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Asura growled when he felt his health draining again, still slowly but it would be enough in the end to kill him if he wasn't wary. The rat he struck was getting back up, zombies tended to be health type tanks. Skeletons were the types to actually use equipment. So as it started to come closer he used another Smash. Coming in from the top to completely crush its skull. He was holding back as much energy as he couldwithout ruining the effects of Smash.

System, any new skills? He questioned within his mind. He was trying his damnedest to find out how to get Better at this point. "Fall back, there's too many. Focus completely on dodging." Asura said as he moved. He could still attack since he had no front, back, or sides, really. Still he kept an eye out. As he moved though he splatted an Herb on Ardur's arm so he could use it. He didn't know how much damage a pixie could take, even an evolved one, and the flier was manaless.

Once they seemed to be moving something interesting happened. Floating sword, moving water sweeping the undead away a bit, and then a voice. "Yup, do what the floating sword says. We'll come back when fully rested. Maybe we'll bring in the last of those goblins to help with this mess..." Asura stated, moving with a bit more speed but not so fast that he'd leave Mother Slime or Ardur behind.

Finished it unless gm's say otherwise o3o
Asura took note of the permissions he seemed to have and the two skills he now knew of but hadn't activated yet. Stamina Furnace? That was new. The Analysis probably came with a boost from the source shard. A shame all the mana crystals seem to have vanished, it was clearly a magical item. But that could wait for now, now it was time to fight since more undead seemed to be showing up.
"We might have to retreat early, but lets take care of what we can. I seem to have regained some stamina and I have three herbs." Asura called over to Mother Slime and Ardur. Both of which were doing their own thing and doing it well.

Ardur was about to be flanked by a skeleton goblin who had a stick. So Asura rolled over and unleashed what he hoped was a Charged Smash. But he held back some energy, trying to get the same effect but using less Stamina. System, keep update of newly found skills. He requested, seeing if that would help him learn what the fuck he was doing half the time. The Slime Shell still eluded him, but he'd figure it out eventually.

As he pulled back from the skeleton, hoping it was blown back a bit, Asura 'tilted' his head. "System, form party with Ardur and Mother Slime." He stated out loud so they wouldn't be surprised if something popped up. No need to break concentration within combat. The System had mentioned party stuff, so maybe it'd give him a little status bar of his allies so he can tell how they're doing. Speaking of how things are. System, stamina update. He thought while circling around Mother Slime to intervene with Dire Rat undead. Gearing up another Smash for its face to prevent its more damaging attacks.

Kharne's ears perked up slightly when S'venia spoke, the soldiers were quiet despite the sudden onslaught of wind and cold. "It's not supposed to get to the freezing point for some time..." He muttered, mostly to himself. He was affected by the cold more than the others judging by the steam wafting from his exposed scales. The behemoth burning at a much hotter temperature than the rest of the commanders.

He went to the door and placed a hand on it just before the loud electrical sound and a portal came into existence over the table that was used for planning out the soldiers movements. A book, unhappily groaning, landed, and S'venia picked it up and told off the title. "Sounds like the title of someone, not the title of a book." He rumbled out before she said the soldiers were in danger. That was a given since they were soldiers. But she clearly meant immediate danger.

The horseman commander mentioned a watch tower. Snorting he shoved the door open before speaking. "I am the alarm." Kharne stated as the door closed behind him. Inhaling enough that his chest visibly swelled from the size of his lungs. "GET YOUR ASSES UP AND ARMED, ARMOR ON, WEAPONS BARED THE ENEMY IS HERE!" He roared, his voice actually shaking the house behind him with how loud he hollered.

Reaching over his shoulder he undid the clasp for his gigantic red crystalline sword and pulled it free. The giant's eyes roamed the area as he slowly stepped forward, making way for the other commanders to come out. His ears swiveled while his nostrils flared. He was actively hunting for anything out of the ordinary among the camp. Something that didn't smell, sound, look, or even feel right. The joys of having animalistic senses and instincts.
Gimmegimmegimme, love that series (despite not beating any of the...like 5-6 games they have currently)
Yes Black Smith's still exist in the 21st century, and a suit of full plate goes, on the cheap, for what I listed as a price so yes he could afford to go to Banoi with ease. The voice, not common but does happen, normally with people who suffer from giantism. The picture was a poor choice but it's rare to find one that fits my characters and I'm genuinely tired to describing new ones (I've been at this for 15 years). So, not gonna continue along with this rp it seems.
Should I post the cs here or in the ooc of the actual rp at this point?
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