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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

IS the demigod of heroes scared of sentient plants that need to eat people every once in a while??

Not as long as they have flower power.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Thulemiz: Come at me bro. I'm in this hole in the ground. In the north pole. It's under this black pyramid. You'll have to walk a bit - and there's a lot of undead. I'm at the bottom, working away at dead people's bodies. Pls come. I've been here for ages. With the dead. Their moans are all I hea- oh wait, they talk. Oh. I'm fine actually, you can stay where you are.

Nah, as the demigod of heroes I need to stop you cause undead are scary. So I’m gonna punch ya with my entire portfolio.

Oh yeah that guy... I’m gonna punch him.
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Hey, no one's more interested in the economy than Astarte. A better economy will allow her to buy better equipment for her youtube prank video channel.

“This is Astarte and I’m here with Vestec with a divine slap cam”

Both run off and slap everyone into oblivion
<Snipped quote by Slime>

"kidnap orphans and suck their souls out"

Orphan nervously looks around
Samgolan Patriotic Party

Xirsi sat next to the window of where he was staying in Kamidye going over the questions that had been asked at the debate and formulated better responses he could have gave than what he had done. He sighed, the competition was fierce and unfortunately the party’s late arrival to the stage had cost them greatly as they had to scramble to establish some form of political foothold somewhere, yet nothing, at least nothing he knew of. The party didn’t have the funds necessary to fund a polling of the states, instead hey had to go by their gut instinct on what to do for the time being.

What was worse, the Samgolan Dawn had already left and was busy at work slandering Bassong left and right. Such a predictable move, such a dishonorable move. Xirsi sighed, knowing that was simply what politics was, lies and slander, yet it disgust him. Shaking his head to stop the thoughts he gazed out of the window, it seemed his staff was busy at work with the fundraising that the patriots so desperately needed. Though the party could do much even without the money for the time being, but they simply needed it to hold polls. They could not simply go into the dark any longer.

A knock came to his door. “Mr. Sahra, we leave for Modiali in a few hours,” a feminine voice told him and he gave no response as he got up from his seat.

“Alright, thank you,” he told the voice before going off to pack his belongings. In Modiali he had given his first speech and even attacked the Samgolan Dawn. Most of the party believed they would have some support there, but it was still uncertain to many of them from their lack of polling throughout the two weeks they were active. Yet, they would try to gather money there as well, next week.

Xirsi had to try.

Samgolan Patriotic Party

Xirsi shook his head at hearing the words of Zan, he went to speak next, “What the Samgolan Dawn, from what I have heard, is planning to take direct control over our businesses and have a communist state. We might as well call them the new Samgolan People’s Party because all they care about is nationalizing everything. The commercial companies of the aircraft will still have their freedom and independence to go about their way, but we must impose safety standards that all planes must pass before flight as well as have well trained pilots available to fly. Yes, that is what I would believe would be the best course of action, imposing stricter safety standards and having the requirement of training the pilots so that they may operate at the best of their human abilities.”
Samgolan Patriotic Party

Xirsi looked to the leader of the D.A.R. and looked over at the other candidates before smiling and clapping his hands at the answer that Samuel had given. He nodded his head with his smile held high, “That was spoken very well Mr. Bassong, like a true Samgolan if I do say so myself. Of all the answers given, I must say that you’re is the one that has touched me the most! The preservation of what matters most to Samgola is very important to the future of our nation, so that we may remember our roots not only as a people but as a reminder of what we will bring with us to the future. Like a pride of these mighty lions, we must look after one another and preserve what we have, as we are all one family.”
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