Avatar of Mega Birb
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2458 (0.77 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Mega Birb 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Birds > Wolves
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8 yrs ago
Someone remind me to stop staying up into the next day. I'm way too tired to function as I write this.
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Hello people of this website! I'm a dude, I just really enjoy playing female characters, don't ask why 'cause I don't know. I'm something of a die hard Mass Effect fan, and that's about it.

Most Recent Posts

And with that, the most hated person in the Nexus returns to reclaim his throne, in place of the one he should probably give up on already.

Excuse me while I trim the fat on Sliske's CS and more or less rework his powers.
Sliske, awaking from a well-deserved nap in the midst of all the chaos, looked out his bedroom window. "...Shit's on fire, yo."

@KoL@TheWindel@The 42nd Gecko
I might just be getting back into text-based RP, so if you'll have me I'd like to come back. Speaking of, is there a status update?
Little does Mark know, costume wings rarely look realistic.

Keido Swiftwing took stock of the crowd, making note of every different race he saw. Several elves, a few that retained their humanity, and... was that a centaur? Maybe he wasn't the weirdest one there, but he was certainly up there as an attention-getter. He'd already gotten several strange looks that he had passed off as curiosity, though he didn't necessarily mind them. A man covered in feathers that stood just over 5'00" with wings more than triple his height was something to behold. He took several moments to examine the new wings on his back with some combination of admiration and curiosity, wondering just how it was he was transformed from a human to... this. There was some serious magic at work, for sure.

His focus on himself was broken by the opening of the doors before the group, in which a larger woman stood. She apparently was named Willow, and had the answers they were collectively looking for, so the bird followed her into the massive hall. While they walked, Keido strode up beside a blonde man with a lot of red on his person, and armor only seeming to be in the most important places. Definitely someone built for speedy combat, though the sword on his hip was no joke, looking both beautiful and deadly, a far cry from the half of a matched pair that sat on his lower back. Proximity closed, he asked a simple question. "What do you think about all this, friend?" He broke off from him upon arrival to the foyer, keen eyes focusing in on several tea kettles off to the side.

Without hesitation, he made his way over to them and took hold of one, satisfied that it was still hot. With his free hand he found himself a cup, which was soon filled with his beverage of choice. Refreshments procured, the bird-man proceeded to the bench across from the Dark Elf and sat. He then took a sip of his tea, or rather tried to. Lips newly replaced with a beak, part of the drink slipped down and burned his throat while the rest managed to pour down his front. He lurched forward on reflex, setting the cup down as he picked a napkin off of the table in front of him and setting to drying himself off. On the bright side, the tea was good.

Keido's last name was Katsurou, goes by Swiftwing now >.>
Alright, I think we're good to go. Bird magic has occurred.
Hmm... yeah, I can spin that. Give me a minute.
Alright. Will it check out if the city is changed to an isolated village?
As in how the locals would respond to him like he was an old friend? If that's not it I have no idea what you're talking about.

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