Avatar of LeeRoy


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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6 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

Most Recent Posts

@Ciaran@BrokenPromise@tex@Liseran Thistle

If you want to unify, to create a group. Hell, if you want to do literally anything involving the Arena and how it is done. You have missed one major point that is incredibly important.

You have to fight first.

Why would anyone take you seriously if you haven't recently fought? Until every single one of you has proven to be an active participant in the Arena as a PLAYER not just as an OBSERVER, nothing is going to work.

Correction- Tex has a single unfinished fight available for viewing.
@Bartimaeus square up, it's a queue fight. You gotta queue up before someone else does.
Love how this was super active for like 3 days but then when someone wants to actually fight everyone shuts up.

I have posted a fight. Most anyone is welcome to join. I want to test my improvements in my months of intersite and chatrooms fighting.

Plain and simple. Post a character, I'll post a character who would be a match for them. This will be open to people joining one after the other, to see how many matches I can win in a row.

Rules are as follows:
1: T1 basic. Call and response style combat with turn based charges. Interruptions allowed and encouraged but none of the "5 posts happen before we hit the ground from a 3 foot jump."

2: No God Tier, everyone should know that planets being busted apart with a fart is insane and anyone who tries to do so competitively is insane.

3: Character sheets must include a physical description of both character and their equipment. As well, any power that requires meta explanation should be explained in as much detail as possible and not left vague.

4: There is no format for character sheets, just include all skills, powers and equipment that you will be using.

5: This is unranked, and as such I reserve the right to reject an applicant outright.

6: Fight ends when opponent dies, is routed, or surrenders.
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