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Big Red just shrugged at what Archer Girl had said. "It takes a long time to dig tunnels and I haven't seen any fresh earth. So its hidy hole was probably a fox hole." He said before tilting his head slightly. "A fox hole is...well its a shallow pit for long ranged combat. I've heard some travelers talk about them, commonly used by crossbowmen. He explained, his tone making it sound like he wasn't sure if the girls knew about them or not.

The magic user of the group gathered the well-crafted weapons of the goblins to reveal they were covered in the waste of the goblins while Archer Girl mentioned rust poisoning. A very basic and crude poisoning technique that any creature with any intelligence could employ. He probably had a large dosage of it, but should he drink now or once the goblins were fully cleared? Eh if he had to he could tough it out later, reaching into his small satchel he withdrew his antidote. Pulling the stopped out with his teeth he promptly drank it in a single gulp before returning stopped and bottle to his inventory. "Should probably leave the weapons here for mobilities sake...maybe under the boys body to keep them out of sight?" He said. Either way he slide the weapons in the crooks of the boys limbs and hid them with hay.

Druid Girl decided she'd check the hole just in case. He hadn't been very thorough in his investigation, so he just nodded after she inspected the body. Broken neck probably from getting surprise shot in the back and a tumble into the pit. Human necks were quite frail. He watched the caramel colored girl clamber down the rickety shit ladder the goblins made...until she fell down towards the bottom of it. His lips twitched slightly as she cussed and complained about potentially bruising her ass. Shaking his head he offers a hand to the Archer to lower her down.

With both girls in the pit he lowered himself in again. Just in time to hear Druid Girl say there was some kind of door. A soft thump let him know she had tried to shoulder it open. Shaking his head he shifted his way to the front of the group. "Not all doors are push...did you try pulling it?" He questioned as he found the edge and wedged his fingers in before starting to pull. It wasn't a hard pull, but there was consistent force so it didn't just fly open or smash open to leave them exposed.
Lerooooooooooooy Jeeeeenkinnnnsssss
Big Red watched the final goblin fall with an arrow through the eye. A tricky shot to land in poor lighting and on something so small. Still it fell...and vanished. That didn't sit right but the two girls came rushing over. Archer Girl placed her hands on him to apparently help keep him steady, his scales were surprisingly hot under her small hands. He had heated up a good deal in the fighting. Her questioning of the Druid made him blink, could the caramel girl heal more than one? He hadn't thought of that. She could communicate with animals, apparently cast a type of cold spell, summon a fairy, and heal. How many charges of magic did she have?

Said spellcaster was looking at him with bewilderment when she got in front of him. "Flesh wounds, they didn't hit anything deep. They'd have better luck with a sling" He said as her magic pushed the arrows out of his body. He had to help with the one on his leg, it was stuck in the bone. So with a jerk, and a small spurt of blood, the crude arrow came out. Each one that popped free of his hide he snatched and promptly handed them to their Archer companion who was running low on arrows.

Using three healing spells back to back seemed to have taken the wind out of the Druid. Laying a hand on her head he gave the two girls a look. "You two rest, but keep an eye out just in case." He said as he started to walk. There were twinges of pain from the movement but he trudged on with a slight clenching of his teeth. Deep breathing and he was fine, he had had more time to catch his breath and deal with his pains than they had. He went to the start of it all, where the hay was all kicked up from his...brooms.

Brushing aside the dry straw revealed a platform with boards to stand on. A grumpy snort erupted from him, ambush tactics. It seemed that was all the goblins knew how to do. Lowering his torch showed a log ladder, but that was for goblins. Who were maybe...thirty pounds a piece? He was over three hundred. But the ground was close enough that bracing his hand on the edge of the hole he hoped in. A sloped tunnel leading down a bit. Crouching he shifted forward until he reached the bottom. It was clearly a set up for an ambush. They could have fit their whole 'horde' of goblins down here and attacked from the back.

But at the bottom was a body, human, male, black hair, clearly a fighter judging by his equipment. The girls were up top, and would probably frown on this, but he took the boys equipment. A set of leather spaulders and leather gloves were tucked away in his hip pouch to sell for later. Money would help the living, equipment didn't help the dead. He also took off the porcelain necklace and slipped it onto his own neck. Limited pack space and he didn't want it to break.

With his dirty deed done he grabbed the body and went back up, hoisting the corpse up and out of the hole with a grunt before hauling himself out after a jump up. Torch held in his mouth so he didn't cause a fire. "Dead end down there, just an ambush site..." He said once he was up and his torch back in his hand. There were two bodies of the previous group missing. The females of the previous adventuring party.
I'm thinkin either Brujah or Gangrel myself
I'm interested, it's been a long time since I've done anything vampire :3
Big Red's ear flicked back at the sound of a cry of pain. Which got him to turn his head as he flicked blood and meat from his hand. Archer Girl was kneeling, an arrow sticking out of her leg. If the pair was any closer they'd see his pupils turn into nearly invisible slits. But the girl fought on, loosing multiple arrows that caught two of the goblin archers but whiffed on the rising knife wielder.

His head snapped back to the goblins, one of which was panicking now and fired at his legs while the other two scrambled for their knives. Unfortunately for the goblins he wasn't an honorable fighter, nor was he merciful. With a prehistoric growl he thundered towards the pair despite another arrow sticking into his lower leg. The flying quill got stuck in the thick leg bone, but still he moved forward. Letting the new pain just fuel his anger more for such pitiful opponents.

Lunging he caught one of the goblins by its before it could get its weapon. Hauling it up while its fingers left furrows in the dirt his other hand caught it by the throat. The girls could only see his back, arms, and shoulders flexing along with the sound of raw meat ripping. Goblins were weak, but living tissue was difficult to pull apart, especially when it was struggling in the opposite direction.

With a harsh snap of his limbs the goblins leg flew off to the side while its neck was completely crushed. He launched the dying goblin away to impact somewhere. He didn't care. The final dagger wielding goblin was shaking at the sight of the blood drenched reptilian biped, its little knife clutched in trembling hands. But at the sound of Druid Girl asking if he was alright and then the patter of sandals on floor. She was running this way. She could be in trouble if this goblin or that archer got their hands on her!

Snarling he lunged forward as the goblin scramble backwards to try and escape him. But going backwards wasn't nearly as fast as going forwards. It got caught, that giants hand grabbing it by the back of its head. It had already seen the damage his hands could do and it tried its best to wrench itself free. But that grip was iron-like and the goblin was airborne for but a moment before Lizard Fighter thrust its head into the ground. Rupturing it like a rotten melon and leaving a single goblin left.

Unsurprisingly Big Red was breathing heavily with his newest set of kills. But was it from his rage, all the damage he took, or just blatant tiredness from working himself so much.
Big Red glanced back when Archer Girl spoke up about the room being a trap and that they should double back. "I'm not sure they're smart enough to make or hide another passage." He said, she seemed a bit panicked by this thought. Wouldn't that mean it'd be best to just watch their back while they explored the room? Behind they knew was clear, this room there wasn't any way to tell if it was truly empty or not.

He had continued to sweep the floor with the bodies of goblins, getting enough of the hay out of the way to see the ground. It looked like he was looking for a hatch, a fox hole, some sort of opening in the ground that the goblins could have exploited to get away or to try and hide from the trio. A wooden bonk rung out just in front of him, his 'brooms' had knocked something wooden. A plank maybe? He doubted the farmer had a wooden bell.

Either way the sound was clearly a signal since the goblin archers from before just popped up like a cluster of gophers and fired off immediately. Two for him, one for someone behind. Raising his 'shield' the goblin corpses caught an arrow, the second caught him in his gut and earned a grunt of pain. "Get back to the tunnel!" He called back to the girls as four melee goblins rushed out of the archer goblins little peek-a-boo pits. Why did he try to send them back? Druid Girl could keep Archer Girl safe while the Archer could pelt the goblins that she could see.

Apparently he was the target of the four, and it was tempting to just drop his torch and burn the goblins. But it'd wind up being a mad scramble back up to beat the smoke and who knew how far those little pits of theirs went. The cave would never completely fill with smoke, not with something as fast burning as hay but it'd be impossible to fight while prone. A longsword, hatchet, and two daggers...most likely the equipment from the previous adventurers. But where were their bodies? A thought for later.

He rushed forward as a mountain of red-clad muscle to meet the goblins charge and to provide as much light as possible for Archer Girl to work with to nail the goblin archers. Growling the goblins zipped in, each going for a different part of him given the different reaches of their weapons. The knife wielders leaped up to get some height to try and stab him, but they were met with the corpses of their brethren being swung by him. Knocking the pair away and probably discombobulating them a little.

He let the momentum carry him into a spin, normally a bad idea to present your back to enemies. But he had something normal bipeds didn't. The longsword goblin rushed in and swept its blade at his back, but about mid-swing that purely muscled tail caught it in the middle. A sickening crack and it was launched across the room to slam into the wall thanks to the powerful momentum-filled swing from that pure muscled tail. The fourth goblin finally got close enough to get its own swing in as Big Red completed his spin and rise.

The hatchet caught the behemoth in the leg, splitting the leather pants he wore and cutting into the muscular limb beneath. Unfortunately for the goblin that hurt, which pissed off the behemoth. With an animalistic snarl his hand came down, fully engulfing the goblins head. With a harsh thrust straight down his superior muscle power fueled by anger forced the goblin to cave in on itself like an accordion. Except shattered bones exited the skin instead of musical notes. Rage fueled stupid strength, was he just a fighter?
Is this still a potential go? o3o
Big Red's ear flicked back when Archer Girl spoke up, she was perfectly fine despite having to get into a melee scuffle. That little bit had always baffled him when it came to long range, they normally didn't do well in melee. Why train in one specific way and deny yourself protection when your original way was taken away? Meh, thoughts and questions for later on. As they started moving again Archer Girl spoke up about potential traps ahead. They had already encountered one, more did seem plausible.

He did halt when he took note that Druid Girl was looking for something on the dead young man. Looting a corpse? Doubtful, she found his Tag. With that task done they were able to proceed further into the caves. It was a pretty straight forward cave thankfully, nothing too big and windy. The fairy had gone on ahead to reveal what it could, and what Druid Girl said couldn't be far off. There shouldn't be many goblins left. Five at the entrance, another five in the cave, and however many the previous group had taken out. Although a distinct lack of blood splatters around was confusing to him. The goblins clearly weren't about cleanliness.

Despite the uneven ground he moved well through it. He wasn't a foot dragger and his feet spread out for better grippage on the ground with each step. As they entered the next room his eyes went all over. It was larger, it was ovular, there was hay everywhere, and there weren't any goblins that they could see. The hay on the ground was decently thick, and the fairy traveling the walls revealed no openings or crags.

Druid Girl spoke up questioning where the goblins were. "Light another torch, check the walls. Move the hay as well just in case they have a fire trap. This dry stuff will spread fire like crazy." He said, a lantern would be really preferred right now. But a spark from a torch wouldn't light this stuff up, it was to weak of a starter. Without missing a beat he moved further into the room, actually using the dead goblins in hand to sweep the hay away from himself and to fully reveal the ground underfoot. For the most part, goblins didn't make for good brooms.
I'm fine with some dice
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