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He has VI's to help him run certain bits of his ship. Navigation, the docking of other ships, and life support.
Kaze owns a big honkin ship since he's a big honkin man o3o He's also been bounty hunting for ages and knows some people like their own ships so his has a couple ports to allow for people to keep their babies close XD His ship also has enough space for 10 of his own species
Kaze watched Amber and the marine wander off with a raised brow. He was genuinely surprised they both hadn't jumped at the thought of leading the group. The woman might have been capable but he knew that marine was not up to the task. Mental instability and an apparent hatred for bounty hunters and non-humans. The android might be a problem if it goes nuts like any other Federation AI, but the human marine needed to be watched just as closely.

Cassius spoke up which got him to shrug. "Leadership and a plan are both needed. The leader will keep everyone focused but not blindly so. We don't need everyone going in a separate direction and accomplish nothing." He said, then Zen spoke up about preparations being complete and they should get moving. The talk of ships popped up which made him think a moment.

"I've got plenty of room on my ship. It's also able to dock two small ships. I'll inform the others when they arrive at the docking bay." He stated before starting to move out. No point making all these discussions with some of the party absent.
@SimpleWriter Some of us have out own but I imagine Federation people would be assigned one unless we all just use our own ships? As I said earlier Kaze's ship is huge and could easily hold everyone if they chose to use a single ship (or two since Zen)
No I'm pretty sure Fallout will be the party killer o3o
Imma peel out...in space o3o
So much for deciding who is leader XD Also Kaze probably has the largest ship of the lot considering his size o3o
Kaze just shrugged at the feline beings words. "I have my own personal shield, but I guess you can try and keep it charged up?" He stated, not fully understanding what the cat-man wanted to do. A smirk came over his face when Cassius tried to return the joke. "True very few have the tools to get there. But efficiency helps it along." He replied, a teasing note to his multi-toned voice.

The behemoth looked at Amber and tilted his head when she spoke. A brief nod and he started to speak once more. "Best to share it with the whole team. Everyone needs to know what they're dealing with since the Federation likes to keep so many secrets." He said, letting it be hinted he knew some of said secrets. Either by doing work for the Feds or just by having a vast network of connections.

Rolling his shoulders a bit his tongue sucked in his cigar, which was crunched down on and swallowed. "Aside from information we need to decide who is going to be leading this little party of ours. As much fun as going in a million directions at once would be we kind of have to be a lot more efficient than normal thanks to how the X is getting around." Kaze stated. If the X had been confined to a single planet it'd be a different story. But it was spreading and that kind of gave them a bit of a clock to content with.
That won't blow over very well >.>
Just cuz they can mess with metroids doesn't mean they can mess with chozo o3o The creatures they clone and "enhance" seem to be very simple minded judging by the games we've seen. The only exception is like...MB and Ridley, but even Ridley had been fairly mindless(animal cunning doesn't count) in Other M.
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