Avatar of Kamen Evie


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Finally back for a little bit of creaching
6 yrs ago
Remember that one time when the Demon's Souls servers were still up?
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7 yrs ago
Remember that one time when Scaramouche got killed off right after he did that amazing dance and it was the biggest tragedy in the entire series?
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7 yrs ago
Remember that one time when you could look at who's been checking out your profile and attention whores like me could be giddy that random people that I may or may not know are paying attention to me?
7 yrs ago
Remember that if you ever feel like you're terrible at naming things, just know that my friends dragged me into playing a dark and serious MMO where a boss was named "Deathkill."



Most Recent Posts

Lilly Miller

Lilly's eyes went wide. She tried to back away, but she forgot she was sitting down, so she just fell on her back. She snatched up her laptop and scrambled to her feet. Why did she have to be like this? She could have just said "I'd rather not talk about it," it would have been fine. Why didn't she do that?!

"I-I never-I never knew who they were!" Lilly stammered, nearly losing control of her voice. "I thought they were just some working for some bourgeois asshole or something, I-I didn't think they were fucking terrorists!" She was losing control. She could feel eyes on her. She couldn't handle it. Holy shit. She needed to calm down, at least a little bit. One deep breath… Pause… Breathe out… Ok, maybe one more time...

"Look, I'm sorry," Lilly said, more softly this time. "You're right, I shouldn't treat it so casually like that. What I was going through back then is really hard for me to talk about, or even think about. I try to just gloss over it… But I had my reasons for what I did, and I certainly never wanted to hurt anyone…"

She tried to look him in the eye. It was hard to tell exactly where that was at the moment. He seemed so nice a minute ago...

"Do you want to hurt me?" She asked.
Lilly Miller

Lilly stopped eating for a moment when the boy shot sparks out of his fingers. That was kind of dangerous… but also really trippy. It was crazy to think about, though; getting superpowers at eleven years old. She never knew anyone else with them personally, and she’d always wondered how she would have ended up if they’d manifested while she was younger… which incidentally was something she wondered about a lot of other stuff too. Weird how it all ended up intersecting.

“But, what did you do to get sent here? Rob a bank?"

Lilly paused for a moment. Not that she wasn’t expecting the possibility that the conversation would lead here, but it was recalling a time she still had trouble processing into words. It was probably something she'd be better off not sharing, but this guy had that sort of charming confidence that made her feel a little more confident, too. Trusting, even.

“Nothing that cool,” Lilly said with a soft laugh. “I… Well, I got into some shady business a couple years ago. I was going through a lot and I felt so desperate that when I found an offer for a serum I thought it was what I needed…” she trailed off for a moment until she realized she was staring at the table.

“I’m sorry,” Lilly said quickly, trying to put a bit more enthusiasm into her voice. “That was way too heavy. It’s not what I was hoping for but I can make glow sticks now, I guess?” To punctuate, she tried making a small green cylinder between her fingers, though under the bright light of the cafeteria it was weak, and only somewhat visible.

“It works way better when I’m onstage, I swear.” She added. “My name’s Lilly, by the way.”
Oh yeah, thanks! I've been really getting into tokusatsu over the past couple years. My favorite one is actually Kaiketsu Zubat no it's not the Pokemon, but I haven't been able to find any good figures of him. Rosa I picked out because I was at the mall and it looked nice, lol.

I've been feeling really good recently, actually. Last year I was dealing with a lot of depression and gender dysphoria issues, and I had a lot of trouble writing and drawing, but now that I'm feeling better and I've started posting again I've been way better about finding time to post and I feel like I haven't felt this good about RPing since I started doing it, which is really crazy to me. But yeah, "I'll get it done this weekend" is a relatable mood, lol.

Between finally watching Pokémon Generations with my girlfriend and playing Pixelmon with her I've kind of been hankering for another Pokémon RP with trainers in it, though it's probably better if I try to vent it out by drawing or something for now since like 80% of it is probably just the cool poses they do when they send out their Pokémon.
Lilly Miller

Holy shit, an honest compliment.

“Oh, thanks!” Lilly stammered. “It’s one of my favorite ones…” She held up some of the purple fabric, which faintly sparkled as the light bounced off of it. She was pretty proud of how it could do that. The boy quickly kept the conversation going, which was good, since Lilly generally wasn’t that good at these kinds of icebreaker conversations. It was a question about school, which she answered with the same reflexive stock ’yeah’ that she answered almost any of those kinds of casual “how are you feeling” questions that she could conceivably answer with something like ‘actually nah, I feel like an unstable singularity of anxiety, thanks for checking though.’

“Yeah,” Lilly said, correcting herself almost immediately afterwards. “Well, I mean, I was kind of forced to attend anyways, but I guess it’s not a bad deal when you think about it. Been through worse, you know?” She stared at her food, feeling the hunger creep back again as her stomach had its way with her snack from before.

“How about you,” Lilly asked. “You excited about learning how to, uh, do superpowers and stuff? Not that you seemed to be having any trouble using them earlier…” She trailed off and stuffed a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth as she glanced at her new acquaintance.
Ok, post is done finally.

Also, how has everybody been? I got a cool Pokemon and Kamen Rider figure over the summer.

“Thanks!” Rebecca said as Nina took a flamethrower for her. “Also sorry… Are you oka-” Thankfully, she had some berries to eat. She was about ready to find some water for her… actually, she was getting really thirsty, herself. Fighting so many Pokemon is hard work! She wiped the sweat from her brow and tried to use Dazzling Gleam again, noticing that using the move was starting to get a bit harder. Nina brought up that there was a door that seemed like it was worth investigating.

“Actually,” Rebecca mused. “Yeah, let’s check it out and figure out where we’ll go from there. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep doing all these sparkly poses, you know? I can definitely cover you for now, though.” She teleported over to the door and made sure to open it, seeing as she was the only one around with hands or anything similar.
Lilly Miller

”First day of school, everyone! I don’t know if I’ll have a lot of time to make music anymore, but if I do you’ll find it posted on the usual spots. I’ll be back eventually; I wouldn’t have made it this far without you all! <3 ~Lilith”

Lilly hit the post button and took a deep breath. She had attached a selfie to the post; one of the first ones she’d posted to any of her “official” social media accounts without attempting to hide her face in any way. She’d spent a good portion of the bus ride trying to find and decide on a filter where she didn’t think she looked awful, but she eventually managed to settle. That takes care of goodbyes, I guess.

Lilly felt like she kind of forgot how to walk by the time the bus had started letting everyone off. Her legs felt sluggish and unresponsive. She stood by the side as she got some feeling back into them and let other students get off, trying not to look at anyone. Of course, once she did get off the bus she almost jumped out of her skin once someone decided to crash down from the goddamn sky, but she supposed it was something she’d have to get used to if she was going to be hanging around superpowered teenagers until… whenever the hell she’d managed to get out of here.

Orientation was a bit of a blur for her. Lilly started to feel lightheaded, and she forgot to eat her snack on the bus, and if she tried to open it in the middle of the auditorium the wrapper would make this horrible crinkly sound… she got the gist of it, even if she got a bit distracted and let out the occasional soft sigh when she noticed the grasshopper lady, and got especially nervous when the vice-headmaster stared at her. By the time everyone was done talking she immediately ripped open her snack bar and devoured it in a couple big bites.

Of course, she still had room for dinner. Lilly made sure to grab her food and sit down quickly, before she got too self-conscious about her height. She checked over her shoulder before she pulled out her laptop, but she noticed someone looking around. Wasn’t that the guy who made that dramatic entrance earlier? He… didn’t look half-bad, really.

“W-were you looking to sit somewhere?” Lilly asked, nervously tugging at the tail end of her scarf as if it were getting far looser than it actually was.

@Ruler Inc

It's about as alive as ever, lol... I wouldn't mind if you posted.

The main issue is that between school and work and my meds making me lightheaded every once in a while is that it's hard to plan out when to write stuff. I should be able to either tomorrow or friday though?
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