Avatar of Lmpkio


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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Most Recent Posts

@Scarlet Loup Ransom and Pandora look cool! A former outlaw will definitely help fend off any weary bandits or creatures, and the Galli will allow him to scout out areas fairly quickly.

Both are accepted!
@Searat Both Morgan and Shelly look awesome! I see some fun scenes with them and the posse.

Farmer boi and his living tank are accepted - put them in the CS once the main RP is up.

I'll see about getting the RP up within a few days if this keeps up. Can't wait!
Oh! And I almost forgot, I should also ask that you guys put what species your creature is. Ik you've referred to it in the Character profile, but its just for consistency. I'll add it to the Creature CS for you guys to look over.

Edit: Added to Creature profile sheet.
@DangerousDM (Note: For everyone else, this is the second character I referred to in my last post.)

As mentioned in DMs, Claire and Brutus are good to go! Our first Cenezoic animal in the posse!

I think Claire and Sarah ought to get along quite nicely.
Btw, a second player has just been accepted through the DMs! That mean we have room for 3 - 4 more additional players before the RP can begin. For those still working on their sheets, or have shown/told me about their ideas, no need to rush on it.
@Searat Ankylosaurids aren’t known for their intelligence, but they are great beasts of burden and heavily armored to protect itself from even the largest of carnivores. Euplocephalus’ clubbed tail could easily break a Rex’s ankle if it isn’t careful. I also would imagine they are often seen on ranches and on journeys too.
@PsyBlade Both are approved! You are free to put them in the CS once the OCC opens.

That's one medium-therapod and a vet added to the posse!

In other news, how's everyone else doing with their character sheets (other than the ones who have already shown me their WIP)?
Btw, if you guys are wondering about my potential character and his/her mount - in which I have a few ideas - I'm simply waiting for at least a few of you guys to do yours before going about mine. Just curious about what you guys have in mind and don't want you to be restricted by whatever I happen to post up.

I'm pretty flexible so don't worry.
<Snipped quote by Searat>

If done right.

However, I trust Lmpkio not to lead us into schlock territory.

"Or will I?"

And hopefully be a bit more scientifically accurate. Dinosaurs are animals, not monsters... most of the time
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