Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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1 mo ago
Current I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
1 mo ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
2 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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2 mos ago
*Saxophone solo*
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3 mos ago
Remember when people used to buy ringtones? I don't think I've taken my phone off vibrate in like a decade.


"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

I'll get a cs up in a bit hopefully. Gonna try out an elven fighter.

But at the same time I do love to play as an occultist.
I'll hop on

Seth watched as the other two picked their pokemon. He thought they looked pretty cool, or at the very least matched the trainers in some way. Scraggy had baggy... pants? Skin? Like his trainer, and the Shroomish was a grass type, matching the very... natural feeling of the other.

But what would he get? And would it suit him? Only one way to find out. He closed his eyes and stuck out his hand and grabbed the first pokeball he touched. He sent out the pokemon and opened his eyes.

"Oh hell to the yes."

Before him stood a Scyther, a very powerful pokemon from what he knew. Whether it was just a stroke of luck or fate itself, this was going to be his partner. He looked up and down at the Scyther. It seemed to be in relatively good shape. Its "Claws" looked a little dull, but that was to be expected. Other than that, he was in great shape.

He noticed the Scyther looking back at him, curiously. He seemed relieved, yet slightly annoyed. Was he relieved to finally be leaving? Was he annoyed that Seth picked him? Seth didn't know. But what he did know, was that his adventure just got a whole lot better.

Then Seth thought of how it matched him. Well, he wasn't quite a Mantis scythe wielding monster. Perhaps it could be his catalyst for being a reckless adventurer or something. Yeah that's it! Its gotta be. Or maybe... there's a side to this Scyther he doesn't know yet?

Seth looked around at the Lab. Or, at least that's what the professor called it. His attention turned to the paper that was given to him. He didn't quite pay attention to what was being said. Something about writing something down about yourself?

Looking at what the other two had written, he instead saw a couple of pictures instead. A mushroom and some traits, or at least, that's what he thought they were, while the other was a picture of... themself? And cartoony looking trees surrounded her. Was he supposed to draw something? He could've sworn there was something else he was supposed to do. He scratched his head in confusion.

Picking up the pencil, he pondered on what to write. He could go the low road and just draw a dickbutt or something. He'd write out something more elaborate, but he didn't exactly have a lot of time. Eventually he ended up drawing a picture of a knight in armor from one of his favorite games. Next to it he wrote "A lover of adventure and fantasy, trying to see the good in everyone"

He put down the pencil and looked at everybody else. Hopefully that was enough, he didn't want to leave a bad first impression.
I have the diabeetus.

His eyelids were getting really heavy now. He began leaning on his quarterstaff for support before his senses dulled. He heard... Arguing and something about a sword? Whatever man.

Milon snapped to attention as he felt his leg give out underneath him. He gripped his quarterstaff as he began falling. Landing on his knee, he let out a surprised yelp. "Who? What? Oh, right. Yeah, I've got nothing better to do. Or do I? I don't remember anymore."

He stood up before he stretched his arms and yawned before cracking his knuckles. Looks like everyone was heading out. "So, uh... Do we have a plan yet? I wasn't quite paying attention. We're going after some guy right? And wasn't there something about a sword?" He shook his head. "For now let's just go outside. I need a smoke." He held his head and turned towards the door. Still a little drowsy from his near-sleep experience, he shuffled his feet the whole way before finally reaching the outside.

Seth lazily opened his eyes as he sat up from his bed. He yawned as as he stretched his limbs. His eyes suddenly widened. "Aw, shit. It's today."
Seth groaned as he dragged himself out of his bed. He looked over to a chair in the corner of his room. His beanie and backpack sat there. He walked over and put on his beanie. He'd always been fond of them. He never knew why. Just one of those things, he guessed.

He looked in his pack. It was all the stuff he had prepared earlier in the week. Those few days really went by fast. Inside was just general stuff. An extra set of clothes, snacks, water, money, that kind of stuff. He put on a jacket and backpack and began to head outside. "Bye dads! I'm heading to the proffesor!" No response. Did they leave already? Or maybe they just didn't want to see him go. Oh well.

About 15 minutes later...

Seth arrived at the lab where a couple other people seemed to be waiting. "Hey now." He raised a hand and waved. Was this everyone? He expected a few more than this, but it was whatever. Hopefully they could get started soon. He's always liked adventure games, though he guessed this would be far more grueling than this. Though he supposed fighting monsters wouldn't be to far off. Maybe he should've brought a weapon or something. Oh well. No magic either, that kind of sucked.
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