Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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1 mo ago
Current I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
2 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
2 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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2 mos ago
*Saxophone solo*
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3 mos ago
Remember when people used to buy ringtones? I don't think I've taken my phone off vibrate in like a decade.


"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Turn 3

Climate Change

Yeagnasae tosses and turns once more... in a fuss, the elements begin to assume chaotic forms...

Actions: Shape Climate - Arctic cold 2 points each for a total of 8 points.

4c, 5c, 6c, 5b

Shape Land - Glaciers, 3 points each, for 6 points total

4b, 6b

The land begins to freeze, as water turns to ice, and all current life begins to die or migrate.

2/16 points remain.
Sure, what's the worst that could happen?
Turn 2

The Sound of Silence...

The goddess Yeagnasae turns in her sleep once more... but there don't seem to be any effects for now.

(No actions taken)


The girl, the myth, the memelord.

It had been three whole days since they left town. Annie, being the Archeologist extraordinaire that she was, was very used to this kind of thing, though her trips usually didn't last more than a week as she traveled from place to place. Neon sat behind her, keeping a lookout for any trouble as he usually does. Neon used to control the reigns, but the sun shining off of his armor was blinding, so they switched places.

The days followed mostly the same pattern. Travel, eat, sleep. Pretty norm as l all things considered. Fortunately, there was some good news: Donny had been found, and he was alive. Or at least, that's what Simon's robot friend told them. Unfortunately, Simon didn't have the foresight to ask said robot friend to actually bring him back. But Annie knew she'd probably do the same thing.

By the third day, it looked like they were getting doubts about their traveling route. Or at least, Jules seemed to think so. "Well, if you're feelin' lost, maybe Neon and I could take look at the map. We're pretty good at that, all things considered." And they were. For once, this was something Annie was actually better at than Neon. Comes with the territory of being an archeologist, she imagined. Though Neon knew that with Annie at the helm, there would probably be more than a few detours, all in the name of "Oh that looks cool".
Turn 1

The Elements Stir...

Yeagnasae, the goddess of the Elements sits in a deep slumber. As she tosses and turns, the world begins to shift.
In a land to the northwest, the elements begin to manifest themselves in new ways...

Shape climate (Heat) (2 points each)
5e, 5f, 6e, 6f

The air grows warm and humid, giving rise to lush greens and rain. Plant life seems to be flourishing.

0/8 points remain.
Ten days waiting


Just a girl and her socks.

Neon had done a pretty stellar job setting up the tent. Well, mostly anyways. There were a few things that still needed to be done, but they didn't take long. It was pretty amazing how such a relatively large tent could fit into the size of a sleeping bag. But at last the large green tent was set up. It was rectangular in shape, and the top was flat, but was a solid head above Annie.

Before stepping inside, Annie retreated to Slow Ride and grabbed a large, light blue blanket. The blanket had an Eagle on it, it's wings fully extended and talons ready to strike. Annie had actually bought this for Neon, but he never uses it, so she decided to take it upon herself to wield the oversized blanket herself. Taking it inside, Annie laid the blanket down on the tent's floor before inviting everyone else over. "Hey y'all! Tent's finished! Come on in!"


How in the actual hell did they manage to lose an unconscious person of all things? Someone wandering off was one thing, but an unconscious person? Well, whatever. The light from his lantern was modest at best, but it should be more than enough to look for Donny.

He had said a hundred feet, but he had likely gone double that. The endless shifting sands seemed daunting. If it wasn't for Slow Ride and the other horses, this desert probably would've killed them. Annie almost certainly so.

The wind began to pick up, and sand began to stir. Not enough to cause a terrible storm, but enough to cause a bit of blindness. Not a good sign. Neon decided here would be a good point to start a perimeter. A square around the area should be fine.

The walk was, for the most part, uneventful. No Donny, or any signs of life for that matter. There might've been a scorpion or something under a rock nearby, but nothing that would cause alarm. That is, until Neon heard the sound of metal against metal at his feet. Illuminating the area at his feet, something silver reflected the light of his lantern. Bending over and scooping up the object, he dusted it off and held it closer to the light.

It was a silver flask, rectangular with rounded corners, and with a large fish engraved on one side. It's scales were intricately detailed, and had wispy fins on it's side and head, and it's V-shaped tail trailed behind it. There was a single, large letter written on the other side. An "S" was written in calligraphy. It didn't look too terribly old, but he wasn't the Archeologist. Maybe Annie would have a better idea about it. Speaking of which, he should probably head back, it looks like he wouldn't be finding Donny. With a new flask in hand, Neon walked back to the light of the campfire, and the big green tent.
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