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2 yrs ago
Current The longer you spend awake the less time you spend asleep.
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4 yrs ago
Every hour spent not eating is an hour spent getting hungrier.
5 yrs ago
Cats are like dogs. Except dogs are better.
5 yrs ago
Oh boy! Oh BOY! It's almost time for MHW: Iceborne.
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5 yrs ago
Fresh and juicy


I'm just some filthy Australian.

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I'll not be including riders in this game. At least not the riders that use kinship stones to ride baby monsters. That being said, in this RP you will be able to tame and ride adult monsters. Though some creatures are unnameable such as Rajang, Deviljho and Tigrex.
Sounds great welcome to the island!
Hogan looked up as Arthur addressed him, he was talking about the time? What was Hogan supposed to know about that, the only important time is feeding time. Hogan simply let out a low rumble in response to Arthur. Hogan then looked away and opened up his mouth to vent out some heat, a hiss escaped his mouth as he let out heat he'd a acquired from being cooped-up in the van. He listened as Arthur ran through the places they could go, some of them sounded nice like the Hillwood garden thing. Then Arthur said how he wanted to give Hogan some time to enjoy himself on this Roosevelt island, and it sounded like a good enough place. Islands had water around them which meant Hogan could have a nice swim.

Hogan let out what could be interpreted as a happy gargle, or a worried one, well honestly is just sounded like a gargle. Though Hogan's little gargling noise stopped when he felt the van start to move, he then slowly closed his mouth and shifted a little in the back of the van. He hoped Roosevelt island was close.

Unfortunately the midday traffic made the trip much longer than Hogan would've liked, and he was considering trying to bust out of the van but that would make a lot of annoying problems. And he'd have to deal with those problems while feeling sick and that was just a horrible thought. By the time they'd reached the parking lot Hogan was looking a little more green than usual and had his head tilted to the side, his mouth open slightly. His murky yellow eyes looked up at Arthur as the man spoke. Normally he'd protest to something like performing tricks or pretending to be trained. Mostly because he wasn't trained and was too lazy to do tricks. But he was honestly feeling too sick to make a fuss and just slowly nodded then dragged his butt out of the van, plopping onto ground in a massive scaly heap.

The armor Aya picked up managed to save her from taking a lot more damage, though the claws of Mori still caused a gnarly amount of damage. Not only had her first plan failed but now she was on a clock, blood loss would surely incapacitate her if she didn't treat it quick. And she doubted that Mori would just sit there and let her patch herself up. But the wolf bow wasn't done following his claw attack with a swift kick to her midriff. The boy was indeed strong, facing off against Zion was more then enough proof of that. Speaking of Zion, it looked like he was about to roar! Aya didn't know the roar would be so mighty until it actually happened, and from her position on the ground she covered her ears, though the sound was still great.

What was this wolf boy made of? He was still standing after a noise such as that!? God she might have underestimated how tough this kid was, though she just needed to touch him. But his speed made that next to impossible, maybe she could get him to touch her instead. If he got her into any kind of grapple she could surely get a hand on him. And the heroes were brought up not to kill, so maybe she could work that to her advantage.

Aya got back into a fighting stance, using a hand to clutch the area Mori's claws had slashed. Her ears were still ringing from Zion's mighty roar but it wasn't enough to keep her down. After a short moment she smirked slightly and flipped Mori the bird, she was pretty sure that this would goad the seemingly hot headed boy into another attack. She just needed to be better read for his insane speed this time, because if the attack was anything but a grapple she couldn't afford to get hit by it.
@SmileyJaws we are still taking on players yes. So you're free to join in.
yes it is. Feel free to take the link to the OOC. The games not started yet, I'm still working on a few things. But you are welcome to join.
You just have to survive for a few days/weeks, in game as said creature.
@Skwint @GarlandDaHero @KatKook Just in case you'd not seen the above post.
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