Avatar of MacieLightfoot


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I'm back. But not to RP. Only to answer what messages i do get in my PM. You all have hurt me in the past & i won't allow for anyone to get a second shot. I'm here for messages only. Nothing more.
1 like
2 yrs ago
You all hate me. But none of you know a DAMN thing about what my life is like. However... no big deal. You all can just do what you do best.
2 yrs ago
Anyways... I'm out. You all want me dead. Fine. Once i get what i need from here... i'm outta here. Just see if i give a damn about what any of you think anymore. Toodles. Cretins. It's been fun.
2 yrs ago
All it shows is that you people are the true immature ones. Thanks for clearing that up. Now i know. You're all immature. Nice to know that immaturity in people is universal.
2 yrs ago
I can see your posts people. You think i'm that stupid that i can't see you all talking trash about me and when i call you out on it... you all go cryin' like little babies instead of owning up to it.


The Background is just as you may see. Macie's a Singer and a Celebrity. She is said to be identical to the appearance of the S.Korean superstar Eunha. but in all honesty... she's just a casual person living the dream. When there are others who're not trying to constantly place her upon the pedestal and lean it to where she endures the same destined fate as the Fallen King... The one who spread love and peace before her time.

Interview about me:

My concert announcer:

Love one and all...

Most Recent Posts

"Locations c-c-c-c-confirmed," Porygon-Z notified after tapping the GPS data of Lisa and Nicoles' phones, "Transmitting d-d-d-d-data…" Knowing that Anistar's Braviary was part Psychic, Porygon-Z materialized out of Donald's phone and telepathically sent images of maps with a teardrop-shaped red blip indicating where to fly. Donald sent an anonymous hot tip to the Chicago PD Intelligence Unit with the probable location of Team Aqua's hideout. Two other investigative bureaus were chosen as carbon copy destinations: the FBI and Interpol.
"I just sent hot tips to the Chicago police, the feds and Interpol," Donald stated, "I figured the local cops would want some backup dealing with a Japanese criminal syndicate that desires to increase ocean volume and wipe several island nations off the map."

Anistar: Good. Braviary... Go. Find Lisa and Nicole and aid in the rescue.

Alice: *Calling out her Onix and sending him out over to the location*

As for Lisa and Nicole...

They were on the run still and heading south Towards the Riverdale area of Chicago. It was gonna be a long trip back to the crew... but they were gonna make the most of it.

Lisa: We have to get the hell outta here and back to where it's safe. It's dangerous out here...

Nicole: My Druddigon can get us over to Missouri. It's just itching to get back with the group.

Lisa: Not now... Nicole. We can't use any of our pokemon right now. It isn't safe. Team Aqua's likely got a team out to come after us and see on nailing us again. They're gonna be just chomping at the bit to recapture us.

Nicole: What're we gonna do? We can't just sit here and do nothing. We've got to get out of here fast somehow...

Lisa: I know.

Were they gonna be found before long... Or was it dead set on being curtains again for them?

SOMEONE COME TO Their rescue... HURRY!
<Snipped quote by MacieLightfoot>
"My Porygon-Z can do all that if it uses a device with internet access like any other Porygon," Donald answered, "Like all data, it can go at the speed of light to its destination. As for your question, Anistar, nearly every cell phone in this day and age uses GPS to track its location. All I need to do is tap into their phones and use their GPS signal to narrow their location to within a yard or two."

<Snipped quote by MacieLightfoot>
"It's a long shot, but an anonymous tip-off to the Chicago PD Intelligence Unit might set the ball rolling," Donald answered.

<Snipped quote by MacieLightfoot>
"Roger, Sergeant," Donald acknowledged before opening the voice interface app on his phone, "Porygon-Z, execute Code: Fast Pace and see if you can transmit GPS location data of Nicole and Lisa Lightfoots' phones to this unit."
"E-e-e-e-executing…" Porygon-Z acknowledged, "R-r-r-r-running Cyber-Zamazenta and Cyber-Watchog." The two apps were respectively a firewall and location tracker app of Donald's creation.

Jeremy: Do it. Donald, Do anything it takes to track them down. Bring our sisters home. Back to us.

Anistar: My other pokemon that i don't use unless it's necessary... An Hisuian Braviary. I encountered her while on my way due northeast of Jefferson City. I came back from going a little too far as i was also on the way to get my first badge. I was on the other side of St. Louis ... The East side and on between the trail going straight to Cleveland and the trail back to well... here... I came a strange flying type pokemon. I didn't even know what to make of it. But it was sure a feisty one. Although it did seem to be profoundly friendly. Not sure if it was some ruse. But i came to it and approached it. Turned out... that it was battling against a bigger pokemon than it. Something called a Corviknight. It won... barely before dropping in exhaustion. I wanted to help it out. So... i went up to it and used a full heal and a full restore on it. The pokemon perked up and was rather especially grateful and everything that it allowed for me catch it. I caught her and she's been with me since. Of course she promised to only come out when truly needed. Which is now... Beauty Vines... tap the pokeball on the side of me and let Braviary. She's got a mission to fill.

Seconds later...

Anistar: Braviary, We need you to fly on to Chicago... It's due Northeast... from here. Two rockin' girls of Lightfoot are there and on the run. Find them. Bring them back here anyway you can...

Alice: I'll send my flying type bird along too... Besides The mrs... will be none too happy if she were to break loose from being under the capture and control of Team Magma only to learn that her kids were being sunkered down in a captive vibe under the reins of Team Aqua.

Sandy: She's got a point.

Alice: *Calling her pokemon* Ol' Mother Bones, come on out... Time to send out your cries for a good ole' search of a couple of family members.

It was a full on rescue. Full on recovery and yet the Rehearsing... still strummed it chords onwards as it was now the COUNTDOWN to the concert...

Ella blinked open her eyes, she had been taken by Team Magma and Aqua. That's all she remembered, that and the message she had sent to Kimberly. Who had hopefully had told Jeremy and the others? She was scared she saw she was tied up, but she could talk. Would singing get her in trouble though? She didn't know but she had to try something as she tapped her ear finding the ear mic. She tapped it and talked quietly, "Team Magma and Aqua help." She turned the mic off as she started to sing.

Ella: *singing* She's the good type
Acting like the bad guy
Never really loved right:
Trust was always outta sight
Here she is
Glossing her lips
With the tears of
Her conflicts, oh dear
There's hurt in her

But she's an actor
Not by choice
Oh, she's an actor
And sadly
She's always employed

She wanted love but was sold doubt
And just enough so she could never figure out
Exactly what it was that she felt in her gut
Made her question what she was going crazy about
So she walks through her favourite store
The one with potions, pills and more
Trust issues and depression
But they sell happiness through prescription

She's the good type
Acting like the bad guy
Never really loved right
Trust was always outta sight
Here she is
Glossing her lips
With the tears of
Her conflicts, oh dear
There's hurt in her

But she's an actor
Not by choice
Oh, she's an actor
And sadly
She's always employed

One touch and you will see
Her porcelain skin cracks easily
But deep withing she's protecting her
Heart of gold and its beauty
One touch and you will see
Her porcelain skin cracks easily
But deep withing she's protecting her
Heart of gold and its beauty

She's the good type
Acting like the bad guy
Never really loved right
Trust was always outta sight
Here she is
Glossing her lips
With the tears of
Her conflicts, oh dear
There's hurt in her

But she's an actor
Not by choice
Oh, she's an actor
And sadly
She's always employed

She was talking about herself of course. But hopefully, no one would know that.

Kimberly was pretty quiet as she didn't wish to speak unless spoken to. She was used to it as with the life she had to once live for so long... she had to be. It was just better for her as it would lead to her being in a lot less trouble. But it was when she was overhearing the order to keep off all cellphones and pagers... That's when she knew that something was going on and it startled her... She right away looked at Jeremy and asked if the details were true. All she could do was pray that he'd say no. but... sadly... it was as true as it was said to be.

Kimberly: I guess that means that we can't just use our phones to call out to our friends when we're all in a bind, huh?

Jeremy: Not till the threat has died down a bit. Right now... everything is heightened and elevated. If what Donald is saying is really taking place... is in fact happening... We're all gonna be on Elevated Terror Alert. Level: Orange. So... for the time being... till we know for sure what's really going on... and how it's gonna play out... All future messages will be passed along via telegrams and hand delivered notes and messages.

Sgt. Lerner: That's a good strategy... But in case you don't know much about the terror meter... We'll fill you right in.

They explain the Terror Meter to Kimberly and hoping for it to provide savored results... Understanding...

Sgt. Lerner: There are five levels of Terror alerts, soldier. 5. 1. Severe- Red. that's the Highest level and the top of the brass of Alerts. When it's at the red... it usually means that without a single doubt... there's something big and bad that's really gonna happen. Could happen at any place at any time. But point being... that's it's imminent and is gonna happen and/or is currently taking place. 2. High- Orange. That's the second one. Just under red. It's just as bad... but without the bells and whistles and chines that come included. But it also means that it's at a elevated and very serious point. Meaning a warning and or advisory that things could possess potential in escalating. Or die down. 3. Elevated-Yellow. That is the mid level which is the in-between point separating from the higher and highest point. And the lower point which is the lower and lowest points in the terror level meter. It is at yellow when the current terror level... whatever the terror is at that particular point in time. 4. Guarded-Blue. That's when there is only a guarded risk of a terrorist attack. But no actual need for danger. However it's usually best to keep on the guard. then the last one and the lowest one there is 5. Low-Green. When it's at that level... it is a considered as a very good sign as it means there is a very low low risk of any sort of Terrorist attack coming along. There's also some who would count it as defcon 5. Giving out an all clear.

Jeremy: That explains it highly. However... now that we're at Level Orange... it means that... there's a very high chance of there being trouble. So... we have to be on the guard and be prepared for anything to come out.

Would Lisa and Nicole be rescued... or would they have to find their own way back?
Donald tracked cell phone communications and found the Team Aqua phones were accessing various towers around Chicago. "I have some news: Lisa and Nicole have likely broken out of Team Aqua's base and are now at large in Chicago," he stated.

Jeremy: Really? Can your Porygon instant teleport from place to place?

Sandy: Passion Kiss, Are you kidding? That's not exactly possible for one to do. You can't ask him to do that. What if it's something rather dangerous?

Jeremy: It might be... But then again... there might not be any danger. He did say that his Porygon was practically one of a kind.

Anistar: What'll you do? What can we do? Do we know as to where in Chicago they are?

Saphiroth: I... I could always hope that we might have a way of figuring that out.

Darlene: Same here.

Jeremy: We need to issue a rescue party. Who you think we know off hand that can instigate a rescue recon?

Sandy: No idea. Donald.. Care to quibble on who can do a rescue? A fast snatch and grab and rescue fast?

If Lisa and Nicole were actually on the loose and free... would they be truly on the run? Looking to be rescued and saved? Who was gonna do the fast rescue? Would it be in time for the Concert that was foretold to be the next day?
Donald hacked his way into the security system and saw two anomalous figures sneaking around the Team Aqua facility. Getting an idea and figuring shutting down the security system was too obvious a solution, he set the cameras to broadcast routine work on a continuous loop to their various screens to mask Lisa and Nicole's sneaking around. "Ever watched Speed? Spoiler alert," he quipped to himself.

During that day...

With the masking of the possible breakout which was being perpetrated by Lisa and Nicole... Team Aqua didn't seem to pick up on the diversion that they were now facing was a ruse.

It was on the outside of the base which was stationed over in Chicago that Lisa and Nicole had busted loose and had to make every step carefully flawless as it meant the difference of being back with the group... and or being re-captured and put in a tighter spot. It was gonna be a while before they could rejoin the others. They were gonna get back with their crew if it was the last thing ever done...

But as far as Jeremy and the others knew... those two were still under the capture.

Jeremy: We can only let time tell as to what will happen next. All we can do is press on with what we are in the middle of right now.

Sandy: The concert's tomorrow. Are we sure that we are gonna ready in time?

Time was winding down and the time till concert time was coming to a final second... All one could do was just keep on going and see what came from the mess. If there was anything uplifting to come from the matters that were still yet at hand...
Donald proceeded to hack his way into Team Aqua's systems through similar darknets to the ones used by his spyware to listen in on their communications and turn on the locations of all their devices if they weren't already on. "If you mess with the Digi-Enforcer, get a new device or get off the grid," he muttered as he tracked the location data of any phones that Cyber-Greninja sent his way and monitored the communications of any infected phones and computers for any pertinent data.

What they didn't know was that Lisa and Nicole were trying to bust loose from the clutches of Team Aqua. But it was only gonna be a matter of time before they would be caught trying to make a break for it...

As for Jeremy and Sandy...

Jeremy: Time to get one more session in...

Sandy: We got a concert tomorrow. This has to be without a flaw.

Anistar: What song will you be doing next?

Jeremy: Something that might bring a lure to get Lisa and Nicole back and out of capture from Team Aqua.

Sandy: Sounds rather deliciously clever. Let's do it.
On hearing the news, Donald put down his keytar, pulled out his phone and opened an app. "V-v-v-v-voice interface…" Porygon-Z notified, ready to receive instructions.
"Porygon-Z, deploy Cyber-Greninja to Teams Aqua and Magma and execute Code: Round House," Donald instructed.
"E-e-e-e-executing…" Porygon-Z confirmed. The artificial Pokémon sent spyware through various darknets to all devices used by Teams Aqua and Magma to monitor their communications and operations before putting tracers on the phones of the Lightfoots and their entourage.

"Everyone, I advise you to turn off your phones," Donald warned, "I put tracers on them monitoring any communications in and out of them in case they're tracking us through them including location data. I also deployed spyware to their devices so we'll know their every move."

Jeremy realized what Donald was getting at and nodded. He knew that something was up. He knew something was coming. Not sure as to how it would play out... But Jeremy could tell that when Donald spoke in technical terms and was becoming technical... it usually would be leading to a very specific purpose.

Jeremy: *Texting his Entourage* Till further notice and until we know the magnitude of the situation that is coming more and more alive and unfolding more as it develops... all transmissions and messages are to be by messenger and telegrams.

A few seconds later...

Jeremy: I sent a fast message to the members of the Passion Kiss Entourage. Instructing them to send all future messages via Telegrams... Hand delivered till further notice. Reducing the need for transmitting via phones and radio and such.

Sandy: That's a good idea. A Smart idea and then some...

Saphiroth: Will we be able to locate where Team Aqua's holding Lisa and Nicole?

Darlene: Time will tell. Time will tell.

Sgt. Lerner: I got My Houndoom. He'll get to where they could be held and try to untie them if they do happen to be tied up.

Jeremy: *Nods* Good work. Get on it.

All the while rehearsals kept on going...


It was only a day later before the last bits of rehearsing were to be constructed...

But there was little to no telling whether a rescue would be performed... and soon.
Donald had his Espeon scan the surrounds for anyone that was not supposed to be around their rehearsal area while he rehearsed his parts. After his current rehearsal he checked over the tour schedule to see if any of the places they were touring had gyms that were Pokémon League-sanctioned.

There were no other concert obligations in the lineup. None at that point and it would only come as they came along... when it would open up. But Jeremy and Sandy got with singing... Practicing and getting the #'s in order...

Jeremy: *With Sandy; Singing* “I see you, you see me
Watch you blowin’ the lines
When you’re making a scene
Oh girl, you’ve got to know
What my head overlooks
The senses will show to my heart
When it’s watching for lies
You can’t escape my

Private eyes
They’re watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They’re watching you
Private eyes
They’re watching you watching
You watching you watching you

You play with words you play with love
You can twist it around baby that ain’t enough
‘Cause girl I’m gonna know
If you’re letting me in or letting me go
Don’t lie when you’re hurting inside
‘Cause you can’t escape my

Private eyes
They’re watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They’re watching you
Private eyes
They’re watching you watching
You watching you watching you

Why you try to put up a front for me
I’m a spy but on your side you see
Slip on, into any disguise
I’ll still know you
Look into my

Private eyes
They’re watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They’re watching you
Private eyes
They’re watching you

Private eyes
They’re watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They’re watching you
Private eyes
They’re watching you

Private eyes
They’re watching you
They see your every move
Private eyes
They’re watching you
Private eyes
They’re watching you”

Jeremy: “Singing; With Sandy* “My friends wonder why I call you all of the time
What can I say
I don’t feel the need to give such secrets away
You think maybe I need help, no, I know that I’m right
I’m just better off not listening to friends’ advice

When they insist on knowing my bliss
I tell them this
When they want to know what the reason is
I only smile when I lie, then I tell them why

your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss I can’t resist
(Because your kiss) is what I miss when I turn on the lights

I go crazy wondering what there is to really see
Did the night just take up your time, ’cause it means more to me
Sometimes I forget what I’m doing, I don’t forget what I want
Regret what I’ve done, regret you, I couldn’t go on

And if you insist on knowing my bliss
I’ll tell you this
If you want to know what the reason is
I’ll only smile when I lie, then I’ll tell you why

your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss I can’t resist
(Because your kiss) is what I miss when I turn on the lights

I really miss you babe

your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss I can’t resist
(Because your kiss) is what I miss when I turn on the lights

your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss I can’t resist
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life”

As they were rehearsing...

Something came towards them and it was...

Pidgetta: *Walking over to the crew* Damn it... Those contentious shits never quit. Team Magma's got my cousin working for them. Almost as if willingly.

Saphiroth: We heard. We heard. It's not good. The situation's gotten worse than we would have ever thought that it could.

Pidgetta: You kids need to seek shelter now. before they come after you. *Not seeing Lisa and Nicole* Wait a minute... Where's Lisa and Nicole? Aren't they here too?

Jeremy: Well... they would be if of course... they weren't Abducted by Team Aqua.

Pidgetta: *Shooting out in a rush of shock* WHAT?!?! Say that again... Did you just say that they were abducted by Team Aqua?!

Jeremy: I'm afraid so. They were... taken.

Pidgetta: WHAT THE F**K! WHAT IN THE BLOODY F**K is going on here? Magma's got My cousin Macie... Aqua's got my nieces. How exactly did that happen?

Saphiroth: They caught us by surprise... We were just trying to train our pokemon while also finding a field that had a bunch of trainers holding battles. Just battling and training. Out of nowhere... a team of 5 members from Team Aqua... came and knocked us for a loop. By time we knew what was what... Lisa and Nicole were gone and we were left with no idea as to where they were taken and from what direction... They did leave a warning though... Hand over the Blue Orb if were to ever get Lisa and Nicole back in one piece.

Pidgetta: DAMN IT! Don't worry... We'll get them. Team Aqua's screwed with the wrong family... *Looking prepared to send some fists a-flying*

It was picking up... Rehearsals and now a plan for action... What was gonna come from that?
Donald resumed rehearsing his parts, but a part of him couldn't shake the notion of his mother making it to the concert. What he had heard defied logic unless someone smuggled in a recording.

Jeremy went right on with another #. But in the back of his mind... something was off about that mysterious incident.

Jeremy: *Voice-Over* My Prodigal Brother who i reunited with not too long ago was with a point somewhere. Something about the incident was profoundly mysterious and something about it seemed very off. I wasn't sure if there was gonna be anything that either Donald and I would be able to do to get ahead of the sudden release of the voice. Which sounded very much like Macie. It sounded just like the Rising Star and there was no telling as to either it was to tell she was nearby... or if it was a ruse to land a warning to us. I didn't see it as a warning before... but now with everything slowly being put right up on the table and placed for all to see... I didn't dare to turn a head looking to other direction and not pay it any mind. We had a couple of our pokemon out doing reconnaissance to look and find where the source was. Find out where it was coming from. Donald was of course certain that it was likely some type of tomfoolery and i couldn't blame him as i had this slight suspicion as well and it was very clear that if it was a joke... It had to be Team Magma's ploy. To catch us off the guard and defensive.
This was all while during Sandy and I... plus Donald were suiting and prepping for the concert. One that of which was only 2 days away. Time was not on our sides and we knew that we were gonna need to keep our minds on the concert and not let the distraction veer us off from the current objective. The St. Louis Concert. My only wonder was... Would there be a concert expected to be held in Cleveland too once that time came?

The Rehearsals pressed on again...
"Whoever sang that, nice performance, but show yourself please," Donald ordered, wondering who or what crashed their rehearsal.

Jeremy listened to the voice of the singing and recognized it...

Jeremy: Donald... Brother... That... that voice... That was our mother. That was Macie.

Sandy: That was Macie? Mrs. Lightfoot?

Jeremy: Yes, Sandy... that was...

Darlene: Lampent can go and find out where that voice is coming from and without being detected... *Calling out her pokemon* Lampent... I call on you. Come on out!


Anistar: Darlene, not to doubt you or question you... but how did you evolve your Litwick so quick?

Darlene: It was during the brief parting of Jeremy from the the main group that had Lisa and Nicole. While we were trying to fend off Team Magma's attack... Litwick came out and tried to place some attacks on team Magma. It got some good attacks in before getting nearly hammered. But with the fighting it did... it gained a lot of Exp. Enough to gain the strength and elevated stats required to Evolve. *To Lampent* Lampent, There's a Voice detected nearby that sounds off... It may sound like the Rising Star's. We don't know where it's coming from or from which direction... Go and do some recon and trace the origin of the voice. Find out where it's coming from and let us know.

Lampent: *Nods* Pent...

A few seconds later...

Jeremy: Gothorita, Teleport around and see if you can find anything out of the ordinary.

Sandy: We'll get to the bottom of this. But first... for now, let's get some rehearsing done...

The rehearsing resumes...
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