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The Sun That Fell

60 BA


When the onslaught of trolls came crashing down upon humanity, there were those who looked for guidance from the gods. Prayers unheard, lost to the echoes of time, forgotten and uncared for. Even as Oraelia slept, the people prayed to her for help, for compassion from the monsters in the night. They fell upon deaf ears, but such prayers were easily answered. There came a man, whose name was forgotten, remembered, changed, forgotten again. Yet his message remained. He who wielded the Oaken Branch, who could heal grevious wounds of the flesh- He who spoke for Oraelia when she had no voice.

He told the people of the land, “Does not the Sun Mother answer our prayers with the rising of the sun? Are we blinded in her light? Left fumbling like we do in the dark? No! This is her gift to us! That we might grow in the light of her sun! That we might be healed by her warmth! She gave this staff to my grandfather as a token of her affection, so that we can live! So that we may thrive! She may be silent to us, but her Sunlight never will!”

It took years for his message to take root within their hearts, and long after his flesh was bones did it finally bore fruit. The message of his sermon brought about a beautiful city. Born in the Highlands, built pebble by pebble, stone by stone, all under the light of Oraelia’s sun. For it was her light that banished the Trolls in the day, her light that turned them to stone, her light that allowed life to flourish. They faced many threats, from trolls to the abominations, but never faltered in the face of uncertainty. How could they? The sun always rose.

Until it didn’t.

It was any other day.

The festival of the Bright One was in full swing. From sunrise to sunrise, the city of Solaria was bustling with merriment in the celebration of life. Beneath the statue of Oraelia, who stood tall over the four, was showered with gifts she could never see. Her gilded statue pointed to the sun when it rose, ushering in a new day. But now, the sun was setting in Solaria and behind her head did it sink on the horizon. Throughout the streets, the celebration continued on. Druids spoke of their travels, craftsmen bartered for goods, artisans created art as children laughed at plays. Common folk and royalty mingled with one another, sharing in drink and food, for all were equal under the sun.

Solaria had stood as a beacon of light and hope in the Highlands, far removed from the corruption and decay of Keterfa while still maintaining trading routes of goods. It was a city of wealth, for in the shadow of the mountain, they had found minerals and ores ripe for the taking. Chief among that was a silvery metal that could be added with copper to produce bronze. They called it tin. Thus, trade was established with the city to the north, Acadia.

Long had that trade route been established, for Acadia depended on Solaria for much, and in return, Acadia provided weapons. It was a relationship born of necessity, but both prospered from it.

It was the watchers on the wall that noticed it first as the sun sank into the night. A nameless mass moving from the southeast, dark shapes large and numerous. A few had their suspicions, and many more just wanted their shifts to end. It was probably just a roaming pack of Quillats, or so they thought. It wasn’t until the mass made a beeline for the city that they realized their mistake.

Accompaniment II

It was the outskirts that came under attack first, before the warning bells could even be struck and when they did, the city quieted for just one moment, before hysteria broke out. Guardsmen began to run off to their homes, for they would be needed.

Distant fires erupted amongst the fields outside the walls, as masses of people began to flee towards the gates. There was screaming and shouting, followed by the first of the attackers.

The abominations of man.


Guardsmen boldly defended against the first wave of monsters, trying to save as many as they could, but then the call was shouted.


More panic ensued, there were still more people coming!


The great wooden doors began to shut, people were forced back as the last few lucky ones got through. With a resounding boom, hope died for those that remained outside. Then the horde came, and they were murdered before supposed salvation.

A desperate battle began, as the Iskrill began to climb. There were thousands of them, all in various shapes and sizes of grotesque hideousness. Solaria’s guards fought valiantly against the tide, but they were caught unaware with little preparation and the flood of enemies overwhelmed them. Devoured where they fell, broken apart by vicious teeth and claws. For the Iskrill did not care about battle or war, they simply hungered and so the ramparts ran red.

As the tide of Iskrill entered the city from over the walls, the gates were broken by their strongest hunters, allowing the sack of Solaria- No, the slaughter of Solaria to commence. Many put up a brave fight. Druids prayed to their gods for powers, magicians unleashed their powers in climatic force, while normal folk died in droves. The Iskrill were impartial to what they ate, for their hunder induced a feeding frenzy so absolute, not even children were spared.

The statue of Oraelia remained silent as her city was devoured. Eyes ever ahead on the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise.

But the people of Solaria would never see it.


Oraelia found herself alone after a time. Gibbou had left her for now, Genesis was still asleep and she found herself often busy fixing and helping mortal issues. Slowly she began to crave a conversation, mix up her current predicament. Her mind began to wonder on just who to contact. There was… Enmity but that didn't feel right. She needed someone who was more life than machine. There was Yamat but then again she suspected he had been the one to bring tornadoes to her prairie. There was no one else who had been there. There was Firinn but he was just too… Emotionless.

Then it clicked with her and she reached out to her younger sister. She felt her familiar presence and spoke into her mind. "Evandra love! How have you been?" she asked.

“Is that you Oraelia? I’ve been doing better since Cadien woke me up. Are you speaking from your Realm?”

Hearing her voice was a breath of fresh air, and Oraelia, from where she sat on her porch, stood up and leaned on the railing. ”Indeed I am!” she said to Evandra, ”Would you care to visit?” she asked, perhaps a little too aggressively.

“Of course. There’s little to do here in any case.” Evandra stood up from her bed and made her way to Antiquity. She passed by each portal until she could feel Oraelia’s presence and entered her Realm. The scenery that greeted her was nothing short of breathtaking. Lush green, flowers blooming in varying colors and birds singing. All of this was accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves and a flowing stream nearby. “Goodness, this place is…” She let out as she took it all in. She was then attacked by Oraelia, who had zoomed to her in her domain form before changing at the last second to hug her sister fiercely.

”Evandra! I missed you!” she said.

“Wha-” The sudden appearance of her sister startled Evandra. She recovered from the surprise and let out a giggle as she returned the hug. “I missed you dearly as well, Oraelia.”

”You said Cadien woke you up? Does that mean you slept as well?” Oraelia asked, rubbing her cheek with her own before pulling back to look at her.

“Yes. After I built my Realm I fell into a deep slumber. I don’t know how much time passed while I was in the void, but by the time he woke me up it had already been two millenia. It wasn’t a comfortable sleep either. How did you fare since the exile?”

”I was pulled into a dreamless sleep. I felt nothing until I awoke. Nothing at all.” she put a hand on Evandra’s cheek, ”I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t comfortable. I believe everyone had a different experience. Some stayed awake… Others slept. But… We’re here now and awake.” she said, giving a small smile.

“Yes, we are. And that’s what matters now.” Evandra returned the smile. “So, aren’t you going to invite me into your home?”

”Of course! But we must be quiet, you see, a young Goddess stays with me. Though she is divine, she is but a child in mind and right now, she is taking a nap.” Oraelia said.

“You share your Realm with another? Alright, I’ll make sure to not raise my voice.”

”Well… She has her own but I seem to have taken responsibility for her. I’d feel bad leaving her alone, you know.” she said, grabbing Evandra’s hand and leading her over a small hill that overlooked the distant cabin.

“What’s her name? And what does she represent?”

”Her name is Genesis, she is the tree that sat upon Galbar so long ago. Her domain is of nature, and plants. She pretty much is a plant.” Oraelia said, talking as she walked.

“So that tree was banished as well. Or at least her consciousness. I remember seeing it from your Sun when I was born, but I never met it in person.”

”Perhaps you can! Err… At least one day, she’s probably still sleeping.” Oraelia said as they walked up the steps. She opened the door and let Evandra walk in and then followed behind her. ”It’s nothing much, Evandra. I’m sure others have magnificent palaces and castles, but those don’t really fit me.” Oraelia said.

“Don’t put yourself down, your realm is truly beautiful. Mine is mostly barren in comparison.” She stated as she moved deeper into the house. She peered into one of the rooms and saw a little girl sleeping on a bed. “So that’s her. I didn't think she’d be so small.”

Oraelia chuckled quietly. ”You’d think that, coming from such a large tree, but here she is.”

Evandra went inside and stood beside the bed and stared at Genesis’ sleeping face. “She looks so peaceful. I’m almost a little envious.” She spoke in a quiet voice.

”There is peace here, sister. If you wish to take a nap, you may do so. I will keep watch over you.” Oraelia mused.

“Thank you for the offer, but I slept enough already. I only wish my slumber had been as peaceful.”

Oraelia put a reassuring touch upon Evandra’s shoulder. ”I know that feeling… But come, let us leave her to sleep.” Oraelia suggested.

“Yes.” Evandra replied succinctly and they both left the room. Looking through a window Evandra once again saw the many trees that lined the Realm. “Do these trees bear fruit, Oraelia?”

Oraelia followed her gaze. ”Yes, some do. As well as bushes and shrubs. Why do you ask?”

“I was wondering if I could eat some of them. I miss their taste and I can only have the berries I made with Cadien.”

”Oh of course! Let’s go!” Oraelia said, guiding her out the backdoor and over to the treeline, ”What berries did you make with Cadien?” she eventually asked as the two wandered over to a small grove of fruit bearing greenery.

“I called them Evening Bells. Dark red berries that grow on bushes with red leaves. We made them as a way to give humans intellect and emotion, but they’re also very sweet. Since you’ll let me have some of your fruits then I’ll give you some of my berries as well.” She clasped her hands together near her chest and then extended them to Oraelia. A handful of Evening Bells lay on her now open palms. “Here. Help yourself.”

Oraelia took one and plopped it into her mouth. She chewed, a pleasant look springing across her face as she swallowed. ”Oh my, very sweet indeed! How exactly did they give humans intelligence and emotion though? They just ate them and got those things?” she asked, taking another.

“The effect on one’s intelligence is particular to humans, but the berries can make even Gods bloom with emotion. It’s just not as noticeable on us unless we eat several of them.”

Oraelia paused as she held a fourth berry over her mouth. ”How many does it take? What kind of emotion?” she asked, titling to her head forward to look at Evandra.

“About half a dozen. And the emotions may vary, but in particular it makes one passionate.”

”Passionate about what?” Oraelia asked softly.

“About things, about others. You might find yourself enraptured by a flower’s beauty or fall madly in love with a stranger. I poured my essence into these berries, so to eat them is to feel how I feel, even if for a few moments.” Evandra said with a smile. “So, dear sister. Care to find out how you fare?”

Oraelia eyed the berry between her finger and thumb, then back to Evandra, before plopping it in her mouth. ”I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” she said with a smile as she grabbed a handful more and ate them. She swallowed and then looked around. ”I don’t really… Really… Feel…” her words came to a stop as she burst into an even brighter glow. She looked around with renewed vigor. ”Evandra!” she gasped. ”Look at all this beautiful life!” she giggled, before turning her intense gaze on Evandra. She moved in close and then touched her sister’s nose. ”Haha boop!” She then grabbed her hand and began to run off, ”Come on come on! I want to view the flower fields!”

Evandra’s smile widened at her sister’s display. “Yes, let’s go.” She followed her sister, giggling all the way. The two then raced over to a field of bright yellow tall grass and flowers every color under the sun. Oraelia flicked her wrist and the grass shrank some, letting the flowers into full bloom. She walked up to a vivid blue poplar and took a great sniff before sighing happily. Golden tears pooled in her eyes, ”Oh with passion I see, the beauty laid out before me.” she whispered in a melodic fashion.

Evandra knelt beside her and gave the flower a sniff as well. The sweet floral scent gave her a noticeable blush. “How lovely this is.” She then looked at Oraelia. The elated look on her face made her more beautiful than ever. “So, how does it feel to see things my way?”

Oraelia fell upon her back in the grass and laughed. ”Oh it’s wonderful! Everything is so… so alive and so bright. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, if that’s even a thing. Eva, is-is this what passon entails?” she cooed, as she looked up at the blue sky.

“It’s one of its aspects.” She said hanging over Oraelia. “Do be careful with it, however. Indulge too much in passion and you might just become addicted to it.” She playfully touched Oraelia’s nose. “Boop.” And let out a giggle.

Oraelia grinned as she focused her eyes on Evandra. ”Can a god become addicted to such things?” she questioned. ”Wouldn’t that be… Silly?”

“Don’t you like the way you feel now? Wouldn’t you like to stay like this forever?”

”I like it but this is your domain… Life, as much as I want it to be, can’t always be full of passion.” she sat up and said quickly, ”That’s not to say it shouldn’t exist. It has a place in the world and for that I am thankful for you. I love you Evandra, I want you to know that.” she said, smiling.

“I love you as well, Oraelia.” She leaned in close and gave her sister a kiss on the cheek then embraced her.

Oraelia returned the embrace, glowing a tad brighter after the kiss. ”Would you…” Oraelia whispered, ”Cloud gaze with me?”

“Of course.” Separating themselves, the two Goddesses laid on their backs to watch the clouds, not minding the time.

@ItMeGritty If I recall, you expressed interest in MK3. This is not MK3 and you said you like two things and never popped up again.
Birth in Blood II

In that dimly lit hall, Nalla sat upon a throne, eyes shut as she let her thoughts drift. The chief’s throne, or chair really, but to her it was a throne. She had claimed it in his… Death. It reminded her of the King in Ketrefa’s throne, sitting surrounded by his court of highborns. Oh how the thought was delightful. Delicious. Intoxicating. To be there, and not… She opened her eyes to view the room. Musty, wooden, old and stained. Granted, most of the stains were from her. In fact, most of the room was coated in the dark stain that was blood. She sighed, and leaned on her hand as she pouted.

It had been going so well… Then Hekti decided to kill himself in the sun. Lesson learned. Then when she had grown hungry, Tesil’s memories flashed before her. Her final moments, what she had felt as Nalla stuck her blade in her, over and over again. Did she regret killing her sister? Did it make her feel bad for what she put her through? The vampiress giggled at the thought. It was an annoying part of her newfound power, but she did relish those feelings. The helplessness, the anger, turning to hatred, fading, fading, fading- Until she was but a corpse. Call it an intuition, but Nalla wasn’t keen on murdering anyone else, no matter how much she wanted to. There was no telling if more memories would pop up and her sister’s were quite enough. As such, creativity was key when it came to drowning her thirst with blood.

Nalla lifted up her sister’s skull from the side of the chair. Cleaned and cut, she now used it as a goblet when she drank. She took a sip of the day old blood. It had cooled, becoming room temperature but she drank regardless. Every drop was precious, for her stock was running low- again. She put the skull down and got up, twirling her way over to where her stock hung. Village folk, brought for ‘dinner’ with the chief, now used as her own personal blood bodies. There was Petyr, the strapping young hunter, Yiosalda, the lovely blond haired, blue eyed village looker and Hansa, the brunette who had gone after Hekti, plus she was her sister’s best friend. Petyr was out cold, for Nalla had enjoyed his taste the night before, but Yiosalda and Hansa were very aware. Each struggled to break the rope they were ensnared by, gags muffling their screams. Nalla liked the fear in their eyes, it was so… Welcoming. She toyed with Yiosalda by licking her throat as she hugged her from behind. The girl struggled, but could do no damage to her. Next she went before Hansa, who looked at her with such hate it brought a shiver down Nalla’s spine. She slapped Hansa, sending the girl out cold. She wiped her hand and then called out, “Yensen! Come here please!”

It hadn’t been easy, fabricating the lie. When she had been found in the chief’s house, unable to leave because of the sun, it had been Yensen and three other village men who looked upon her with a mix of disgust and fear. She had told them what happened, the tragic story of Chief Ronton, his ‘wife’ Tesil and wayward son, Hekti. A tragic episode in the village’s history, but she had survived by the grace of the gods, and given powers to lead them. They hadn’t believed her until she had broken the arm of one of the men in a flash. Who were they to go against the gods’ will? So Nalla went about living in the darkness of the chief’s home, who had become sick with fever and his other family members were to remain by his side at all times. Yensen became her trusted ally, for he was easily persuaded by the secret of her power, and she held that secret over him as insurance. Thus, it was his job to keep the village running in the chief’s absence, with the other three men agreeing out of fear. They knew she walked outside at night, after all and they could not leave their homes and run away. Their livelihoods were here, with sheep and foods, so they played along. That brought her back to her blood problem. She needed people to feed her, to be her food, so in her haste for sustenance, she told them to bring those three to her. After they became aware of her nature, Nalla hadn’t realized those she fed off of lost their memory of it. But by that time, it was too late to set them free. No, she had to come up with another solution.

Yensen, the balding man with a feeble build finally arrived in the room. “Yes, Nalla?” he asked, looking down at the floor.

She turned to him and was soon beside him, hand upon his chest, with her lips to his ear. “Yiosalda is looking hungry, feed her would you?”

The man gulped, and nodded slowly. “Of course, Nalla.” he said quietly.

“Good man.” she cooed, before once again sitting down upon her throne.

She watched Yensen leave, returning with a plate of meat and a jug of water. He undid her gag and fed her forcefully. She had tears running down her face as she glared at Nalla. She watched as the girl swallowed a few mouthfuls, but when given a drink she spit the water out at Yensen. In a rare moment of anger, he struck the girl and then gagged her again before leaving the room. Nalla twisted her head, thinking of ways she might feast upon her, without murdering her outright.

She sighed, slumping back into the throne. “What am I going to do with you, Yiosalda? Hansa? Petyr?” she asked herself, taking a sip of blood. “It’s not like I can just kill you outright. Or maybe I could. Who’s to say your memories won’t be added to my hunger? I don’t really want to find out though.” she growled angrily. “I wonder… Perhaps I should pray to find some alleviation.” She sat up and looked at the blond girl again. “Do you pray, Yiosalda? Or should I ask, have you prayed while in your current predicament?” she stood up, and came before her prisoner once again. “Do you think they listen? And if they listen, do you think they care?” Nalla touched her cheek with the palm of her hand. “Oh tsk tsk, did he hurt you? Perhaps you should ask a God to help you?” she smiled wickedly at her before backing up and outstretching her arms. “Who do you think about help? Cadien the allfather? Tekret the Ruler? Evandra of the fire? The Sun Mother? Perhaps, Neiya?” Nalla looked up at the ceiling of the roof, “Can you hear me, Goddess of Love? Can you help me end Yiosalda’s suffering with your touch?” she asked.

A brief pause, a silence before the storm.

Then, as though Nalla had truly called upon the attention of the gods, the air in the room seemed to swell and expand around the gathered, a stiff and cloying grip taking hold of all gathered and swooping down from beyond to occupy the area with its invisible presence. Nalla felt the brush of wind rush through her hair, saw how her hung up captives swayed ever so slightly though nothing had touched them.

Then it spoke. A sultry yet distant voice, worming its way into her mind with overbearing need to be noticed. ”You call for my assistance, Nalla, daughter of Rado and Alina, and in turn, I have come,” there was a sharp pause, and the sensation of the wind brushed against Nalla’s face and cheek, a strange pressure taking root in her mind.
“Is there room in your heart for anyone but yourself? Why would you end another’s suffering?”

Nalla remained stunned, eyes wide with disbelief as the Goddess’ voice spoke. What had she been expecting? She opened herself up to this, hadn’t she? “I…” she began, speaking aloud, “I will not lie to you, oh Goddess… There is little love in my heart but for me. You can see, can’t you? My upbringing? How my parents… Sister… They did not love me. They thought I was broken. So yes, I would end another’s suffering if it brought them peace. Even if I was the one to put them in their place of suffering. Needlessly so, I will admit. These powers…” she looked down at her hands, “I know not if they are a gift or a curse, but I think I’m beginning to suspect. I killed to be in power, to get revenge. I used Hekti to do so. It must be a curse.”

”Broken,” the goddess voiced with a dispassionate tone. ”Pain put you on this path, my dearest. Pain carried you, twisted to anguish and hate. Perhaps you are being tested, my sweet. To endure, and evolve.”

“Have I not already evolved?” she asked, looking at Yiosalda. “I am no longer human, I crave their blood, I’m faster, stronger and I have heightened reflexes. Yet I cannot step outside in the sun, or I die and I cannot go without drinking, and when I do get thirsty, I see my sister’s memories and how she remembered her death. I enjoy them Goddess…” she whispered. “So, if I am being tested… How does one overcome such restraints?”

There was a pause. Had it not been for the presence stifling the air still, one could have thought the divine visitation had ceased. ”You enjoy them, yet you hesitate. The suffering you spread, that you feel forced to spread, it can be eased. All is possible, so long as one opens their heart to my affection.” The pressure on Nalla’s thoughts became overbearing for but a brief moment, and with it rushed a deluge of visions, affection, longing, a horned and pale woman, a taste of ecstasy. As soon as it had begun, it ended.

Nalla fell to her hands and knees, gasping. It delighted her body and mind, the taste given. It would not be forgotten, as it faded but instead, yearned for. “My heart… It can open itself to you… I swear it.” she breathed. “Please… Just let me ease their suffering so that I might enjoy myself. I don’t want to be enslaved by their cruel memories.”

”As you will it, so shall it be, my one and only.” The goddess replied with a growing warmth to her voice, breathing with a heat that could be felt in Nalla’s mind. The wind whipped around her with growing intensity, rustling cloth and debris aggressively. The skull of her sister finally toppled, battered away with the growing force. With the storm growing around Nalla came strange whispers, an endless flood of languages calling for love, revenge, assistance, or clarity, most of which Nalla could only understand by the intent of their words. The visions returned, though not with the same intensity. ”I will always be with you, Nalla, daughter of Rado and Alina, so long as you ask for me, and love me as I do you,” another whisper built to centre itself in her mind. Archaic words, in a language she did not know. Yet she understood. The words to express her affection. ”And as you share your heart with me, I shall share my love with those around you.”

The words registered with her mind, her thoughts and feelings focused on the experience of the Goddess. “Thank you,” Nalla whispered as she got to her feet, “Thank you so much Goddess. I am yours… Forever.” she said, mouthwatering as she looked at the vein in Yiosalda’s neck. The girl squirmed, knowing something had gone terribly wrong… Or terribly right. She tried to scream but the gag muffled her as Nalla approached and whispered the words of affection into her ear, in the language of the ancients. “Goddess, I open my heart to you, bless me with your eternal love.” before sinking her fangs into the girls neck. The girl had already stopped her struggling, breathing heavily and eyes widening as a smile grew on her lips. It was one of happiness - bliss even - and she reacted to Nalla only with the softest of breaths, her gaze locked on a distant mirage only visible to her. And just like that, Yiosalda died peacefully in bliss as Nalla reared back to take a breath as fresh blood poured down the sides of her mouth.

“Thank you again, Goddess. She was delicious.” Nalla smiled happily. The winds stirred around her once again, leaving few moments for the vampiric woman to remain in stillness. A brisk, cold embrace whisked through her hair, grazed her neck and throat. As the whispers returned, for just a brief moment, Nalla felt cold metal clasp around her neck.

Just as quickly, the wind stilled, and the whispers turned silent. The voice of the goddess rang out in her mind. ”Forget me not, my dearest. I am yours, as you are mine. Together, we evolve. There was a last, soft breath brushing against her ears, before the stifling presence seemed to lift from the room all at once, and the heavy feeling set against Nalla’s mind vanished as though it had never been there.

Nalla could not see what was around her neck, but she felt the cold metal and felt the large jewel at its center. She then smiled wickedly. “Together… Forever and ever…” she whispered in the dimly lit room.

Recognised on the Road

It would be generous to call what Lucia and Sanya were walking on a road - it would be polite to call it a path, perhaps. Despite the evident number of tracks and people they passed by, no work had been done along this route to make it safer or more convenient to walk. The highlands weren’t particularly known for being convenient to traverse, naturally, but for such a busy transport vein, it was almost uncanny how nature hadn’t resigned under the stampede of a thousand feet. Joining the two on the path was what looked like a farmer thirty or so paces ahead of them, dragging a stubborn pack stag by a rope about its muzzle, and a pair in white cloaks, about ten paces ahead. They were chatting amongst themselves, giggling every so often.

"...So there I was, staring down the tallest man I'd ever seen. Group of people around us, cheering him on. Oh Sanya you should have seen their faces when my tattoos knocked him out. It was hilarious." Lucia laughed for a moment before scrunching her nose. "Then they said I cheated and I uh… Got run out of that village with only my pride intact. Not the greatest story, I know. I didn't cheat, I'll have you know. They said," and here she imitated a man's voice, "'No weapons, fists only' and my tattoos run to my fists so."

Sanya, for her part, kept her eyes mostly on the people ahead of them, gently touching her spear on the edge of the path as a makeshift walking stick. ”Great story, Lucia,” she replied between breaths as she swatted a particularly intrusive fly out of the sky with her free hand. ”Personally, I’m always for people getting punched. It’s very cathartic. Got any non-violent stories, though?”

Lucia rolled her eyes. "Course I do! I've traveled far and wide and I've seen many things Sanya." Lucia waves her hand out in front of her. "Now there was this one time I nurtured a leon cub back to health and helped kickstart a civilization. Or the one where I grew a Sylphi from a pot. Or perhaps the one about the Luminant?" she asked with a grin.

”A Sylphi?” Sanya queried in turn, casting a glance over her shoulder out of habit before putting her gaze forward at the people ahead. ”Aren’t they from beyond the southlands? No wonder we keep missing each other. I’m the only one who stays put.” she continued with a feigned dramatic sigh. She gave Lucia a look, and a wry, if small, smile.

Lucia put a hand to her head, and pretended to faint, landing on Sanya's shoulder. She looked up at her blinking and said, "Oh how I grow weak from your charm." she said with a laugh. "Admit it, you missed meeee."

Sanya rolled her eyes and sighed sharply, though the smile lingered. ”You’re impossible,” she retorted, a light shrug of her shoulder to force Lucia to walk without support. ”But I suppose it’s nice,” she added after a few moments. ”To be allowed to walk in her majesty’s shadow.” She glanced back to Lucia with the same barb as before, but softened after a few seconds of thought. ”You’re still the talk of the prairie, you know.”

"Am I?" she asked, looking at her nails in an elegant gesture before smiling crookedly at Sanya. "It is my home after all."

”It’s more than that,” Sanya sighed calmly, eyes forward to keep an eye on the winding path. ”You have a way with people. No one in my tribe remembers me, not to mention the Highlands. It’s the same wherever we go - they like you,” There was a brief pause, as Sanya considered her own words. ”Unless you cheat in a fair fistfight, of course.”

Lucia chuckled. "That's fair." she caught up to Sanya and walked next to her. "It can be a blessing and a curse, you know. Most times I can't go anywhere without being remembered or recognized from stories. Though I suppose whenI not recognized I get captured so…" her voice faded away for a moment before returning with vigor. "People remember you. If not your beautiful face then your deeds. You leave an impression good or bad. Mostly good." she said kicking a rock.

”Maybe,” Sanya conceded with a quiet sigh. ”But it might be better this way, anyway. I’m not as good as you with being popular.” she leant over to give Lucia a gentle shove with her shoulder. ”You can do the prancing and twirling, and I’ll do what I’m good at.” With that, she hefted Sorrowsting just a little more than before, underscoring her words as they followed the seemingly endless path through heavy terrain.

"Yeah!" Lucia said, returning the shove in a playful manner. She then looked up at the sky and closed her eyes as the sun hit her face. She then casually said, looking back at Sanya, "You are pretty good at twirling that thing." with a smirk on her lips.

Sanya lifted the spear off the ground, giving it a proper spin in response to Lucia’s words. She sighed quietly to herself not long after. ”I had some time to practice, after all,” she intoned, before returning the hilt of the spear to the ground in tender assistance to her journeying. ”Sometimes I wonder if I could have gone back to another life. If I had listened to…” she paused, either out of bitter memory or trouble recollecting the name. ”...Yaian, instead of doing what I did. Ever so often, Lucia, I just want to stay somewhere nice. Maybe forever.”

Lucia took her free hand within her own, and stopped them both on the path. ”I thought the same once, but you know who I… Lost…” she said sadly. ”Yet, if it had never happened, who knows where I would have ended up and you, I never would have met you that fateful night. This is not to say, maybe you shouldn’t try it for a time. You’ve always wandered Sanya, but there comes a time for rest. Even for stalwart protectors of the innocent. What is it they say…” she said, thoughtfully. Before smiling again. She began to sing a poem softly.

”If ever there was a time,
When you wondered what could be,
Wash that regret away like grime,
And remember that you are free.

Take a chance, make a laugh, do as your heart desires.”

Lucia looked at Sanya and pulled her into a tight hug. Sanya smiled, and returned the embrace with a gentle calm.

“P-pardon,” came a voice. When the two looked ahead again, they found the two druids standing in awe before them, specifically Lucia. Their eyes were clearly affixed to the halo above her head. “A-are you, pray tell, blessed by Heaven’s Eye?”

“The tattoos, Gene! Look at the tattoos! By Macsal!” whispered the other while squeezing her companion’s arm. Lucia looked down at them with a neutral expression.

As they garnered outside attention, Sanya was quick to dislodge herself, apparently not too keen of sharing a moment in the spotlight. Her gaze investigating the two druids, and briefly following their stares towards Lucia, she took a step back with her spear and muttered ”Invite the wolf and it appears.” under her breath.

Lucia glanced at Sanya before turning her attention to the two girls and flashing a smile. "Hello. You two must be druids yes? The clothing gives it away." she mused.

“Ho-hoooooh my gods! Obee, she spoke to us!”

“I know she did Gene - don’t freak her out! Druids?! Oh, oh, wow! No one’s called us -that- yet! We, we, we can’t call ourselves -thaaaat- yet, nooo! We’re still learning!” replied the one called Obee, who was still staring at the halo. She raised a shaking finger to point at it, her companion Gene lowering her head as though she didn’t consider herself worthy to behold Lucia’s presence. “Is that… Are you a helgen?”

"A what? Helgen?" Lucia asked.

The two novices nodded. “Y’know, a holy person! Kaer Togen tells us they’re blessed by the gods themselves, and that they have special powers granted to them.”

“Yeah, yeah!” agreed Gene. “There’s even one to the south of here - they say she’s as beautiful as the sun itself, and that she sings with a voice that captures you in a trance! In two years, we’ll be making our reiygang to see her at the Reiyasblot!”

Sanya, who had initially found the attention bothersome, now seemed to derive some little amount of pleasure from watching the exchange unfold in front of her, a miniscule smirk building on her features. ”Oh, she’s a helgen, alright.” she interjected from the sidelines. ”You’re looking at the daughter of the Sun Mother.”

The two novices stood stunned, casting sideways glances at one another. “Y-you don’t mean…” Obee scanned Lucia’s appearance again. “... Lucia, daughter of the Sun Mother? R-right?”

“Ohmygod,IthinkshemeansLucia,daughteroftheSunMother,” Gene whispered in a single breath. Both immediately cast themselves to the ground, clumsily bumping into each other as the path was rather narrow at this point of the road. “LUCIA, shoot, I mean, GREAT, BLESSED LUCIA! It’s the greatest honour!”

“Such an honour!” Obee echoed.

Lucia shot Sanya a knowing glance as the two prostrated themselves before her. She pointed at her in silence then casually drifted her finger across her own neck before turning back to the druid girls. "Yes, I am Lucia. Daughter of Oraelia, daughter of the sun, second child of the Bright One. You've found me Obee, Gene. How might I assist you this day?" she asked before adding, "Oh yeah, you can get up now."

They remained prostrated. “Gene, she told you to stand up,” whispered Obee.

“I’m not getting up first! You know how disrespectful that is?”

Lucia sighed, before her tattoos erupted from her body and gently wrapped around the two girls. They were then lifted up at the same time. Her tattoos unwrapped themselves and then molded back onto her skin, pulsing. "Remember girls, though you may see me as some helgen figure, it's not polite to keep anyone waiting. Now… let me get a good look at the both of you."

The novice girls stood facing Lucia, eyes trying to look just about anywhere else as to not be disrespectful. They clutched their humble walking staffs like stuffed animals, and the wind had long since blown their hoods off their heads, revealing one plain, pale, freckled face with blonde hair and a noticeable overbite, and one darker face with black hair, stopped nose and thick eyebrows. The black-haired one, Gene, opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again, evidently waiting for Lucia to say something instead.

Sanya rubbed at the bridge of her nose, leaning heavily on Sorrowsting as she watched the scene unfold. ”Go easy on them now, Lucia.” she intoned idly, before lifting her hand up to her mouth to cover a brief yawn.

Lucia glided between the two and eyes them up and down, first stopping in front of Obee and touching her cheek lightly, before giving her a playful pinch. She did the same to Gene before coming to a stop before them. "You have beautiful songs but my oh my, so young. How old are you two?" she asked.

“She touched me,” whispered Gene to nothing in particular, eyes wide as saucers. Obee had a similar expression.

"Yes yes and now each of you will bear ten children in my name." Lucia smirked.

“As the helgen wishes,” acknowledged Obee and bowed her head.

“As the helgen wishes,” echoed Gene. “Kaer Togen won’t mind that we look for mates three years early, right?”

“Not if a helgen demanded it, what, are you stupid?”

Lucia seemed to pale. She took a sharp breath and said, "I was kidding! I was kidding! Don't do that. You have to wait until you're able to bring into this world a life. You must be prepared." she then sighed and rubbed her brow. "Now, how old are you two?"

“Fifteen!” they chorused.

”Practically adults,” Sanya intoned with some feigned wisdom to her tone, giving the three a dulled smile. ”Getting a late start, if you ask me.”

“Kaer Pinya said the same, actually,” Gene added. Obee elbowed her in the side.

"Listen close girls. Only bear a child with those you love. Take it from me, It'll be worth it." she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

The girls looked at one another. “You wish to see Macsal again, don’t you?” asked Gene carefully.

“Must be terrible being apart for so long. I cried when Kaer Rast told us that story,” added Obee. Gene nodded along.

Lucia tilted her head at the two and awkwardly shuffled in place. "He was my love, after all." she said absentmindedly.

Sanya leaned on her weapon, watching the three with a growing restlessness, no doubt brought on by the building awkwardness. ”Good grief,” she breathed with a sigh to follow, when silence seemed to grow in the conversation. ”Just don’t get forced into anything, right?” Sanya paused, rubbing at her temple. ”Love is-... complicated. Listen to your heart, and you’ll do great.”

“We will!” they echoed. Then there was silence. “Who are you again?” asked Gene and Obee elbowed her in the side again. At this point, another couple of farmers had appeared behind them, shepherding diligently a stubborn flock of goats up the pathway.

Sanya didn’t reply to that, though managed to seem at least a little amused. Instead she glanced down the road, and then looked to Lucia - and her alone - to speak. ”I think we’re taking up the road. ...Path.”

Lucia seemed to be in a daze before Sanya spoke and when she did she looked at her and coughed. "Erm… Yes. We should be going." she turned to look at Obee and Gene. "It was nice meeting you two, best of luck in life." she said in a hurry as the goats approached.

“Oh! No, no, no, no, no! We can’t let you go now!” Gene insisted!

“Oh, for sure! We -gotta- take you to Ha-Dûna now. The archdruid would be honoured to have you!” The two of them shook with excitement as though they were standing on quaking soil. Around them hopped a sea of goats.

Lucia looked back at Sanya and gave a shrug.

”Evandra above.” Sanya muttered, and sighed sharply as goats rushed around them. ”Where is Ha-Dûna?”

“That way!” shouted Gene with enough force and vigour to scare a few goats and pointed up to the top of the hill. “About two days on foot! We were actually just heading that way - and now we’re definitely heading that way.”


Sanya looked back at Lucia and returned the shrug. Lucia laughed after a few seconds. "Well, it's not like we were going anywhere anyways. Lead the way girls." Lucia said to the two. The two novices celebrated and started leading the way, swimming through a river of goats to the surly music of the farmer complaining they’re in the way.



Oraelia hummed a somber tone as she held Genesis in her arms. The young goddess was fast asleep after a morning of fruitful playing. Now she carried her inside to take a nap. She couldn't help but smile at the notion of a small child God asleep and needing a nap, but there she was. A precious gem in the pool of life. There were many rooms within the house and Oraelia had let Genesis pick a room when they first explored its depths. She of course picked the room with the most windows and that was where Oraelia put her down to rest. A soft bed was hers, and Oraelia placed a gentle kiss on her forehead after covering her in a light blanket. The girl muttered something under her breath as she smiled.

Oraelia left the room, cracking the door and descended down into a lounging room. Decorated with plants and plush furniture. She sat down in a chair, sinking into its depths with a relaxed smile. She let her consciousness wander, never straying to sleep. She couldn't sleep, never again. She had so much on her mind, there was so much to do and she had to figure out who the culprit was behind all of these creatures of the night. She had her guess, but didn't know why or perhaps she didn't want to believe it to be true.

"Oh Gibbou… Did I fail you too?" she asked herself softly, holding her head in her hands. She had to stop feeling sorry for herself. It wasn't healthy and did nothing to help the world. She looked back up and sighed.

A presence bumped into her mind like a clay brick. ”Hey, sis, uhm… Got, got a good cure for headaches?”

Oraelia was surprised to hear her sister. She narrowed her brow and answered. "Headaches? Why would you have a headache?" she asked concerned.

”... Long story,” came a sour gurgle. ”You busy? I don’t feel well enough to leave my moon…”

"I just put Genesis to sleep so I'm not terribly busy but I would hate to leave her here for too long. It makes me anxious to think about it." Oraelia confessed. "I could heal you if you come here." she said, standing up.

There came a groan that grinded at the walls of Oraelia’s mind. ”... Okaaaayy…” The presence then disappeared. Oraelia sighed and sat back down. She rubbed her brow wondering how on Galbar a God could get a headache.

An hour or so later, Gibbou slumped in through the portal, looking like a cold, swampy night. The hefty presence of the sun burning at her eyes didn’t seem to help much either, and her shirt had manifested a hood fashioned from the midnight sky, which was pulled as far over her head as possible. With shuffling feet, she dragged herself towards the house, droning agonizingly all the way.

Upon seeing her sister through the window, Oraelia went outside and waited for her on the steps. She couldn't help but smirk at the appearance of Gibbou. "My oh my you poor thing. What happened to you?" she asked walking over to her.

”Poor decisions happened, sis. Very poor decisions.” Her usually bare feet had been stuffed inside midnight slippers with small bats on them. The bags under her eyes could have carried a grain harvest. She shuffled into the closest shadow and sat herself down with her face in between her knees. ”Ugh… My heeeaad…”

Oraelia sat down next to her, flicking her hand to have the sun's light avoid the area. Oraelia was the only source of light in the dark. "Come here you." she said, rubbing her sister's back as she poured her healing powers into Gibbou. The moon goddess purred as her sister’s magic alleviated the pain and stress on her body left over from exposure to gruesomely opulent celebrations and ungodly amounts of godly alcohol. She slowly laid herself backwards against her sister’s chest, resting her hooded head against her chin and neck with a relieved sigh.

”Thank you, sis. You really are the best.”

"I try." Oraelia said, rubbing Gibbou's arm. "How have you been? Besides the whole headache." she asked softly.

”It’s weird, y’know… Experiencing actual contact with people again,” she replied as though Oraelia hadn’t said anything. ”I was sure I had gone completely off the rails after one thousand years, and then again when that portal opened and, and I, uh… I got to meet people again.” She looked up at her sister and blinked. ”Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Did you say something?”

She shook her head, not wishing to damper her sister's low spirits further. She squeezed Gibbou. "We should look to the future, sis. The past is… Difficult and the decisions we've made in the past can always be changed in the present." she said cryptically, but knowing what she meant.

”Hmm…” droned Gibbou for a reply; there was a hint of knowingness in her voice, though it was clear she wasn’t keen on acknowledging it. She shuffled up a bit, pulling down her hood and then laying her soft, blue hair back down against her sister’s shoulder. ”You doing okay nowadays? We haven’t spoken for a bit.”

"I've been…" she started, looking off into the distance. "I have good and bad days. I've been helping those that need it on Galbar and I'm learning a lot. I just wish I could do more." she said.

Gibbou stared emptily into the distance. ”Well, y’know… Can’t help everyone all the time.” She picked some gravel off the ground and flicked lazily, stone by stone, at the ground by her feet. ”Wishing you could do more’s always good, though. Shows dedication.”

"Dedication, yeah…" she said her heart beginning to beat faster as she wandered if it was the right time to talk about what gnawed on her. There was only one way to find out, else it would consume her. "I've uh… Seen these things down on Galbar… The mortals call them many things but one name stands out most. I think it was trolls?" she said.

Gibbou’s skin immediately grew moist as a layer of cold sweat flushed over her. She swallowed. ”Y-yeah. C-crazy world, right?”

Gibbou…" Oraelia gulped, feeling the sweat forming on her sister. "Please, tell me the truth, I'm not angry I just want to know if you created them." she pleaded, her voice shakey as her best faster.

The moon goddess visibly shrank down, pulling her legs closer to herself again defensively. ”... I…” She took a deep breath. ”It’s been a while now since that time.”

Oraelia breathed out through her nose and sank back. "I know Gib, I know. I was aloof when we were on Galbar and now everything feels so out of place." she said, not knowing what else to say.

Slowly, Gibbou pushed herself away from Oraelia, turning to face her instead, except that her eyes were looking everywhere else than at Oraelia herself. She wrapped her arms around her knees, which by now were pulled all the way to her chest. ”I didn’t know they would turn out like this… All trolls except for one lineage have caused so much pain and sorrow that I don’t think I’ll… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to atone on their behalf.” She paused. ”But then again… How do you punish something you made yourself? In the end, they’re mine, and despite how mean they were to me, I…”

Oraelia looked upon Gibbou as she went to her knees, placing her hands upon her thighs. She waited for Gibbou to say more, wanting her sister, more than ever, to talk to her.

”I don’t wanna change them,” she eventually whispered guiltily. She snickered quietly. ”Some protection goddess I am.”

Oraelia said nothing, weighing Gibbou's words carefully. She then spoke after a time, her voice soft. "Our creations are like children to us. At least, perhaps some view it that way. I see Lucia as my child and I would never want to change her either. But I don't think that necessarily means I shouldn't offer her guidance or tell her if something she did was wrong. I know I wasn't there for her for a long time, and I wasn't there for you when you could have used someone to lean on. I just… I don't know. I enjoy life, I do but sometimes I catch myself remembering the day we first came to be and how happy we were together. Those were simpler times, weren't they?" she said, looking down.

With a somber whimper, Gibbou nodded.

She scooted closer to Gibbou. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't change what we've made, but offer tools so that they can change themselves. So they can grow and learn to be better. I'm not sure if that's what you want, but if you do, I'll help you Gibbou. Because that's what sisters are for. We're supposed to help one another in the rough patches after all." Oraelia said, as she sniffled.

Gibbou still refused to look her sister in the face. Her feet would do. ”I just… How could the trolls learn to be better? Only one of them even thinks about the good of others.” She sighed, then snickered. ”... The draugs are really sweet, actually.”

She scrunched her nose, stopping short of Gibbou. "I'm not sure of the top of my head, but perhaps a solution can be found within the Draugs?" she asked thoughtfully.

”What do you mean?”

”You said it yourself, sis. Draugs are sweet and they think about the good of others. If we can find out why, then we might be able to show the other trolls a better way.” Oraelia said with hope in her eyes.

Gibbou frowned. ”I, uh, I don’t know if the mean behaviour is learned, necessarily. The, the other three trolls have sort of, y’know, been mean from the start - I don’t think anything made them that way, necessarily, but… Maybe they’re just like that.” She sighed. ”We might be able to convince one or two… Maybe. More than that, though? Doubt it.”

Oraelia scrunched her nose and sat back across from GIbbou. ”Worth a shot I suppose.” was all she said. Her attempts didn’t seem to be working. Was she that out of touch with Gibbou? Was her approach wrong? Or did her sister simply not think it possible in the slightest? Perhaps her own standards were far too high.

”I… I finally found Lucia, sis.” Oraelia began, looking to the floor. ”In a small village of sorts, captured by human ‘raiders’, to be taken as a slave. She had help and escaped…” her voice grew smaller, ”Then they killed all the raiders.”

Gibbou blinked. ”Sunlight, is she alright?! I mean--... Is she okay? No wounds or anything? Is she safe now?”

”She was perfectly sound actually…” Oraelia said, looking at Gibbou. ”She just showed me that any being has the capacity for cruelty. I didn’t have the heart to snoop through all of her memories of the last two thousand years, I don’t know if I could bear to see what else befell her in my absence. We talked after it was all done and she’s never been better, now that I’ve returned. She’s just… Grown and she has tattoos all over her body.” she blinked. ”I almost forgot… I never even told you about her. I’m sorry for that. That's something that shouldn’t be just left to tell for another time. How did you two meet anyway? You seem familiar with the name.”

”Phew, that’s a relief, but shouldn’t expect less from my niece, your daughter.” Gibbou smiled softly and loosened the grip about her knees. ”We ran into each other some time before the, y’know, bad times. She’s really sweet, sis. I wish I had my own like that.” She scrunched her nose. ”Shame she had to run into -those- kinds of mortals. You, uh, you see a few of those at night.” Her eyes suddenly stared emptily beyond the horizon.

”Yeah, you could alwa- Hey, what’s wrong?” Oraelia suddenly asked, a concerned look on her face.

Gibbou’s pale eyes blinked over to her sister. ”The night’s my favourite time of day… And also terrible. It just seems like a time when, y’know, mortalkind just figures out that they should do bad stuff. Like, who robs someone in daylight? Not even night elves do - ‘cuz they’re blind in the day.” She sighed. ”Sometimes, I just wish they didn’t save all the mischief for my time of day, y’know?”

”Oh… Yeah I understand that. There’s comfort in the night, where it’s harder to see and that makes people feel… Feel like they can do whatever they want when the sun isn’t up.” Oraelia sighed and then gave a small smile her sister’s way. ”But I am fortunate enough to know that night is a time of peace and relaxation. Not all mortals do terrible things at night. Most just sleep.”

”Yeah… Yeah, most just sleep. Unless you count nocturnals, but they’re really nice company, actually. Speaking of which, actually…” Gibbou clapped her hands together and when she parted them, a small, beige cat with black spots and paws appeared in her lap, looking around with large, round eyes. ”This is Minnie. She’s particularly sweet to me. I decided last night to put a bunch of her likeness down on Mydia.”

Oraelia’s eyes went wide at the small cat, and she crouched forward, fascinated by the small lifeform. ”Gibbou!” she said quietly with excitement. ”She’s soooo beautiful and so tiny!” Oraelia gushed with a wide smile on her face.

”Right? I’ve been making lots of bats and owls and mushrooms, -but- I have overlooked the cats! How can the night not have cats? Or, well, I mean, I made shadow tigers, I guess.” She gave Minnie a scratch behind the ear - the cat looked not at her, but at some chirping birds in a nearby tree. ”I just love these little babies. So fuzzy and cute.” Minnie bounced from her lap and entered into the tall grass. ”H-hey, Minnie! It’s not safe in the sunlight! Your eyes’ll get burned!”

Oraelia, seeing her sister’s plea, stretched her hand and the sunlight disappeared around Minnie. She walked in a small bubble of shadow towards the tree and Oraelia couldn’t help but laugh as the absurd cuteness. Little Minnie climbed the tree in complete and utter silence, snatching one of the birds while the sudden shift from day to night confused its senses. Gibbou scrunched her nose. ”Sorry about that.”

”Don’t worry about it.” Oraelia said, scooching herself over to the side of Gibbou. She leaned her head on her sister’s shoulder and gave a small, relaxed sigh. ”Genesis misses you. She’s very adamant about getting more moon makeup.”

”Yeah. I’ll drop by and say hi to her, too, some time. Not like there’s too much else to do during the day, after all.” She pursed her lips and frowned, looking away sheepishly. ”Say, Orey? How, uh… How do you feel about punishing mortals for bad deeds?”

”I…” Oraelia began, thinking on the question. ”I guess it depends on the crime. I’ve never punished a mortal, so I don’t really know.”

In a small voice, Gibbou mumbled, ”If, uh… If they killed someone in the name of ambition? How, uh… How would you react to that?”

”Ambition huh? Like, killing someone they know for power? Well… Murder is a fairly henious crime, at least in my eyes. I once made a blanket that reverts who wears it to their most innocent self. The man, who murdered out of false love, became a baby… Oh, so I guess I have punished a mortal before.” she said. ”But now that I’ve seen what mortals are capable of… I don’t think making them into babies is a proper solution. Ugh… I tried to find a proper solution that avoided killing them outright, but now? I’m not so sure. I guess I would try to find some punishment that fit accordingly. Perhaps blindness? The sun never warming them?” she paused again thinking about what Lucia had gone through, a small bit of anger bubbling up inside of her. ”Or imprison them for all eternity in some place, doing some task that they can never escape from. A curse… Maybe even death. Why do you ask, anyhow?” she finally said quietly.

Gibbou looked relieved at the response. ”Oh, that’s good. See, that’s what I did! They’re called vampires - result of killing for your ambitions. Gave ‘em the worst of punishments. That sort of thing just ain’t right.”

From where her head rested on Gibbou’s shoulder, Oraelia narrowed her eyes slightly. ”Vampires?” she said the word aloud, ”What exactly is the punishment, Gibbou?” she asked.

Gibbou shrugged. ”Figured a tragic fate should befall those insolent enough to kill for their ambition, so they’ll turn into vampires! They wanted power? Oh, they’ll get power. Makes them super strong and super fast - oh, and immortal, too. All they gotta do is drink so much blood as one of their own size would contain - every day. Oh, but don’t worry, sis, they won’t appear during the day. If the sun touches them, they die. Instantly.” Gibbou raised a thumb and nodded. ”That’s the gist, anyway.”

Oraelia sat up slowly, looking at Gibbou with a blank expression. ”Gibbou… They have to drink blood? Who’s blood?” she asked softly.

Gibbou frowned. ”Blood of their own, of course. They gotta regret what they’ve done, after all.”

”Blood of their own? Other vampires?” she asked quickly.

”No, of their own species,” Gibbou replied.

Oraelia frowned. ”So to punish them… You made them hunger for blood? Blood that could belong to innocent people?” she folded her arms across her chest.

Gibbou blinked. ”... Well, when you put it like that, of course it sounds bad…” She mirrored Oraelia’s gesture.

”How else could it be put, dear?” Oraelia sighed. She sounded neither angry or upset, but rather confused.

”It’s preventative - the thought of killing innocents is bad, right? If people realise they gotta do it for their ambition, they might think twice, y’know? Plus, most don’t even live that long! They die the instant they walk into sunlight.”

”Gibbou… The type of person who would kill someone for their ambition, probably won’t think twice of killing to sustain themselves. And if they survive to realize the sun could kill them? Then what?”

”Well, those who do that will be smart enough to realise that killing people isn’t how you keep power, won’t they?” asked Gibbou and shrugged. ”The curse roots out the senseless murderers and, well, those who understand that the path to staying in power is paved with cooperation, will persist. I think that was my resonnement, anyway.”

Oraelia was visibly taken aback by her response. ”You seem so… Relaxed over this entire ordeal.” Oraelia said, staring into her eyes. ”And now you’re defending the smart ones who remain in power, as if, when threatened with survival or death, they wouldn’t act irrationally to save themselves. Like drinking blood isn’t an invasive procedure. Would you want your blood drank Gibbou? Have your arteries punctured, have your blood stolen?” Oraelia said.

Gibbou’s frown darkened. ”Look, sorry if I seem ‘relaxed’, whatever that means, but mortals do worse things to each other, and this is an effective way to get rid of the majority of these criminals. Oh, sure, one or two gets away, but what are one or two to a thousand?” She blinked at her own tone and looked away. ”Sorry. I overreacted.”

Oraelia reeled away, shock on her face. ”This isn’t…” Oraelia whispered, ”Gibbou… I-I don’t understand how you could even say that. Even if one or two survive… That’s still a threat to innocent people. People who live peaceful lives, who respect nighttime for what it is. Sleep, peace, relaxation. Your night, Gibbou. You’ve put them in danger. Did you even think about how it would affect other people?”

”Of course, I thought about it! The night -is- dangerous, Oraelia - way worse than the day. It’s when animals hunt, murderers kill, and now, when vampires feast. As I said, most vampires -will- die as soon as they walk out into the day, and their very existence will stop more from appearing, once mortals realise what makes a vampire. They are unsustainable creatures, Oraelia, just as intended.” She took a deep breath. ”Life sleeps at night for a reason - it’s so they can be blind to the horrors that thrive in its darkness.”

”Is that what you want, sister?” Oraelia asked, straightening her back, trying to hide the pain in her eyes and her voice. ”This isn’t you, Gibbou. I don’t know what happened to you over those two thousand years, I wish I did. I wish I had been there for you! But this… This isn’t you.” she said, a tear falling down her cheek. ”I was there when that small bat died within your hands, and how horrified you were. How we both promised to protect life. Me in the day, you in the night. Don’t you remember?”

Gibbou rose to her feet. ”Of course, I remember! Not a day goes by when I don’t think about that promise. It’s in my essence, Orey. She turned away. ”But… Protection isn’t all sunshine, y’know. You gotta make compromises, set examples…” She then collapsed back down and put her face in her hands. ”... Wrestle non-stop with past mistakes…”

Oraelia stood up and walked over to her sister. She looked down at her, afraid to reach out, hesitant to ask anymore of her. But Gibbou was her sister, and the words they exchanged frightened her. So she sank to her knees beside Gibbou, and tentatively placed a hand upon her back. ”I… Shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, Gibbou.”

Gibbou sighed into her knees. ”No, no… You’re right. I’m an awful guardian.” Whimpers escaped the lid of hands over her face.

Oraelia once again said nothing. Contemplating her words carefully. ”Oh Gibs, you’re not awful. I think the problem is that you have been alone for so long, and these issues that you’ve faced before and during my absence, have festered in your mind, growing and growing until now. You’re eating yourself up, Gibbou and it’s breaking my heart. I know how you feel about yourself, sister. I’ve seen the glances, the looks of doubt, how you look at me with such awe… I’ve always looked at you with awe Gibbou. I’ve always thought of you as my sister first, and my best friend second. But you continue to beat yourself up over this lack of self, when there is no need to and I know this all might just sound unhelpful coming from me, but I mean it Gibbou. You have to see that. You have to see that my sunlight, only works with you.” she said tearfully. ”I love you, and I want you to be your best Gibbou. It’s okay to make mistakes, we all make mistakes, we just have to know when to own up to them, and fix them. No matter if they are hard, or easy. We have to try.”

Gibbou was completely taken aback by her sister’s words, and she slowly raised her face from her palms, quartz tears rushing down her cheeks like liquid glass. Without saying anything, she pounced forward, locking her arms around her sister’s back and pressing her crying face into her stomach, unleashing a deep-seeded, heartbreaking wail.

Oraelia wasted no time hugging her sister tightly, letting her own tears flow silently as she comforted Gibbou. ”I love you so, so much Gibbou.” she said warmly, beginning to lovingly stroke her sister’s head.

The moon goddess curled her legs up against her chest. ”B-buh… But how do I… I’vuh, I’ve made so many mistakes, though! H-how, how, how do I fix them all?” she sulked through the sobs.

”Shh shh, breath Gibbou.” Oraelia started. ”You start small, slowly working your way to the larger ones. There’s no need to rush into them without a level head and a plan, sis.” she replied.

Gibbou rubbed her wet face against her sister’s skin. ”Uh, uh-huh? Okay… Ssssssniff!... I can work with that… Okay… Okay, I have something.”

Oraelia began to rub Gibbou’s back. ”Good, and what might that be?” she asked softly.

”I’ll, uh… I’ll give those attacked by trolls something to fight back with - guardians of a sort, and… No, wait, no, no, no… The trolls were supposed to be guardians and, and… I’ll mess it up again, for sure!

”Thinking like that, you will. Be confident in your powers and be assertive Gibbou. You can do it, I know you can.” Oraelia cooed. ”I can be your side anytime and anywhere, just like when we created the Hir. We did it together. I can help you Gibbou, but you have to be the one that takes charge.”

The moon goddess took a series of deep breaths. ”Okay, okay, I’ll try. I… Will make guardians… But I will make guardians out of the mortals who fight trolls. They, they won’t be so strong as to wipe them out, but, but they can at least help those who suffer at their hands.” She took a breath. ”I suppose I can also add responsibility for taking out vampires that get really powerful… A sort of… Nightwatch...”

Oraelia nodded her head in agreement. ’That’s a wonderful idea, Gibbou. And you said Vampires die in the sun and I know trolls act about the same, so maybe I can offer this Nightwatch my blessing for solar weapons. Lucia has a similar ability, that I’m sure she’s put to good use. I’ll ask her about it!” she said.

Gibbou looked up with a weak smile. ”Y-yeah… Yeah, that’d be cool, I suppose.”

”What’s wrong? Bad idea?” Oraelia asked, raising an eyebrow.

”No! No, not at all! Just… Just happy that you’re here and that we’re, y’know, making stuff together again.” Gibbou nuzzled herself ever closer to Oraelia. ”I’ve just really missed my big sis, y’know. She’s the one I love the most in this world, after all.”

Oraelia teared up again. ”O-Oh!” she said, crying happily. ”I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Never again.” she said, squeezing her tightly as she rubbed her head on Gibbou’s. Gibbou closed her eyes and drew a peaceful breath.

Birth In Blood

Hekti stilled as a labored breath broke the silence in the room. He motioned for Nalla to pause, eyes pinpointed at the sleeping figures before them. One changed positions underneath the fur coated bed. Tension seemed to flood into the room, weighing Hekti down. It was palpable. His heart bounded in chest, limbs poised, dragged gripped. They waited in the shadows for the silence to return and when it did, they moved forward.

They neared the bed, Hekti on his side, Nalla on hers. There was a twisted smile on her face, one that sickened him but Nalla wanted the same thing he wanted. Hekti looked down at the old man, a cruel human. His father, the village chief, sleeping next to his favorite bitch. A woman Nalla detested even more than he did- Her older sister.

It was their job to make it look like a fight had broken out between them. A sad situation they would say, ending in death. With both of them out of the picture, Hekti could take over the chiefdom and Nalla would be free to do as she pleased, no longer living in her sister’s shadow. Hekti knew what she wanted though. Every human had a seed inside of them, one that hungered for power, and who would throw away being the chief's wife?

With their plan clear, Hekti nodded to Nalla and plunged the blade into his father's heart. His father's eyes awoke as he gasped. Hekti began to feel hot, his blood pumping as he silenced his father with a hand over his mouth. He was a large man, his father, but Hekti held him as he struggled, feeling him grow weaker and weaker through his fingertips. Eyes full of hatred as they fluttered shut at last. Hekti looked over to see a similar scene with Nalla, though she had decided to stab her sister several times. The smell of blood permeated the room, coating the bed furs in crimson liquid.


Before he could wonder why the blood smelled so good, he witnessed Nalla licking her dagger. He grew hot, uncomfortably so as he looked at his own dagger, still embedded in his father’s heart. It called to him, ever second his heart beat, every moment he felt thirstier and thirstier. With inhuman speed he wrenched his dagger free, and held it up high, letting the blood drip into his mouth.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He smacked his lips, let the blood coat his face as his hands shook. Every drop, so delicious, so intoxicating. He stabbed his father again, repeating the process to his delightful smile. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Nalla feasting upon her sister’s corpse, drinking and licking the blood that ran from her wounds. Hekti, aloof to his own reality, looked down upon his father and did the same.

It didn’t take long for his crime to take root in his mind, so caught up in the moment of the blood, that with startling clarity he pushed himself free and fell to the floor. He looked upon his shaking hands and to his horror he found them drenched in his father’s blood. He looked over to see Nalla, still lapping up what little remained.

“N-Nalla, what have we done?” he asked, holding his head.

The girl with the flame red hair looked up, her face stained in dark crimson as the moonlight glinted in her eyes. She was terrifying to behold. She spoke, her voice silky smooth as ever, “Tsk tsk, we did what we wanted and the gods gave us power for getting rid of these… insufferable people.” she said, walking over to him. Hekti flinched as she knelt beside him, pulling him into her bosom. He began to speak, but was silenced.

“Shh shh. No need to make a fuss. We did what we had to do to survive Hekti. Now you can be chief and I can be your wife. Should we…” She twirled his curly hair with a finger, leaning into his ear and whispered what all souls need from a lover.

The two got up, leaving the two corpses behind as they made their way through the silent halls of the long cabin. His home was not far, but first they needed to dispose of their clothes and clean themselves. He still didn’t know what was going on, or the new strength that pulsed through his veins, but the chiefdom was his and Nalla was his. What more could he ask for?

He pushed open the door to the outside world, the first few rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon. One hit him, and before he knew it, there was a flash of intense pain and then nothing.

Nalla, who had remained inside the cabin, watched as her ticket to power burst into flame before vaporising into ash. Instinctively, she lurched back into the safety of the shadows, now knowing what the sunlight brought. She tilted her head, a bemused look on her face.

“Well… Better him than me.” she said with a toothy smile, before licking her fingers.


Knowing full well Genesis had her own realm, but hesitant to leave her there by herself, Oraelia took her back to her own. Even if Genesis was Divine in nature, she still acted like she was a child, and by all accounts, she was a child. Children needed many things, but Genesis was a special case and did not require what mortals did. Thus the only thing Oraelia could give her, was herself. She had realized, unless there was some other god with a better claim then herself, that she was one of the only ones that could raise Genesis. Gibbou was a close second, but Oraelia couldn’t shake the feeling that her sister was hiding something from her. Not to mention that her confidence was still meager, and how could one give love to another, if they hardly loved themself? She hoped she was wrong, so very wrong, but for now, it had to be this way.

Oraelia took one last look at Antiquity, and then entered her realm, Genesis in hand. It was the same as before, an endless Prairie of golden grass and flowers. She pursed her lips, and scrunched her nose as she looked at it all. Beautiful yes, but for the purposes of creating an avatar, and even raising Genesis, she needed something else. A home within her home. She raised her free hand, and with a flick of her wrist, the scenery changed to that of a wide large clearing in the middle of a forest.


The clearing sprouted several cobble paths, erupting on the sides of them with flowers and other plant growths, overgrowing in several places. The cobble pathways eventually all met a head, singularly leading up to a large wooden cabin that materialized before their eyes. It wasn’t large or grand in any way, but had a modest feel to it with a large wrap around porch.

Oraelia then turned to Genesis and knelt down. She smiled warmly. ”Would you like to live with me?” she asked,

It took a tilt of her head and a few seconds of thought, but eventually Genesis gasped and hugged Oraelia, hopping while she did so and breathing extremely fast. ”Genesis stays with Oraelia! Yay! Lots of playtime with her, and baths and hugs and kisses!” She repeated excitedly, nuzzling her small delicate face against Oraelia’s.

Oraelia could hardly contain her smile, radiating an intense glow as she gave affection to Genesis. ”Good! I’m so happy Genesis.” she said, giving her a smothering hug. She then pulled away, grabbing the small girl by her arms gently. ”Okay, now listen, I have a job for you okay? I need you to… To go find the prettiest flowers you can, so we can put them in a… Pot! And then we’ll put the pot inside, alright? So we can always have color with us!” she said, overly enthusiastic. ”Can you do that for me? Pwetty pwease?”

Genesis giggled and playfully caressed Oraelia’s face, ”Uh-huh! Genesis will bring all the more pretty flowies for Oraelia!”

Oraelia quickly planted a kiss on her cheek and giggled before saying, ”Wonderful my love, now go find me some flowers.” she said, with Genesis running off into the forest with a chuckle the second Oraelia set her down. Oraelia watched her go, shouting out after her, ”And be safe!” she said with a wave, knowing the only thing that could hurt Genesis, would be herself. Which was probably not going to happen, right?

With a sigh, Oraelia fell back into the grass and watched the moving clouds. She had a lot on her mind. This new reality she found herself in, Gibbou, Lucia, Genesis, prayers from mortals, Neiya, and on and on. She felt overwhelmed. There was so much to do. She took a deep breath, and relaxed. First things first, it was time to open herself to Galbar. It couldn’t be too hard, rig-

“Please mother Oraelia, please, don’t let her die.”

Oraelia shot up. The voice had been so sudden, and she saw it. A young boy, his sister dying next to him from playing gone wrong. A tear fell down the Goddess’s face.

”Thank you for rising, Bright One. Give us strength when the trolls come again. Please. I don’t know how much longer we can last.”

An old man spoke, his village in ruins and his people taken or killed… or worse. Oraelia’s heart began to beat faster as more voices came, louder.

“Why don’t you care! All we’ve ever done is worship you! And ye cannot even protect us!” Said a man in the far north, beset by trolls and other monsters.

“Bright One, may you watch us in this night. May they not come to take my family. This I ask of you.” Said a woman in a village, fearing for her life from other humans wishing to take them.

“O sunmother, why do you forsake us? What did we do wrong? Why are you silent?” Came the voice of a young girl deep within the heart of her Prairie.

“I hate you Bright One! You let them come and eat us in the night!” Screamed a child, angry at Trolls.

“Why is your sun so hot, so cruel? When do you keep the rain from us?” Asked a desert dwelling Alminaki.
“Another beautiful day, praise be to you, sun!” Exclaimed an older looking Genesis.

“Give me the power to kill them! I beg of you mother. They took everything from me!” Wailed a broken woman.

Oraelia squeezed her eyes shut as more and more prayers came. She held her head and leaned forward in between her knees. She stopped breathing as panic and shock overtook her.

Negative, positive, angry, happy, on and on. Every range of emotion, from every mortal under the sun. They hated her, they loved her, they wished she would do more, they wished she would help them. From the monsters in the night, from the trolls and flesh eaters, to the slavers and the murderers. They broke her heart a thousand times and they healed it again and again. What had she done? What had she let happen? There was so much death and loss on her hands and she had done nothing to safeguard the day, like she was supposed to. Her promise with Gibbou, she had failed. But those Trolls, creatures of the night, eaters of flesh. She had seen how the humans despised them and she began to have her doubts as more and more prayers came for her sunlight to destroy them. Did Gibbou… Did she create them?

Suddenly, Oraelia felt the familiar softness and warmth that was Genesis’ small hand trying to get a hold of hers, and slowly the sounds of the prayers grew further away and those of Genesis humming quietly came to the forefront. ”Ah… Choo!”

She snapped her tearful eyes open, gripping the small girl’s hand tightly. She breathed again, quick and fast as she took Genesis into a hug. She attempted to stop crying, but the tears flowed. She needed someone, anyone after what she just witnessed. ”G-Genesis- Did you b-bring back flowers?” she asked in a shaky voice. Genesis returned the hug as best as she could.

”Yea… Is Oraelia ok? Don’t cry please. If Oraelia is sad, then… Then Genesis will show her what she does when she’s sad!!”

Oraelia sniffled, wiping the tears away from her face. ”And what does Genesis do when she’s sad?” she asked.

”Need a small river and mud. Very important, the two. Genesis will go to the mud and put her feet in it, you see. Like a tree! It feels very nice and soothing. And Genesis not get thirsty.” Genesis pursed her lips and then buried her nose in the mass of undulating light that she could only imagine was Oraelia’s hair.

Oraelia cracked a small smile and took a deep breath. ”That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” came her quiet voice. But there was no more time for idleness, not now anyway. Galbar needed her more than ever before. A part of her. It seemed the only thing that protected life during the day, was her sun and even that did a poor job. No, she needed something more, something that could ease the tide of these misfortunes. She would help from her realm of course, but this required a more direct approach and she had just the idea in the form of an avatar.

She shuffled around, and picked up Genesis who held a bouquet of flowers mixed with blades of grass in her hand. Oraelia smiled as she situated the girl. ”Do you remember what Illyd and Gibbou said about avatars? Let’s make them, then we can go find a stream and play in the mud alright?”

Genesis nodded as soon as she pulled away from the hug, ”Okay. How are avatars made?”

Oraelia gave a slight frown. ”I think we take a small part of ourselves, like a piece of hair, or in your case a leaf, and then we make it grow with our power. Reach deep down inside Genesis, think about what you want, visualize it. Then, will it to be.” she encouraged, placing her back on the ground.

”Mmmm..” Genesis hummed in thought, then reached up and plucked a single leaf off her head, making herself hiss, then take in a deep breath. ”... owie.”

But the pain did not stop Genesis, for she plopped the leaf down in front of her, then sat on her knees and closed her eyes, both palms pointed toward the leaf.

She thought hard. She overworked her imagination to the point where her leaves were twitching uncontrollably, and then she exhaled. Just like that, the single leaf began to be encased in what looked like a new kind of crystal--Golden in colour, and not completely solid. It grew thick, as if it was a shield keeping the leaf safe and then around the crystal, more things began to materialize.

A bone structure, followed by vital organs, a nervous system, muscles… skin… Everything that made up Genesis’ body was replicated in the new, forming entity, but it was bigger. More of a grown up person than a child.

The new avatar, which at some point had begun to float as it formed, then dropped to the floor, her head falling conveniently on Genesis’ lap, who opened one eye first, then the other and finally let out a loud squeal of excitement.

The features were soft and delicate, with a slender body frame and graceful curves… But while she resembles Genesis, her colours were all different. Her skin for example was white, with several light pink accents near the joints, and her leaves were much longer but also slimmer, and a very pale pink in colour. And her eyes, when they fluttered open, revealed themselves to be an icy blue.

Genesis couldn’t help herself, she excitedly pet her avatar’s head as she bounced a little in place. She looked up at Oraelia and was about to speak when the avatar suddenly huffed, swatted Genesis’ hands away, and stood up, causing the little girl to flinch and pull away with a bit of a heartbroken expression on her face. ”Ow!! Why-”

”Geez! I just woke up and you’re already messing my leaves up, Genny. C’mon kid, I have an image to uphold!”

At this Genesis turned to Oraelia, eyes watering. ”B… B-But Genesis asked for a brotheeeer…!” She began, sniffling. Her avatar responded by sniffling quietly as well.

”H-Hey…! I didn’t ask to be a girl, y-y’know. You made me this way, you...” She hissed some air out through her tightly closed jaw, and then turned around and began to presumably wipe tears off her face.

There was a look of surprise upon Oraelia’s face, before she put a reassuring hand upon Genesis’ shoulder. She looked upon the new being, this new avatar of Genesis inquisitively. Something irked her about how it had treated Genesis, who did something many would consider innocent in nature.

”Why did you swat her hand away? You couldn’t have just asked for her to stop?” she asked, her tone neutral.

Genesis’ Avatar sniffled one last time and turned around as if nothing had happened, but quickly blushed a light shade of pink and rubbed her hands together nervously, shrinking her posture. ”U-Um,” She began, and looked away, ”I just got made so… I’m kind of sensitive and I’m not used to being touched, I guess...” The Avatar explained, then knelt in front of Genesis and put her hand on her childish creator’s head, rubbing through the leaves gently. ”Uh, sorry Genny. I guess I should be thankful I even exist, even if you don’t like me as I am...”

Genesis wiped her tears and looked up into the icy eyes of her avatar, then shook her head, voice coming out squeaky and shaky, ”N-no, Genesis likes you... Exodus is very pretty... like Oraelia. G-Genesis likes you, but… But she wanted a big brother. To play with.”

Exodus sighed awkwardly and then forced on a smile just for Genesis, whose eyes sparkled. ”Well, uh, sisters can play too, right? You don’t need a brother to have a good time, Genny.”

At this Genesis turned to look at Oraelia and asked, ”I-Is that true?”

Oraelia nodded. ”I have Gibbou, do I not? She’s my sister and we play all the time.” she agreed. She then looked at the avatar. ”Welcome to life, Exodus.” she said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Exodus rubbed her neck sheepishly and stood up, then began work on opening a portal to Galbar. As she did that, she spoke one last time to Genesis, ”See you around Genny. Talk to me whenever you want, alright? I’m your big sis after all.” She said, looking at the girl over her shoulder and winking at her, an expression that Genesis tried to imitate with varying rates of success. ”Oh, and those flowers you have in your hand, you’ll want to plant them where there’s plenty of sun, and give their roots ample space. Who knows? They might grow all the way to the sky!”

With that, the portal finally opened, but as Exodus prepared to step through, Genesis perked up. ”G-Genesis wants-”

Exodus shot her a look, and Genesis shrunk a little and rephrased, ”Gen… Genny? I. I. I… Want to play with Exodus!”

Exodus chuckled and stepped through, the portal closing behind her. After a moment, Genesis looked at Oraelia and tilted her head. ”I? Why does Genesis have to say I instead of Genesis?”

Oraelia blinked as she looked down at Genesis. ”Well… It’s your sense of self? When you say your name, referring to yourself, but already speaking- uh…” she paused, how did one explain this? ”You don’t have to say your name when talking about yourself honey. I know who you are, you know who you are. I, as in me, as in Oraelia, you see. So ‘I’ can say I, instead of my name. It means the same thing, but just means… You’re learning and growing and becoming… A big girl!” she said enthusiastically, tickling Genesis on her sides. Immediately the girl began giggling and trying to squirm away to no avail. Eventually the giggling became full blown laughter and tears of mirth overflowed from Genesis’ eyes.

”Oooah! N-No more… No more!!” She repeated, laughing even harder.

Oraelia eventually stopped and stood back up with a gleeful look in her eyes. ”Alright, alright. You did a good job Genesis, creating your avatar. I’m sure she’ll do good work upon Galbar. Now…” she said, cracking her knuckles. ”It’s time for me to make one. Stand behind me, dear.” It took Genesis a while to recover but when she did, she did as asked and quietly positioned herself behind Oraelia, watching on with curiosity clear in the way her leaves twitched.

Oraelia raised both her hands up into the air, and concentrated in the clearing before her. Then, she took a deep breath and breathed out slowly, as she did, a ray of yellow sunlight touched down from the heavens of her realm. It landed in the clearing, illuminating the land in vibrant rays of extremely bright light. This light seemed to be a wave, flowing and receding, pulsing in silence. From this beam of light there came a figure. Or the beam of light became the figure, for as it emerged the beam dissipated in a flash, but Oraelia was unphased by this, for light was kin to her and she saw what it had become.

Standing three times as tall as she, marched forth a giant of ethereal gold, solar flames racing across its body. It was see through, but tangible all the same and illuminating. It had no discernible features other than that of a strong man’s build and two glowing eyes of gold upon his face. He wore a halo of pure white, sat above his head like a crown. The halo itself was circular, running in a singular band, unmoving from its place. His long strides were with purpose, coming to a stop before Oraelia rigidly, like a statue, before moving his head to gaze down upon her. There was a silence between the two, as Oraelia took him in.

She nodded approvingly and folded her arms. ”You are my son and I name you, Solus. Welcome to life, Solus!” she said, waiting for the giant to respond, but she only felt a vague sense of knowing from his eyes. ”You know what to do, don’t you?” she asked softly. To this, Solus gave a slow nod, and held it, as if to show respect. Oraelia gave a sad smile in return. ”Go on Solus, I won’t keep you here any longer. You know your task, and it is a daunting one my son. But you will not be alone in doing it.”

Solus lifted his head and turned his head right as he lifted an arm to match his gaze. A portal materialized, a tear in reality and Oraelia could see but a glimpse of her home, and taste the air and feel the breeze. Solus dropped his hand, and turned his body before beginning to walk through. ”Know that you are loved, Solus.” she whispered, as the portal closed behind him.

Sometime during the whole show, Genesis had hugged Oraelia’s leg and just now squeezed a bit. ”Oraelia made a fire and light ghost. Why?”

”Well… I made a promise a long time ago. To protect the world Genesis. It’s about time I honored that.” she said, looking down at Genesis with a smile.

The small girl lay dying. Her brother, beside himself lay cradling her head from where she had fallen on that stupid rock. It was a simple push, he hadn’t meant it. Now he prayed to any god that might listen, to save his sister’s life. Her breathing was becoming shallower, and he was too afraid to run and get help. He couldn’t leave her. Not like this. Not here.

There came a strange noise, two footsteps, one after the other. They shook the ground and his stomach sank. Troll. There was a troll behind him. He couldn’t let it take Ifti! He placed his sister’s head down gently, and then spun around, fists primed to go.

It wasn’t a troll he saw, but an equally terrifying thing. So tall, and it hurt his eyes to look at. He shielded his face, falling backwards next to his sister with a scream as it came closer. He shielded Ifti with his body, but a blow never came, and he was never taken, but the giant seemed to stop, and he felt a warmth flow around him, before it walked off, footsteps becoming distant.

When he at last felt safe, he opened his eyes and saw Ifti staring up at him with a grin.

“Ifti! Y-You’re okay!” he cried out, his eyes watering.

“Ya! Course I am! Now get of’ me, you witch’s wart!”

The boy recoiled slightly, a grin of his own erupted across his face. He got off her, and helped her up, wiping his tears away.

“Come on Ifti! I’ll race you home!” he exclaimed. Ifti wasted no time in bolting off, but the boy paused, looking back to see where the giant had gone, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Oraelia gasped. Consciousness returned to her as if the sun had exploded. Her eyes opened to find herself in the same place as before, a dark void with herself being the only source of light. As she tried to calm herself, her thoughts turned to Lucia. She grabbed her head and let out a small wail, remembering her last thought of Lucia. Her daughter’s face had been one of pain and sadness, a thought that cut deeply.

Before she could even think about it more, a bright tear in reality ripped open in front of her. She recoiled, even blinked as she looked upon the intrusion. Wait- Was it an intrusion? Or was she… She shook her head, reaching out a hand to it and felt… She felt several presences, divine in nature. Siblings? Gibbou! Where was Gibbou? Why didn’t she feel Gibbou!

Then before she knew it, a small thing came out of the portal screaming and wailing as if her best friend had just been murdered by a clown. Golden coloured tears trailed her cheeks, frow burrowed as she desperately tried to get away from the portal, only managing to flail in place in front of the rift.

The void wasn’t a proper place for a plant girl like her, it seemed. As she started to visibly panic, she turned to the Goddess of Light and threw the misshapen ball of clay she had been holding toward Oraelia. ”TREE-JACK IS DEAD, BAD MEN WILL EAT GENESIS SOON!! BUT MOONIE WILL BE OKAY WITH THE SUN, MOONIE! D-don’t forget Genesis...” She pleaded, reducing herself to a whimpering, quivering ball towards the end of her heartfelt speech.

Oraelia caught this 'Moonie' before she could even react to what had just occurred. "Genesis?" she asked herself, feeling as if she had heard that name once. The one before her was Divine but also a… Child. Made of plants? Or she was plants? Her thoughts quickly flashed to the baby she had once carried before she swiftly made her way over to the little one and knelt down beside her.

”Ah!” The little plant girl squealed upon seeing what she had thought was the sun move, and so she curled into a ball and tightly closed her eyes.

Oraelia shoved her thoughts aside and her feelings, instead choosing to focus on the life that was before her. In a gentle voice she began to speak. "Is your name Genesis, little one?"

After hearing Oraelia’s voice and her own name, Genesis hesitantly opened her eyes and looked at the Goddess of Light, then nodded once. The movement was so small it was almost unnoticeable.

Her heart broke a little, seeing the child so afraid. ”Hey, heeeey. There’s no reason to be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you. I would never do that to a friend of Moonie’s!” she whispered with a warm smile. Genesis’ golden eyes sparkled slightly as she perked up.

”Y-You know… Moonie?” She asked in a small voice, hopefully. ”The Sun saw um… Her beauty page-ants? She won-” Genesis frowned and started counting with her hands, one finger at a time until all ten fingers were outstretched. Then she showed her hands to Oraelia. ”Um, she won more page-ants than this!”

Oraelia nodded, happily smiling as her heart began to feel warm again. She moved from her knees and sat down cross legged before Genesis. She looked at Moonie and with one finger, touched the misshapen ball of clay. It stirred to life, floating up like one of her wisps, before circling Genesis’ head. ”There! She’s awake and ready to win more Page-ants.” Oraelia winked at the girl.

”Oooo!” Genesis cooed, looking between Moonie and Oraelia as she wiped at her old tears, ”Moonie was sad, ever since the others told Moonie she was ugly. Now Moonie is happy again!! Thank you Sun!!!” Genesis grinned widely, springing up then twiddling her thumbs as she looked up at Oraelia. ”Ummm… Hug? She asked quietly, hesitantly spreading her arms.

”Of course!” she said, happy tears coming to her eyes as she enveloped Genesis in a very tight and warm hug. ”Oh you sweet little thing, I’m so glad I could make you smile.” Oraelia said. Genesis let out a little happy squeal as she was squeezed and she squeezed back, not letting go.

”The Sun is very nice! Genesis knew someone that makes tasty light has to be good! And you made Moonie happy!” Genesis said quickly, her leaves quivering almost as much as her over-excited voice. Meanwhile, Moonie floated over and settled on top of Genesis’ head. ”But you see Sun! I escaped from these big bad men! I came into this grey, big place and there was a man. The bad man saw me and jumped to me and it was sooo scary! Like… Like a biiig giraffe! The bad man was going to eat Genesis’s leaves.” She explained with a pout.

Oraelia frowned slightly. Who would want to hurt her? Then again… She was a child, or acted as one. No, she was probably a child. Could she have perhaps, misinterpreted what was going on? It was likely, but Oraelia wouldn’t know for sure until she met these ‘bad men’. What was this place she talked of? Her gaze wandered to the portal. What was through it?

She turned to look back down at Genesis. ”I see. Well, you know what? I’m not going to let those bad men hurt you. This is a safe place. But…!” she said looking around while Genesis squirmed giddily in her arms, ”This place needs a touch up, don’t you think? Would you like to help me?” she asked excitedly.

Genesis pursed her lips, then nodded. ”O-Okay. Will Sun show Genesis how to help?”

”Of course!” she said, getting to her feet and helping Genesis to hers. She took the child’s hand within hers and gave a little squeeze. She didn’t really know what she was doing, but it felt right to do something, anything, with the space before her. But what to make it? She thought about this for a moment before an idea sprung to her mind. She looked down at Genesis and said, ”Alright, all you have to do is raise your arm up like mine, okay? Then think about a really, really big sun and a blue sky, and fields upon fields of grasses with a gentle breeze. Can you do that for me?” she asked.

Genesis nodded and closed her eyes tightly as she imitated Oraelia’s raised arm, then groaned a little as she started to think harder than she ever had before. ”O… Ooo! Genesis can see another Sun! And sky!!” She almost shouted, her eyes still closed.

Oraelia giggled, and willed it to be. First came a sun, far, far away. An imitation of her first born, but it would work all the same. Next, the blackness that surrounded them erupted with grass and trees, and the sky became a beautiful blue. A gentle breeze began to blow, carrying with it pleasant aromas. From the endless grasses burst forth flowers upon flowers, coming in all different colors under the sun. It was a start and one that Genesis would think she helped with. She gave a slight frown at the thought of lying to the girl, but she doubted she would know the difference. Plus, she would soon forget anyway.

”Alright Genesis, open your eyes and look at what we’ve done!” Oraelia exclaimed and Genesis positively jumped, gasping as she opened her eyes and took in the view, quickly turned to look at Oraelia with starry, wide eyes and an euphoric grin.

”G… Genesis did THAT? Yaay! Genesis made a new Sun!”

”You did such a good job Genesis! Look at all the flowers, oh and the breeze and the blue skies… Oh, it’s beautiful… But… It isn’t really Galbar is it?” she seemed to whisper to herself. Where was Galbar?

Genesis frowned and tilted her head, confused. ”Galbar has… Very big mountains, Sun. and a big tree! And very big, like, bowls of water. Galbar is very big. Genesis thought this for a long time. Genesis has many thoughts, but they all sound different, It is a little scary.” The girl admitted a little sadly.

Oraelia quickly returned to the moment and bent down with a look of concern scrawled across her face. ”What do you mean, Genesis? You have different thoughts?”

”Uh-huh… Many thoughts in many voices. Genesis thinks it’s the voices of her drowned friends, but there are too many new ones, and sometimes they say scary things. O… O-One time Genesis thought of burning plants! It was very scary. Fire is scary. It is not like pretty Sun. Genesis likes you, Sun.”

”Oh Genesis…” Oraelia said, wrapping the girl into another hug. It was a frightening development, and a reminder that not everything was what it seemed to be. Genesis was a god, after all, and it seemed Gods were many things.

Before she could say anything else, a familiar voice echoed throughout her realm. Gibbou! Her head snapped to the portal, as she heard her sister cry her name. Then she heard another god, angry or perhaps annoyed, talking about... Vacation? What even was that? She shook her head, and pushed it from her mind- Gibbou was all that mattered.

”Genesis… Listen. We need to go back through the portal, okay? I promise I won’t let the bad men hurt you.” Oraelia pleaded.

After a moment’s hesitation, Genesis nodded and grabbed Oraelia’s hand. ”O… Okay. But if they try to eat Genesis, Genesis will run.”

”Then they’ll have to eat me too!” she said playfully, walking towards the portal.

The Kavijama | the thing of ink & poetry | The Hibrach


The breeze was pleasant that morning. The sun sat high in the sky, warming the land with it’s gentle rays. Lucia felt the tallgrass between her fingers, each yellow blade soft against her skin, almost tickling her. She stood upon the edge of the Prairie with bated breath. She was anxious, and uncertain what she would find within. Though she was familiar with the area, it was an entirely different beast up close. Most of the grasses grew up to her stomach, while others grew over her head. The smell was… Not what she had imagined, but it was growing on her. Floral scents with a strong smell of grasses as she stood before the sea of yellow that it came from.

She had left Orb back in the Temple, as insurance, and in case anyone showed up while she was away. Orb was well hidden, but could see a majority of the temple from his vantage. Lucia had decided to venture out, she needed a break from her training, something to occupy her for the remainder of the day. She smirked, before taking her first steps into the unknown.

The first thing she realized was that the grasses could not only be ticklish, but itchy upon her bare skin. Maybe she needed to invest in what Qael had been wearing. What did they call it? She snapped her fingers trying to remember the name, but it came up blank. For now, she let the sun warm her with each step and scratched when it bothered her too much. She came upon many different flowers, with bees and other pollinators going about their day. She stopped to say hello, but they gave no reply. That was okay though, they were just busy little bees.

She continued on, coming across a small stream, or rather she stumbled into it, because the grasses were so tall beside it. She felt the mud underneath her toes, and squished about as she couldn’t help but smile widely. The mud was about the same color as her skin, perhaps a little lighter, but it was odd nonetheless. It gave her pause as she grabbed a blade of grass and compared it to her arm. The difference was startling, the colors were so different but contrasted well. To prove her point, she flipped her hair over her shoulder, and the golden hairs matched the grass almost perfectly. As she compared, there was a rustling in the grass, and instinctively, Lucia brought herself low and almost into the water. It gave her shivers and then goosebumps, but she couldn’t complain as she saw a trunk emerge from the grass, followed by a white tusks, and a large gray head, with eyes even larger than hers!

It dipped it’s trunk into the water, and scooped it up before giving itself a drink. A deep rumble came from the creature, as it continued to sate it’s thirst. Before long more heads peeked through the tall grass to join the first, even a baby! Lucia remained very still and breathed quietly as she watched with a sense of fear and excitement. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she could feel energy coursing through her veins but she remained calm. There was no need to panic herself, all she was doing was watching, and before long, the giants meandered off. Slowly and surely, she felt herself relax, letting loose a loud sigh.

Still, she decided to follow them. Carefully, she walked through the water where it was shallow and there she pulled herself up onto the opposite bank, before following one of the large paths of trampled grass. It wasn’t long before the grasses became shorter and in the distance she could spot them. They were large animals, with powerful legs that carried them. They traveled in a single file through the grass, following the largest one, with the baby in the middle. They began to descend down a hill, and were eventually out of sight to Lucia. She pursed her lips and slowed down, not knowing what awaited her on the other side. As she got closer, she began to see many brown animals, and when she crested the hill, she took her breath away. She had seen the fields of brown before at the temple, but up close, she was blown away at the sheer size and vastness of them, before her. The animals from the stream wandered through the ocean, giving them no heed. It was a strangely beautiful sight and one she would enjoy for a time. The gently swirling sky of red and green and blue and yellow, and a myriad other colours and hues, seemed to lend the scene a greater life and energy and vastness. The plains stretched out gold and eternal to kiss the equally endless sky, and everywhere she looked life teemed.

As she continued to watch in a state of utter ease and peace, parts of the heavens seemed to stir and boil, and gently - ever so gently, so gently that one would hardly notice that anything was odd or out of place - swirls of sky descended in a coiling, darkening cloud. And with it came a soft humming and crooning, full of immediate and inexplicable, agonised joy. All about, the creatures of the golden grasslands were caught up in the sound and looked up, and they gave off their sounds - gently, ah, gently - and they buzzed, and chirruped, and bleated, and trumpeted, and bellowed, oh and they sang to the tune of a higher song. Dust rose and the song echoed - soft yet present - across the yellow flatlands. From the sky came a long, low moan as the descending heavens could descend no more, and it disintegrated against the plains of gold in a great spattering of colour and melody; and hidden amidst nature’s sublime tune came mournful words of ecstasy.

The sun does not rise, and it does not set
Except that by love of you I am beset
I am amazed by you and me
Oh love that I’ve not seen or ever met!

And the sound fluttered off and the clouds ebbed away and the animals all stood in stupor for what felt like the longest time… before they returned to the banal business of mere survival. But among them something seemed to stir, and even from a distance Lucia could see that elephants and deer and a myriad other animals seemed to congregate around a single space far off.

And within Lucia, too, something had stirred. Wholly different from the power she felt when she practised with mana. No - this she felt in her heart, deep, deep down inside. It had filled her with a happiness so profound, she had thought it would break her when the feeling subsided. She yearned to feel it again, and it was not long before she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked down the hill, the congregation awaiting her. No longer did she feel anxious around the animals, for they only acknowledged her presence and nothing more. She wanted to hear that voice again.

She passed trumpeting grey giants, shivering gazelles and bleating deer, grunting bisons, and even little voles that seemed to chatter in excitement amongst themselves, running between the legs of their larger comrades towards the epicentre of… this. When Lucia first saw the thing at the centre, it was a cloud of vibrant colours, without form. It swirled slowly, bobbing in silence as the animals around it turned and snorted and bellowed and trumpeted in an oddly rhythmic and harmonious orchestra, seeming to direct all their sounds at the formless cloud of colour. But something changed when Lucia approached and the subdued swirling of the cloud changed into something quick - a drum, swelling suddenly and contracting, pigments bursting, shedding, ebbing. And the cloud shifted and changed in a roiling frenzy of colour - soundless, mind you, there was not so much as a sigh or moan - and it condensed until a vaguely humanoid, pitch-black, eddying form stood there. Writhing tendrils of ink were its hair, and its face was in constant flux. And as Lucia looked, colour seemed to slowly seep into its form - a dark green at first. A hand rose and gestured for her to come closer, and another rose to where its mouth might have been and brought an index finger to it. And a passing breeze seemed to whisper - shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Lucia, mesmerized by the form she saw before her, did not hesitate as she walked closer. She did not feel threatened, and she was not afraid. So closer she went. With each step she took, the strange thing gained definition to its form and more colour, so that when Lucia was little more than a handspan from the thing, its face - mimicking her features -, was as clear as the dark liquid it was made of could be.

Green and grey and yellow and blue mingled in him and around him, and his glistening eyes looked upon her and he seemed to breathe her in. He leaned in and his eyes stole a glance at the animals all about them before he closed them completely and sighed. And when he spoke, his voice came soft and rhythmic though he did not sing and did not speak in rhyme. ‘You sound… beautiful. A wondrous solo. The centrepiece when joined by creation. Ah!- can you hear that?’

Lucia, if it could be seen, blushed as she avoided eye contact momentarily. Why was she feeling this way? The man, if she could call what was before her a man, was a pleasantly strange sight. One she had not known she would find so intriguing. But why did she sound beautiful? Had she spoken before this man in the past? There was only one way to find out. She looked at him again, and asked, ”Hear... What?” Murky eyelids drew open and the thing of ink & poetry smiled ever so slightly and extended a hand to her, and from his newly-formed lips came song and word and moan and sigh.

‘If eyes must see then ears must hear
And for that I must disappear
Oh ink-stained beauty of eyes bright
Come hear with me what’s out of sight :-
The tinted sky’s where music grew
On hearing it you’ll see it too;
Beneath the depths, beyond the veil
The singing stream, the dancing dale
The bull, the deer, the bird up high
All dance and sing to the world’s sigh -
The song of lovelorn ecstasy
That lies beneath the deep blue sea,
The dance that woke a sleeping bard
The face it blessed and soul it scarred -
If you too want to sing and dance
Then come with me, let’s steal a glance!’

And Lucia heard the call, and she was intrigued. There seemed to be an electric energy in the stranger’s eyes, a barely contained excitement and building fervour that yearned for release. He seemed on the verge of bursting at any moment - at the briefest touch -, and his words elicited such joy to her heart, and temptation to see what he offered. She eyed the hand and thought about Orb back at the Temple, a little guilty for not going back, or bringing him with her. But such an opportunity might never present itself again and she so badly wanted to steal a glance. And so, tentatively, she took the man’s hand. His grasp was gentle, soft… trembling. His expression contorted, wincing and smiling as black tears exploded from his eyes. “Oh!” He sighed, and gave off a long trilling sound broken by rhythmic rises and falls even as his body disintegrated all about her and the great cloud of colour and ink swirled and rose and whipped the air around, before lifting her from the ground in a sudden explosive gale- and almost as suddenly and fervently as it exploded, it all came to a pause. Ink and sound swirled all about Lucia in a frozen miasma of wondrous roiling colours and shapes and patterns. Words swirled here and there and a tender, intimate voice whispered into her ear…

Hear the Song the sunrays sing
If you don’t yet hear
As the light of life they bring
Day on month on year:
Feed your visage love and peace
If you want for bliss!
Gift all faces joy and cheer
With gifts joys increase!
Life feeds joy and zeal and zest
Suckle at her breast!
Brave life’s crags, don’t live in fear! -
Or from living cease!

‘Tis the Song and divine verse
That sunrays rehearse,
Hear and learn the wisdoms there
For a life most fair
For a life that teems with glee
Love, for you and me!

Sunlight seemed to momentarily pierce the thick roiling ink, and there came with it an intense warmth and husky monotonous note that, gently and persistently, rose and trilled, then ebbed before rising once more - higher, more piercing, more powerful, hot. No words could be discerned, though it was almost certain that the rays were indeed singing a song of sonorous sound that, even cleft of meaning, carried pure, unadulterated heat and steadfast will and hope - an unbreakable hope and will to life.
It permeated through the ink and turned it into the gold of Lucia’s flowing hair. And arms seemed suddenly to wrap about her and discarnate fingers traced her brows, along her cheeks, her lips, along her neck, her arms, the curve of her breasts and the flat of her dark stomach, the subtle contour of her hips, her thighs and calves and feet. Her body seemed all of a sudden aflame as singing ink of pure light carved itself into her skin, and the cloud of ink & poetry seemed to sigh all about her with rhyme and yearning.

And though her body was there, carried off in that stirring celestial inkpot, it was not the light and ink she saw but the world of colours and the eternal opera and anthem of the world - not with her eyes of gold, but with a hearteye that had long been closed. She heard the ink freshly sculpted and engraved into her, loosing love songs to the skin above and the flesh below, yearning madly and impossibly. She heard the rays from which the ink - the how of it escaped her - had been drawn. She heard the echo of the sound that had emanated from the thing of ink & poetry when first she heard him, but even though it was a mere echo was it clearer and more heartrendingly joyful than she remembered. And then she heard… I? And the moment it was heard there was no more I, there was no more a thing of ink & poetry, no more earth or sky or sun or moon. There was only the song -

At the door of the beloved I stood
Said he: who is it at the door?
‘By the door stands I, as though upon a distant shore!’
‘You do not speak as lovers should
‘And define love poorly in distinguishing us.’
And time passed and again I knocked at the door
Said he: who is it there on the outer floor?
‘Come look! It is none but you here at the door.’
‘Oh you speak as lovers should
‘And have defined love only as true lovers would
‘So enter, oh me!’

Poet and poem, singer and song, hearer and heard, seer and seen, all of them rose up and- disappeared. There was no Lucia, for what was Lucia before was now the Song - had always, in truth, been the wondrous, breathing, sighing song. She was submersed in it, and could hear (and was) the song that emanated from her body as it floated within the roiling, pining thing of ink & poetry. And she could hear now and feel - and she was - the urgent pain that emanated from the joy-anguished god. It was immediately paradoxical and manifestly right, for to love was the greatest joy and to be ever-denied its ultimate and perfect fulfilment the greatest misery; but that was the stuff poetry and song was made of.

Lucia inhaled, breathing deep with the world, and released a sigh that sent tremors throughout the Worldsong; and she travelled with the tremor, and she was the tremor. She breathed the thrum of the mountains, tasted the giggling of the grasses, ebbed and flowed with the timeless, unceasing roar of the world-ocean. She rode the winds, laughed and whistled and fell in a great tumult only to rise again with some flexing updraft. She swayed with the trees and listened to their snoring hymn, and raced with the auroran deers, heard their noble song and felt the sting of their rays. And somewhere in all of that she - they - danced. They danced to high heaven, they danced past the moon, they danced amongst the infinite failures of a desperate, yearning, tormented creator. She danced with him and he with her, his song erupted with her voice, the hand that held her hip was hers, her hand about his back was his. They danced, they twirled, they burst and spewed across the world.

She did not know how long she was the Worldsong, how long Lucia was nothing and all things, but in time she found her again. Beneath a lone tree, lying in the cloudy, unformed arms of the thing of ink & poetry; eyes closed (now fluttering open), breath deep, and visage at utter peace. And she noticed, then, that her body was no more the obsidian it had been before her ascent into the Worldsong, but one that was stained with many beautiful swirling patterns and glowing golden shapes. And they seemed to shift slowly and to be in constant flux.

She let a gasp of air escape her mouth, as she brought her arms up to look at the designs before moving her gaze all over her body. She sat up then and blinked rapidly, feeling every emotion begin to fade, with one lasting longer than the others - longing, but that too soon faded into a lull of confusion.

She looked behind her, feeling a familiar presence that wrapped around her comfortably. ”T-That was… Beautiful.” she said, her voice full of awe, dropping into silence as she re-lived the experience through her memories. They weren’t as vivid, and a lot of it began to fade, but it was… Everything. She lay back down into the inky cushion and let out a relaxed sigh. The thing of ink & poetry made no response, but it too seemed to sigh, and with sighing deflated between Lucia and the tree until it had constricted into that colourful humanoid form. Shaking hands on her onyx shoulder, he brought her gently into him and, placing his head over her shoulder, looked at her.

‘Did you see how the headsprings mingle with the river, and the rivers with the ocean?’ He asked musically, though even through his voice of silk she could hear the nervous trembling.

She tilted her head lightly as she looked at him with a smile. ”Why yes, yes I did. I never knew that the water flowed so far!” she said excitedly. Her expression then changed to one of slight concern and she asked, ”Why does your voice tremble? Are you alright?” The colour on his face seemed to drain to a pale white for a few brief seconds, and then flushed a deep crimson.

‘I- uh.’ His hands on her shoulders shook even more violently and he quickly, if sadly, moved them away so she would not notice. ‘I am…’ he leaned back against the tree and inhaled, and all he breathed was her. ‘I am shaking. Because- ah. What you saw and heard.’ He bit his lips. ‘Is what I see and always hear. It- it fills the cup to bursting!’ The calm he had been attempting to maintain disappeared with his final exclamation, but he quickly balled his hands into fists and pressed himself back against the tree again, as though wishing it would swallow him whole. ‘Sorry!’

Lucia turned her body to look at him, her face inquisitive as she looked upon the man. Her symbols shifted and shimmered (causing a sharp intake of breath from the wide-eyed bard) and slowly got to her feet. She brought her hands together at her belly button and relaxed her shoulders as she asked, ”Is there… Is there anything I can do?” her eyes wide and soft. The god’s eyes glazed over for a few seconds before a convulsion shook him out of the trance.

‘Love, nothing but your holy name
Can assuage my hurt of late
Without it I’m ill and lame
For ‘tis my reason, end, and Fate’.

The words were not as smooth and easy as what Lucia had heard from him before, but there was no doubting the well of wild emotion from which they came. She smiled warmly, her eyes briefly shutting before they opened again. ”My name is Lucia, daughter of Oraelia. Who might you be?” she asked, taking a step closer. He visibly relaxed when she spoke her name, as though her name alone was a cure for all the affliction that welled up within him and was the source of his inexplicable joy and pain.

‘I love all names that are like Lucia’s name
Or come from the same wellspring that hers came
All other styles, though great may be their fame
Fall silent before her in awe and shame’.

He spoke with far greater calm, a fond smile decorating his inky face, and when his eye caught hers the smile grew into an embarrassed laugh. ‘My name… ah -

‘She spoke her name and smiled at me
Don’t blame my name if it should flee
Why, curse my name! Of it I’m free
It’s Lucia’s name I sigh to see
In sublime grace ‘tis matched by she
A goddess of pure pedigree!’

He paused with a sigh, ‘but if you must refer to me, call me love; and if that is heavy then - but only then - call me Meghzaal. As for who I might be - I don’t know, but I only know that there is a yearning here, a song, a poem, a dance; and I have gone singing and dancing and searching the world over until - ah! Until I found you, Lucia. And you have filled the cup, and you have emptied it with your name and filled it again.’ He rose to his feet and gazed into her golden eyes. ‘Is it not more fitting that I ask what you are, Lucia, and what it is that you have done with my heart? Why is it that I came into this world yearning - for you.’

What was that feeling, she had felt? The one where her heart beat fast, where she perked up and felt embarrassed, even though she knew she shouldn’t be. Her eyes blinked rapidly, as she didn’t know what to do with her hands other than twirl her hair with one, and rest the other upon her hip. She looked at him, and she knew what that feeling she had felt was, the same one he had asked for her to call him. But what is actually love? Or perhaps a sense of connection, an intimacy shared between the two like never before felt? She did not know.

”I-I-” she stammered, before taking a deep breath before exhaling. ”I do not know, love. I do not know many things, but perhaps it was for a reason. That reason being to show me so much beauty from your heart, that I might take a little with me so I can always have it. Always know it.” she paused, smiling again as the gold upon her body expanded, giving off warmth. ”It is nice to know your name, for it rolls so easily from my lips. Love.” Meghzaal gazed upon her, failing to keep the helpless adoration from his eyes and face.

‘My heart has no beauty, dearest, but is a perfectly calm pool. All beauty you see is but a poor reflection of your sublime visage and song.’ And he extended his hand and took hers, bending low and placing an inky red kiss on her palm that made itself at home amongst the golden tattoos and onyx skin. ‘I will not offer you a little of my heart, nor even all of it - for you are my heart; love for you was planted in my inky flesh before I knew of ink or flesh. In my sleeplessness in the times aforetime, I was naught but love - pure love - for you. For after all, nothing in the world is single, all souls - by a law divine - in one worldsong meet and mingle; so why not your soul and mine? My soul is your soul, and your soul mine; if you will, then I will, and if I will, then it is because you have willed.’

Lucia couldn’t help but blush as the god kissed her palm, yet she did not look away from him. Her golden tattoos began to pulse ever so slightly as the shimmer never stopped. She could hardly wrap her head around the confession. How could a god love but a simple mortal? Her mother never gave mention of this, nor did she ever think that love would come to her so soon. It made her heart beat quick, her palms grew sweaty as she shifted back and forth. Why did the sun suddenly feel so hot upon her cheeks? Her breath quickened as she spoke, ”I-I’ve n-never-” she began, her calmness broken by a wave of uncertainty. ”I-I will.” she whispered softly like a gentle breeze, her tattoo’s pulsing faster. The lovelorn poet seemed to freeze in place for a time, his wide eyes on hers, waiting… waiting on the song to end, the vision to fade, the dream to burst. He opened his mouth to speak, but doubt shot through him. What if he had misheard or misunderstood? The overflowing cup caused the lover to see and hear what was neither present or spoken, after all.

‘Oh you contain a gaze that felled my heart
Its piercing ray has split my pith apart
Were’t so that my beloved spoke again
A speech that heals all wounds and cures all pain
Her word may then treat ails upon me pressed
Or else I’ll perish, and so be at rest’.

He looked at her, the hand holding hers tightening ever so slightly. She had but to affirm that his ears had not deceived him the first time, that it was no jest or joke. Lucia squeezed his hand back, and placed the other one on top of his, before she leaned in ever so close, eyes fading shut, lips trembling in anticipation. With but a whisper she spoke, ”Yes.” conveying a grander meaning behind the simplicity, as the mortal kissed the god. Their lips met in an explosion of momentary silence, before god and lips and ink shattered into an infinity of sounds and songs, the cloud of ink & poetry wrapping around the form of the beloved Lucia as though desperately trying - hoping, yearning - to melt in her; to no avail. But there came a song, full of warmth and joy, savouring in the pain of being unable to truly annihilate the stubborn selfish self into the beloved.

Oh passing breeze, convey my joy and agony
Drinking of love has only increased me in thirst
My beloved’s love is planted in my body
The union of our lips has caused my soul to burst
Her word is law; her will has me in love submersed!

And with that, the great cloud of ink condensed all about Lucia into the form of flowing, wispy garments of ink, and every now and then those garments sighed, and every now and then one sleeve or another tightened - as though seeking reassurance - around her wrist or hugged her body in a yearning to be desperately lost in her. When the lover is lost in the beloved they are found!

He felt cozy, and Lucia couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the cl-


That was the word!

She laughed out loud (and her laughter sent an aching shiver through the ink), before beginning her journey back to the Temple, humming as she went.

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