Avatar of Krasnaya


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Saying straight up that apology means nothing until something changes feels kinda fierce, but I will quickly turn around and feel like I'm being mean or awful for setting up boundaries lol.
1 like
7 days ago
As a people pleaser and person with anxious attachment issues, it feels both relieving and awful to not accept someone's apology when they messed up the second time around with the same issue.
14 days ago
Keep biting my tongue a lot lately because anger has been really hounding me. Don't want to start a fight, I want to be left alone, I have nothing good to say, but I want to vent so bad. Bad bad time.
1 mo ago
You know that feeling when you've been denying your mental health decline all along and trying to moveitmoveit and then you just one day crumble unexpectedly and you can't moveitmoveit anymore?
2 mos ago
Learned a new mistake: should not always represent myself as capable and someone who gets shit done. People will use it and give you burdens you're not meant to carry. Crazy expectations too.


I would die for this man.

Advanced multi-para to adjustable writing. A fan of drama, action and detailed scenes in general. Very flexible when it comes to settings, slice of life is probably my weakest point due to the lack of interesting elements, but the only interesting slice of life roleplay I have had involved crime and a complicated relationship between a war veteran and his much younger romantic interest. I love psychologically challenging characters and situations.

The quality of my writing will reflect against my own partner - you will be my inspiration, as well as a demotivator. And please, communicate with me if we're writing. Please. I need to establish a writing chemistry with you in order for us to make some quality content.

But personally, I write a lot. Everything is labeled "mature" because I'm an adult who enjoys writing and reading nasty and messy stuff. What comes to your mind when you read those two words is entirely up to you, but you might not be wrong, but there could be a whole lot more than you can imagine!

Aside from that, I'm a sucker for world-building and character development. Slow burn is the shit I'm here for. Just add some dark subjects to the plot, and I'm all about it.

Roleplay rating (Sex, violence, profanity): 5/5/5

Most Recent Posts

Simple and to the point​

I am tired of making long-ass intros every time I open up a topic! So here ya go, everything that needs to be said is right here. Only 18+ people are allowed who are not scared to delve into a much darker territory stuff.

But before that, here are some simplistic needs of mine that I am looking from my potential partner. If you don't fill these out, we will not mesh well. In these notes you'll learn a bit about me, as well.​

1. Don't ask me specifically about just smut.​

Honestly, I LOVE smut. I never avoid it, I never fade to black, I go through all nitty-gritty, juicy and dirty details that could make anyone hot and bothered. I'm into all sorts of stuff (I prefer to send my F list to the people I agree to write with), my limits go further than with most people. HOWEVER, if you come to seek out specifically about this content from me, I'll have to refuse. I want a story with intimate scenes, because smut is just a one big meh for me without a proper buildup and a story. I want more than that.​

2. Let's write a story.​

I consider myself a writer, because when I don't roleplay, I write stories of my own. And when I say stories, I mean content with elements such as these: NPCs and side characters, friends, rivals and enemies, hardships, heartbreak, loss, battles, bittersweet victories and unlimited drama. I don't like it when our characters have it easy and very easy-going life. I'll get bored very VERY easily and will probably drop it. When I don't roleplay, I write my own stuff. I am obsessed with details, character development and struggles. While I don't expect from people to be into this as much as I am, I want someone to try it out with me. Also, I hate working on my own. People tend to drop me because I left space in plots for them to help me out to build a story. Roleplaying is two people telling a story together.​

3. Buildup is everything.​

Rushing into romance is anticlimactic. Early intimacy is anticlimactic. Quick solution to problems are anticlimactic. Revealing everything too soon is anticlimactic. Build with me, brick by brick, and with well-thought out building such as this, you'll get an amazing creation. Chemistry between characters needs to be organic, whether its built up slowly or its immediate.​

4. Detailed posts.​

Detailed posts do not necessarily fall into long posts. While you'd think that it would, from my experience, it certainly is not the case. Posts can be long and filled with unnecessary stuff and can even be too tiring to read. Sometimes the wall of text does not apply to the situation, and a post of two paragraphs that has depth in it will be more than enough. I do love long posts, but I dislike posts that are not consistent and unnecessarily long. Two paragraphs minimum is all I ask.​

5. Complex characters.

I am not entirely a fan of easy-going characters who, not only seem like an empty canvas, but they kind of are. I don't mind the first image of having about someone else's character as someone very simple, everything laid up in front of you, but getting a massive curveball as the story progresses, but I'm a type of writer that would want to raise some questions about my own character as soon as possible and not give all the answers so soon. Characters that are complicated on their own and complicated to be with, those with issues, unhappy characters, you name it, those are the stuff that grip me. An issue that needs to be solved and even when we think its solved, something happens that brings us back to square one. Give me complicated characters and situation, and I'm hooked. And if you don't like extremely tangled background stories, characters that either conflict with themselves or others, characters that don't necessarily have one defining description of them and if you don't like when you can't get through characters easily, I'm not a partner for you.

6. Talk to me: Lore, characters, ideas - everything

I need OOC conversations, I can't stress this enough. If we're going to do a very in-depth story, we need to sit down and talk about some points (we don't want to spoil the surprises of course) and all the necessary stuff regarding this plot. Not to mention character development, its always going to be a key point to our story.

For now, this is all I ask. I am currently looking for what I mentioned below. I usually took on roleplays that others suggested, but it did not work for me. So I stick to my own ideas, which is how it went well for me. I seek an active to semi-active partners. One post a week is the least I'm looking for.​

If you're interested, send me a PM, let me know which plot interests you and tell me about yourself, what works for you, what I should know about you and etc.​


Status: Currently NOT taking any suggestions for plots that are different from what I've stated below. I do happily accept suggestions for plot arcs and character ideas, anything that is different from what I'm currently looking for will be rejected, since I have space for one or two roleplays max and this is what I've been desiring to do. Can't help it, girl knows what she wants!​

Suits, leather and blood

Themes: Criminal intrigue, mafia and biker gangs, forbidden romance, action, etc

Setting: Modern, can be in the real world setting in a existing or fictional city.

So the two worlds collide - the empire of the Italian mafia and the rebellious force of the biker gangs. The mafia sees the biker gangs as primitive good-for-nothing manchildren while the bikers think of mafia being stuck up old-fashioned bastards (boomers might apply here, I hate myself for even using that word).

But before anyone asks, yes, by biker gangs I mean the chopper, leather jacket studs.

In *enter the name of the city here* have always been biker gangs, but most of them were the types to rev up their bikes loudly and go to the bars. They typically start a couple of bar fights, break someone's neck, smash some stuff and doing that sort of trouble. However, it seemed that lately these bikers have been doing some organized crime. And they got quite good at it.

YC is one of the top dogs of the gang. Somebody with more experience, scars and stories to tell. Surrounded by wanna-be biker chicks and other women ready to get his attention and bed the new rising rebellious legend, mates from the gang respecting him and never questioning his decisions, YC had an eye for a certain goal and with a motive. He's aiming for something big - and he's aware that it might flop, but he doesn't give a shit. He's going to get what he wants or he's going to die trying. Personally would prefer that this character was a bit older, maybe around middle 30s, someone with experience. Maybe he's even a veteran, was perhaps in the special forces. Something with interesting depth.

While the biker gang has been on the rise, the mafia has controlled the city in the background for quite some time, generations even. One family who's been closely holding on to the old traditions and values. One man makes sure that the mafia thugs of his remind the people of the city who runs this town. Closing down and draining businesses dry, kidnappings, black markets, money laundering - you name it. The man and the mafia king himself makes sure to remind that the president is not the man who runs this town, but him and his family name.

MC, his daughter, has entered cruel adulthood just a few years ago. Many agree that she's a beautiful woman, but that she's also daddy's girl, his princess. Besides, her father made sure she had everything she asked for. Little did they know that her years growing up under such violent circumstances and abusive, misogynistic home has affected her and that she'll soon show that she's a cold and cruel woman, perhaps even crueler than her father, but that femme shell she has make it a bit hard for anyone to believe until they see it for themselves. Perhaps a bit too elegant, graceful and delicate to be someone who's been behind some deaths that have happened in the past few months? People couldn't be more wrong. MC is going to be a bit different than what most female characters aim for. She'll come off as cold and impossible to provoke an emotional reaction out of. However, progressively that impossibly tough shell to break will open up by itself to show the true face this woman was hiding.

And with biker gang making too much noise, who are suddenly on the rise with YC at the head of it, MC was sent with the mafia thugs to pay the biker gang a visit, so she'd have a word with whoever is in charge and let them know that things are not going unnoticed and that the family will take action if they don't step down. Of course, this is not going to happen.

I don't want them to hook up early, I actually want this to be an interesting chase between the two of them. They will face some issues that will put them in a position where they should work together, however this has to be done in secret. The gang absolutely hates the Italian family, while the family cannot stand them either. However, they're not the only criminal organizations - there are more gangs out there that don't like either of them.

Are you interested in the idea? If so, please send me a private PM, but if you don't do the following - I WILL NOT RESPOND. I want you to do is to send me an idea you have for your character. Be as detailed as you want. If you have any suggestions for the plot, please mention that too. This is very important to me, I want us to cut to the chase ASAP and discuss how to approach the plot! Remember, if you don't do this, I won't respond!

Thanks for the offer, but not really, only MxF. :)
Simple and to the point​

I am tired of making long-ass intros every time I open up a topic! So here ya go, everything that needs to be said is right here. Only 18+ people are allowed who are not scared to delve into a much darker territory stuff.

For these specific roleplays I want to explore the freedom of creating our own characters or using canon ones, and make our decisions in canon events and worlds of the mentioned universes. Everything will be explained below.

But before that, here are some simplistic needs of mine that I am looking from my potential partner. If you don't fill these out, we will not mesh well. In these notes you'll learn a bit about me, as well.​

1. Don't ask me specifically about just smut.​

Honestly, I LOVE smut. I never avoid it, I never fade to black, I go through all nitty-gritty, juicy and dirty details that could make anyone hot and bothered. I'm into all sorts of stuff (I prefer to send my F list to the people I agree to write with), my limits go further than with most people. HOWEVER, if you come to seek out specifically about this content from me, I'll have to refuse. I want a story with intimate scenes, because smut is just a one big meh for me without a proper buildup and a story. I want more than that.​

2. Let's write a story.​

I consider myself a writer, because when I don't roleplay, I write stories of my own. And when I say stories, I mean content with elements such as these: NPCs and side characters, friends, rivals and enemies, hardships, heartbreak, loss, battles, bittersweet victories and unlimited drama. I don't like it when our characters have it easy and very easy-going life. I'll get bored very VERY easily and will probably drop it. When I don't roleplay, I write my own stuff. I am obsessed with details, character development and struggles. While I don't expect from people to be into this as much as I am, I want someone to try it out with me. Also, I hate working on my own. People tend to drop me because I left space in plots for them to help me out to build a story. Roleplaying is two people telling a story together.​

3. Buildup is everything.​

Rushing into romance is anticlimactic. Early intimacy is anticlimactic. Quick solution to problems are anticlimactic. Revealing everything too soon is anticlimactic. Build with me, brick by brick, and with well-thought out building such as this, you'll get an amazing creation. Chemistry between characters needs to be organic, whether its built up slowly or its immediate.​

4. Detailed posts.​

Detailed posts do not necessarily fall into long posts. While you'd think that it would, from my experience, it certainly is not the case. Posts can be long and filled with unnecessary stuff and can even be too tiring to read. Sometimes the wall of text does not apply to the situation, and a post of two paragraphs that has depth in it will be more than enough. I do love long posts, but I dislike posts that are not consistent and unnecessarily long. Two paragraphs minimum is all I ask.​

5. Complex characters.

I am not entirely a fan of easy-going characters who, not only seem like an empty canvas, but they kind of are. I don't mind the first image of having about someone else's character as someone very simple, everything laid up in front of you, but getting a massive curveball as the story progresses, but I'm a type of writer that would want to raise some questions about my own character as soon as possible and not give all the answers so soon. Characters that are complicated on their own and complicated to be with, those with issues, unhappy characters, you name it, those are the stuff that grip me. An issue that needs to be solved and even when we think its solved, something happens that brings us back to square one. Give me complicated characters and situation, and I'm hooked. And if you don't like extremely tangled background stories, characters that either conflict with themselves or others, characters that don't necessarily have one defining description of them and if you don't like when you can't get through characters easily, I'm not a partner for you.

For now, this is all I ask. I am currently looking for what I mentioned below. I usually took on roleplays that others suggested, but it did not work for me. So I stick to my own ideas, which is how it went well for me. I seek an active to semi-active partners. One post a week is the least I'm looking for.​

If you're interested, send me a PM, let me know which plot interests you and tell me about yourself, what works for you, what I should know about you and etc.​


Status: Currently NOT taking any suggestions for plots that are different from what I've stated below. I do happily accept suggestions for plot arcs and character ideas, anything that is different from what I'm currently looking for will be rejected, since I have space for one or two roleplays max and this is what I've been desiring to do. Can't help it, girl knows what she wants!​

Everybody knows that the Black-Briar family owns Riften in its palm, Maven was a tyrant despite not being even a thane of the realm. With such connections to the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood and Jarl herself, Maven is untouchable. YC is not only the muscle, the information broker, but he is also the man who makes sure people keep their mouths shut (basically like Maul). He might be directly tied to the Black-Briars or he's member of the family, he's the man nobody wants to mess with and everyone steers clear of him. Whenever there's a new face in town, he makes sure they introduce themselves to him.

Eventually, Riften would get a visitor family welcomed warmly by Jarl, offering them temporary hospitality in Riften during the war in Skyrim. This family is well-known, not just in Skyrim, but across Tamriel. A family of Nords and some mixed bloodlines, they have travelled across Skyrim with their goods and making friends all over the world, especially is Elsweyr and Yokuda. They were an open-minded family and it showed. By the way they acted and dressed, they have involved themselves in different traditions and cultures and adapted some of it. MC has lived her entire life travelling and learning, and this was her first time in Skyrim in years, though she did feel at home as a Nord - even though she got used to the warmth, her Nord blood helped her prevail.

MC is soon going to be the head of the family as the oldest daughter and continued their well-known business in Riften for the time being. Maven saw this family as possible rivals and she wanted to make sure they learn their place. However, the current head of the family, MC's parent, didn't take the threats too seriously, having dealt with all sorts of criminals in their journeys, this was hardly anything new and they made themselves right at home in Riften.

In all this mess during the war, Maven didn't like how comfortable they were and YC would be observing them closely. MC, feeling the weight of her name, would feel the necessity of holding her ground and not allowing anyone to mess with them. Besides, Maven did not have Jarl's support in this - the Jarl actually made sure the family is protected well.

MC, personality vise, comes of as a bit strict and entitled, very hard-headed and all business. She's witty, intelligent, sharp, brutally honest and straight-forward. However, she carries that feminine timidness with her and she became quite popular in Riften really fast for her Nordic beauty and Dibella amulet that she always wears around her neck.

How we take this rp is open to interpretation. I really would like to discuss this with my partner. There are few things to note:
- There needs to be tension in this story. Be it the pressure from maven, between our characters and all the consequences from war.
- The relationship between our characters NEEDS TO BE A SLOWBURN. I don't want them to be quick to hook up or even catching feelings fast. Its something I want to develop and have more story to it. With YC's reputation, she'd be reasonably apprehensive.
- I like character sheets and use of faceclaims.
- Just talk to me. I'm really feeling this plot lately

If this plot interests you, please in your first message send me ideas either for plot, for your character or any other elements. I typically get multiple people who are interested send me a message and I'd much rather to see what you could offer to the plot straight up.
And a bump!
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