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"There. I have narrowed down the candidates to six from the dozen that you threw at me." Jorge Henriques tossed the datapad over to Executor Pallin's desk with a clear sign of annoyance. It took a minute for the officer to go over the ones selected before going on his computer and typing something into it. Everyone else in the room noticed Pallin's obvious disdain on his face alone. To the executor, Kingslayer was a clear violation of law and gave the powers of Spectres to civilians with dangerous backgrounds. And he wasn't hiding it.

"The Council has approved your team. Hopefully, they won't regret their decision in the future." Pallin said with disdain in his voice and tossed the datapad aside. "Now, if that's all, you can leave."

Jorge nodded and left the office without saying anything else to avoid setting Pallin off. He made his way outside of the embassy and booked transport via his Omni-tool. Then, while waiting for his ride, Jorge typed out a brief message to the hired help and coordinates to their base of operations at Livilla Towers. He didn't have enough time to see the apartment in person, but he heard that it was reasonably large for a group of seven. However, it was located within Batia District, where many people considered it a "rough district" due to rising tensions between humans and batarians.

In addition to being overlooked, Jorge perhaps understood why C-Sec would've suddenly given up one of their safehouses to the operation. Eventually, his ride arrived as Jorge sent the message to his new squadmates. Then, he made his way to the shuttle and asked if the driver could quickly get to the destination. At first, the driver was reluctant until the tip changed her mind in an instant. Now, there was the matter of making it to the apartment before anyone else.

Overlooking the newly renovated Houston Square, Livilla Towers was advertised as an affordable multi-species apartment complex. It originally was overwhelmed with a mixture of squatters and wanted criminals. Eventually, C-Sec conducted a massive raid that saw the arrest of dozens before a human-funded construction company torn the towers apart to build anew. Rumors spread that the human ambassador personally went to C-Sec for the raid to happen after human investors expressed interest in Batia District. And while it was a rumor, C-Sec was awfully quick to conduct the raid than usual.

For the most part, the apartments were standard at best, with two bedrooms, one bathroom, and not much space. There were apartments that catered towards species that required certain features to survive comfortably; however, they cost as much as luxurious apartments within wealthier districts. And there were the hidden studio apartments on the upper floors, which the public didn't find out until recently. Those apartments were more spacious and provided two bedrooms and bathrooms. The reason for their absence in the advertisement was because several human investors already bought them.

There was an outcry primarily ignored by the property manager and the human residents. And shortly after, C-Sec quietly gave their safehouse away on orders from the Council themselves. And that was how the Kingslayer team ended up with a base of operations. Of course, there were concerns that the residents nearby would've asked questions, especially with aliens on the team.

But the Council decided to let the lead contact deal with the problem instead of getting involved themselves.


Located in the often disregarded Bachjret Ward, Batia District is home to one of the remaining and largest communities of batarians in the Citadel. While often seen around the ward, they are self-isolated from the general public. There are several theories among the residents, but the most popular one is that the Hegemony surveils them without the Council's knowledge. But, it's most likely that they choose to be with their own since the Citadel species disregard them as ignorable. However, the batarians have been rather outspoken of human residence within both the district and ward.

Humans, meanwhile, began moving into Bachjret Ward shortly after investors from Bekenstein started to finance the ward. Batia District was renamed to Sabina District as a signal to the Citadel species that humanity had big plans in place. The name change was so widely disliked by the residents that a petition was released, demanding that the original name remained. Currently, the petition is expected to be heard by the Council in six months due to it being a low priority. But, for the most part, humans are somewhat respected and treated decently by the residents except for the batarians.

Strangely, the district also features a sizable krogan population that resides within the lower levels due to their disdain for the Citadel species and constant profiling by C-Sec officers. The persecution got terrible enough that they assigned Trok Strigora to be their spokesperson regarding krogan matters. Strigora might be the only krogan able to tolerate other species long enough to hear them out. As a result, clan Strigora often finds themselves having to deal with C-Sec captain, Marcetis Caelcus, over complex issues that have existed for centuries.

Bachjret Ward
Bachjret Ward is the fourth arm of the Citadel and home to a recent influx of humans. Originally, there was a solid batarian population in the ward before the Hegemony closed their embassy and severed diplomatic and economic relations with Citadel. Most gathered their belongings and left for batarian space, but some chose to stay behind. Those that remained weren't making enough noise for the Citadel species and C-Sec to noticed. That was until humans began moving to Bachjret at record numbers. And the recent influx hasn't helped calm both sides down.

Plenty of humans are suspicious of the batarians believing that they are working for the Hegemony to sabotage their chances in the ward. While the batarians are concerned that the humans are working with the Council to evict one of the remaining batarian communities on the Citadel from the exodus that happened twelve years ago. There are now concerns that tensions between humans and batarians could escalate into something consequential. In response, C-Sec increased patrols and assigned more officers into the ward to maintain peace and stability.

Bachjret is ranked one of the poorest wards in the Citadel due to an economic depression occurring shortly after the batarian withdrawal. Although the influx of humans is reviving the local economy, its turbulent history causes investors to focus on the other wards instead. But with the success of the nearby Alliance planet of Bekenstein, human investors began to look for opportunity at the Citadel itself and found out about Bachjret Ward. With pressure from Ambassador Udina and the human embassy on the Presidium, the Council eventually granted humans the rights to develop from the already existing districts within the ward.

However, the Council requires that any modification to said districts respect other species living there. To ensure that they had as much freedom as possible, the humans selected Batia District due to the low population of Citadel species. But, they didn't realize about the batarians until the paperwork was filed. Nowadays, relations between both species are strained at best and openly hostile at worst. But so far, neither side has caused violence to the other.

Livilla Towers - Renovated Residential Tower, location of the former C-Sec safehouse
Pordonak Markets - Popular marketplace for batarians and other residents, located near Livilla Towers
Haven - Nightclub within the lower levels, favored by almost everyone
Docking Bay: E10 - Dock that allows civilian frigates to be stored, location of Kingslayer's frigate.


In the year 2183, the Citadel Council revokes the Spectre status of their prized agent after evidence surfaced of his assault against a human colony. The first human Spectre is ordered to either eliminate or capture the rogue agent—no matter the cost. However, during a race against time, C-Sec unearths a major leak within the Council that reveals an old contact of the rogue Spectre was intercepting reports filed by the human Spectre. Realizing that someone managed to infiltrate the governing body causes the councilors to act immediately.

In a classified location, the councilors (along with the human ambassador) meet with Venari Pallin, executor of C-Sec, to initialize Operation Kingslayer. Further digging reveals that the rogue agent was using his resources within the Citadel and C-Sec to undermine both the human Spectre and the Council. Kingslayer's purpose is to eradicate Saren's remaining influence upon Citadel space. But, it needs individuals capable of fighting tooth and nail to complete the objective and stand firm against a rogue Spectre.

Individuals that are willing to become kingslayers...

With the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and replaying the trilogy again, I am reminded once more that I love the series so much. So, I decided to focus my energy on Kingslayer (an idea that I had in my head for a year). Influenced mainly by Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Narcos, I want to tell a story of the Citadel Council being forced to get their hands dirty. And create a task force (fireteam?) to respond to Saren's transactions within Citadel Space. Of course, Commander Shepard is still around and hunting down the rogue Spectre.

But, a different type of individual is required to deal with accountants, financial backers, and bookkeepers, along with the occasional corrupt C-Sec officers and mercenaries. In this case, several are needed.

A team will be assembled that isn't tied directly to the Citadel Council and easily discarded if they end up failing. The species doesn't matter as long as their record is near perfection in order to ruin Saren's empire (Of course, though, you won't see geth or yahg within the group. If you want to play hanar, volus, or elcor, you need to consider their limitations and work extra hard on your sheet). But still, they need to be mindful of their actions and decisions or face the wrath of the Council themselves (and C-Sec, if you fuck around with them).

– Forum rules apply
– No godmodding, meta-gaming, mary/gary sues, etc.
– Romance with other character and NPCs are allowed
– Your characters can die if they aren't careful and do something foolish
– Equipment must be limited to the first game (no M-96 Mattock, for example). No high level weapons.
– Powers, on the other hand, aren't limited.
– Approved species only. No geth, collectors, etc. Hanar, volus, or elcor are allowed as long you have considered their limitations and the sheet is excellent.
– Your characters aren't technically working for the Council and C-Sec. Basically, if you are gonna committee crimes in the name of the Citadel Council, just know that the Council will easily discredit your words.
– And that means no access to Spectre gear, status, and privileges. But, you're being paid.
– If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Since the majority wants a discord server, I made one for anyone to join (even those that are on the fence).

Hope you enjoy it!
I'd prefer there be no discord server since they could be distracting. Unless a majority of you guys think otherwise.
I should note a couple of things:
1. All abilities are hard-locked to the class you selected.

2. Some of the weapons from the second game are allowed (like the M-12 Locust) but I will decide which weapons would've been around during the events of the first game.

3. I should mention this detail before I forget. All of the characters will be living in a former C-Sec safehouse (aka a three bedroom middle-class income apartment) within a district (still deciding what name to use) on Bachjret Ward. There will be a ship for us to travel to other worlds with, but it's a standard freighter that isn't designed for long-term living.
Well, I hate to say it but the OOC won't be posted today. I have to rework the characters' place of living and my character isn't done. However, I did manage to finish the character sheet. So, if you wish to start working on your character, go ahead! Just be sure to read the guidelines. Just make sure not to use anime pictures for your character.


Located in the often disregarded Bachjret Ward, Batia District is home to one of the remaining and largest communities of batarians in the Citadel. While often seen around the ward, they are self-isolated from the general public. There are several theories among the residents, but the most popular one is that the Hegemony surveils them without the Council's knowledge. But, it's most likely that they choose to be with their own since the Citadel species disregard them as ignorable. However, the batarians have been rather outspoken of human residence within both the district and ward.

Humans, meanwhile, began moving into Bachjret Ward shortly after investors from Bekenstein started to finance the ward. Batia District was renamed to Sabina District as a signal to the Citadel species that humanity had big plans in place. The name change was so widely disliked by the residents that a petition was released, demanding that the original name remained. Currently, the petition is expected to be heard by the Council in six months due to it being a low priority. But, for the most part, humans are somewhat respected and treated decently by the residents except for the batarians.

Strangely, the district also features a sizable krogan population that resides within the lower levels due to their disdain for the Citadel species and constant profiling by C-Sec officers. The persecution got terrible enough that they assigned Trok Strigora to be their spokesperson regarding krogan matters. Strigora might be the only krogan able to tolerate other species long enough to hear them out. As a result, clan Strigora often finds themselves having to deal with C-Sec captain, Marcetis Caelcus, over complex issues that have existed for centuries.

Bachjret Ward
Bachjret Ward is the fourth arm of the Citadel and home to a recent influx of humans. Originally, there was a solid batarian population in the ward before the Hegemony closed their embassy and severed diplomatic and economic relations with Citadel. Most gathered their belongings and left for batarian space, but some chose to stay behind. Those that remained weren't making enough noise for the Citadel species and C-Sec to noticed. That was until humans began moving to Bachjret at record numbers. And the recent influx hasn't helped calm both sides down.

Plenty of humans are suspicious of the batarians believing that they are working for the Hegemony to sabotage their chances in the ward. While the batarians are concerned that the humans are working with the Council to evict one of the remaining batarian communities on the Citadel from the exodus that happened twelve years ago. There are now concerns that tensions between humans and batarians could escalate into something consequential. In response, C-Sec increased patrols and assigned more officers into the ward to maintain peace and stability.

Bachjret is ranked one of the poorest wards in the Citadel due to an economic depression occurring shortly after the batarian withdrawal. Although the influx of humans is reviving the local economy, its turbulent history causes investors to focus on the other wards instead. But with the success of the nearby Alliance planet of Bekenstein, human investors began to look for opportunity at the Citadel itself and found out about Bachjret Ward. With pressure from Ambassador Udina and the human embassy on the Presidium, the Council eventually granted humans the rights to develop from the already existing districts within the ward.

However, the Council requires that any modification to said districts respect other species living there. To ensure that they had as much freedom as possible, the humans selected Batia District due to the low population of Citadel species. But, they didn't realize about the batarians until the paperwork was filed. Nowadays, relations between both species are strained at best and openly hostile at worst. But so far, neither side has caused violence to the other.

Livilla Towers - Renovated Residential Tower, location of the former C-Sec safehouse
Pordonak Markets - Popular marketplace for batarians and other residents, located near Livilla Towers
Haven - Nightclub within the lower levels, favored by almost everyone
Docking Bay: E10 - Dock that allows civilian frigates to be stored, location of Kingslayer's frigate.

Well, it's good to see people interested! I will have the ooc, along with the character sheet, up tomorrow. As for the number of people that I'm accepting, it's going to be 5-6 characters (might be one more but that depends on a lot of things).

And the roleplay will remain casual.

"I can't be in here. I'm not who I feel.
It's now change or die. I need this to be."
Full Name: Jorge Vaz Henriques
Date of Birth: 2154, August 8th
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Occupation: Former SIED Agent & Alliance Marines / Hired Gun
Service Rank: Staff Lieutenant
Profile: Infiltrator
Powers: Sabotage
Tactical Cloak
Belongings: Medium Skirmish Armor – III
Equalizer Sniper Rifle - V
Stiletto Pistol - III
Nexus Omni Tool - IV
Pocket Knife
Role: Lead contact of Kingslayer

Four years old. That was how old Jorge Henriques was when humanity made contact with life beyond the Sol System. He didn't remember much of it besides his parents getting concerned. And given that they were living in Benning, their concerns were rightfully justified with Shanxi being captured by the turians. It wasn't until peace prevailed that there was a sense of normality. But, something in his father changed after that event. He started to resent turians and distrust aliens so much to the point that his wife began to worry. Before she had the chance to confront him about it, tragedy struck.

A major element zero leak occurred near their apartment and exposed the entire block, giving some of the children biotics. Unfortunately, it also resulted in sudden cardiac arrest with several older individuals. She was among the victims in what officials declared a "terrible accident." But, with the loss of his lover, Jorge's father went deeper into his hatred for aliens as a coping mechanism. Jorge was forced to watch, at a young age, his father's slow decline into conspiracies and other nonsense. His grandparents realized this and fought for custody of their grandson at court.

Thankfully, the court ruled in favor of them and Jorge moved to Earth at the start of high school. He lost contact with his father after leaving Benning and never made any attempts. On Earth, he lived a better life in his grandparent's villa in Lisbon and attended the best schools in the country. But instead of going to university, Jorge joined the country's foreign intelligence service and rose through the positions. It wasn't until tensions with the batarians rose that he was transferred over to the Alliance. There he started to develop a talent with the sniper rifle.

Then, the Skyllian Blitz happened. And a few years later, the Alliance launched a major offensive against Torfan
in retaliation for Elysium. Jorge witnessed first hand the unmerciful Butcher of Torfan at work, commanding that he and other marines wipe the batarians out. He refused to talk about what took place on that moon and retired from the Alliance shortly after. However, his thirst for warfare and combat never truly left him. Jorge understood that C-Sec wasn't ever going to be enough to be satisfied. So instead, he became a hired gun for the various mercenary groups.

But, it was the Blue Suns that provided Jorge with a sturdy source of credits and work. Hell, he was starting to like it. Then, he vanished shortly after being contracted out of the blue from an anonymous source. Nobody understood why he ran into hiding, but that wasn't the truth. Jorge knew that the source was legitimate after it mentioned his work during SIED on Earth. So, he gathered his things and departed for the location that the contract gave out. It was at the Citadel and inside the luxurious Presidium which was rather unusual to meet someone until he saw both Executor Pallin and Ambassador Udina in the same room.

Then, everything began to make sense.

Pallin explained that the Council...

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