Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

-=[Fiona S. Grail]=-
-=[Meanwhile 10 miles away from the Grail Estates to the North]=-

Fiona walked over to Scarlett with a slight bit of an air of happiness. ”I have a feeling we aren’t going to have an impressive time anymore,” Fiona said, curiously. She had an air of relief that the gold dragon left in a hurry.

Scarlett sighed at what Fiona said. She looked at Fiona a bit and noticed the relief to her appearance even though she was still in her angelic form. ”You could say that but I have no idea where Tiamat is,” Scarlett said, annoyed. She still sensed Tiamat’s influence on Fiona but it was weakening ever so slightly. ”Something tells me that we are going to be hard pressed to find her,” Scarlett said, annoyed.

Fiona giggled at Scarlett’s annoyances but she was only happy that they could continue their journey north. ”Thank you for healing me. As well, we need to go to the north,” Fiona said, happily. She felt much more alive than all the time as a human when she’s flying through the sky as an angel. She lifted off of the ground and went towards the north.

Scarlett sighed gently and annoyed at the whole situation. She had a smile on her face when she was complimented by Bahamut’s Chosen for healing her. ”No problem, Fiona,” Scarlett said, happily. She lifted off of the ground and followed Fiona closely and kept a eye on the surroundings to not be surprised by a massive dragon again.

-=[Sara I. Grail]=-
-=[Going towards Penrose City]=-

Sara was flying towards the city from where she had been in the fight with the Gold Dragon. She was worried about her best friend, a human wiccan living in the Northern side of Penrose. ”I hope my friend is alright,” Sara thought to herself, sadly. She was rushing to her new best friend side.

A familiar voice flown through her head and it was slightly much more relaxed. ”Ah, it was nice you found a friend my champion of the 13th century… I hope you can handle the up and coming renewal of me and my sister’s grudges,” Bahamut said, calmly. He had a different tone in his voice it was unquestionably being more helpful than normal. ”I have told the first champion the truth on what happened. She wasn’t happy to learn that I lost my place as a Deity,” Bahamut said, regrettably sadden. He had a solemn tone to his voice this time around and you could hear his words were much more warmer to the humans as a whole.

Sara listened to her older brother in a sense. She had a smile on her face and had some reservations on the whole ordeal to. ”Heather will come to realize many things happened for what they are. It will take awhile for her since she was born powerless when her family was powerful back in the day. I heard the kingdom she was apart of worshiped you to the end of its days,” Sara said, with a smile on her face. She had a slight annoyance that all her troubles had to because of certain events in the past.

Bahamut heard Sara’s words and put them into him and smiled. ”When you get a chance… Tell Fiona she already has what she needs for a better future and the thing of joining my fervent beliefs isn’t a setback. She already has a friend that you had in the past,” Bahamut said, with relief. He had a non-order tone to his voice when he talked but the friend he spoke meant more to him than even his three champions.

Sara heard Bahamut’s words throughout her head and was utterly shocked. ”Are you kidding me my Darcy is still alive? And she is friends with Fiona,” Sara said, startled a bit. She hyperventilated a bit in hysteria in believing her best friend had died all those years ago and wanted revenge on the Grand Devourer.

Bahamut heard his champion’s words and sighed in relief. ”Yes, all three of my champions share one single bond. Their best friend of their life was apart of my soul my daughter,” Bahamut said, revealing something about himself to two of his three champions. He had Heather in the Endless Dimension in his dragon lair anyway. ”I go by the name of Bahamut D. Eternal. My daughter is a Ethereal Dragon… Her name she goes by right now is Mary. She misses me eternally but the Grand Devourer you are searching for is no other than Dar’vech the Grand Devourer,” Bahamut said, happily to reveal the name of Sena’s quest.

Sara heard the name of Dar’vech and remembered that was one of her family’s advisors in the castle. She had remembered talking to her Darcy and she learned she was saddened her father had died along time ago during a great draconic war. ”Oh my… Dar’vech was working for Tiamat,” Sara said, terrified. She has never been afraid for her entire life since she had been fearless up until now. She had a smile on her face to learn her best friend is still alive and happy in this field.

Floating in the air in front of Sara, a female draconian appeared out of nowhere, since she had cloaked herself until she had appeared. She had beautiful Ethereal Dragon wings and an eternally young girl. ”Sara… Finally found you after all this time,” Mary said, happily.

Sara stopped so she doesn’t smack into her Darcy and Fiona’s Best Friend. ”Mary, it is nice to see you,” Sara said, happily.

Mary smiled back in return and giggled at the greeting. ”Did you find out who killed your family?” Mary asked, curiously.

Sara looked down at least she was flying in place with her six wings. ”Yes, by your father Bahamut. Dar’vech the Grand Devourer,” Sara said, shyly and scared.

Mary brightened up when she heard her father’s real name it has been a long time since that day. She heard the name of the Grand Devourer and she shivered in her draconian wings and had a slight fear to her. ”Not the one that killed my mother and helped Tiamat win the Dragon War as a whole. Dar’vech is the biggest multiple opportunitist Ethereal Dragon out there and he makes all the Ethereal Dragons nervous,” Mary said, saddened. She started crying about remembering seeing her mother torn asunder right in front of her.

Sara went over to her best friend who hasn’t aged at all. She had a smile on her face even though the name of Dar’vech creeps her out. ”I hope we are able to get our revenge then unless you don’t want it,” Sena said, kindly. She remembered her childhood with her best friend from the 13th century and it was nostalgic in all that. ”Want to see my new friend?” Sara asked, kindly.

Mary nodded with Sara’s question but didn’t really react to the statement. ”My father has never once tried to face Dar’vech alone ever,” Mary said, saddened. She giggled at the fact she’s reunited with one of her three best friends from her past.

Sara started to move into the city to the inn, where her this century friend is. ”Follow me Mary,” Sara said, kindly. She had a slight chill down her spine as if something bad is going to happen too.

Mary followed her friend Sena to her new friend. ”I am following as fast as I can,” Mary said. She had a slight chill down her spine as if something bad is going to happen too.

-=[Stacey N. Weiss]=-
-=[Meanwhile somewhere else in an unknown location]=-

Stacey started to laugh and looked at her facial expression and demented slightly. She looked at a rainbow-colored diamond crystal right in front of her. ”Ah… There’s many people who would love to see the end of humanity as I. But none are as devious as Dar’vech,” Stacey said, happily and slightly crazed. She looked up towards the door.

A human male walked into the room through a door with ethereal draconic wings and smiled towards Stacey. ”You called? You should really drop that human visage it reminds me so much of the woman I killed during the dragon war,” Dar’vech said, evilly. He had a strange symbol on his clothing but it had more relevance during the Dragon War over now a days. ”Is there a reason why now of all things you want to restart the dragon war?” Dar’vech asked, curiously.

Stacey smiled towards Dar’vech and had an aura of power coming from her. ”Easy, your work was half finished. I found my brother finally after all these years to be hiding of all things. It was wonderful when you killed his wife but you didn’t kill his daughter or him. Why not?” Stacey asked, annoyed. She had an angered grin to her face and walked around the rainbow-colored diamond crystal and stood right in front of Dar’vech.

Dar’vech heard what she had asked and smiled. ”I did it because equal opportunity made it easier to track the Platinum Dragon’s Strategy forward,” Dar’vech said, evilly. He did it on purpose in not killing the Platinum Dragon or his daughter on purpose because it helped the coy fish of the pond to not know they were being tracked. ”Seems as if, you should read more fantasy novels to figure out the truth of what I speak,” Dar’vech said. He laughed out loud at the fact that Zani Gold Eyed failed in his task. He looked at Stacey’s posture and laughs at it. ”In all my time I worked for you. All I can say you keep the most pathetic company… The champions of the Gods of old are nothing without their feuds and you have grown weak and pathetic Tiamat,” Dar’vech said, eyes glowing as if they are stars.

Stacey sees this change in Dar’vech and was utterly terrified the first time ever to. ”Why are you threatening me?” Stacey asked, confused and afraid. She had no idea all this time Dar’vech was really using her until this very moment.

Dar’vech laughed at the question. ”It is quite simple. I found a higher calling and I have been working on a task that is different from yours for awhile now. In all my time on this planet of Terra. I have found secrets on this planet that intrigue me that you would try to stop me from getting. Therefore, I think I should end this farce,” Dar’vech said, evilly. He started to slowly transform into his Great Devourer Dragon form. His heartbeat was beating quicker than normal and slowly showed his Grand Ethereal Dragon form slowly piercing the veil. ”You are going to enjoy this eternal damnation,” Dar’vech said.

Stacey thought somewhat quickly and was terrified about this setback in her plans against her brother. She vanished before the Great Devourer was finished transforming into the Grand Ethereal Dragon.

Dar’vech laughed at the running away Dragoness and enjoyed a chase. He stopped transforming into the Grand Ethereal Dragon but his awakening energy was a conduit of powerful magics. The magics leaked everywhere and could attract anyone to his location, it was a mega pulsing heart and it was in abandoned building in the commercial part of Penrose City. The amount of magical leakage was insane and it spread throughout the entire city very slowly. ”I enjoy a hunt but I enjoy luring people to a trap more,” Dar’vech thought to himself, laughing to himself. He was near the Rainbow-colored Diamond of the Destiny Dragons and he smiled. ”Come here Pet of the one you call master,” Dar’vech said.

A female draconian walked into the room with a glazed look on her face. She smiled and looked at Dar’vech with fear and had her emotions come back to her for a moment. “Where am I? Dar’vech… why are you here?” ??? asked, the poor mind controlled Destiny Draconian.

Dar’vech looked at the Jewel in question and started to absorb it into his body but this stopped the mind controlling nature the gem. ”The Draconis Family always interested me,” Dar’vech said.

The female draconian had her entire mind and body felt normal and the centuries of brainwashing was over. She realized she had died to Zani but was revived to service Tiamat as a proxy defender. “Where’s my older sister? Dar’vech please tell me,” ??? said, annoyed now. She had a terrified feeling she shouldn’t make the person she is asking annoyed.

Dar’vech laughed at her questions ignoring them. He looked at her eyes and smiled kindly towards her. ”Don’t fret… Your sister is freed of the curse Tiamat caused your family. I freed you for a sense of irony really. Scarlett is still in the service of Bahamut. The only one that gave me trouble. Serra,” Dar’vech said.

Serra heard her sister’s name from the mouth of the Grand Devourer and was utterly scared. She felt helpless now and looked at Dar’vech. “I-I am terrified of you more than what happened to me,” Serra said, terrified at the Grand Devourer’s proximity to her. She was freaked out when Dar’vech said her name. She shivered and looked down at the ground than look at the grand devourer.

Dar’vech allowed the magical leakage to happen in this one space to make every single human or magical girl feel a terrible chill in the air. The magical leakage was spreading at a strange rate as if it is a heartbeat. ”It is wonderful you are feeling fear, Serra. You will be reunited with your sister soon,” Dar’vech said, evilly and happy at these turn of events.

Serra felt the chill in the air, mostly because Destiny Dragons are curiously highly magically inclined dragons. ”Scarlett please save me…,” Serra thought to herself, shivering in fear.

-=[Darcey I. Liya]=-
-=[Meanwhile at the Inn of Renouncing Harmony]=-

Darcey was standing behind the desk keeping the eye on her family’s inn and shop. She started to feel a chill down her spine and a magical door opened up in the inn right by the knickknacks. ”What is going on now?” Darcey thought to herself. She hoped it wasn’t more people trying to tear her away from her best friend she made.

A female walked through the portal terrified and utterly startled she appeared in an inn. It was Stacey and she recognized Darcey. ”Oh hello Darcey… sorry for the magical portal bargaining in but I lost control again,” Stacey said, annoyed. She was happy she made it to a part of town that was far north of whatever Dar’vech had planned. ”Ugh… The Grand Devourer I should have never trusted in the first place. Looks as if my brother has a point on me even he’s no longer around,” Stacey said, more annoyed. She had a hatred for telling her brother is right at all times and this is one of the times she wished Bahamut was around. ”Bahamut I am sorry for doing what I had done…,” Stacey thought to herself.

Darcey heard what Stacey had said and put two together easily about what all that meant because she had kept her mind opened. She was slightly confused on the Grand Devourer. “How bad is the Grand Devourer?” Darcey asked, curiously.

Stacey shivered in fear at hearing a human not knowing how dangerous he truly is. ”He scares me and no one should be able to scare a Goddess… But that was only after he told me he wanted me dead,” Stacey said. She realized she said too much to a human sixteen year old girl.

Darcey heard what Stacey had said and smiled. She reheard Goddess in her head for a bit and was startled she was talking to a goddess in her parent’s owned business. “Oh okay, that sounds scary. Can I have a stupid guess?” Darcey asked, curiously and shivering at the thought of something that scares Goddesses.

Stacey nodded towards Darcey and looked at the knickknacks all around and smiled at them. ”Only one you can have since yeah. Can I hide out in here?” Stacey asked, in response. She wanted a place to stay that won’t be invaded by the Grand Devourer.

Darcey thought long and hard about her guess for Stacey. She thought longer than she usually does and sighed in relief. “Are you a dragon goddess perchance? As long as you help protect and not kill any of my customers,” Darcey said, seriously.

Stacey heard her guess and was utterly startled and wondered how one such so young knows all about the magical world and their patrons. She looked deep within Darcey’s mind and sees a slight strangeness about her, which equals the Stacey’s confusion about this. ”What’s your last name?” Stacey said.

Darcey giggled at the question. “Liya is my last name,” Darcey said.

Stacey face palms at when she said that name. She figured out every single thing wrong with Darcey in an instant. She sits down on the chair next to the figurines. ”Oh my… It seems Darcey doesn’t know anything about what her true nature is and why all these magical entities are trying to get her attention. Never thought I would find myself the Liya Family ever in my many lifetimes of living… Cousins to the Grail Family as a whole,” Stacey thought to herself, with a painful headache. She sat there in awe and terrified woe at these turn of events. She fell off her chair with a fever.

Darcey saw Stacey fell off her chair and went over to her and checked her forehead and felt it was burning up. “I will get you to a place to rest,” Darcey said. She gently lifted up Stacey and walked her to a room that wasn’t taken and a bed that was comfy. ”Stacey is a kind lady she always tries to keep me entertained. But this is the first time she has ever fainted in my family’s business,” Darcey thought to herself.
Good thing my characters are nowhere near that battle. XP
There was a massive dragon battle though. :P
I am also workin' on a post anyway. Been takin' me a bit because yeah, that collab was insanity incarnate. XP
Force Fields are serious business.

It could always been worse. :P
@skarsgard Nice post. :P
@skarsgard The power of Barrage. You are getting volleyed. :P
@Flamelord Enjoyed the post you created. :P

Barrage Powers are definitely huzzah.
The good news is that means the Vendetta List changed much.

After this post.

Beacon, Puchuu and Lesser Forces are not at where they were originally. They were at 1 for Beacon, 2 for Puchuu and 5 for Lesser Forces.

The Reconfigured Vendetta list - Bahamut the Platinum Dragon's Vendetta List (Really)

1. His Sister (Tiamat the Goddess of All Dragons)
2. Zani Gold Eyed - The Metallic Dragon that betrayed Bahamut
3. All of Tiamat's worshipers - Chromatic Dragons & Metallic Dragons
4. ???
5. ???
6. Beacon
7. Puchuu
8. Lesser Forces
9. ???
10. ???
I hope you all enjoy mine and @t2wave's Collab. :P
Shannon @t2wave & Fiona @Landaus Five-One Collab

Staying her ground as the flames rushed past her, Shannon glanced at the now burning countryside. Such disregard of property and the livelyhood of others. Though that wasn't uncommon among monsters. And this dragon in particular seemsed to have an agenda that ran counter to her own. This was confirmed by a draconian girl that flew down and spoke to her. "My name is Shannon!" She called out for all to hear.

Hearing that the others wouldn't be joining the fight was slightly disheartening. But a voice from the portal gave her some resolve. Yes, another potential change of heart. She thought to herself. Touching her staff to the ground she temporarilly drew some of her health and put it to her magic. If she was going to be fighting a fire breathing dragon then she might need a little extra something to combat the heat. Looking up to Zani she intended to stall. "And who is your mistress that I may know whom I might ally?"

Zani heard the name from this magical girl. "Good to know it now my mistress will enjoy your death in the endless spiral of chaos and destruction. I have wrot throughout the ages as her chosen champion to crush humanity once and for all," Zani said, enthralled. He heard the question and laughed at the entirety of the foolishness this human gives him. "Why should I give you my mistress' name when you wouldn't recognize it at all. She has been living through the ages as multiple different aliases. All working towards one goal the destruction of Humanity," Zani said, angered at the question Shannon asked. He started to laugh at Shannon and Scarlett, who was in front of him.

Scarlett heard the her name and smiled slightly. "Wonderful name Shannon, you remind me of my younger sister. She wanted friends and always bright and kind towards everyone including the one who stabbed her in the back," Scarlett said, grimacing at remembering what happened in the past. She looked at her hands and hated the fact she couldn't save anyone but herself. "You'll have to beat it out of Zani Gold Eyed, I still won't forgive him for what he did to my little sister," Scarlett said, annoyed.

"Thank you. You have a lovely name as well." She said to Scarlett before turning her attention to Zani. She sighed and shook her head lightly. "That's unfortunate to hear. We could accomplish so much more together." Tightening her grip in her staff she lifted it slightly. It didn't look like there was going to be peaceful resolution to this. Thankfully it looked like she may have drawn out enough time to get some resources to the surface.

Zani started to glow even more brightly and laughed out loud. His wing started to heal slowly. He looked directly at Scarlett and laughed. "Ah, thanks for reminding me. I had intense fun killing her over, over, and over again. Until my mistress chained her and morphed her into a mindless beast that serves her for all time," Zani said, gleefully. He walked forward towards Shannon and Scarlett who were on the ground. He wanted to slash at the two but he remembered something he had to do first. He glanced up at to Fiona and smiled evilly. He opened his maw towards Fiona in the sky who was terrified. "Die Champion of the Platinum Dragon," Zani said. He breathed a massive cone of fire into the sky and it was extremely hot.

Fiona heard the word die again from the dragon on the ground. Her self-defensive mechanism activates and pushes her to move out of the way of the attack. But it was a bit too late as it hit her wings with intense fire and it makes her fall to the ground hard. She couldn't move since her angelic wings were on fire and she had fell unconsious.

Scarlett had a chill down her spine when Zani went after Fiona completely ignoring her and Shannon. "Are you kidding me?" Scarlett asked, completely terrified and afraid for Fiona's life and holding her hands on her head.

Watching the flames go overhead and hit Fiona, Shannon whirled around and saw that the angel girl was falling out of the sky. Stopping what she was doing briefly she swung her staff low and back up an an arc. The dirt under Fiona rose up like a geyser and slowed her fall. The dust choked out the flames on her wings and she would land softly.

Without turning around she struck the end of her staff on the ground and whipped the end up behind her. The ground began to shake and rise up just below Zani. "You are going to regret threatening humanity." Utilizing more of her blood magic she raised chunks of granite out of the ground. The boulders bursting up underneeth Zani she wanted to put him off his footing before he could take advantage of her turning away.

Zani felt the ground move underneath him but he was too focused on trying to kill Fiona to move in time. He lost his footing and fell on the ground hard but he was laughing at Shannon's threat. "Looks like I should stop underestimating fools who worship animals like the Puchuu," Zani said, angrily. His wings stopped healing and were brutalized by granite rocks that pierced his wings. He grimaced at what happened and laughed. He was laying on the ground injured and slowed his breathing and glanced at Scarlett's face. "You earned something... My mistress' alias right now in this city but her real name will be a mystery to you. Stacey N. Wiess," Zani said, annoyed. He started to glow again.

Scarlett had a chill down her spine when Zani said his mistress' alias in the now. "She used that alias during the 12th and 13rd centuries as well. All as teachers to the champions of Zargoth," Scarlett said. She looked at Fiona and did noticed Shannon's quick thinking and had a sigh of relief at that. "I'll try to heal Fiona because that is all I am useful as," Scarlett said, happily. Her wings started to move and went the long away around the dragon who was laying on the ground to the left side of him. It would take her awhile to get to Fiona.

"Worship him? Are you kidding? You've never met my Puchuu have you?" Shannon laughed to herself. She always enjoyed poking fun at Paree. "Now if you're done being a coward and attacking frightened little girls why don't we dance." The staff came back down and all the rocks that had blasted up came back down. Twirling the staff she readied to draw them back toward herself.

Zani laughed at the questions and all the words this magic girl was talking. He looked directly at the girl who gave him a beating. He was enjoying this the only girl that gave him this much fun was Scarlett's own sister who shares the same name as this magical girl. "How enjoyable," Zani said, with a smile on his massive draconic face. He took the damage from the falling rocks and this reminded him of how he got his scar from Scarlett's younger sister. He had a look of remembrance for that girl who was stronger than her scared sister, who is rushing to aid Fiona. "I will break you...," Zani said. His glow didn't go away this time around and the glow changed to a terrifying aura, it was a black in color. He roared loudly if there was glass in the vinicity it would shatter.

Scarlett felt the aura and stopped in her tracks, she was only half way towards Fiona. She looked back at the Gold Dragon and had a similar feeling of dread sweep over her. She had her draconic instincts fill her entire body and they wanted to fight but the human inside of her wanted to run away. "Not again, it is all happening again... Little Sister, Shannon I am sooo sorry for running I had no choice," Scarlett said, the past catching up with her. She started to cry.

The Portal in the sky started to glow a strange color and another Angel came through the portal. She had six reddish silver wings, greenish hair and eyes. "Scarlett pull yourself together. Zani Gold Eyed you are terrible you know that. Sara at your services," Sara said, with a annoyed sigh at the gold dragon. She held a sword in her left hand and had enough of all this. "I will take my revenge on you selling out my family all those years ago to that coward you call a Mistress. Tiamat the Goddess of Dragons," Sara said. Sara flew away from the portal towards the Golden Dragon.

Zani heard a familiar voice and sighed in annoyance. "No one is allowed to speak her name in vein. It is so nice to see you again though Sara I. Grail, hehe," Zani said, annoyed.

Scarlett heard Sara's voice coming above her and ran towards Fiona. She is still terrified of Zani Gold Eyed's terrifying aura. "I will be right on that," Scarlett said, snapping out of her complete fear only for a moment. She didn't want to fly towards Fiona since she landed on the ground.

The aura change caught Shannon off guard. Faultering a moment the roar from the dragon prompted her to cover her ears. The aura around the dragon was close to overwhenlming. Thankfully another magical girl came through the portal to and snapped her out of it. Shannon was glad there were others around to keep her grounded. She worked her best that way, a fringe benefit of the Power of Friendship.

Drawing the rocks she'd pulled from the ground to her, she readied for an attack. So far she'd only really seen the fire breath, something she could probably survive but would suffer for it. But more of her vitality was currently going to her magic so she was going to have to be smart about things. "Nice to meet you Sara. Too bad it couldn't be under better circumstances huh?" Even under stress Shannon's sense of humor found a way to chime in.

Sara looked down at Shannon and waved at her with her free hand, her weapon is a single handed blade. "Could've been better yes," Sara said, toward Shannon. She had an slight annoyance about her, never ever expected to run into the dragon she used to worship as a god when she was a royal princess all those years ago. She was moving towards Zani and stopped for a second.

Zani laughed at the joke. He stood back up how he was before Shannon's strike that knocked him off balance. He looked at Shannon directly and laughed. "How do you like being stuck?" Zani asked, curiously. He casted a spell in his rage and the shimmering of his aura. It was a powerful spell that would probably paralyze anyone in their tracks. "Paralyzation spells are so fun to use on people who fight back," Zani said, happily grinning.

Scarlett ran faster towards Fiona when she heard what Zani had said but was hit with the paralyzation spell that Zani casted. She stopped completely in her tracks. "Not again," Scarlett thought to herself, annoyed.

Sara posture changed slightly and had a different state of mind. In this state of mind, she was unaffected by the Paralyzation spell that Zani casted. "Stupid Dragon, you will pay for using that spell with your life," Sara said, annoyed.

Zani glanced up at Sara and laughed. "Ah the Iris Persona, how wonderful," Zani said, knowledgeable of all the Platinum Dragon's abilities.

While Shannon had been expecting a more direct attack, she hadn't been prepared for the sudden paralysis. Becoming increasingly more difficult to move she used her staff to steady herself and keep from falling over. The rocks and boulders that she had hovering around her began to drop to the ground around her and she ended up burried underneath them.

Zani laughed at Shannon being burried underneath her own rocks. His aura started to shimmer again and he casted another spell but this time it was on himself. It was a blinding light but powerful healing spell and it healed his damaged wings faster than his natural regeneration. He started to move his massive wings. He slowly moved up into the sky and now he was much more dangerous in the sky than on the ground. "That's good to know I can finish you off myself the Terror Seraph Angel," Zani said, happily.

Iris noticed the dragon lifting off from the ground and was somewhat shocked he used a powerful healing spell to heal the damage. "I always wanted to kill you too Zani Gold Eyed," Iris said, with a smile.

Zani turned directly towards Iris within the air, he completely ignored the ones who were under paralyzation. Zani laughed at her. "Since your other persona told everyone in the vinicty of my deity I worship. I might as well do the same, Bahamut the Platinum Dragon," Zani said, with a grin.

Iris heard the name and realized something utterly shocking. "Are you kidding me, Zargoth is really Bahamut? That is why he hates his sister more than anything," Iris said, startled at the realization.

A familiar voice pierced the veil and had much power behind it, started to surround the one's who were affected by Paralzyation spell. "Be freed of this spell. It is nice to know my name I long forgot all those years ago during the Dragon Wars," Bahamut telepathically said. The Paralzyation affect vanished from the one's affected by it.

Scarlett felt the warmth of Bahamut's aura surrounding her and freed her of the spell. "Bahamut...," Scarlett said, remembering she had to heal Fiona. She used her wings to lift up from the ground and rushed towards Fiona. "I have a funny feeling that Heather knew all along that Zargoth was Bahamut," Scarlett thought to herself.

Most of the back and forth went over Shannon's head. She didn't really know the relation of most of the people and dragons. She had pretty much jumped in blind but all she really needed to know is who was evil. The paralysis being lifted from her she lifted her gaze upward. Zani was getting away from her and that meant she wouldn't be as effective in this fight.

Glancing around she had to decide how she wanted to approach this. She could launch herself into the air, though she couldn't exactly fly so she would need to use the rocks to jump from one to the other. Or she could try and pummel the dragon with rocks and get him back down on her level.

Opting for the latter first she smacked her hands around her staff and crushed some of the granite into smaller jagged pieces. Spreading them out she flung them upward in a flurry of sharp rocks.

Zani was too busy with starring down Sara in her Iris Persona and laughing. He got hit with the sharpened rocks from the ground and his demeanor changed. His aura started to pulse as if it was a heart beat. He did lose a bit of altitude but it wasn't enough to hit the ground. He glanced down at Shannon angrily. "You... will feel pain worse than anyone has felt ever since my rise to be Tiamat's right hand," Zani said, enraged. His aura still pulsed as if it was a heart beat. He looked directly down at Shannon this time with his threat and opened his maw and started to breathe something different from fire. It was complete and utter darkness coming from his mouth that was aimed at Shannon.

Iris saw the darkness come from the Gold Dragon and had a shiver down her spine and flew above him. "Seriously, what are you Zani?" Iris asked, annoyed and shivering seeing her weakness coming from the Dragon. Iris tried to hold strong but empowered her sword with a green energy surrounding it. She launched the Air Sword Slash directly at Zani.

Zani got hit by the Air Sword Slash from Iris. He was pushed down onto the ground hard with the attack in question. It was much more powerful than his stationary movement. "You will pay with your lives, ALL OF YOU!" Zani yelled, loudly. His voice carried towards the Penrose City.

Scarlett heard the dragon's enraged yell and stopped right over the unconscious body of Fiona. "Fiona I hope you will be all right," Scarlett said, worried. She touched Fiona's back and used a healing spell that came from her rainbow-colored aura. She knew the problem with this healing spell it takes time to heal the target touched by her hand.

Fiona had a dream while all this devastation was happening outside of it. It was about her time living with her own family and felt some sadness at those times were the funnest. "I miss them...," Fiona thought to herself. Her dream was shattered when saw a Five Headed Dragon laughing at her lifeless corpse and was deep within her subconscious. "Who are you?" Fiona asked, confused.

A voice peered into her dream and laughed. "Easy my dear Fiona... You caused all this destruction. My name is Tiamat, the Goddess of the Chromatic Dragons and Metallic Dragons after the defeat of my brother, Bahamut. You could say I took over my brother's position... And now it seems as if you need help all you need to do is Denounce the one you call master my own brother, Bahamut," Tiamat telepathically said to Fiona. Tiamat laughed with her five heads and glared at Fiona gently.

Fiona looked at her with a sense of defiance and the subconscious dream was shattered and she slowly opened her eyes and looked around the battlefield. "Ow, why does it feel as if I was hit by a truck?" Fiona asked, curiously. She felt the healing power of Scarlett rejuvenate her.

Not really sure what to expect with the blast or darkness, Shannon was glad she decided to stay on the ground. Shifting the earth under her feet she pulled herself underground and let the dragon's attack impact the dirt. Having effectively disappeared she tried to gather her thoughts. She still wasn't all that sure how she was going to get to the dragon proper but it turned out she didn't need to do that bit on her own.

Sensing Zani land on the ground this meant she had a chance to get to him before he could take off again. The earth sinking below Zani the sides began to rise up to surround him. Pouring the rest of her vitality she could Shannon intended to ground the dragon for good. With the ground for cover the granite moved toward Zani. Rather than hitting the dragon though it went by him as Shannon popped up out of the ground. Un this close the aura was stiffling. To guard against it she took and activated her Purification Artifact.

The earth girl reached her arm up toward the dragon and the granite began to cluster around her. Becoming a clawed rock golem the newly formed giant hands grabbed at Zani's neck and one of his wings. Now that she had allies assisting even if she couldn't beat him alone she would keep him busy for the others to attack freely.

Zani looked down at the ground as it started to shift underneath him. He wasn't panicing at all and laughed at the entirety of this pathetic display of Earthen power. His aura started to pulse again and it changed its effect from what it had been, a terror aura to something slightly different. He did get trapped in the earth but the aura was pulsing faster and faster as if something terrible was about to happen. He noticed Shannon popped up right besides his stuck self within the ground. "How wonderful...," Zani said, angered. The pulsing was continuing to speed up. His neck and one of his wings were grabbed by the Rock Golem, the girl in front of him turned into. "Dragons will rule again...," Zani said, angered. Zani's eyes closed something was terribly wrong.

Iris saw what was happening and slashed into the top part of the Dragon's body. "Something is wrong, terribly wrong...," Iris said, worried. She knows this dragon would never give up unless he was planning something terrible.

Zani's aura was still pulsing at a speed of light. The slash had less effect than the Golem holding his neck and wing.

Fiona stood up and looked directly towards the action and noticed Zani's eyes closed. She pointed her sniper rifle directly at the dragon. "Scarlett can you heal the one who is helping us fight this monster," Fiona said, kindly.

Scarlett nodded and looked directly at Zani's aura and was utterly terrified. Scarlett transformed into the Destiny Dragon that she is and she was at least double the size that Zani is. She had beautiful rainbow-colored wings, a rainbow aura, a unicorn horn on her head, and a quite beautiful draconic posture compared to the Gold Dragon. She flew towards the Gold Dragon and sinked her massive front claws into Zani's Back. "No more people you will kill with that move... no more, I won't allow it," Scarlett said, in her dragon form angered.

Zani screamed in pain when the massive claws were imbedded into his body and he opened his eyes. "Ah, finally you are no longer a Coward, Ms. Draconis. You are finally showing your worth to Draconic Kind. A bit too late though," Zani said, angered that his conceration was stopped. The Aura slowed down in pulsing it was going as fast as it was but it returned to a Terror Aura. The Terror Aura was stronger than it once was since he was focusing on another dragon.

Scarlett started to pull Zani right out of the ground with her enraged state of mind of wanting to protect humanity and remind herself of her little sister. Her strength was rivaling the strength of the Ground, which put him in that position. Her claws were 10 inches deep within his body. She hated herself for showing cowardice all those years ago and this time she will make it right by hurting Zani much for his transgressions against her family.

Fiona saw the fierce determination of Scarlett pulling Zani up. She was awed at Scarlett's strength. She pointed her weapon at the wing of Zani that wasn't grappled by the stone golem and fired a shot at it. She was speechless at the display of strength and the gold dragon's determination.

Zani heard the shot from Fiona's sniper rifle and moved his wing in time before it was pierced by it. "Try harder.... Chaotic Seraph Angel of Bahamut," Zani said, annoyed. He sensed the stone golem still holding onto his neck, who is Shannon. "How much strength do you got left little girl?" Zani asked, curiously towards Shannon in Stone Golem form.

Through the rock the girl's voice could be heard. "Enough to finish you." With Scarlett now on Zani that gave her a little more room to focus. The graninte was jagged and she began to try and dig the stone claws into the gold dragon. If she could get through the scales then he was going to be able to do more damage.

Zani's aura slowed down again but it would take awhile to pierce through the scales. He laughed at the stone golem and the dragon ontop of him. "The Platinum Dragon... You are a COWARD," Zani said, in a fit of crazed dragon rage.

The Portal started to shimmer and the visage of the shield protecting the Endless Dimension from intrusion started to glow brightly. "You are kidding yourself if you can get me to come out of the Dimension I created to keep myself separate from my sister," Bahamut telepathically said, directly towards Zani. There was a great sigh filling the air surrounding the Gold Dragon. A massive blinding light surrounded the gold dragon and it was blinding but it had a different affect on Zani. He was unamused with the Dragon he once called an ally.

Zani laughed at Bahamut's spell. He, however, felt a strange effect conversin' over his entire body, he started to shake from an unnatural pain. The aura he had vanished, the Terror Aura was gone with a bit of slow added on to it. He started to struggle with the Destiny Dragon and Stone Golem on him. He hoped to shake off the Stone Golem and the massive dragon ontop of him.

Scarlett was blinded from the blinding light and she reared back without gripping onto the Gold Dragon and crashed into the ground hard. It shook the ground, to a point of a mini-aftershock. "Agh...," Scarlett said, blinded.

Zani was struggling much more since there was no longer a massive dragon over him. He was lashing out with his freed wing towards the Stone Golem. He wanted to be freed so he can return to his mistress, Tiamat.

The blinding light didn't really effect Shannon, however the thrashing dragon was a fair more than she could handle at this point. Zani wrenching away, the golem let go but stood its ground. It seemed that they'd managed to run the golden dragon off. That turned out to have been quite a bit harder than expected. Dragons were not high on Shannon's list of things to fight after this.

Zani flew into the air and looked down at the people who gave him a hard time. "I will remember this for all time only the painful screams of regular humans will sate my revenge towards what you have done to me," Zani said, angered. He flew away from the battlefield and the gust of wind subsided.

Scarlett turned back into her more useless form that is a powerful healer at least. "Good lord... At least I now know who cursed my entire family Tiamat," Scarlett said, worried.

Sara landed on the ground by the Stone Golem and smiled at it. The Iris persona vanished and the normal one was there. "Thank you," Sara said, kindly and had a royal tone to her voice. She put her sword back into its sheath. She looked towards Fiona. "Come here, Chaotic Seraph Angel," Sara said.

Fiona heard her title from the terror seraph angel and walked towards her. "Hi," Fiona said, kindly.

Sara face plamed at Fiona's response. "You were lucky that Bahamut sent me here or you would have surely perished by dragon," Sara said, annoyed.

Fiona stopped a bit away from Sena and smiled kindly. "It is good to know he's watching over us then," Fiona said.

The Portal pulsed and a voice appeared into the heads of all the magical girls in the vicinity of it. "I will lessen my hate towards all the ones I have an vendetta against for the sake of past mistakes. The Arrangement of the vendettas will be arranged to how I see them based on things I have seen in the world since my defeat 300 years before the 12th Century. Scarlett revitalize Shannon, the magical girl of the Earth, her abilities are unique and remind me of your younger sister," Bahamut telepathically said, to Shannon and his two champions outside.

Scarlett felt saddened at the realization of what has transpired but is happy that she gets to keep a feeling of her younger sister within this girl with the same name. "I will do what I can Bahamut the Platinum Dragon," Scarlett said, happily. Her rainbow colored aura started to flucuate a bit. She walked towards Shannon in Earth Golem form. "Err, how am I supposed to heal someone covered in Earth?" Scarlett asked, confused.

With the threat gone Shannon relaxed a bit and when Scarlett asked how she should heal her Shannon laughed a bit. "Oh yeah, let me fix that." Taking a step back the granite around her began to collapse and fall away. Sighing she hopped down from the pile of rocks and dusted herself off. "Glad that didn't last too much longer. I could keep it up a little while longer but I really don't like using so much of my strength." Stepping in front of Scarlett she was ready to receive some healing. Though she hadn't really taken any injury per say she effectively had using her Blood Magic.

Scarlett rainbow colored aura covered Shannon's entire body and it had a strange effect it was old magic. It had a revitalization effect and it felt as if there was a hot spring nearby. She had never been this focused in her life and the entirety of the spell was effective to the point astonishment. "It has been along time since I used the Revitalization or Regeneration Magic. It lasts for 3 hours," Scarlett said, informative and kindly. The Aura surrounding her faded completely and was only surrounding Shannon. She yawned a bit and was tired since this healing spell takes more out of her than the one that healed Fiona. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the other two.

The other two Seraph Angels were chatting away in the distant. The 10 Chaos Angels went back through the portal. The Portal in the sky slowly vanished into nothingness. Sara smiled and flew off in the direction of the city that was on the North Side of Penrose. Fiona sighed and wondered where she was going. "Shannon, thank you for arriving to my aid," Fiona said, kindly.

Smiling brightly, Shannon bowed in a brief curtsy. "My pleasure. I am glad to hear that my efforts have improved standings with your patron." Even though she was being healed it would take a while before she was back in top shape. Shaking her head slightly she looked off in the direction of Penrose. "Well I guess I'm going to be late to my meeting. I left the bus behind to come here."

Fiona giggled at that. "I hope you get there alright than even if it will take you awhile," Fiona said, happily. She was looking at the rainbow-colored healing spell surrounding Shannon. "Scarlett, can only us see that?" Fiona asked, curiously.

Scarlett looked over to Fiona and nodded. "Only magical entities can see it," Scarlett said. She looked about and smiled a bit. "Our patron has much rethinking to do about all the people he has an vendetta against," Scarlett said. She picked up dirt and used what's left of her magic to make a rainbow-colored flower and held it in front of Shannon. "With this magical flower. You can contact Fiona and me to help you with anything you require that doesn't involve me being a dragon," Scarlett said, happily. She disliked being in her dragon form since it terrifies people more than anything. She had to deal with that a long time ago too.

Taking the flower Shannon nodded in thanks. "I've never had such a beautiful way to communicate before. I will be sure to let you know if I'm in a pinch. I would stay and chat but I really do have to get going. It was nice meeting you." Stopping to think for a moment she decided it was worth asking. "You wouldn't happen to have a faster way to Penrose would you?"

Fiona heard the question and smiled. "I would have a faster way if I was at my estate the Grail Estates," Fiona said. She looked at Scarlett.

Scarlett sighed with a slight annoyance. "Why are you looking at me, Fiona?" Scarlett asked, annoyed.

A familiar voice appeared in the minds of the three here. A strange door appeared right in front of the three and it looked strange. "Where you wanting to go Shannon? This is a gateway to my dimension but for this time only it will open up to anywhere in Penrose City you want to go," Bahamut said, a tone of normalcy and kindness.

Scarlett had a sigh of relief because Bahamut saved her from becoming a massive dragon. She moved her hands closer to her for the happiness of not turning into a dragon.

Shannon clasped her hands together and bowed again, greatful for the offer. "You are awesome, Bahamut. I need to be at the Penrose Hospital like an half an hour ago. I won't forget your kindness here." She laughed to herself but was clearly sincere about what she said. Given other Puchuu girls the dragon had run across in the past, Shannon was far and away less judgemental to the lesser force and his underlings.

The Door changed to that of as if it was a Hospital door but the exact location of it was nearby the hospital. "When you exit out of the door you will be a few blocks away from the hospital. Be hopeful in your endeavors because that isn't the last time you will see Zani Gold Eyed and my sister's wrath," Bahamut telepathically said to Shannon.

Fiona and Scarlett was a bit startled that their patron was being a much kinder to humans. They had a expression of awe at this discovery.

"Gotcha big guy. I'll see you later." She opened the door and went through. The portal disappeared immediately upon closing the door and Shannon found herself just where Bahamut had said. Little did she expect the craziness that was awaiting.
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