Avatar of KrystalKleo


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Posts will be delayed once more. Moving yet again. Landlord decided to sell . Will be in new place on the 5th. I am SOOO sorry.
28 days ago
I am so sorry for the delay in posts. Been dealing with a 4 day migraine. Will do my best to get to them tomorrow.
1 like
2 mos ago
Guess whose net is back, baby! That's tight, Krystal is back in the house!
2 mos ago
Rps will be delayed. No wifi at home and data is almost out.
3 mos ago
oh no, what am I gonna do? housework done, posts sent. Only thing left is to game.


Hello Everyone. I am a 36-year-old girl with a heart for dramatic role-plays.

KrystalGamez#0980 - Discord. Have a headset and mic too! No webcam

Most Recent Posts

*pokes the thread*
I work shift work so when I'm on varies but I am on once day at least. I prefer PM posts, just because it's easier for mature content. I'm going to be heading home soon so we can hash out more details.@pops
I like that idea except for the upgrading of her. That is the only part I am not keen on. We could definitely go with those twists!@pops
*random pokage*
Hey guys! I know I disappeared for a year but I am back now. I am looking to pick up roleplaying once more as I greatly missed it. I have thanks to my best friend in reminding me just how much I enjoyed it. I have some things I am looking for, roleplays I am eager to do, and some suggested plots. I would prefer to play a female as I am a girl but can do male if need be. ** Is my cravings

Please message me either on here, or in a PM about which RP you'd like to do. I'd prefer to RP either in pm or email.
Thank you for your time, patience and responses.
I'm craving playing a 'new girl' to the neighborhood and there is a boy in the neighborhood that falls for the 'new girl'... she has a boyfriend but it wasn't a happy relationship..
Hey Guys! I'm craving a Real life based Roleplay!
Interested in my werewolf plot... anyome?
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