Avatar of Muttonhawk


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Dear Mr Curly,
I have done little travelling lately because I have been so dreadfully weary. Can it be true as the old Ecclesiastes said; that all things lead to weariness? Surely not. Perhaps the opposite is true: that all nothings lead to weariness. I have a peculiar feeling, Curly, that I am worn out from something I haven't yet done and the more I don't do it, the more exhausted I become. How strange. Could it be something I haven't realised? Perhaps it's something I haven't said? Something I haven't finished! It must be very large and true whatever it is and a lively struggle in the doing but I look forward to it immensely. I know I need it. First, however, I must curl up in my chair and sleep deeply with the duck. Perhaps I'll dream of this thing and wake up refreshed and do it. My fond wishes to you Mr. Curly, and to all Curly Flat.
Yours sleepily,
Vasco Pyjama
P.S. Not having breakfast can make you weary. That's for sure!
Michael Leunig. The Curly Pyjama Letters.

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Fendros regarded Meesei neutrally for a silent pause. He then sighed and looked away. "Maybe you're right..." He pointed at Meesei. "But I'm not giving him an inch. I won't let him push us around, okay?"

They stood waiting for what felt like roughly twenty minutes. When the door finally opened, Rossarm held it open and stepped aside for Calia. Both of them wore frowns that gave no emotions away. Calia glided forward into the hallway and made eye contact with Meesei.

"Thank you, Meesei," Calia said, sounding as straightforward as she looked. "I have taken enough of your time here. I should return to Cheydinhal and let you take Rossarm though his induction."

"Very well," Sabine said. She betrayed a little anxiety on her face about how the scholars would react to their projects being halted at the Oculory, but that was a matter for later. "I will tell them to leave you be. And I will do my best to find what you need. Will that be all, Hal-Neesa?"
"It is, I can assure you," Calia responded. "I can also assure you that it is not for any ill reason. But I would rather not share overmuch."

Rossarm did little else in his quarters than place his bag down upon the bed. At that point, Calia turned to the others and looked to the floor. "If I might have a moment with Rossarm, please?" she asked, stony faced.

Fendros lingered for a fleeting moment. He wordlessly stepped out and ushered Rhazii out with him. Once the rest of the group were left waiting outside of the closed door, they could hear a few quiet words exchanged. There was no high emotion or intensity, just a dour tone between them both, much like the stereotype of Dunmer held.

Rather than allow eavesdropping, Fendros also quietly spoke up. "I don't understand. Why is he so passive all of a sudden?"

Sabine's sharp breath in was the only slip up. She did not quite spill out words without thinking about them. After giving her packmates a glance, she responded to Neesa. "That is extraordinary. Is there anything we can do to help?"

A twinge of second thoughts in Sabine's head objected to her question as soon as it was too late to take it back.
@Tal With the amount of information and collaboration that gets staged on the Discord server, it is virtually a requirement at this point, yeah. The good news is it's super easy to make an account and use! I'll send you a link and you can join through your browser.

Hey there buddy. Welcome to the site! We'd love to have you join in. Unfortunately, the 'demigods only' thing is in effect. The full god roster is rather noisy already. However, you may still get to fill a niche. If you're still interested, let us know and I'll PM you a Discord invite link so you can meet the surly gaggle on players we keep cooped up in there.

A few actionable items for you as well if/when you're in the Discord chat:
1. Get yourself a filled out CS when you're ready. We would love to see what kind of character you have in store once you flesh it out.
2. Get yourself one or more godly parents from the existing characters. Feel free to chat to the players about this -- you'll be collaborating with whomever your character's parent(s) is in your opening IC post.
3. Feel free to ask us any questions!

Edit: Oh yeah, I should mention that your demigod doesn't have to be conceived in the conventional sense if that's not your flavour. You could come into existence after drinking godly blood, or be at the sidelines of a fantastical divine experiment, or rise from the sea foam of a severed titan gonad, or whatever the hell you can think of!
"Calia." Rossarm abruptly spoke. "I would not have you connected to this place beyond today."

Calia was shaken out of her distraction to focus on Rossarm. She was silent for a moment. A hint of disappointment passed over her face. "...Right. Yes. Just as we discussed." She lifted her eyes to Meesei. "If you do not mind, we should head to Rossarm's quarters and...well, I will leave you to it all after that." She grew just resolute enough to warn against trying to change her mind. "I should get back to Cheydinhal. There will be time for visits after all the strife."

Just behind Calia, Fendros glanced to Ahnasha and Meesei with some confusion.

Sabine felt herself tense up when Neesa approached, though she held her ground. She said not a word and instead glanced at the aetherium only as long as she dared. She had to spend a second stopping herself from stammering and actually finding careful words. "Anything that helps us against Vile, we appreciate it," she said slowly. "I have no reason to doubt you -- I am merely curious -- but...what does this thing do, exactly?"
Marod genially bowed his head. "As you wish, Champion. It is nice to get out and breathe some fresh air every now and then. Have a lovely day, all of you." And like that he folded into the crowd.

Calia had no further words. None even to see off Marod's departure out of courtesy. There was more than enough to keep her distracted, not least of which was the automaton hollowly trundling by. The only credit she was due in retaining her appearances was to keep herself walking straight-backed, evenly, and with her mouth shut.

In contrast, Rossarm had his eyes in every nook and cranny. He frowned at the details around him, sizing the place up. A few errant sights caused his upper lip to curl ever so slightly, though it was anyone's guess what exactly affected him.

"We were far fewer when we arrived here," Fendros said. He rathered speaking himself than walking with the entire group in silence. "Only a few dozen packs from Cyrodiil. Now, this is where everyone goes in Hircine's world. A crossroads, I suppose."

In response to Do'rhajul, Sabine nodded firmly. "Thank you."

On the way up the tower, the grey Argonian woman tracked a passing spider with her eyes before looking ahead and asking. "How much should Tarna know about this...vampire?"

"She is very old," Sabine said in a hushed tone. "Very powerful. Strange. Not unreasonable. But...not kind either. Not kind to most people, that is." She glanced back. "Be wary, Tarna, and polite. Be ready to get behind Rhajul. You will not be able to ward her or hide from her."

A hint of fear flashed over Tarna's eyes, but she quickly grew determined and nodded.

They continued up and up until they were halted by the spheres. Sabine and Tarna's heads shot up to look at Hal-Neesa.

Sabine's voice started small. She felt her knees shaking just a little. "Greetings Hal-Neesa." She took another breath. "Um...The scholars are okay. I apologise, Meesei is out right now." She wished she was better at speaking. "We were wondering...would you tell us why you became upset? And what are you doing up there?"

Long, smooth oarstrokes took Kirron through Fengshui Fuyou most rapidly. The place was oddly quiet. Kirron admitted to himself the lapping of the water was a nice change of pace. No wonder Shengshi was real soft if this was his home. At least the mud worms were tasty.

All errant thoughts, of course. Kirron was here for a greater reason than exploration. His narrowed eyes and severe face showed as much.

He muttered under his breath. "Almost there..."

Sure enough, through the low layer of mist a grey shape appeared. Jutting out of the water and stretching up to Kirron's right in a great, growing limb laying halfway rested in the rivers system, falling with softly spraying waterfalls. A finger of raised land leading up to the heights of the world spring. But it was toward the end of this finger that Kirron steered his beverage-laden vessel.

The prow pointed to a sunken cave opening. Kirron slowed down only enough to prevent the hull splintering against the rocks, letting his boat drift silently into the darkness. He sniffed at the air and hummed a low, gravely note that reverberated from the stony walls.

The cave itself held just enough water to float on, but its walls and ceilings were hardly accommodating. Kirron had to lay flat to squeeze under some passages, and even had to dive under the water and drag the boat and his booze along with him in other places. The winding halls branched often into short dead-ends, loops, or passages to some other unknown abysses, but Kirron never strayed, following his nose as he did.

Finally, after an uncounted amount of times where Kirron or his boat almost got stuck, he saw light around a corner. A breeze rushed by him front-on. It had the strongest smell yet. Carefully, he rowed. Faint dripping echoed. His boat cruised into the light, Kirron leaning forward to frown at what he saw -- a vast natural cavern with more than enough water to moor.

Not water. Blood.

Kirron looked up. The cavern's ceiling was crumbled away in places, showing a bright morning light streaming in. He looked down. The blood pooling here was a mix of familiar and unfamiliar. He looked across. Rivulets of blood seeped from the cavern walls and dripped from stalactites above. All fed the pool he floated on.

Kirron slumped back, lips parted, and sighed. "So this is it." He thought out loud. "This is why you put me here."

An odd fatigue overtook Kirron's body. He let his eyes drift shut and sat listening to the pit-pit-pat-dripping of the blood.

He lifted his upper lip in disgust. "What, is this the time for moping? You've got more you can do." He opened his eyes and leant back on his wine barrels, weaving his fingers together behind his head.

A small tweak let his liver release the special ingredient saved up from Shengshi's drinks.

"Heh..." He quirked a grin. "Heh...heheh. Heheheh..." His belly pulsed with every laugh. "HehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He drew in a great breath and bellowed out into the echoing chamber. "HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is that all that has been spilled so far!?! This place will hardly be large enough!"

Kirron continued his nigh-uncontrolled laughter for long enough to row to the edge of the pool, step off, and, with braced feet and a great breath in, slam his fist into the stone. Cracks formed to frame the bellowed-out earth as a section of wall crumbled. Kirron laughed again and threw his other fist forward. Onward he dug for as much blood as Galbar would require.

The reactions lined up with Meesei's expectations. Rossarm kept his eyes down, not out of disinterest, but almost as if he had a reason not to look. Calia, on the other hand, had the same speechless amazement turning her head up and around and taking it all in at once as Meesei had seen plenty of times before.

"But this...this is a Dwemer structure!" Calia exclaimed. She spun around to Meesei. "But how would you bring armies in and out? All on your own?"

"Chambers, mother," Fendros interjected. "Meesei worked out how to get propylons working- May we move on?" He gestured to the stairs, looking uncomfortably at Meesei.

Calia finally remembered to close her mouth. She spoke with a bewildered laugh behind her words. "I was expecting a village in the woods. Nothing like this."

Sabine eyed each and every scholar, even leaning around the man talking to her at times. She only stopped when she was satisfied that no one was hurt. "We will go and speak to her." Sabine said. "You should...all of you should start packing up. Immediately. She is bringing your belongings out because she does not want you inside."

While Sabine did not have the most authoritative voice, but she was high ranking. Do'rhajul's presence also lent weight to her words, she found.

"Francois, please help packing up here." She continued. "Everyone, we will tell you when it is safe to return."

Sabine turned and started towards the tower door but kept her ear open for any parting questions.
Calia took a moment to tear her eyes away from the magic Meesei weaved in her hands. She cleared her throat. "I shall accept your offer. I can fare you well there, Rossarm."

Rossarm nodded. He had narrowed his eyes at Meesei's magic but did not show any other reaction.

Sabine shook her head. "Stay for a while. Um, please. We need to save time. What did you say your name was?"

The portal opened up with Sabine and the Scholar stepping through first. Sabine's eyes were on every detail the moment they set foot on the other side, alert for any signs of danger.

Behind them was Do'rhajul, standing tall with his sword drawn, if held low. Though ready for a fight, he was mostly covered by a hooded cloak and a scarf. In spite of his size, he had an easier time during the day by staying scarce.

Finally, creeping in Do'rhajul's shadow was a younger Argonian woman with stony grey scales and a small crest spanning back over her head. Her eyes looked nervous but ready for action. She wore a light chitin armour under a covering of vaguely camouflaged clothing, and on her belt was a green glass dagger and sword.

"I think...she has not become violent," Sabine thought out loud while observing the scholars without the building.

The Argonian did not put herself at ease. "Should I circle around? See what's inside?" She asked, heavily accented.

Sabine shook her head. "No. She will know we are here soon. Stay with me."

They approached the perturbed scholars. "Excuse me," Sabine asked unsurely. "Can you tell me what happened here?"
The short walk out of the city had not a word spoken between anyone in the group. Even Marod, usually so eager to probe the personalities of those around him, kept his mouth shut, only occasionally throwing glances between Rossarm and Fendros.

With Calia in tow, Rossarm's demeanour did not change from his neutral, if somewhat tired and distant appearance. He did not respond to Meesei's explanations at all. Fendros avoided eye contact.

Calia moved as elegantly as ever, though even her eyes were drawn to the ground. "Is your clan's home far from here?" She asked.

Saras did raise true points, but Sabine was under no illusions. Hal-Neesa was the single most powerful creature in their entire city. Without Meesei, no one would help matters in any sense that she could see in that moment. Her hands tightened further. She wished she knew where the Staff of Magnus had been hidden.

"I will just bring my pack," she answered, almost as if downplaying the issue. "I will need Tarna's help to travel there anyway."

Sabine had been quiet about her new friend from Thorn's lycan clan. Saras would have known about her, though few others would. It would be a trivial matter to collect her and Do'Rhajul within a few minutes.
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