again, and as his world faces its seemingly constant struggle the call of the Hollow Moon has caught his attention and given him good reason to come out of retirement. Soft spoken, polite, methodical, and endlessly patient- he is far from the typical mercenary in more than just age. Armed with years of technique and experience scouring astro-terrain and harvesting everything from fallen bodies to invaluable equipment, and interfaced with an additional pair of cyber-prosthetic arms that have been surgically networked into his body and nervous system- Edison is prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure safety and a good life for those he loves back home- and those he cares for in the stars.

When you feel it. Deep inside. That’s when it happens.
@JunkMail Is Kayla getting Herik's name wrong on purpose? She keeps calling him Henrik.

Thanks for the catch mate
I think this is going exactly the way ghost wanted lol. Leader comes in, "hey guys look at this"
Another member: "Nahhh lets kick vampire ass"
Group: "YEAH!"

friendzoned again
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