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Warlord of Kereg-Kor, Husband of Xaelia@Ellion and Nadia@Vesuvius00
Interacting with: Xaelia@Ellion and Nadia@Vesuvius00

He first let both of his Gems finish each their introduction. Xaelia’s remarks were not well received. It was a glorious thing to do. The suffering of those Gems were their own doing, their King’s doing. He could not fight a war and paid the price. The Anathos’ price would have been dead. Yet here was a Gem insulting the legacy. His father had warned Keregar this would happen. The Gems, their short lives made them forgetful. He knew there was arrogance in Xaelia’s voice. A sense of superiority despite standing here as a bride. It had to be broken. With his left hand, his slapped her across the cheek. His iron ring cutting right below her eye. Before she could do anything he grabbed her by cheeks and pulled her closer as his face came closer to hers. Dangerously close. Close enough to force his lips on hers if he wanted to. He didn’t though. At the last moment, he turned her face slightly. His tongue just slightly liked a drop of blood spilling from the wound. He kept her face in that position for a moment as he rolled the blood through his mouth. Then he turned her face back to his. “You’re not in Gemina anymore.” He said before releasing her and pulling himself up again. “You’re in Drakka. I won’t tolerate insults like that again.” She better learned what actual glory and honor was.

Then he turned to Nadia. A seamstress? He had no use for that. He gave her another look. She could be a lot more with a lot less. “The dress. Take it off.” He simply said. His voice icy cold. Yet his eyes made clear that he wasn’t going to say it a second time. Especially when he moved his left hand towards the hilt of his knife. Either she took it off or he’d cut it off. Of course, he didn’t care what she wore underneath. “There is only one place for dresses at Kereg-Kor. And that place you Gems will have to learn to like.” Sorrak’s Sanctuary loaned itself well to silk and certain clothes. But beyond those doors, the wilderness beckoned. It even crept within the black stone walls of Kereg-Kor. No, dresses would not serve them and it would not serve him either. He knew that Nadia, with her love for the quietness of nature, would foolishly love the wilderness around Kereg-Kor. Maybe, to teach her a lesson, he should set his wolves on her on some quiet moment. Nature should be feared above all. “I hope you’re more entertaining when Sorrak demands his tribute.” He said towards Nadia. Xaelia at least dared to insult him. If she even knew she insulted him. Nadia was a meek thing. Too afraid and far too docile. He reached slowly for her, though his hand passed her face and loosened whatever kept the bun together. “Hair, at least, should be wild.” He finished.

By now he would normally order his group to leave for his estate. There they’d pack so they could start marching for Kereg-Kor in two days. Though then Rynek entered, demanding his bride. Keregar took the large sword, still wrapped in torn, blood-specked cloth and open it up with his knife. Revealing a weathered but still sharp blade. The slightly chipped edge made clear that this blade was old, very old. He lowered the weapon next to him, in front of his brides. Putting it between them and the intruder. He would kill anyone who dared to take his Brides without his permission. Deep inside he wished the fool would dare it though. He could use some bloodshed. Especially if it was to be the blood of such an arrogant cub. Though it appeared that the Princess was already handling the situation. Two companions moved from the shadows into the light towards Keregar. “We’re leaving.” He calmly said. Suddenly not caring if Nadia did what he demanded or not. The two companions led the Brides away. Not even stopping as they marched them into the rain, ushering them on towards the Estate. Keregar stayed behind for a moment. Covering their retreat.

At home, they were led into the rather bare living. The few decorations hanging on the walls were of blunted weapons and shields. The two companions vanished and from around a corner a Drakkan appeared. Even though still a very young for a Drakkan, he was still a little bit bigger than they were. He was drenched like a rat and dressed in hard-boiled leather. The young Drakkan had a great many bruises all over his arms and one of his legs. “Are you two my new mothers?” he asked surprisingly innocent for a Drakkan.
Warlord of Kereg-Kor, Husband of Xaelia@Ellion and Nadia@Vesuvius00
Interacting with: Xaelia@Ellion and Nadia@Vesuvius00

Gold eaters. The lot of them. Keregar was still not quite over the slight Zakroti dealt him in turn. To cower behind guards was the least honorable thing a Drakkan could do. And to guard someone who just paid you fancy gold coins was only slightly less. Was there no more honor in this wretched city? Have Drakkan truly begun to sell themselves as slaves for whatever metal shined the most? If so, his race was surely doomed. In the end, he knew he didn’t want to die at the hand of a something that he would forever refuse to call a Drakkan and a bunch of gold eaters. So he left but not before saying: “I hope we never meet on the sands.” A fool, a lesser Drakkan would take it as a victory. Thinking Keregar was afraid of him. Nothing was less true.

He hoped he would never have to see the little Drakkan boy again. Yet here he was, receiving a bride. Unlike some, Keregar had chosen to wear armor. A sign of his status as Warlord. The blackened chest piece was a testament to his age. The slain head of a horned beast yet unnamed beast hung on his shoulders covering one pauldron and torn fur cloak finished it off. He turned his attention to Prince Gaelnesh and his speech. A fire, a primal fire got ignited when his mind went towards the fresh monuments and the story his father told about the Anathos war. To the victor comes the spoils, he silently agreed. Then the Crown Prince approached him. “They will get their brides when they are ready.” Keregar simply answered. Though inside he felt proud of his son’s accomplishments. A light in an ever darkening future. At least he could die knowing he left behind a few true Drakkan. His eyes turned towards the gems. Observing them for a moment. One had apparently chosen for a rather formal wear. Though in Gem fashion. It was almost disgustingly civilized. Even her hair, instead of being wild and free and fierce was tied together in a bun. Truly a testament to how docile Gems were. Her hair though, her hair drew Keregar. Fiery red. It was not that common and that he knew. Finally her jewels demanded his gaze. The deep red gems looked much fiercer than the girl wearing them. Then he turned his attention to the brunette. She wore a dress as well. Though it would appear the first bride had put a bit more effort in his appearance. The second one looked a bit older, though not that much. Still, both would do. It was about time he got a new bride too. Sorrak’s Sanctuary had gone abandoned just a little too long.

Keregar turned to his prince once more. “It would be an honor to fight alongside you in a glorious war again.” Keregar answered. He knew that Gaelnesh was his better. The crown prince had earned that right and honor. He was one of the few Keregar would want to die by. But not now. His blood was still yearning for the thrills of battle. “I prefer to think that Drun has still a destiny for me.” He answered with a malicious grin. Yes, he wanted a war now above all else. A worthy war though. There were too many pesky things skittering around the world that he could kill. Yet he would never call that war.

Gaelnesh continued on with his duty, leaving Keregar with his two brides. One decided to speak yet she was not asked. Though she didn’t seem to do it out of defiance. The little gem knew at least to bow before him. Obedience was a good trait in Gems. Though it could get dull over time. If they managed to live long enough. Nadia, she was called apparently. Not a bad name. Though just like the girl it lacked edge. He kept silent, letting the gem stay bowed as he observed her like one would observe a piece of meat. “Look up, bride.” He said with his heavy voice. “I am Keregar. Warlord of Kereg-Kor. That name and place does not mean much too you, I imagine. But in time you will call it home.” But it would never be truly home. He knew that and if the Gems were smart enough, they would know it as well. Home was back beyond the Spire and they would never return. If they tried, well Kereg-Kor was filled with the greatest hunters of every generation. They slaughtered beasts several times their own size that were born, raised and survived in the very hostile lands around the fortress. What chance would a bunch of fleeing, foreign Gems have? He turned his gaze towards the other Gem. “What is your name. Tell me about yourself. Both of you.” He should at least know who his brides were.

I'm also assuming these suits are rather customized towards the house's preferences. I'm liking it!
@Ozerath Can't find them but I remember bits of them.

These mechs are ancient warmachines passed down scion to scion of a given House. Also to note, these mechs are gene-locked to that House.

So, kinda like Battletech Mechs in a way.

Must have missed this conversation as well. So most houses don't have more than one or two mechs?
It had been somewhat of a calm evening for Boros. As Head of Vacare Affaires on Aurax, one would assume that Boros was a prestigious fellow. But the truth was that every evening was calm for him. He moved his papers are a leisure pace and sometimes preferred to take a quiet day contemplating on new policies than actually doing any work. Of course none of the new policies would see the light of day. But to Boros, they were just as important. Vacare powers, in his opinion, had gone too long unchecked. He was one of the few on Aurax who was greatly delighted by the idea of the Order. People who could subdue a Vacare’s connection to the void. Alas, his request to station some of them on Aurax was denied. Probably because House Teklis and Aivira fought it fiercely.

It was no secret that Boros feared the Vacare. He was loathe to write the right permits and kept Aivira on a tight leash. All so as he sat in his home he could comfortably sip of his wine while looking over the barren, white surface of the moon and the black expanse beyond. Without any defense measures around him. What fool would dare attack the Imperial Bureaucracy’s administrators? Any Vacare caught in the attempt would be killed. It was no secret.

But then, a strange feeling crept up on him. He was alone in the apartment. Yet for a moment he thought he saw a shadow creep around in the corner of his eyes. He turned around yet he saw nothing unusual. Nothing that was moving. He returned to his own thoughts. Maybe in a few years he could get off this wretched moon and somewhere closer to the Order. Yes, he would like that very much. Then he heard a clang from behind him. Surprised he looked behind him. A plate had fallen off the counter. Now how did that happen? Alas, Boros preferred to keep things clean. So he got up and walked towards it. He reached for it, but in between blinks the plate just vanished. As if it was never there and the fat man was reaching towards nothing. Instead, the piece of nano-reinforced porcelain stood on the table top. Where it had always been. Rather confused he went to touch it. Yes, this existed. He could feel it. Maybe he shouldn’t have opened that second bottle. Boros was a man of many pleasures. He loved life and all that it offered him. So obviously he would often indulge. Putting the strange event on a wine glass too many, Boros returned to his chair. Though in the artificial light flooding inside through the window, he thought for a second that he saw someone sit in his chair. Yet when the lights flickered for but a moment, he realized it was just his imagination.

The man continued contemplating his state and career for another hour, looking outside towards Aivira. Though eventually he decided that it was time to sleep. Rather fatigued he walked to the kitchen to kill the light. Though as he approached it, he saw a distant shadow that should not be. The shadow of a person. “Hello?” he said, trying to get the attention of the intruder. As he walked into the large kitchen, he saw that there was no other person in sight. With his eyes on the strange shadow, he killed the light. Darkness filled the kitchen. Immediately he turned the lights back on. The shadow was there again. He turned the lights off and on again. The shadow was there. Unmoving. What could cast such a peculiar shadow? Curiosity was replacing fear ever so slight as he switched the lights off and on again. And again. Boros decided it was not worth losing sleep over. One more time he turned the lights in the kitchen on. The shadow was gone.

“Good evening, Administrator.” Boros heard from behind him. Surprised and afraid he turned around. A woman was sitting his chair now. The recent events suddenly all made sense. “Damn Vacare! I will have punished for this!” He threatened. Assuming some youngling Vacare was using her powers to play a joke on him. But as the chair turned around, he saw none other than Isabel Imken. “My lady! What do you think-“

“Silence.” She said. Boros wanted to continue and overrule her. Yet his lips refused to move. “As I understand it you are a man that loves our great Emperor very much.” Boros did not understand why she stated that. Sure, he liked the Emperor. Who didn’t? “So when you heard he died, you were distraught, of course.” The Emperor, dead? Why was this witch speaking to him like he already knew. “This and your wife running away with your only daughter has sent you over a cliff.” Laura ran away? With Assa? What was happening? “You couldn’t take it anymore. When you got her letter. Asking for a divorce.” Boros’ body moved towards his computer and opened a newly delivered letter. “This wore hard on you. So you decided to end it.” Boros’ mind, using panic to push through the Vacare’s influence, could snap his head towards a maliciously grinning Isabel. He wanted to yell! Scream! Curse her! But he could barely open his lips before the Witch took over his body again. “Farwell.” Isabel said, before she too vanished in a literal blink. Boros’ body still didn’t listen as he took a seat before his computer. He wrote a note saying how full of pain he was. How his life had became a pile of sadness and disappointment. How his career was doomed, his wife had left him and how his love for the Emperor broke him in two. Lies they were! Lies all of them! Laura didn’t love him, sure. That was established on the wedding night. It was a political move. So why would she even run!? No, he would not break because of the death of the Emperor. Why was he typing these lies!? He ended the note with a terrible statement. Life was no longer worth living. Suddenly he realized what was happening. Like a caged animal panicking his mind tried to fight the influence as he grabbed towards the drawer. No, he could not end his life like this. Nobody would believe it! Yet slowly his hand reached for the heavy, metal weapon inside. Slower than one would, he grabbed it and lifted it out. His mind could only slow the inevitable. “May the void embrace you, Boros.” He heard her voice for a final, wretched time before he put the gun to his temple.

“The bureaucrats are disposed of on Aurax.” Lord Kest of House Teklis declared in the conference room. Before him sat Isabel, grinning her malicious grin. His brother Allegan, Grand-Master of the Vacare. Commander Illistra Hazen, a low born Vacare that travelled to Aurax when she was young. A talented fighter. “All in favor to seal Aurax until the succession crisis is resolved, raise your hand now.” All hands were raised towards the glass ceiling. Beyond it was the vast black expanse. They themselves were adrift in its endlessness.

The grass around was still kept as a stark reminder that they were all once planet bound. Meant as a reminder where all of them came from. “Very well. Now for the next subject. Our Seers heard whispers of a successor. Prince Grerenth is sighted on Slichi 7K7V. The table in the middle projected a hologram before all members of the emergency council. Detailing the location. “Bureaucrats are moving in. As will no doubt others. I am of the opinion that Aurax must have a hand with the succession. A favorable Emperor could be a powerful tool. Who agrees with me?” Again, all hands were raised. “Good. Commander, send a detachment. Use a cloaked frigate. I allow you to take several of my Household Knights. As well as any Aivira members.” Isabel stood up to protest. But one, gaze from Kest’s old, weary eyes made the young woman sit down again. Commander Hazen gave Kest a short but formal nod and left the room. Then Kest turned to Isabel again. “The bureaucracy is dead in Aurax?”

“Yes.” She stated, trying to not sound unnerved the weary man before her.

“Good. He held us back too long. I am sanctioning every experiment you have, at your own discretion.” Isabel looked stunned at the man. All of them!? Was it her birthday!? “I’m also activating every Black Site you have. Aurax’s edge is Vacare and I intend to make it sharp. Even if I must blacken it.” Isabel spared no time. She got up and made a deep, formal bow before vanishing behind the door. Soon her shuttle would get her back Aivira. A great time for Vacare was approaching.

“Such freedom, brother.” The blind Allegan, now little more but a heap of robes, said. His voice sounding like old, stiffened paper getting cracked. “If anything, her exuberance should be tempered down.” Kest did not respond to his own, twin brother. If Allegan had to say it, it was because he wanted to use his voice just a little. The two had a connection like no other. It was not directly telepathic. Yet he understood his own brother better than his wife and Allegan, he understood Kest better than Kest himself.
Obviously, Avira is joining into that one as well.
Interacting with: Charlotte Kirk@Belle

There were few things Elizabeth didn’t take well. She was used to hearing no. Every old guy her mother kept around told her no on so many things. And then she got what she wanted and removed them. Now too she’d get what she wanted. Still, she somewhat expected a no the second she saw Charlie. Of course, Elizabeth already had an inkling about who Charlotte Kirk would be. She had to be confident, strong and smart. Charlotte wasn’t just that, she radiated it. So when she told Elizabeth that she wasn’t accepting the offer, Elizabeth wasn’t that surprised. The million dollars was still planted in each and every one of them. That was just a matter of time. Sure, she hated the island. But she didn’t have to be here. Instead, she could just jump on her cruise ship and play the long game. Maybe but a private detective to dredge up whatever secret he could find about the people working there. No, there was nothing really keeping her here now that she had seen it.

But then Charlotte turned her back to Elizabeth. Suddenly all the rational thoughts vanished. Every idea of playing it long and patient were gone. Nobody turned their back on Elizabeth. Her mother did for years. Now she made sure that nobody would every disregard her again. So when Charlotte did what her mother did for years, something snapped. For a second she saw the image of her mother turning her back again and again and again. It almost seemed as the very air around Elizabeth turned frigid. “You will regret that.” She simply said, passing the wetsuit-clad woman. With rather forceful steps she made way towards the exit. With Sam close in tow.

The bodyguards gave everyone one last look and then walked behind Elizabeth as well. For now, she looked calm, controlled. Internally she was raging. She could barely keep it contained. Eventually, they reached the boat. Nobody dared to ask anything. They just got in, not even caring if Max was anywhere near. The bodyguards, ushered by Sam, went full throttle to get Elizabeth, who was no visibly seething towards the island, away. They couldn’t manage it fast enough though. Before anyone knew it she went to the locker, grabbed a pistol and starting firing into the water as she let a horrible, scream. The magazine was quickly emptied and everyone but Elizabeth took their hands from their ears. But the scorned woman still looked very angry.

They reached the inner dock of the mega yacht. “Move this damn thing closer! I want them all to see what money gives you!” Elizabeth commanded a random sailor. Who knew better than to question her. She went straight for the little office built in on one side. While small, it was thoroughly state of the art. With a fury, she barged in. Everyone inside looked up, surprised at the sudden visit. “Drop. Everything.” She ordered. Behind her, Samwell and a bodyguard moved. “I want all names on that board.” She ordered. Her voice calm but her demeanor anything but. The two people moved in to write every name on the board that they had heard. “I want everyone’s info on that board. I don’t care what it is, a maiden name. First boyfriend’s name. I want every little piece of data on them. I want their god damn DNA mapped!” She didn’t have to say much more. The people that worked were more than a little experienced in gathering data. The office manager though looked up from behind his desk towards the bodyguard. “Time to call in Hector?” But the bodyguard shook his head.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was placing a phone call:
It’s Elizabeth. My mother will be tired tonight. Make sure she’s not behind a laptop. In fact, it’s probably for the best that she gets an early night’s rest.
Listen… I’m not entirely comfortable doing this.
Is the pay not enough?
No! No it is! It’s just… I’m a nurse. This isn’t right!
You do this and I donate 5 grand to the children’s hospital. Anonymous.
Good Girl.

After that, she hung up again. Her mother wouldn’t get the Skype message anytime soon. That gave her valuable time to get IT to work on her account. No matter what happened, Miriam was not allowed to know that Elizabeth was ruining Haven. Elizabeth didn’t want to admit it, but there were bylaws that made her very, very afraid.
The rumble is here...
Interacting with: Max Walker@Kitty and Charlotte Kirk@Belle
Mentioning: Naomi Jensin@RisenSun

Elizabeth let a small, sly smile slip. “Of course. Boys?” The bodyguards jumped back on the boat in an instant and put the weapons in a locker. Even though they only out for less than a minute, it became quickly clear from the appearance that they were guns. The bodyguards were soon right behind Elizabeth and Sam. Who was sweating in his suit that looked a size too big for him. Elizabeth felt a little offended by this person walking backwards. She wasn’t a savage! She wouldn’t just suddenly order her people to grab her! Not in broad daylight! And definitely not by the guys she had brought. Eventually, she learned the name of the person: Max. And the name of the boss: Charlie. She couldn’t remember a Max but Charlie was suspiciously close to Charlotte. The name on the contract.

At the cafeteria, the two bodyguards took position next to the door. Crossing their arms scanning the room. Everyone could see their eyes darting from head to head. Gauging their threat. The boys weren’t too worried about anyone here. Well except for Max. The bionic girl had barely finished her sentence and Sam was already rushing to get an apple. He started eating while he held it with his two hands. “Sam!” Elizabeth yelled for the whole cafeteria to hear. The man couldn’t help how he ate, sure. But she didn’t give him permission. She hadn’t told him to eat the apple. For half a minute there was a raging fire in her eyes as she looked down on her lawyer. Who quickly and shamefully put down the apple and didn’t move anymore. The raging inferno behind Elizabeth’s eyes vanished as quickly as it came as she turned back to Max. “Thank you for your hospitality.” She said with her usually, trained, sweet voice. After which she simply went to get a glass of water. The lawyer hadn’t moved an inch still.

Then Charlotte appeared. In a wetsuit no less. Everyone was sitting here, having breakfast. While she was already hard at work? She liked Charlie already. Maybe she could convince her to come work for Camwell Conglomerates. There was always room for hard workers. Her unwavering eyes only made Elizabeth want her more. “Ah… I’m afraid my mother has fallen very ill. Cancer. Inoperable.” She had practiced that sentence for months on end in front of a mirror and perfected it against so many business partners of her mom. It became the usual response. A dog of Pavlov sort of thing. People ask about her mother and she says that her mother has inoperable cancer. It sounded as if Elizabeth felt bad. But it barely raised her pulse. “But I haven’t come just to visit.” Now her pulse raised a little. “I’ve come to make an offer.” One you cannot refuse, she mentally added. “Ten million for the island. And a million for everyone working here if you agree.” She said loud enough so everyone in the hall could hear it. Elizabeth hadn’t been wasting her time in the cafeteria. Some wouldn’t need the money. But there were others. For a second her eyes looked over Charlotte’s shoulder straight at Naomi. She looked very young. Young enough to have student debt. Young enough to believe that a million could really help her out. The million per worker was not just an act of charity. There were always people strapped for cash. They were her seeds should Charlotte refuse. Sooner or later someone would voice their desire for a million. Money was such a versatile tool.

Besides, the girl looked kind of cute. Her eyes focused back on Charlotte. “So what do you say?” Elizabeth was positively beaming right now. There was certainly something predatory about everything she said so far.
@GreivousKhan I can say with certainty that Aivira will come in to take him to Aurax for safe-keeping against the current established Senate. As said, Aivira is fiercly loyal and will send out people to find the Emperor's children or anyone who is close family of the Emperor.
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