Avatar of Luna
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Luna Ren
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4476 (1.18 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. Luna 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I’m back.
4 yrs ago
Loving myself a but more each day
6 yrs ago
I am back from Hiatus
7 yrs ago
Had to get a new keyboard for my laptop, I will be getting to all my rps hopefully soon
1 like
7 yrs ago
My rolepaying will be slowing down again due to the fact my alot of my laptop keys don't work right now. Sorry for the inconvenience


Luna's Profile (Under construction)

Hello! My name is Luna, most who are from the old guild know me as Luna Ren from the guild before the Guildfall. I am still sad about it. I haven't found all the people I did one on one roleplays with, but with this new site, I can create new roleplayers and memories with new people I haven't rp'ed before. I have been a roleplayer for as long as I can remember. I mostly did LARP or tabletop rps, but in the year of 2013, I was introduced to an amazing site called Roleplayer Guild and I have gone so much since then. I have slowly worked my way up from pure one-liners and slowly am working my way into Advanced rping

Posting Schedule

Every other Monday and Friday will be days I will focus purely on thread rps that group. I sometimes will work on them if I have a late shift like 12-10 sort of shifts.

Every other weekend I will focus on one on one rps, both PM and thread up. I will be random whether I will answer both areas or focus on just one. Depends on if my RP partners are online and if I am bored.

Basic Info About Me

Username~ Luna
Age~ 2-

Zodiac~ Gemini
Location~ USA

Active Roleplayers

Advance Roleplays

Casual Roleplays

Blood Act: Ghosts of the Past

One on One

Love in the Strangest Places

New Country New Mystery

Black Butler: Curse of the Zodiac

The Places We Go

Amazing People
These people made a serious impact in my life and my roleplaying life. I am honored that I ever had the chance to meet you ad role play with

@Demonic Angel-You are the light of my life. I love you so much and I didn't know what I would have done if we have never talked that first time in Skype. You make me feel special and make me smile so much, as well as blush, You are still evil for that lol just kidding
@Wintersunshine-This person is an amazing roleplayer and I love the rps that we do
@Vesuvius00-You are one of my best friend I have ever met. I would trade you for anyone else. Love you Vessy!
@Lucius Cypher-You are one of the best roleplayers I have ever had the chance to meet before the guildfall. You taught me so much and helped me get over so much stuff
@MegaraFoxfire-You are one of the first people I got to roleplay on this site and I am glad you have continued to roleplay with me even after my disappearances multiple times over the year. I hope we continue to roleplay together
@Fallenreaper-You by far the most amazing GM and roleplayer I have ever got the chance to know. You taught me so much about roleplaying and I am glad you were so patient whenever I vanished for so long from every rp we have ever been in. You are like a big sister to me and I hope we always keep in touch
@Cyndyr-You by far are one of the most understanding roleplayers I have ever come across and that means a lot to me. I hope we can continue roleplaying
@SilverRoseRosey Posey You are the most amazing best friend I can ever have in my life and I honestly would have become lost if I ever stopped talking to you or we stopped being friends. I love you so much for being here with me and I wouldn't trade you for anything

Most Recent Posts

"You are always welcome Miss Honda" Yuki aid with a smile as Kyo grunted and mumbled "Just dont expect it ll the time" it was his way of saying "You welcome"

Ciel nodded, tiredness showing deep in his blue eye
Me too, I was really down about not being able to rp, my ipad cant stand when I try to do things on the site
I bet, anyway, shall we make notes on what has changed since this rp barely started
We done alot since this started
Alright, had to get a new keyboard
"Oh the same as usual, annoying and constantly whining about his precious bassy" she chuckled. "I dont get to see him often as I am part of a different district, he comes on occasion"

"Indeed before another girl ends up on the streets dead"
The Sohma males rubbed her back as they allowed her to cry it out knowing she needed it. To cry out the last several weeks out of her system.

Sebastian blinked and nodded reaching over to rub his ears.

"Um sure" Luelle said sweating dropping a little. She felt for Kaida, she really did, but she wouldn't change her roommate for anyone else. She needed someone like Mamoru in her life, to make her smile and laugh. She looked at the female, who she had met earlier in the day and she gave a small smile. "It was nice seeing you again Dulga. Luelle said shyly to the taller female.

Dragging her roommate back out of the room, she calmly shut the door behind her to give the two some privacy. She looked towards her and smiled a little. "How about we go somewhere else to show off my outfit and come back later? Let them get settled in" She said grabbing her hand gently. She began to pull her away from the door, ignoring the stares they were getting from the other students who had seen the commotion and the whispers about her cat outfit.

@Heartfillia@Norschtalen @Lucius Cypher

It was the end of the day and Mamoru was ready to play. Except she had a bunch of homework to do. ”Uuuugh! It's the first day of school! Why is there so much homework!” Mamoru pouted in abject frustration. She wanted to use this time to fool around with her fellow students but the teachers had assigned them so much busy work on the first day! Mamoru decided that she'll just do the work later. Maybe ask some of the other girls to help her out to get it done quicker. She wanted to decorate her dorm room first and see which cutie was going to have the pleasure of bunking with Mamoru.

Reaching the dorm’s lobby Mamoru went straight to the notice board. Dorm assignment would be found there. She kept looking for her name and eventually found it. ”Ah ha! Let's see, and my buddy is….”

Luelle hummed as she walked towards the dorm lobby. After a long day of searching and going to each of her classes, she was a bit tired. She dragged her suitcase behind her after finding it in the office, she began to wander who was going to be her roommate. It wasn't like she was nervous or anything, but she was a little nervous about meeting her new roommate. Were they going to be friends? Could they get along? Would it be someone she met already today? She honestly had no idea.

Reaching the dorm lobby, she saw Mamoru already was there looking at the room assignments. Smiling a little bit, she walked over and tapped her shoulder.

“Hi Mamoru” she said to the taller female.

Turning around Mamoru found no one at first. But then she looked down and found Luelle! Almost immediately the pinkette wrapped her arms around the little girl. ”Ooooooh Luelle! I knew you'd find me!” Picking the smaller girl up Mamoru hugged the girl tightly to her chest and just cuddled with her. Luelle was as cute as a button, and yet as deadly as a bullet to the head.

”Hey, guess what?” Carrying the girl in her arms Mamoru pointed at the dorm room assignment paper. Next to Mamoru’s name was Luelle’s. ”We're dorm buddies!” Mamoru muzzled Luelle’s head with her chin,

Luelle laughed as Mamoru picked her up hugging her. She hugged her back as tightly as she could. It took a little bit for the news Mamoru just said to finally clock in her head and she smiled brightly.
”That is amazing!” She said loudly ignoring the stares they were getting from of the other students around as Luelle hugged Mamoru tighter.

Happiness and relief filled Luelle. She was glad to have Mamoru as her roommate. She seem like a very cool person and very energetic. Luelle could tell they would be the best of friends in no time.

Finally being released from the hug. Luelle grabbed her suitcase handle, smiling so much that she was sure her cheeks were going to hurt later on.

”Well shall we go our new room?”

”Totally!” Mamoru glanced at the board again to see where their room was at. ”Third floor. Let's go!” Mamoru dashed from her standing spot after letting go of Luelle to head to the third floor. Even if Luelle took the elevator there, Mamoru would still be the first one to arrive. ”Hello! I'm back!” Mamoru shouted into the empty dorm.

The room was quite big, bigger than Mamoru old room. Luelle and Mamoru’s stuff was already here packed up and boxed, so now all they needed to do was decorate. Mamoru was quite excited to personalize her room a lot. She wanted for Luelle with barely contained excitement. ”Yiiii! Ya ready Lulu-chan?”

Luelle smiled and nodde. Going towards the right side of the room where her stuff was Luella began to unpack her new supplies to make her bed. Her bedsheets were rather unique. Her bedsheets were a custom made. The sheet itself had a black background and decorated with many chibis of many styles, many actions, and many emotions. The pillow cases were the same way but they were blue it was. The bed comforter however was different. It was black but in the center was a anime girl but she almost looked like Luelle, but some things marked her different. The woman had amber gold color hair instead of white and reached her shoulders. It was curled at the end making it look fluffy. She was surrounded by the element of fire. Luelle smiled a little.

Seeing the look on Mamoru face, she decided to explain, ”My mom made this for me before she died, she was a sheet maker and was well off because of it. She wanted me to have some physical memory of my mother since she died when I was like 8 and my sister was 5. My mom’s quirk funny enough was fire and my dad was ice. Who knew combining two rival elements together would create a unique quirk like mine” Luelle sighed as she sat down.

”My dad couldn't stand her and even after her dad, the hate grew when he learned he wouldn't gain any of the money that his own wife made from her business. While some went to the employees that worked for her and tied some loose ends, 50% of what was left went to me and the other went to my sister, but the downside, we don't have access to the money until we are both 25 or until we can prove we can be responsible to have access”

Going to her things Mamoru also unpacked her junk. Her bed was decorated in fine silk and mink blankets, as well as pillows woven from Egyptian cotton with memory foam pillows. All thanks to her mother. Mamoru also had brought her game station from home and even rigged up her flatscreen on the wall so she could not only watch TV and movies but also play games. And Mamoru had so much clothes she had to bring another closet just to contain her extra outfits. So much clothes, most of them left overs from her family’s sales. Mamoru was always eager to pick up free stuff.

As Mamoru had packed up her things she listened to Luelle’s tale. It was sad, yet at the same time impressive. Mamoru had heard of stuff like quirk marriages and knew that the number two hero, Endeavor, engaged in that shady practice. Mamoru wondered if Luelle’s parents were the same though hearing about Luelle’s mother did put a slight hitch to that idea. Mamoru was no genius but she knew better than to speak ill of the dead. Still Luelle’s father must have been some piece of work if he got nothing from his wife’s inheritance.

”That's some pretty heavy stuff Luelle!” Mamoru exclaimed simply. Seems like she wouldn't let the topic bring her mood down too much. ”I can't say I understand all of it. Kinda scary to think about it really… Buuuut I know one thing! You're carrying a big weight on your shoulders.” Mamoru sat on her bed and looked towards Luelle, a friendly smile on her face. A smile was practically Mamoru’s default expression. ”I'm sure leaving America to come to Japan, to become a hero here at Komei, was not a small decision. To not only leave behind your family, but also to escape your troubles at home while taking up this new responsibility to become a defender of the world… Well I guess that does sound like more than most bargain for, Nya? However!”

Mamoru pounced towards Luelle and poked the little girl on the nose. ”I'm a hero too! And whenever you're troubled by villains or demons from your past, call for me and I'll come running! I can't say I'm very smart or even all that strong, but I'll never leave someone who needs my help.”

Luelle smiled at her roommate and friend. ”Thanks Mamoru. My sister always says that our father doesn't truly care for us. He wants to use me for his own self gain. But I don't believe it because he shows he cares for us. He always says whoever I comment on it ‘Oh it's just because your sister is quirkless. She is just jealous that you have an amazing quirk and she has nothing’ I learned never to listen to much from my sister as much as it saddened me. I just didn't want to listen to anymore of her lies” She frowned a little and then smiled at Mamoru.

”You are right. It was no small decision, but I made it anyway. I want to learn more about all this. More than what I could ever learn by myself at home. My dad can't use his quirk so he can't teach me.” She held Mamoru’s hand.

”You say you aren't smart, but yet you are smart. You know how to get me to smile faster than anyone else ever has. You have become my own personal hero. I am happy to have a great friend like you as my roommate” She smiled.

Turns back to the box next to her, she giggled as she pulled out a very beautiful light purple Kimono that was lightly designed with pink cherry blossoms. It had a dark purple sash that went around and formed a bow. Connected to it was a black furry cat tail. She blushed.

”Oh geez. This was my costume for my school’s Halloween dance party. Someone must have snuck this into my box without me looking” She said.

”Meep.” Mamoru chirped as Luelle called Mamoru her personal hero. She was still a hero in training, but Mamoru felt all warm and fuzzy inside being able to help a friend. As Mamoru went back to putting her thing up she noticed that Luelle had a cute kimono. Apparently she wore it to Halloween. Just eyeballing it Mamoru could tell it wasn’t one of those cheap cotton ones they’d sell as a budget fashion, but actually half-made. Not as great as her mother’s own kimonos, but still it was very luxurious. But when Mamoru saw the cat tail she had stars in her eyes.

”Luelle… Time to make your highschool debut!” Mamoru pounced on Luelle, forcing her to change out of her school uniform and into her cute cat kimono. Mamoru even searched through her thing to accessorize Luelle even more, including wigs, contacts, and makeup. Mamoru was so aggressive that by the time Luelle could even open her eyes she was standing in front of a mirror all dressed up. Mamoru had somehow customized Luelle’s cat kimono into a japanese-style maid kimono, painted her nails, and even braided Luelle’s hair into two loops. And to top it all off, she even fitted Luelle with a cat-ear hairband with the exact shade of silver as Luelle’s hair. In a box near Luelle’s feet was full of silver cat ears, but of varying shades. Evidently when it came to dressing up Mamoru was quite prepared.

”Cute~” Mamoru gushed as she saw Luelle. ”Let’s head to the lobby and show you off to the others!”

Luelle made a cute noise as Mamoru pounced on her yet again, this time with determination in her actions. She couldn't even react as she felt herself stripped of her uniform.

”M-Mamoru!” her voice was lost of her roommate’s ears as she was changed into a modified version of her old kimono, but she had a feeling her friend wasn't done and how right she was.

She felt her face become a little heavy meaning she was getting makeup put on her. She wiggled her face from time to time as she got used to it. She felt her hair being played with and twisted into a style she didn't know and to too it was a headband of some kind.

Opening her eyes, she gasped when she saw herself in the mirror. She saw the ears and smiled at them. Her eyes widened as she looked at Mamoru. She barely registered what she had said before she heard what she suggested.

”Y-yeah let's.” She said, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

Mamoru took Luelle out of their room and down towards the dorm main hall. She wanted to show off Luelle to everyone. But before she could, she noticed another room open and Mamoru’s smile widen. It was Kaida. ”I can’t let this chance go to waste! KAIDA! LET'S PLAY!” Mamoru shouted into the room. She just barged out and grasped Kaida around the shoulders. ”Luelle, help me take Kaida back to my room!”

Sweat dropping at Memory, she followed after her and saw her grabbing Kaida. He blinked and shook her head a little in amusement.

”Um, perhaps inviting is better Mamoru”

@Lucius Cypher@Heartfillia
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