Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


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29 days ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
3 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
5 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
5 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
11 mos ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

John moved and pulled Chas down next to Serena and put her hand on Chas’s shadow. “She said she could read shadows...Serena? Can you pull the good dream from his shadow?” Serena nodded weakly and said “Chas...could you...think of it? Not all the details, just the main parts...I can go from there...” she flinched and closed her eyes for a moment. John frowned and muttered “two nightmares right by her most likely is causing this reaction...”
John looked at Serena and said “it’s not just nightmares right? She needs a good dream to push her out of this...Chas? Tell me you didn’t have a nightmare last time your slept?” Serena nodded weakly and muttered “any dream...all dreams...it’s just more painful with nightmares...”
Thank you for waiting! The bug my daughter had jumped to me and I was sick the last two days.
Serena shook her head, holding her head and muttered weakly “the nightmares...so strong...I can’t...pull away from them...demons and fire...children and parents...it can’t break free...” John walked in when he heard Chas and saw the girls. He said “Chas in the kitchen mate”

He knelt by by Serena and rested a hand on her head and called his eyes a moment. “Her magic levels are on over drive...Serena has this happened before?” Serena nodded and flinched. “A few times...nyx is the goddess over the dream land and...sometimes I get hit by the nightmares of those around, up to a block away...it hurts so much...”
John nodded and said without looking up “ya love that would be good...maybe check and see if Chas wandered in yet...he should be here by now...”

Serena was holding her head sitting on the floor, her eyes shut tight as she tried to push away the flashes and screams. She was seeing pieces of the nightmares of those around her, including the pair in the house with her. She saw Kay’s and John’s nightmare from the night before and they hurt like crazy.
John was typing fast and searching as he said “okay...there were three huge fires that year in the winter months...happens a lot more then ya think it would...where was she last seen love?”

Serena was on the floor of the kitchen now, shaking badly as her vision blurred. Images started to hit her and she knew what was going on. The nightmares of those around her. The goddess Nyx wasn’t just the goddess of night, she also ruled over the dream realm. Serena was fighting not the pass out from the intense images and sounds in her mind. She needed someone to pull her put of the vision before it took her over fully.
John looked at her and said “there’s a myth that there are certain kinds of creatures that have to either die or take new life before a turn of a century because the flow of magic changes when the year does. It’s a theory though. There’s a pad and pen on the other side of the desk”

Serena was finishing with dishes when a pain hit her head. She stumbled and grabbed the counter, the room spinning for a moment as she felt the pain hit and run thru her. She closed her eyes, hoping the pain would pass but it was taking its time.
John got up and said “to the internet we go. We search for local big fires that could have happened in September of 1999, it’s odd it’s right before the new century.” He walked back to the work room and Serena smiled. “You go help, I’ll clean this up and make a plate for Chas when he gets here...”

She started to clean up, lost in her thoughts as she did. The date seemed really familiar, but she couldn’t place why.
John nodded and muttered “it would be a big blaze...historical...” he looked at Kay and asked “when exactly did she go missing? What year? A being like her dying would have had a huge fire to mark it. Enough that a lot of people would have noticed”

Serena nodded and added “if we can see if and when a huge fire was, and where, we could get some clues. I can read shadows in locations as long as the stuff there has been there long enough”
Bane rubbed his head and said “I wasn’t scamming...she asked for directions. You can’t tell a newbie in town how to get somewhere in the heart of the city. It’s way easier just to take them there...” scarlet looked at the girl and muttered softly “the only problem is her voice...they look a lot a like...but not the voice...”

Scarlet looked at Hector and said “I am in need of a hand around here. Myles was helping till his mother got sick...it’s just been me during the busy hours. If she can clean and help cook I’d hire her” Bane leaned to Hector and muttered “my contact never showed at the docks...I think they were delayed. I need a better place to set up the met”

Bane waved his hand at her and said “no offense...just didn’t want to see you get grabbed. A lot of that happening lately...Hector, the owner of the that pet shop? Her daughter was taken a few days ago...I don’t think the officials heard about it. Can you send it up the message chain?”


Midnight saw her shadow find a lead and she jumped up and said “the time of rest is not now, not while those souls are waiting for rescue. Come, we are on the hunt” she ran after the shadow, Fenrir following at her heels.

They went all thru the city till they came to the work center of the city and she was not liking where this was going. The slums made no sense. The officials had searched here a million times. And a lot of those taken had been taken from this area. She felt his hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

Then the shots rang out. He moved before she could which she was thankful for. She took a step back then cracked her neck. “Not yet. These attackers might have information...time to weed them out...” she moved her hand and the shadows around them started to move and take shape. After a moment four huge wolves stood by Fenrir and she said “fetch boys...”

The wolves took off in the direction of the shots, lady midnight standing tall now and lifting a shadow to block the next volley. “This is not the rebels...this proves it. We need to get eyes on one of the...” she suddenly gasped, holding her chest. Pain racked thru her. One of the wolves must have been hit with magic. She lowered her head, trying to push the pain back.

Then her eyes glowed silver and said softly “hunt as a pack...one of you has found a target...” they heard yelling and barking, then she gasped again and took a step backward, the pain getting worse. Then the yelling stopped and Fenrir barked.

She was panting and looked up at the lord next to her. “Fenrir caught one...”
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