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2 yrs ago
Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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Operation: Symbiote

The Hammer of Masters

The Disablers
@Letter Bee

I wouldn't make him completely antisocial without giving him a backstory to explain it. Also, I'm very curious how interactions will go with the rest of the cast.

Oh, and answering your question, I don't mind a Discord channel.
Well, I'm dropping mine then.

World: Revelation
Location: Constantinople - Outside the Blachrenae Palace

BGM: Press Garden Zone -Remix-

Seeing as Tocsax wasn't badly injured, Agni felt a sign of relief, letting out a calm sigh as his Keyblade vanished from his hand. With the mech now inactive, he flet as if the adventure began on a sort of an active note, meaning that from now on, he would possibly go to fight from fight nonstop. This definitely reminds me of how it used to be back then. The war certainly took a toll back at my world. I have to make sure this won't happen with others. He thought. By that moment, Ignitio had descended and arrived at the location where he and other people were, seemingly all of them from the team he and Agni would soon join. "Did you confirm if he is fine?" He asked. "Gladly, he is. Although he seemed to be carrying away another one of our allies to... somewhere else, I guess." Agni responded. Of course, Ignitio was more than just unsure. No matter where he looked, his eyes only meant complete distrust towards the others. Agni could only look as his face became discontent.

In where they stood, right outside of the palace, there was another boy. He looked as a complete normal human, albeit from another world as well. His clothing was nothing like it was back home. Besides, everything about him was different, even his face. On another topic, the boy seemed completely lost and scared. After a fight with a giant robot appearing out of nowhere and with Heartless invading them, obviously everything would sound complicated. Agni decided to speak with him before going back to Tocsax in order to hear explanations about their situation and what their next move would be.

"Excuse me. If it's not too much for me to ask, are you OK? I couldn't help but notice you do seem scared." He asked and soon afterwards, extended his hand to the boy. "My name is Agni Blackheart, by the way. What's your name?" He asked, gently.

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Ranch at Night starts playing again

Kaito: Actually, we're leaving too. I gotta take Kiragi and Lucent home.

Xaizor: At least grab a bite before you guys go.

Kaito: Eh, thanks, but we better get going soon. We won't hear the end of it from Lady Amara already.

Kiragi: Yaaawn... I'm kinda sleepy...

Reimu: I can sort of know why. Well, best if you guys go on your way then.

Jin: Feel free to come back whenever! I'll make sure to train you with those chakrams!

Reimu: This isn't a training center, Jin.

Kaito: We'll make sure not to bother much. In any case, let's get going, you two!

Lucent: S-Sure.

Kiragi: Okay...

Lucent: U-Umm... thank you, miss. F-For saving me back then...

Reimu: It was nothing. Just make sure to recover well.

Lucent: Y-Yes...

Kaito, Lucent, Kiragi and the Sprites left the shrine.

Reimu: ...

Jin: You want me to go with them so you won't be worried?

Reimu: Would it be too much to ask if you go?

Jin: Make sure to leave dinner for me, alright?

Reimu: Got it.

Jin: Well then, I'm off. Since I don't know if you two are going to stay here, it was nice to meet you, girls.

Jin left after Kaito and the others to take them back to the orphanage. Even if Kaito knew how to fight, Lucent was still injured a little and Kiragi had almost no energy, so having him with them would make Reimu less worried about possible attacks from Doremy or other enemies.

Xaizor: That guy seemed really strong. The redhead one.

Reimu: That's Jin. Like me, Alice and Cookie, he's acquainted to your father.

Xaizor: Really? He must be pretty strong then!

Reimu: You do remind me of Jin a little, Xaizor. How you two are so impulsive to resolve everything with your fists and swords.

Xaizor: Heh! That's how the Black Dragon Knight resolves things! I don't speak words, I speak swords!
Marina: And that is why you are completely useless without me.

Marina and Cookie arrived at the group. Their plan was to call them for dinner, but Marina decided to speak her part about Xaizor, as always.

Xaizor: Don't call me useless!!

Marina: Of course I will. Without someone to hold you, you might end up in danger. Also, you are so uncouth that if I do not take actions, you might embarass me and you.

Xaizor: Tch... at least I'm not a boring, schtick-lover.

Marina: Excuse me?!

Reimu: *sigh* OK, OK, that's enough.

Cookie: The table is ready. Where's Jin?

Reimu: I asked him to take some people back to their home. He'll be back soon enough.

Cookie: Alright then. Let's go inside and eat.

Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: I see. If that's the case, then I have a request to make.

5T: And what that would be?

Lilina: I would like to join the Guild.

5T: Wait, what?

World: Revelation
Location: Constantinople - Near the Palace

BGM: Lightning Strikes still playing

The plan seemed to work as the giant robot they shot began to turn his attention to where the bullets would be coming from. Eventually, one of the other Keyblade wielders managed to use a powerful attack to cut one of the arms, specifically the one containing the rifle. "Good, it worked. Now the threat is reduced a little." Agni said. "Do not let your tenseness out yet. It still has the shield, which can easily be a weapon if one wants to." Ignitio said. "I know that. Still, I think I found a sort of weak point." Agni said and pointed to the arms and legs. "Technically, the robot's core will be active ever still, but if we hit his joints, we'll be able to render him useless. It'll give us time to deactivate it without suffering counterattacks." Agni explained. "I see. In that case, however, we must get closer to him. Run but keep shooting." Ignitio spoke. Then, both of them began to jump from buildings while shooting at the robot ever still. They need to keep the momentum of distraction going. That was the plan... however...

BGM: Hel's Theme (Fire Emblem Heroes)

From the building, they could see the courtyard. In the courtyard, thirteen black-coated figures appeared, two of them revealing themselves. And from the courtyard, nothing else but the terrific aura coming from the old man who was wielding a Keyblade as well. Whoever he was, he was nothing short of powerful. "That man... his power is insane. We aren't that distant, but it's like his aura can be felt from miles long. As if everyone would know he arrived, no matter where they were." Agni spoke. "... Lovely to know that one of ours seems to share a past with him." Ignitio commented. "Don't go doubting him. I'm positive he's not the likes of a backstabber." Agni spoke. "It does not change the fact that they know each other. Also, do not be positive since you do not know each other." Ignitio was relatively suspicious, even if this would be just a first impression. He isn't the type to immediately trust people, like his brother does. Agni, on the other hand, wasn't agreeing to what Ignitio just said. "If I end up being mistaken, let my trust be tested out. Don't start making enemies of those who could be our allies, like you did back then." Agni spoke. Ignitio sighed and the strange man finally left through the portal.

"I wonder if they're OK. Let's put a halt and check them out before attacking once more." Agni spoke. "Best if you go by yourself. One of us needs to keep the bullets going while this magic is still at work." Ignitio dismissed Agni. "*sigh* We're barely at the start and you're already being difficult... Fine. I'll go. Keep shooting at will." Agni spoke, while jumping out of the buildings and going towards Tocsax and the others near him. Ignitio returned to shooting, but kept an eye at Agni. Agni... do not be careless. He thought.

Agni reached Tocsax and the rest of the people near him. "Is everything alright? Did that man hurt you?" He asked.

@Letter Bee@Ryteb Pymeroce@Double

World: Revelation
Location: Constantinople - Near the Palace

BGM: Eden's Threat still playing

Upon landing, Agni and Ignitio joined the battle midway through it. He released the Moogle he had been holding as the little creature thanked him. "T-Thank you so much, kupo! You saved my life!" The Moogle said. "Don't worry about it. Right now, you should hide until this is all over, OK?" Agni spoke. The Moogle nodded and with a last "Kupo!" it went into hiding. Ignitio looked at the robot and saw the cannon ready for a shot at the Palace. "This is bad. That robot is charging up his weapon. As soon as it finishes charging, the whole place will come apart." Ignitio spoke.

Suddenly, the effects from Tocsax's Mass Hastega activated upon Agni and Ignitio. It felt as if their time got faster in comparison to the world itself. "This power... I feel as if the time I possess upon myself has grown steadily. That, or the world suddenly got slower in comparison to me." Ignitio commented. Agni looked at Tocsax. "I suppose we can leave our introductions and explanations at a better time, but thank you. Also, sorry if we're late but we had a problem back at our world." Agni spoke. Ignitio examined the situation and decided to share insights. "Agni, most of them are fighting the robot head-on. We should use a different strategy for the while this magic remains active." Ignitio explained his thoughts. On agreement, Agni began to look around and found two buildings with an alley separating them. "I have an idea. Ignitio, look over there." Agni spoke, pointing to the buildings. Ignitio understood the idea and nodded. Before they put the idea into execution, though, Agni looked at Tocsax once more. "We'll help on a different way than usual. If it gets too dangerous, we'll retreat back here as fast as possible. For now, we'll try something different, so please be careful." He spoke. While knowing the fellow Keyblade wielder seemed far more experient than Agni could be, he still expressed that he would be very worried if any of them got hurt.

BGM: Lightning Strikes

Using their new enhanced movement, Agni and Ignitio went towards the two buildings. Upon entering the alleyway, they jumped like shadows and climbed the walls. Upon reaching the roofs of those buildings, Agni joined Ignitio as they stood back to back, looking at the giant robot. "Even if this does little to no damage, we should be able to call his attention outside of the palace if we try. Most of the others are already in close combat, so a distracting barrage should suffice for the moment. Agni spoke. Like two cowboys, they summoned their weapons and pointed them at the enemy with almost as triple the size they had. "Let the rain of bullets commence and our triggers roar." Ignitio spoke. "Guns or Keyblade, I'll use whatever means necessary if it means saving lives. Let's go, Ignitio!" Agni ordered.

The figure of speech wasn't just someone trying to be cool. As natural gunners, Agni began to shoot Aero spells while Ignitio shot his bullets at fast speeds thanks to Mass Hastega, all of them going at different places of the robot including the rifle. Their plan wasn't to exactly damage the robot since both of them thought that wind and flame bullets wouldn't do anything to a giant robot with an armor capable of not feeling that sort of damage. However, the bullet hell they wanted to provide was a distraction: a way to lead the robot away from the aim of the Palace and those who were inside it. In the meanwhile, they both agreed to one thing while shooting. "There has to be a weak spot on this robot somewhere! Once we find it, we will be able to damage it with our bullets!" Ignitio spoke. "The weak spot will also help the others. Keep your eyes peeled and don't stop shooting until we draw it out of the Palace's range!" Agni spoke.

Location: Inside the Gummi Ship

BGM: Today's Contract

The Gummi Ship, as it was called, was flying throughout the endless space, at fast speeds. THose who were inside didn't seem to feel the pressure much. Even Agni and Ignitio, who weren't used to such things as those airships were feeling rather comfortable. Although, there were some details that brought a little of unease and discomfort. "The ship has no handle. How are we even moving without any sort of definitive direction? Are we going on the right way? Are we near?" Ignitio bombarded the Moogle pilot with questions. "Don't worry, we're going in the right direction, kupo!" The Moogle spoke. "And how can we be sure? I do not see any maps around us. What is that displaying in the monitor? Is it a map? Also, where are we? Why the ship is somewhat windowless? And why is it made full of blocks? Besides, what does Gummi even mean? Is it some sort of candy or-" Ignitio kept asking until Agni interrupted him. "Can you please stop with the questions? You're acting as an antsy kid and not even Claire, who is the youngest, ask around that much." He spoke. "I am trying to have some certainty that we are headed to Constantinople and not somewhere else. Why are you so calm?" Ignitio questioned once more. "Just trust in the Moogle. Now, we've heard enough questions so let's stay quiet for a moment." Agni said.

"We've arrived at Constantinople, kupo!" The Moogle warned. Once he did, both Agni and Ignitio got up as the space suddenly changed.

World: Revelation
Location: Constantinople - Near the Imperial Palace

The ship passed throughout the clouds and the empire of Constantinople reached their range of vision. It was a beautiful and enormous city, with the Imperial Palace standing visible for all eyes to see. Agni and Ignitio rose from their chairs to look at the scenery. "Wow, it's enormous... I never thought Constantinople was actually this big." Agni commented. "It is indeed impressive. I still hold preference to our home, but this empire has its own charm." Ignitio commented.

BGM: Eden's Threat

But the time for admiration was cut short. On their sights, a gigantic robot was attacking. Not only that, but the mysterious creatures who attacked the citizens of Europe back at their world were now here, invading the palace. "In the end, we are to be thrown in the middle of the fire ever still... what are we facing anyway?" Ignitio complained. "They are the Heartless, kupo! And that big robot is a Gundam, kupo!" The Moogle told them about the enemies. "We don't have time to question anything anymore. If we don't join the fray now, the town will be destroyed. Moogle, land us someplace near the palace." Agni told him. "Kupo?! But we're near the palace! The Gummi Ship is set to land there, kupo!" The Moogle spoke. "Entering the palace might be a good idea, but if the problem came from the outside then best to remove the probelm by its root. Someone might be controlling these creatures from the exterior." Ignitio spoke. "I agree. Besides, the ship might get into the range of that robot. It's heavily armed and I don't think this ship will last for long if it decides to attack us." Agni said as well.

After listening to their opinions, the Moogle tried to change its route, but to no avail. "I-I can't change the route, kupo! It's set to fly directly in the castle!" The Moogle spoke, worried. They were getting closer to the palace and the risk of their ship to be targeted was big. Ignitio looked around and decided to point out a crazy idea. "Open the back door! We are jumping out of the ship!" He said. Both Agni and the Moogle looked at him surprised. "Are you crazy? It's going to be a huge fall! We won't be able to survive such thing!" Agni pointed it out. "Either we get out of this ship or that robot with blast us away soon enough! Our choices are few and we need to pick one now!" Ignitio answered. Agni didn't want to, but he had no choice but to agree. He nodded back at the Moogle and the little creature began to press buttons everywhere. Soon, what looked like a back door opened and the wind blew strongly. "Alright, we need to escape now! Jump!!" Ignitio screamed and was the first one to jump. Agni held the Moogle tight and jumped away from the ship, which entered in the range of the Gundam.
OK, post done.
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