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Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Join today! Punch your friends in the face! :D
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Goodbye Taylor Hawkins. Rock has lost yet another iconic drummer.
2 yrs ago
You're going to Hell for writing that joke...... And so am I for laughing at it!
2 yrs ago
@False Prophet: *grabs cheese grater* Allow me, sir! >:D
2 yrs ago
I might not have a house when I get home. A massive fire is raging where I live and I'm stuck at work.


"Sir, do you classify as human?"

Amateur Writer - Miserable Restaurant Employee - A Fruit Basket

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@aia2022 (Nah, you're cool.)

What a surprise it was to Ashana to see her prey move so quickly, first snatching her by the wrist in an attempt to break it then sweeping her leg into Ashana's to try and trip her. However, Ashana herself was swift to counter such. As the girl's leg swept into hers, the woman allowed herself to be taken by it, but in one fluid motion, she flipped over backwards using the momentum to twist her wrist free of the young girl's grasp, effortlessly landing on her feet with such poise.

~"Adorable and crafty, aren't you?"~ She smirked beneath the dark shadows of her hooded shawl, only revealed to her mark her crimson lips and a small glimpse of her petite nose. ~"I must say, girl. I had you pegged as some lowly peasant, but it seems there is more to you than meets the eye. That said..."~ Once more she raised the tip of her dagger towards the girl's face, catching a glint of the sun upon its silver sheen. Ashana resumed, a devilish grin parting her lips, ~"I still intend to rob you. So are we going to do this the easy way, sweetheart? Or will I have to kill you for it?"~
@ReedeThe23rd Thanks friendo. Not too proud to say I took a little too much inspiration from a certain Deadman.

Anywho, thanks for the heads up. As soon as you have a template up, I'll be sure to copy it over.

@Meleck Sounds good.

Going to be upping the ante in my next post, everyone. We're about to kick this thing into ludicrous speed.


*Hippity hoppity! This thread is now my property!~*

Lurking in the shadows behind Aiza, Ashana's crimson lips curled into the most pleasant smirk upon view of the girl, who she assumed by her simple choice of clothing would be an easy mark.

Silently, the woman clad in black leathers sauntered closer the young girl. ~"My my, what a cute face you have, my dear."~. She whispered in a smooth, sultry tone. Suddenly, a sharp, glinting dagger was brought to Aiza's frail neck, Ashana seizing her firmly from behind.

~"It's too bad I might have to carve it up."~ She snickered in the girl's ear. ~"Okay, sweetie. I think you know how this little game is played. I want your money, not your life, but if you try anything silly, I'll take both. It would be a shame to kill a charming young girl as you before getting to know you better."~. Ashana mused pleasantly, pushing the blade an inch closer into Aiza's flesh.

~"So what's it going to be?"~
@Gisk Sounds good to me. Feel free to add any more ideas you can think of. Like I said, I want this to be a collaborative effort. Everyone is free to contribute whatever ideas they have, so long as it ain't too outlandish for the setting.

I like the idea of having a more peaceful faction brought to the table. It will add more variety other than the usual (We sell drugs and kill people) gangs. I also take it this nomad group will factor into the E-13 saga?

Which reminds me, I have a few questions I need to ask about your character, mainly their backstory just to clarify the events that will be happening later.

@Meleck. Everything looks good on my part. Also yay! Another black British guy!

I do have one little nitpick with Andrew, however. His CS says he is 18, but the picture you chose shows him to be much older than that. I guess you could chalk it up to advanced aging, but honestly he looks to be much older than 18. Other than this, your CS looks really good.

I also like the fact you chose a tinkerer/mechanic character. This could be useful later on. So without further ado, Andrew is approved! ^o^d

Go ahead and post him in the CHAR tab and welcome aboard.
Added three new gangs to the first post!
@Gisk It's all good, man. I got it all taken care of. ^o^d
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