Avatar of Mortim


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3 yrs ago
Current Posted an interest check in 1x1, so excited to have time to write again!
8 yrs ago
Oh video games, when did I lose time for you?
9 yrs ago
Check out my general interest check! This will be a fun RP roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
9 yrs ago
Feeling good about my latest interest check, hope you guys feel the same way! :D


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Well, I'm here to RP. I'd like some romance, but, it's certainly not required.
My idea has to do with pulling your character, created to exist here on modern Earth, into a fantastical world I've been working on for more years than I'd care to admit.

1: Be chill
2: Let me know when you can't post for a couple days.
3: I'll try to have a post every day/every other day. Life happens to us both.
4: I'm 21. It would be nice if you were 18+
5: Let's work on things together once you have a grasp of the presented world.
6: I like to RP through PM's as mature themes present themselves.
No, I haven't.

What's the worst fashion decision you've ever made?
I didn't know koalas are marsupials until I made a joke about them at the age of 20 and someone corrected me.
I understand what you mean by 'shorten'. My posts may always be long as I tend to get lost in the sauce while writing, but, I'll attempt to cut down on the fat of 'pre-determined' decisions. I know I've been hitting you with a lot of those. This stems primarily from me being uncomfortable not being the only one to drive a story and from having to trust that you know to respond to everything (Which you obviously do even more than that). I'm coming around to the idea, I promise
And even when I can't cut down, I'll make sure to ask some questions ahead of time when writing a post like "How would Anora react to this?" if it's absolutely necessary to include something. Though, it honestly rarely is.

I can definitely work with your definitions of her power. I'm sure I'll have some pointers but they aren't coming to mind at the moment. We'll address it later, when Anora receives a more in depth explanation of magic.

I'm glad you do't have a limit with gore. I don't go too crazy but there are definitely going to be some very dark themes to come. Especially what she's gonna see here in the hospital soon..

I went through and read the profile. I have no problems with any of it, I like it when things are wholesome anyways and I've never really enjoyed writing smut. It always just felt kind of pointless.
One question, is it not okay if other characters are in gay relationships? Like if we came across a pair like that in the story as NPC's. Just covering my bases here.
I understand, I'll respond further later but the shield thing would be countered, it would sort of shimmer into existence before dissipating. It would look and feel to Anora as if she were rubbing up against something smooth with her powers, like water moving over a stretchy balloon. His pointing is quick, he does it while walking away and not looking at the man. Darsby wouldn't do counter her with any visible action, only giving her a passing glance behind him and a mild sigh before continuing on his way as said.

I promise Anora won't be powerless like this for long. I'll explain magic and why when I get back from training here in awhile.
That sounds totally perfect! Feel free to ask ahead of time about anything. I'm cool with going back to change something anytime if need be, honestly it's exactly what may be essential in the future. Half the time its probably just nice to get an explanation of why certain things will or wont happen to gain familiarty and further explanation on the traits of this universe.

Also, I wanted to discuss Anoras powers a bit more. Before I go so far as to give you any kinds of parameters, I'd love to know what kind of mental image you have for them. I mean, you're her creator and should have most, if not all, control over what it is she can do. How amorphous are they? What do you view as being the maximum effort she can put into something and what kind of limits/strain might be present? What kind of image do you get when she uses her powers, like, what does the energy she uses look like and how does it function? What's the most powerful thing she can do?
This will likely also give me a chance to explain how magic functions a bit more. I wanted to wait for that in the RP but its definitly important to have some foreknowledge.

Feel free to be as simple or as in depth as you want. I just need things to be a little set in stone for her powers since I honestly plan for Anora to become ridiculously important, as any protagonist should be.

I mean, the point of this RP is the journey but there's always a bit of danger to start and along the way. I mostly plan to get Anora acquanted with how dangerous and grotesque the magic world can be with this hospital encounter. Don't think it's always going to be quite so dark as things are going to get, but, she does need to be at least a little familiar with the odd dangers present on earth. Does that all sound okay? Are there any limits you have as far as gore? I'm not gonna go to crazy but I'd just like to know if theres anything I should definitly stay away from. You don't need to go too into detail, I'm not gonna write anything that's overly sadistic, I jave a few lines myself, though I cant promise there wont be pretty gory and super-creepy supernatural stuff lol.
FINALLY RESPONDED! I'm sorry that one took ages. After the extra training, heading to Boston, added physical training, and bad news from home I was absolutely swamped. This week has been a roller coaster of emotions lol. I hope life is going well for you.
Darsby would have moved, spoken, and acted exactly as prescribed concerning aforementioned circumstance. He’d remain wordless as Anora spoke to him, shoving blame in his direction via panicked speech.

When Anora reached for Darsby, he’d have twisted about rather suddenly. His body now faces her after one clumsy spin of the heel. Her hand, regrettably, would grasp aimlessly at his chest, feeling at ridges of thin but noticeably tone muscle.
Our man, unlike most, appears to ignore Anora’s touch entirely, one could think it’s to the point of him not feeling anything in the first place. His face was callous as ever during all action, mayhaps he looked to be furthered exhausted by some unknown strain.

“Why is this all ‘my’ fault?-” Darsby would immediately say, exasperation plain as day by each syllable. His arms spread to the side in stressed gesticulation.
“-What? You meet a strange person and you just assume whatever other weird things happen are all because of them? That’s mean, you’re kind of being a jerk after hitting me with your car.” He scoffs, his head gyrating by last spoken sentence to drive the point home. Darsby then turns away to walk towards the receptionist desk.

Darsby stumbles towards his destination at a gradual pace, another oceanic cloud of grey consuming allotted space above him. Whilst strutting forward his right hand would unlock the cartridge holding all six revolver shells from it’s typical hinges, spinning the mechanism whilst sighing down towards it’s fully loaded visage. *Click!* The weapon is set back to normality, his stance following suite just before he seeks to lean on the nearby counter with his left elbow. His head turns back towards Anora, an air of understanding coming over him. Those eyes, in all their jaded exasperation, hold no malice for her whilst speaking.

“Look… I get it. This is all a little crazy, and, truth be told, it’s about to get really crazy. I’m sorry, honestly, I’m..-” Darsby interrupts himself with a confused scoff, struggling to find proper words whilst his right hand runs with a tentative tremble through rose pink hair.
“This would be simpler if you weren’t already part of an ‘average’ society.-” His free hand gestures towards the uneased few near them, an odd sadness denoting painful memory robs his vacant gaze from present circumstance.
“But, now, you’re involved. You kind of always were, but, like… It’s gonna be hard from now on. I’m a crappy guy and-.. it’s just gonna kind of suck that you’re dealing with me.” He then steps away from the counter, looking away from Anora wherever she may by now. Darsby’s shoulders would spread to the edge of a bowed head as if he were trying to look solemn and heroic in a difficult situation. In truth, Darsby could do nothing to hide the fact that what he had just said made it too difficult to look this young woman in her ponderous eyes. Pain took hold for a few brief seconds before he’d revert to his previously witnessed states of sapped rage.

There was little time to debate what Darsby’s words meant. *Bang!-Bang!Bang!* Three bullets leave a now heated chamber some distance in the direction of where our male police officer had departed earlier. The badged woman near Anora would grip her firearm with one hand whilst her other would grab at the lapel mic near her chin.

“Rodgers!? Rodgers what happened!?” Static is the only response to this suddenly sharpened law-holder. Her hand switches from the mic to wave with an open palm towards everyone in the room.
“I’m gonna need everyone to stay here and remain calm.” She says before removing the gun from it’s holster to pace the wide hallways leading towards whatever weapons discharge may have occurred.

Darsby watches, openly unconcerned over whatever nameless threat may be rearing its head. Soon after said officer leaves, the man spits his cindered cigarette into open air. This cherried vessel combusts, small red sparks and a poof of smoke being left in its wake as the entirety of one swirling ocean above quickly fades from view as if it had never existed. All queer grey trails and scents dissipate from sensory perception.

“Uhm, s-sir?-” Our young receptionist looked to Darsby, blinking soundlessly for several seconds. They were at a lack for words over their present situation, let alone the fact that a random patient had silently appeared before them.
“-S-sir!” The nurse would shout between hurried breathes, Darsby having begun to walk towards the path taken by both police officers of earlier mention.
“Shut up, stay seated.” Darsby would casually order, his left hand raised to point loaded firearm at the one attempting to halt him. Our injured man wouldn’t have looked away from the space before him or ceased his stride whilst doing this, entering the hall soon after.

Those within the room had gasped at sight of a weapon, shocked by the appearance of another dangerous element. Darsby cares little, letting loose a winded sigh as he stares down a corridor fifteen feet in length, ever-shortening before his slow gait. Several patients look from their rooms to gasp at one of two things, his openly visible buttcheeks, or the revolver at his side.
You're fine! I obviously get distracted and take a couple days sometimes too lol.

You did fine! I'll try and get better at labeling NPC's in my posts but you can feel free to do what you want with them for most anything. Feel free to try and interrupt my character from doing something too, I'll let you know if it works or not but you never know unless you try. I like how she came to realize no one was noticing him, that was really cool.

I'm working on my next post now. Life has been really crazy lately. I only end up having an hour or two to myself each day and those usually have to be spent cleaning or preparing for the next day. Also been getting some really hard news from home. I'm hoping the weather will close down my base for tomorrow so I can finish it up but no promises there.

Hope everything's been well for you!
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