Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
19 days ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic ๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„
2 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
3 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
3 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

The Boned Zone
I have no idea what I'm doing.

@Lord Zee Well, I got diagnosed with diabetes, and graduated high school, so it's had it's ups and downs.
We meet again ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

Japan? Really? Why is it always Japan? Well, it doesn't matter now. He was packed, and ready to go. Alex walked forward through the gate.

After a brief tingling feeling, he found himself in front of an old abandoned looking mansion. Thing must've been hundreds of years old, if not thousands. Just looking at the thing got his inner archeologist all exited. Old things were the coolest thing to Alex. Even old people. The things they've withstood over time, the secrets and stories the held, all of this drew Alex like a magnet.

At first glance, the place was covered in moss, vines, possibly some sort of ivy? Either way, that definitely added to the cool factor for him. He then looked towards the doors, a blonde man with a cane. He loomed stern, with almost a scowl, but more of an expectant look. Perhaps he'd be the one teaching? That reminded him, what exactly would they be learning? Well aside from magic. He hoped silently for a history class. The history of this place intrigued him, though he had to say that, if there was going to be any history, it's probably going to be about magic and its origins. Well, that could be fun, too.

Alex stood patiently, waiting for the others.
Ey b0ss, I'm in.

Join them, huh? Well, he might as well. Only other option was to take out another student loan and keep going to school. Well, this was basically the same thing, minus the debt, and progress towards a degree. Then again, he's also already here, and getting back was likely going to be a hassle, seeing as they're in some unknown location.

"Well, I don't see why not. I really don't have anything better to do. Also, where are we exactly? Did we go through some interdimensional teleportation to a different plane? Or are we just on some uncharted remote island in the middle of an Ocean?"

He then suddenly thought that all that time playing D&D might actually pay off here. Knowing of planar travel, and other magical BS might actually be of use here. Then again, this isn't much like D&D, seeing as it's present day, except for that one guy in robes. Although that might be a good idea for a campaign. Huh.

Well, guess he'd do more waiting. Wasn't really much else to do, 'Cept maybe wander off. He'd probably get lost doing that, though. Then again, getting lost for him was half the fun. But instead, he chose to wait, standing around until everybody had inevitably spoken up, asked questions, and possibly reveal unlikable parts of their personality.

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