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7 yrs ago
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Name: Asura

Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=vR18NP-acL4

Gender: Male? I'm a slime...no genitals. I think...

Slime > Amorphous Slime


A fluctuating red and orange colored slime that would probably fill a five gallon bucket. It's genuinely difficult to tell where he's looking unless he "generates" a head with limited facial features.

Goals: The world is vast and new. I want to see it and hopefully not get killed by some idiot newbie with a stick sword.

Past Life:
Asura's past life he only had a few things that stood out. He worked for the city he lived in. Doing things like mending roads, removing trees, cleaning up debris from storms, fixing waterlines and sewage, installing signs and various lights. He's sort of a jack of all trades when it comes to work. Thankfully he wasn't high enough in the chain to be forced to do loathsome paperwork. While not at work he was doing one of three things. Playing video games, namely western styled rpg's with the occasional slice of life genre. Busting his ass at the gym to keep a general strong body. The gym led to the third aspect of his life, boxing. He loved boxing even if he never went pro. His naturally high pain tolerance stacked with building it up higher through training let him dominate local challenges. Despite being a healthy guy and working hard he still died fairly young. He honestly doesn't remember how it happened but he figured it's most likely work related.

  • Physical Damage Resistance I - Lowers physical damage taken by a little bit. (A bundle skill applying to all three types, Blunt, Slash, and Pierce)
  • Blunt Damage Resistance I - Lowers Blunt based damage taken by a little bit.
  • Piercing Damage Resistance I - Lowers Piercing based damage taken by a little.
  • Magic Resistance I - Magic damage from lower level spells is reduced, regardless of its element. Whenever you gain Elemental Resistances, their threshold will be used first before Magic Resistance is activated. Obtaining at least one level of all Elemental Resistances will cause Skill Synergy and automatically increase Magic Resistance by one rank.
    [Earth Resistance I - Take less damage from Earth and Earth Elemental Magic. If all other Elemental Resistances are acquired, this will also increase the rank of Magic Resistance.
  • Limited Shapeshift IV - Two properties of your body, not including color, temperature, or base material, can now be altered in the same manner outlined at Rank III. Unlike Rank III, these properties can be maintained simultaneously. Your body, or an extension, could become Sharp AND Hard, or gain a Texture while maintaining another property. Your ability to shift fine details with your base form is increased. The ability to shift fine details with extended forms, such as pseudopods, is now the same as the details on the base form from Rank III. If you alter only one property of a form, such as Sharpness, that property is greater than it was at Rank III. Your maximum reach with extensions remains the same. Forms that are most commonly used or associated with earlier Ranks now cost less Stamina to maintain. Your maximum "reach" with stretched portions of your body remains the same. While maintaining your original mass your ability to alter fine details is increased. A "blade" made from your body could be shaped in various ways, for instance, but a pseudopod with a blade at its tip would not be so refined; this would apply to other features like imitated body parts or facial traits.
  • Stamina Furnace I - A form of physical and mental cultivation akin to meditation. Similar to concentrating on the beat of one’s heart to calm it, you have accelerated the rate of physical recovery. Expend Mana to restore Stamina. This effect is increased if you have recently eaten, as it speeds up digestion--however, this may require larger amounts of food
  • Blood Drain I - Through physical contact with whatever body part or orifice the user needs to eat and drink, drain the target's blood through an already open wound. In addition to dealing damage, this skill also restores the user's HP. The amount of HP restored will not be the same as the amount of damage dealt or the same as the amount of blood consumed. Any disease, poison, or other danger contained within the target's blood may also present a threat to this skill's user. At this rank the user is limited in how much blood they can drain and how quickly, as well as the target's defense, healing factor, and other circumstances.
  • Cling I - As a Slime you are naturally suited to sticking to objects. By expending stamina, you cling to any surface and are able to climb or stick upon it. At this rank, the type and texture of the surface will change the skill's effectiveness. At this rank, you are much slower when moving on objects while clinging. At this rank, this skill cannot be used save to climb or stick to surfaces.
  • Faster I - Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.
  • Harder I - You have toughened yourself up through training! Clenched muscles or hardened flesh can be an effective shield--your base defensive stats increase! By gaining at least one rank in Faster, Stronger, and Better, Skill Synergy will occur to increase the rank of Physical Conditioning.
  • Dextrous I : Your practice with fine manipulation and using your pseudopods has earned an unusual skill for your species! Your body can now be used to more effectively manipulate small objects and tools, though you still aren’t strong enough yet to “wield” weapons or pick up very large things without other Skills.
  • Slime Whip I - A unique ability for slimes. Create a sturdy tendril from a pseudopod and lash out at the enemy. At this rank, your range of reach is 5 feet. -Skill Synergy- You possess Limited Shapeshift III. Range is increased to 10 feet and adding a shifted blade, bludgeon, etc to your Whip is more effective.
  • Throw Item I - Using an item from your inventory, you hurl it at the opponent by expending Stamina. Different items may have different effects and some are more suited than others as projectile weapons. At this rank, the chance to destroy the thrown item is very high. Damage type depends on the item.
  • Smash II - A Physical Skill that consumes Stamina instead of MP. One blunt type attack deals increased damage! Damage buff increased. Stamina drain increased. Using a non-blunt type attack can now trigger this skill, but its power will be halved.
  • Slash I - A Physical Skill that uses Stamina instead of MP. A single Slashing type attack becomes more powerful!
  • Skewer I - A Physical Skill that uses Stamina instead of MP. A single Piercing type attack becomes more powerful!
  • Rabid Fit I - Fly into a mindless rage, and destroy the enemy! A sudden burst of fury grants you increased strength and damage, but you’ll become more vulnerable to damage yourself.
  • Overwork I - Push through, break the limit, and--probably need a nap later. When you really need it, you’re able to summon up just that little extra bit of power, at the cost of slowly stressing yourself to death.
  • Skill Synergy: Rabit Fit I, Overwork I, Smash II. Your attack's power is vastly increased!

  • Slime > Amorphous Slime > ?

  • Healing Herbs x2 (??? Quality)
  • Source Crystal Shard x1
  • Jawbone Club x1 (??? Quality)
My guys handy but nothing that would apply to the rp aside from potentially using boxing experience to move himself about. Bob and wobble!
I'll try and get a post up tomorrow. Had company over the weekend.
Kharne growled low in his chest when the giant someone got flexible enough to kick his chest which had been pressed to its back. Still he and Genthok were knocked away but oddly enough their bodies weren't damaged to much. At most a bruising. He had been to focused on lifting and holding the giant to notice what the others were doing. Shortly after getting kicked Gil struck the final blow, shoving a spear through the partially ruined cuirass of the giants armor.

When the giant finally fell though that voice from earlier showed up, making the bestial man bare his fangs at the air. As it went away, with a sound like marching, Kharne turned his attention to the others. They were examining the giant, who was apparently a human, or taking guesses at what the ethereal entity was. It said its name was the prayers on the walls and the fields. Looking around all he could see was death and carnage. He'd say war but there was only the bodies of the people who had lived in the city.

" Death...or carnage? Possibly murder?" He sound aloud to the people making speculations about the entity. Looking to Lilianna after her examination of the corpse. "I could use some healing. I can feel some of the muscles in my arms and back are torn." He stated before crimson eyes turned towards Gil. His eyebrow cocked up, he wasn't a glory seeker so he wasn't particularly concerned on who killed the thing so long as it was killed and stayed dead. He gave the smaller man a brief nod before returning his attention to Lilianna as if he were waiting for her to say or do something. It was an oddly...animalistic trait to just sit there and wait. The only movement the rising and falling of his chest.
Name: Asura

Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=vR18NP-acL4

Gender: Male? I'm a slime...no genitals. I think...



A fluctuating red and orange colored slime that would probably fill a five gallon bucket. It's genuinely difficult to tell where he's looking unless he "generates" a head with limited facial features.

Goals: The world is vast and new. I want to see it and hopefully not get killed by some idiot newbie with a stick sword.

Past Life:
Asura's past life he only had a few things that stood out. He worked for the city he lived in. Doing things like mending roads, removing trees, cleaning up debris from storms, fixing waterlines and sewage, installing signs and various lights. He's sort of a jack of all trades when it comes to work. Thankfully he wasn't high enough in the chain to be forced to do loathsome paperwork. While not at work he was doing one of three things. Playing video games, namely western styled rpg's with the occasional slice of life genre. Busting his ass at the gym to keep a general strong body. The gym led to the third aspect of his life, boxing. He loved boxing even if he never went pro. His naturally high pain tolerance stacked with building it up higher through training let him dominate local challenges. Despite being a healthy guy and working hard he still died fairly young. He honestly doesn't remember how it happened but he figured it's most likely work related.


  • Physical Damage Resistance I. (A bundle skill applying to all three types, Blunt, Slash, and Pierce)


  • Slime


  • Nothing but goo. No pockets.
Me. I'm tryin to pick between slime and lizard...
Kazemitsu isn't there o3o so is neutral :p
Kharne cast an eye to the npc who accompanied him at Grey's request. "Your guild has nothing I want or anything I can't make myself. But you're welcome to try and break something on me." He stated, while he was no perfect tank he could most likely take anything the twin threw at him. When the twin spoke again he had to repress a groan, whoever made this one made them believe what he was saying. "Keep the propaganda speech to a low, kid..." He muttered as he went down the hall everyone had originally come in through.

It didn't take long for the lizardman to enter the party area then actually go outside. Everyone could go on a tour of Arce Bellum but he wanted out. It was too damn bright in there and the npc's attitudes annoyed him. Once he set foot outside though he heard a splattering sound. Looking off to the side he raised an eyebrow, then his eyes went up. It seemed Astrid wasn't feeling to good up on that balcony.

The joys of just flowing with things, you didn't get to stressed out. Raising a hand he gave her a simple wave before looking around to take in their surroundings. His nostrils flared, scenting the air as well, no reason to just rely on sight after all.
I gots nothin to do but explore now o3o
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