Avatar of Lurking Shadow


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1 yr ago
Current I love hunt showdown. nothing like talking shit in prox chat while having a friendly cowboy shootout over a bayou bounty. Now I just need to acquire skill over ungodly amount of hours playing the game
1 yr ago
It's crazy to see another furry in the wild. Well, back to my hidey-hole.
1 yr ago
Angus McSix and the Sword of Power is a pretty damn good album. I was hesitant about Thomas Winkler's new band after being booted from Gloryhammer but my worry was unfounded. He is def back one better
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3 yrs ago
What's all this about DnD, where my CoC bois at who enjoy the game where every encounter can be a TPK, never use magic unless you want to die, and where you never save the day but delay the inevitable
4 yrs ago
Kane Lives
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Fiadh took in the city as she glided through the air, her senses picking up many sights, sounds, and smells. The honks of cars in traffic, people walking and conversating, hotdog vendors….hmm. hotdogs. Wait, I hunger not only for treasure but also has the normal hunger. Hunger for sustenance. And here I am without my purse… or… i could steal a hotdog. I mean, I need to eat. Right? That’s justifiable, isn’t it? Or maybe there are some animals walking around that will satisfy, like another cat. Or dog. But those give me indigestion and sometimes hairballs. Maybe i could…

Fiadh was distracted from an explosion coming from the direction of the museum, just on the other side of this building. Fiadh quickly climbed to the top to take stock of the situation. She sees… A kid, no two kids beating up some power ranger knock-offs. A medieval LARPer taking out a yellow power ranger knock-off. And…
"...I’ll give you a gold star…”
Fiadh’s attention was instantly transfixed with the mention of gold, she shifted to identify the source from her perch.

A man tending to a wounded kid on the streets. And something in his pockets, for a fraction of a second, she saw a familiar glint. Gold star, apparently. At least that is what the man mentioned. And at that moment, nothing else mattered. The surrounding disappeared from sight, the gnawing hunger in her stomach went away, all that she felt, all that she thought about, was the gold. Nothing else existed to her, as she prepared for her descent.

Though Fiadh was not so good at flying, landing was something she has gotten good at on account of she has fallen a lot until she got the hang of gliding. Fiadh landed a bit rough, sliding a few feet and shaking the ground a little from the impact, before coming to a stop. She walked over to the man on all fours as people seem to be less intimidated when she does not tower over them, and she did not want to scare this human, at least not yet... Truth be told she has not actually talked in this form before, so she was a little shocked at the slight boom her voice seemed to have, as she settled on the words to express her singular desire. Simple, Straight to the point. She knows what she wants.

”I want this ‘gold star’ too.” she announced with envy.


Fiadh’s apartment

Fiadh paced her apartment, trying to calm her restless mind. She made rounds around her hoard, offering occasional glances to take it all in. She has amassed a humble fortune, not much but it was more than she ever owned in her life before. True to the fey’s word, she has been led to many things. Many pretty, tantalizing, intoxicating things. It is euphoric, to look at, to know it is hers and hers alone, maybe a little from causing envy in others. Whether one might seek the beauty of the jewels and art, the value of the gold, or the knowledge in the books, tomes, and grimoires. She had something most people would want, and knowing that gave her a tingly sensation. But it did not satisfy her, it never did. There was always that voice, a whisper at first, that has since then begun to chant. More. More. I must have more.

She had no mirrors, vanity was not her vice, but the glittering gold provided enough of a reflection for introspection. She never saw herself, but what she would be. What she is. Gone were her dark red hair with a slight curl, her fair complexion, her smile, thin build, and other features that would attract the right, and sometimes wrong, kind of attention. Replaced by scales, horns, grimace, and eyes that betrayed a constant lust for more. Day by day, her future became more and more appealing than her ‘weak and pathetic’ human form, a thought that terrified her. She is even calling it the human form, as if she wasn’t human. Maybe…maybe she isn’t anymore.

“When will it be enough?” Fiadh asked to an empty room.

“I just need to fill this void with another diamond, maybe two.” She replied to herself.

“It’s always just a little more though…isn’t it.”

“It has to end at some point though, right? Eventually this obsession will be satisfied.”

“Maybe a few more books….and some more gold, that’s gotta do it. Or…maybe…The Carlyle Museum has one of a kind artifacts…” Fiadh’s conversation with herself was interrupted as she began to feel a familiar and hated sensation. She gave in, again.

It starts with sensation, her flesh is numbing like when you rest on your arm to long, and quickly shifts to pain. She has dealt with the transformation many times, not enough to get sued to it, but enough where she is not crippled by the pain anymore, just exhausted. She acted quickly to strip down, her human clothes were not made to fit this other physiology, and she hates to have to buy more when she can avoid it.

Over the next minute or so, her body began to visibly transform, flesh was split revealing glittering scales, the nubs on her back and tailbone began to expand and lengthen, forming wings and a tail, her legs and feet twisted into something less human and more befitting of a dragon, she also gained enough body mass to put on a few feet of height. Her least favorite part was the head, suffering perhaps the greatest transformation of any part, with her hair shedding along with her skin, the skull reshaped almost entirely to support a lengthy snout, her eyes shifted from oval pupils to reptilian slits. By the end of it, she was an amalgam of human and dragon. Human enough to not be entirely monstrous, but her silhouette was definitely not human. And luckily this form can get away with not wearing clothes and not violate public decency laws. Otherwise, the time and money spent finding a discreet tailor would be annoying.

Fiadh took stock of the situation. A mess on the floor, some blood and viscera being the only evidence of her transformation, which she will need to clean up. Boots, Jacket, jeans, good. But not the gloves or underwear, damn. Too ripped up to wear.

“Great… another pair ruined. Way to go.” Fiadh hissed to herself, her words forming visibly as a green haze that was expelled from her mouth. Luckily, she could not poison herself.

I’ll worry about it later. Need to get to museum and claim…no, just view, something new. Get my mind off this. Distract myself. Fiadh was thinking, trying to ignore her covetous desire. Maybe going to the place with a lot of stuff she very much would like to own is not the best idea, but no one said she ever thought things through. Or at all.

Now, to go to…. Fuck, can’t use the door. Shoulda done the dragon thing outside. Fiadh said, looking dawn at herself, she broke a few things before and she hates having to pay for replacements. Oddly the though of someone who is trying to hide their curse walking out of their apartment and potentially reveling themselves to their neighbor, nor the thought of awkwardly walking through a hall and down stairs made for someone a few heads shorter than she is now, was not something she was concerned about like you’d think, it was the thought of having to spend money that was her concern.

I really need to be looking for a new place with more space, before my collection or I get too big… Fiadh looked around and settled on the window, it might get scratched, but a scratched window still opens and closes fine unlike a crushed door handle. Carfully she opened it and crawled outside, digging into the side of her apartment before carefully shutting the window. She stretched her wings out, to get a feel for them, before furling them back in a resting position. Fiadh was not confident enough in her ability to fly, not yet, but she can glide. Deciding on her path, she climbed up her apartment to get to the roof. From there she can glide from building to building and climb up where needed. A much quicker way to cover the distance than by…paw. Or would it still be foot? Can she change the phrase to fit her situation? Either way, she will get to the museum expeditiously.
Caper at the Carlyle Museum

Grailham City, a place where heroes and villains enter the crucible of conflict and where legends emerge. Good and Evil vie for dominance daily, with law and order maintained only by careful diligence and duty. At this very moment there are easily a few handfuls of battles going on by heroes and villains both great and small. Unbeknownst to everyone, a new group of villains known to nobody as the Sinister Six is absconding with an artifact from the storage at the Carlyle Museum. What artifact could they be getting away with?

“Watch where you are going” growled a figure clad in black.

“How about you watch where you put your foot?” hissed a figure in red.

“Quiet all of you, we are supposed to get the artifact and get out real quiet like.” barked a figure in green.

“I didn’t say nothing!” exclaimed a figure in Yellow

“I am surrounded by idiots…” sighed a figure in grey.

“And that’s what you love about us.” Joked a figure in blue.

“Hey…wait a minute.” Said the black figure. “Are you even helping us carry this?”, he said to the blue figure.

“uhh, of course I am, don’t be silly” the blue figure said, actually touching the box this time instead of pretending to.

“No, you weren’t! I saw you pantomiming it!”

“Quiet you fools! You’ll attract attention.”

“Hey, what’s going on here?” said a guard, announcing down the hall.

“Who’s the-“ said the guard before sighing. “…great, more costumed characters…”

“We are no mere characters…” announced the red figure. “We are the Sinister Six! Now cower and we may let you live” He said, breaking into a villainous cackle. And not a very good one.

“Riigght. Well, I have here in my hands a gun. And they let me use it because management is tired of absolute nobodies breaking in here every Tuesday.” The guard said, brandishing a handgun to illustrate

“Now drop that crate nice and slow and leave, I don’t want to deal with the paperwork.”

“POCKET SAND!” said the yellow figure, reaching into a pocket and throwing sand at the guard’s eyes.

“ARGH, MY EYES!” Exclaimed the guard. “Why the fuck do you have sand in…” he said as he was interrupted by being tripped by the yellow figure, conveniently being knocked out by the fall.

“Well, looks like I saved our heist, no need to thank me.” Boasted the yellow figure proudly.

“Whatever, let’s just get this out of here without any more interruptions. The big boss is paying us good money for this, for whatever reason.”

Unbeknownst to them. This was all in view of a security camera. Also staffed by a guard who really does not want to deal with all these random ‘villains’. Especially with all the paperwork involved. Better to find some aspiring hero to deal with this inconvenience. But if the guard can’t be assed to do his job, who can? Can the guard find anyone willing to help for nothing but a half-hearted thanks? Will the vile foes have their daring caper thwarted?
@Vega7285 its good to put in character tab

@Unkown58 no, it looks good to put in the character tab.

and don't forget about the discord if you want to join it, seems most of us are on there. link can be found at the bottom of the first OOC post.
@Shard@Martian both are good to put in character tab.
@Shard interest is appreciated, if you, or anyone else really, has questions I am happy to answer here, in a PM, or on discord.
@The Forgotten You can do pretty much whatever to mooks/goons/nameless NPCs, but it will be assumed that no matter what happened they live after the fact unless otherwise stated. So he can freely cripple people as 'public perception' regarding these sorts of things are conveniently ignored, don't worry about getting tied up in the ethical implications unless it is outright murder.

And once I get a character figured out, they'll prob be the one to bring you up to speed about the modern world and all that unless someone else wants to.

I am going to wait a while before post zero so those still making characters get ample opportunity to hammer it out and will prob get post zero around the weekend. maybe see if any late comers express interest.
@Lyla You can go ahead and slap the, currently, only female character in the CS tab. Miracle Maple is only sometimes girl so he/she counts for half a point
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