Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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Normally I don't want to spoil to the surpirse, but I find honest the best policy to getting shit done when bold face lies taken at face value doesn't do the trick.

But Fran isn't actually going to summon Titanica, but an illusion of her, because Fran is well aware of the destructive potential of Titanica and hopes to use the bluff of total annihilation to make Helena go all out on the radioactive monster, which may or may not give Fran an opening to actually get to Helena or whatever the objective of this battle really is.

You really dont wanna piss Titanica off as much as she is...

Otherwise you may feel the BURNING SENSATION of death.
@TheWindel Ok, Ill stop asking.

Quick question, nearly done with my post, but where is Titanica?

She and Zeruel are under rock after Khaine blew up the ceiling. Zeruel is dead. Titanica isnt but she's buried for the time being.

Summoning Titanica

One cannot simply just SUMMON Titanica.

(lowkey want her to bust out in the last minutes of the battle in her human form and then just scooch outta there but then again I did say to Windel that Ill be sticking to my guns, so idk, depends if it may be possible or not)

Because sword rain.

Imagine that.


*Mind blows*

*Replaces mind with new brain*
@Banana Why did you break the line of comedy...?
@Banana You ameteurs...

@thewizardguy I will give Toradora a watch, I've been meaning to do so regardless anyways.

Toradora, Kill la Kill, Log Horizon, Durarara, Trigun, and Black Lagoon.

All of which were excellent. Although, of all of them, Toradora was most likely my favourite ^-^

Now Ive heard of all of these, but actually watched 4 out of 6. Bolded ones are those I haven't seen yet (or properly).

But I can say this:

Gud taste.

Kill La Kill is a favorite of mine.

Log Horizon is pretty good.

Trigun is excellent (hell one person even mentioned I could cosplay as Bash the Stampede if given proper effort)

And Black Lagoon is also great, the dubbing for it is EXCELLENT (Kill La Kill as well, but either way still, Balalanka and Revy's performances were top notch. While Ryuko's voice was on par, I felt like Satsuki was a little off from the original japanese voice portrayal, which I love to death as well)
Lyra Steppon

As Lyra descends upon the monster with her massive switch axe, it appeared as if she was foolish enough to go in without expecting a counterattack from it. Indeed, before her blade met the creature's dark-blue skin, she would get slammed towards the ground by the Jak Jak's massive tail. The strength of the tail almost knocked the breath from the overconfident hunter as she finds her self pinned by it.

"Ghhhgh!" Lyra groans as she tries to squiggle out of the massive armored tail, "That's friggin' smarts!"

Meanwhile around her, the rest of the hunters began to open fire and attempt to slash at the dragon. Some succeeded in getting a hit on her, mostly those coming from the ranged hunters and from the person with the armored horn, while some weren't so lucky. However, surprisingly to Lyra, just these intro hits put the massive beast into a rage of fury! Of course such a monster would get mad by getting hit several times on such a caliber, but this quickly?

With a mighty roar, the Jak Jak charges into the hunters in front of her, which also causes Lyra to roll right into the frigid snow, pummeling head first. As she slowly gets up, her head began to turn for a quick moment before finally snapping to her senses. She clenches to her switch axe as she watches the creature from a distance, attempting to figure out where she'll do next. She sees that the creature is making another charge towards two hunters. There was no time to loose. Judging her distance between the beast and the hunters, perhaps she can intercept one of the beast's legs before it stops. She runs diagonally between it and the other two hunters, running as fast as she can, before being only several meters from the line of a steaming organic locomotive of a beast. Then using her axe, she swings it at the creature's front leg, hoping that it'll stop her advance and have it topple to the ground.

Lyra can only hope.
Just a reminder, my characters are out of the picture for now. They'll reappear after this whole thing ends.
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