Avatar of NarcissisticPotato
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2710 (0.73 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. NarcissisticPotato 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I'm not usually fussed on these things but this actually hurts. youtu.be/Gs0t8LXH6lw A good listen if anyone has the time .
7 yrs ago
Casual reminder that it is still gay frogs week - keep your eyes on the skies so those chemtrails can't poison our water
7 yrs ago
Cut down the tall trees!
1 like
7 yrs ago
Hope you guys all enjoy your Internet providers selling off your smutty 1x1s to the highest bidders!
7 yrs ago
That last episode of RWBY - ohhh boyyyyyy!


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Most Recent Posts

I declare today Co-GM appreciation day


They never appreciated me when I memed the OOC to life ;-;

Potato vs Shylarah: Dawn of Memeage
Thanks for that, Shyla! I didn't even notice all of the problems with the benchmarks but I suppose that's what happens when you're writing it at 2am! :P

Eh, from what I can tell everyone else sorta had their profession in their benchmarks unless I need to mention that she's a high level glassblower? Everything else seems cool so I'll get that changed before a spooky @Gowi review!

Also thanks for the picture, chick! :3
Sorry for the triple post but eat shit character sheet:

Tfw you accidentally press the home button and all your attributes are deleted. Fun.
*crawls out of woodwork*


It was my birthday on Friday and after getting drunk, vomitting and not remembering anything past 11pm, I've returned from the promised land!

Character will be up tonight!
Thanks, great Gowi!

@The Irish Tree

But senpai, I po-

I will be answering questions

Why does my dong have polka dots on it!?
@Saltwater Thief
Also was the brown haired girl you talked about in your post Tali? I sort of and other plans for her :3
Yep! I'll be home later from work and I'll go through everything!
@Xiro Zean
It looks fine to me! The entire character looks fine to be but I'm sure Gowi has some details to go over!

Capn is a cougar confirmed
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