Avatar of Khryptid


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5 mos ago
Current Exotic Butters sounds like a good drag name honestly.
5 mos ago
I'm back, hope everyone had a good new year!
6 mos ago
hey all, i'm gonna be on a mental health hiatus. sorry for the short notice. hope everyone's doing well.
7 mos ago
wearing a very long shirt and shorts is always so awkward. I feel like i have to convince people i'm wearing pants and not just free-balling bare-leggied.
7 mos ago
kids, don't do drugs. they're really expensive.


hey there, i'm khryptid. i'm 24 and use they/them pronouns. i've been roleplaying for fifteen years.

i have a constant itch for angsty romance; enemies to lovers, slow burns, conflicting interests, forbidden love, etc etc. If it's not complicated, i'm not interested.

you can always message me and check my interest checks if you're interested in plotting something!

Most Recent Posts

aye i got spots open
bump, i have spots open still!
bump, got alot of spots open!
i still have spots open!
The vigorous sword-fighting lessons from last night had left Elias with a serious crick in his neck.

Groaning as his body awoke, Elias allowed his mind to catch up just in time for a small headache to form. Great, even better. He'd have to send for the castle's apothecary, they should be more than able to heal his ailments. For now, Elias eased his tall frame out of bed, feet slipping into plush moccasins as he slipped on his thick house coat. The morning air was chill against his skin, his fingers tingling ever so slightly. He wondered if the weather would be warm again today. Perhaps he'd be able to lounge in the garden and evade his classes.

The early knock at the door told Elias that his hopes were just that, hopes.

"Good morning, your majesty. Are you awake?" the familiar voice of Tabitha, Elias' chamber maid, floated through the metal of the door between them.

"Good morning, Tabitha. Unfortunately I'm not awake, I'm currently speaking to you from my dream realm." Tabitha could hear Elias' coy grin in his voice, and she sighed in feigned exasperation. She knew the prince must have been aching from his practice yesterday, but she had been sent to fetch him, and would have to coax him from his room.

"Miss Genevieve has arrived early, she's attending our morning meal with us. Sir Garfield will be expecting you for your next swordsman lesson when the sun is at its highest."

Elias wasn't sure why his father was adamant about him learning so many languages. Perhaps it was for future foreign affairs. Scoffing softly, Elias trudged to his wardrobe, opening its wide oak doors so its contents could greet him. "Miss Tabitha, I'd love to partake, but as I said, I'm in a dream state, I cannot possibly--"

"Julian made those pastries you really like." The head chef knew exactly how to get Elias out of his room.

The Crown Prince smiled. "I suppose I'll go wake myself up then, hm?"

~ ~ ~

The Crown Prince's room was truly something to behold, with an impossibly large bed wrapped in expensive looking silks and furs, piles of pillows lining the headboard. He worked to fix the disturbed sheets, erasing the evidence that he had slept with a few quick, graceful movements. He ran his hands down the fur blankets as if they were still alive, thanking them quietly for once again providing him with such comforting slumber.

There was a large, black rug that kept Elias' feet from having to touch cold floor in the morning. beside his bed was a nightstand that usually housed his latest tonic to help him sleep. Beside that was his wardrobe, a large oak closet that had a rather sizable black maine coon snoozing on its top. That was Elias' familiar, Rorschach. He often followed Elias around during his morning routines, but this time was taking the opportunity to get a few extra hours of sleep while his owner went about his business.

A large, yawning window let plenty of sunlight in, lighting up the cold walls and beginning to slowly warm them. Large black curtains framed the sides of the window, pulled back almost permanently due to the perfect view of the gardens it offered its owner. There was a large sill with a few pillows and an opened book that told of where Elias liked to spend his time.

Elias glided easily down the stairs, fixing the ruffles on his chest before he hit the ground level. His hair was pulled back into a blue ribbon tied in an intricate bow. His locks were smooth and silky-looking, the morning rays that seeped through the windows bathed him in their golden hues. His matching navy-blue coat was in stark contrast to the ice in his eyes. His pants were charcoal-grey, with white stockings and dark brown leather shoes that had been polished to an impossibly impeccable degree.

His brothers had already made their way into the dining hall to take their fill. He saw the dark-brown mop of hair that belonged to the youngest, Arthur, disappear around the corner just as he entered the foyer. Hopefully those bottomless pits hadn't already ransacked the morning spread before he had a chance to even lay his eyes on the thing. Picking up his pace slightly, Elias brushed a stray lock from his face, leaving it to frame his jaw where it rested along the side. As he approached the hall, he could hear the normal morning chatter, seeing servants milling about as the royal family took their plates, and then their seats. Genevieve caught sight of her student first, offering a small curtsey as he came towards her.

"Good morning, your highness," she purred, coming back up to a relaxed stand and meeting his clear blue lakes with her own deep green forests. "I hope you don't mind that I arrived so early."

Elias let one of his signature smiles grace his face, the charm practically making his eyes glitter like diamonds. "Quite alright, Miss Genevieve. It's never too early to see you." he gave a friendly wink before making himself over to the breakfast spread that the cooks had put together. Tabitha had been right, he soon spotted a pile of strawberry tarts that lay untouched, cooked in a crisscrossed pattern that exposed tiny bits of the delicious strawberry filling within. He snatched a few, setting them on his plate along with a peach and some fresh strawberries as well. He took his seat, waving for Genevieve to do the same while he got comfortable. "Go get yourself something, miss, you can sit with me this morning." Genevieve nodded graciously, taking a plate of her own to fill.

The dining hall was huge, with gigantic stained glass windows letting in the morning light and casting multi-coloured rays down onto the seating family. A large round table house the chairs while a long, rectangular table housed the feast-like ensemble.

As Elias took a bite out of a succulent strawberry, he spotted his sister coming through the doors and waved to her. "Well, good morning, sunshine!" he called sweetly, his eyes lighting up. Octavia and him had always gotten along much better than him and any of the boys, so much so that they had become extremely close over their lifetime, especially after their mother died.

"I see you managed to brush the sleep out of your hair for once, well done, sister!" he smiled coyly.

sent you a dm~!!

Crown Prince Elias Xanth Riven

Name: Elias Xanth Riven
Age: 27
Race: ???
Build: Broad-shouldered, strong, fit.
Height: 6’3
Eyes: Icey Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Skin: Light and Pale
Scars/Markings: Some sort of brand-like mark on the back of his hand.
Powers: ???
Known For: Being charismatic, charming, intelligent, and frequenting the gardens.
Traits: Thoughtful, Curious, Careful.

Flavour Text:

Elias isn’t usually one to brag, but he’s more than aware of the privileged life he was given. Raised with the most literal of silver spoons in his mouth, the Prince likes to humble himself as to not get a big head like his father had done. His three younger brothers took after their father, preferring to compete with each other to see who can do what better. Elias tends to steer clear of these petty games, instead losing himself in his books while he walks through the wide, stretching gardens of the palace. He doesn’t particularly like to be alone, but finds solace in peace and quiet away from the rest of the castle-goers. Due to this, his brothers constantly accuse him of lacking in his Princely duties, and secretly hope to overthrow him once he takes his place. His gentle hand and patient voice lay in start contrast to his younger siblings. His sister, the second oldest, is a fiery storm to be reckoned with, taking to mothering the younger boys, practically raising them for their father during his grief-stricken mourning period.

Born into royalty meant that from day one Elias was being conditioned to step into the throne. Countless lessons, teachers, tutors, and classes all provided to him privately, filling up his days with chaotic scheduling and stressful expectations. It was alot for the prince to handle when he was young, and he made many mistakes along the way that his father and mother supported him through.

The reigning Queen died during childbirth when Elias was 10, leaving King Isaac of Riven to raise his boys alone. None of his brothers were old enough at the time of her death to remember, so the only ones haunted by the lack of her were the king, the crown prince, and his sister, the princess of Riven. The Queen did alot to show Elias patience and wisdom, how some things needed to be acted upon and others waited upon. She showed him kindness and love, giving him plenty of affection up until her untimely demise. Her death left a hollowed space in his heart that hasn’t left since. Part of him resents the youngest for taking his mother away.

With everything that has happened, Elias gets stuck in his thoughts frequently. He’s often found spacing off during conversation, being dragged into memories of his past, of his mother and her soft voice. It’s incredibly irritating to his brothers, but his sister often shares in his occasional reveries. They are very close compared to the younger brothers, often walking together during the evenings to talk and process the happenings of their day.

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