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7 mos ago
Current If your writing partner goes radio silent with absolutely 0 warning, yeah you can go ahead n shelve it. You probably got ghosted for one reason or another. It happens.
8 mos ago
I apologize for inactivity - muse has been elsewhere lately. I will reply to RPs here asap
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never had 'em, but they look pleasant
I do love ding-dongs.
and like a stubborn zit, I return to irritate the thread once more.
I am ding-dong and keep neglecting to post here.
@tipssyCalibrator I might be missing it in the OP somewhere, but what is the potential end goal for the RP? Will you tell us in the opening post, or?
@tipssyCalibrator Nah, s'all good - gotta be balanced! Is this good as an edit?

@tipssyCalibrator Steve-O could revive the dead with his healing powers (his tears, specifically), but I could totally limit it to like.. broken bones at most. Would that work?

Hopefully zis is good.

also, y'all, I'm totally up to discussing potential fusions.
@Hokagae I love this skeleton man, so very much.
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