Avatar of Lurking Shadow


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1 yr ago
Current I love hunt showdown. nothing like talking shit in prox chat while having a friendly cowboy shootout over a bayou bounty. Now I just need to acquire skill over ungodly amount of hours playing the game
1 yr ago
It's crazy to see another furry in the wild. Well, back to my hidey-hole.
1 yr ago
Angus McSix and the Sword of Power is a pretty damn good album. I was hesitant about Thomas Winkler's new band after being booted from Gloryhammer but my worry was unfounded. He is def back one better
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3 yrs ago
What's all this about DnD, where my CoC bois at who enjoy the game where every encounter can be a TPK, never use magic unless you want to die, and where you never save the day but delay the inevitable
4 yrs ago
Kane Lives
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*A murr can be heard in the corner as a certain otter pours over a drone’s innards* I, the great Sprinsteam shall create an army of foot soldiers so adorable they will conquer with mere looks!...

but what if Goths? I think they tend to be naturally averse to conventional definitions of 'adorable' but otherwise good idea. Don't forget to make em waterproof and maybe add parachutes in case ground deployments are impractical.

*goes back to considering how much boom is too much boom*
@Silverwind Blade I'll keep my excitement going. Do some Steel Talon skirmishes in C&C: KW to get into the mindset of badass mechs. Probably even get some good 'heavy weapons guy' quotes to use, though I already know I want to use I've got a present for ya! at some point, ideally accompanied by an explosion.... or several.

Hopefully since I've dealt with a few RL setbacks I'll be able finish and post my character....tomorrow.
I'm tired af right now.

Damn responsibilities. Always getting in the way of things. Why can't they just... not responsibilitate or something.

*nailed it*
@redbaron1234 I've been having no problems with the link, though considering it is a Microsoft product you will probably need a Microsoft account to access it. I use windows for my OS so I am already logged into Microsoft stuff automatically, if you use Mac or Linux you might not be logged in and it is not redirecting you to log in with an account. Least, that's my guess.

Not much info for me to diagnose the problem but it is never a bad idea to try to google your problem if you haven't. As long as you use terms to describe the problem accurately enough, you can usually solve it in 10-15 minutes.

@Silverwind Blade Well, it only took me getting sidetracked 3 times on this character, better than my usual 5 or 6. I also thought of another question, would modules on the GEAR be easily changed on the battlefield or is it a complicated process that needs a maintenance bay or something? such as in a potential instance where someone would salvage a perfectly working *whatever* from a fallen GEAR, would they be able to attach it then and there?
Guess this is when I start spending hours trying to figure out a good name whereas I can figure everything else about the character in 40 minutes. Heavy Gunner sounds like it'll be the role for the character I am working on. 'speak softly and carry a big stick'. I always liked having either more dakka or bigger dakka when possible
<Snipped quote by Lurking Shadow>

For reasons related to the background of the setting, Arvarans are only Mammals and some marsupials. No reptiles, no insects, or the like. And no mythological creatures either, as that doesn't make sense from a lore point of view.

A bit of a shame. When it comes to humanoid creatures, snake people are my top choice (and to a lesser extent, other kinds of reptiles) for thematic reasons as well as the interpretations by the aforementioned authors. I have a better idea on how to write snake characters then other kinds of animals.

I guess my second choice would be bears. Would that work with the lore?

<Snipped quote by Lurking Shadow>

It is an acronym, and in true anime tradition, probably a highly redundant one. There's some in-game disagreement about exactly what it stands for - it kind of depends who you ask and what their background is, but the commonly agreed one is:

General purpose

Now I am wondering why it is named that way unless it is something about them being the 'gear or cog in the machine that is the military'.

While I'm waiting on some more info, guess I'll start figuring out characters and whatnot.
I am somewhat interested, though I do have a few questions to clarify a few things…

I assume the mechs are the traditional, titans of metal with a pilot in a cockpit. Right? I am not too familiar with the references you gave (save Gundam, at least vaguely), as I usually stick with more western styles such as 1920s+ or Supreme Commander (and though not too much a fan of Battletech/Mechwarrior, that as well).

The cultures on Arvara, do they have any similarities/inspiration from real world civilizations/countries? Like can I look at something and be like ‘oh yeah, they seem to basically be china but animals’.

How anthropomorphic? Would say, a cat be walking upright with clearly defined arms and legs or walking on four legs? Maybe somewhere in between?

What species of animal are allowed? I have always been partial to serpent men/snake folk myself. Specifically, as depicted in the works of Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard.

Lastly, I am a bit curious, is GEAR an acronym or simply a name?


I’ll prob think of more questions later, but the above’ll help me decide as to whether or not I’ll have enough interest to do this RP. I am generally averse to furry stuff for several reasons, but this does not seem to touch on any of those and there seems to be a good story in here and I have never been one to turn down a good story without reason.
I am tentatively interested. Had an character idea in my head for a while now that I think I can use here.

I'm going to wait for more information on the world before I can definitively say whether I am in or not. A few questions come to mind first...

Is the world essentially like a medieval Europe but with the 'demons', magic, and some other things (regardless of whether the names and locations of towns/people/kingdoms etc. coincide with one of IRL)

Is there any sort of 'goal' or direction for the RP or is the story something we will be pretty much making up as we go along?

and when you get around to having concrete stuff on magic, I'd like to know how it works (more specifically what fuels or powers the magic) and is it something that anybody can learn or is it something that only certain people would have access to.

and if your curious about what I was thinking for a character, I was thinking it would be interesting to RP someone that could interact with people through their dreams and have it be mirrored in the physical world. So a Transient/Natural demon here. Think I'll even have some conflict with a split personality. An empathetic, altruistic one, and another that seeks to grow stronger with violence. A duality that often opposes each other, but sometimes may even work alongside eachother. Got a few ideas to limit this so as not to be OP as well.

Whenever you get an OOC or otherwise have more information, I'll prob think of other questions to add.
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