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Faith, Bart, & Belladonna

Location: Peter's Grave -> Ireland, 1848 -> Ville au Camp
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
Skills: History (Ireland)

Any era where Belladonna did not have to change out of her preferred corseted hobble style dress was a good time for the elder Paradox. Today was such a day. Though she did have to admit her time with Andromeda had been enchanting, she had taken a shine to the pale Paradox. It was time to see how dealing with a pair of paradoxes would go. She had two bags hanging from the tree next to where Peters Grave was still fresh. One was a potato sack filled with worn out and torn wool clothing. It was labeled: Male. Then there was a garment bag filled with a dress and under garments, including a bone corset. It was pink but god, it was going to cinch that waist.

Faith awoke to the day like all the ones before. She had to hand it to herself, she was getting used to the constant ritual. Training with Gio was interesting, but she was excited now. The only ones left to train with were Evelina and Belladonna, two she had been most looking forward to. So when she got up to go read the note, seeing she would be with the senior Paradox, she almost jumped for joy. She had a feeling she would be training with Bart still, which she had gotten used to. She still didn't like the little nerd, but he was proving to be useful. Faith got ready and went out to meet with Belladonna at Peter's grave. She noted the two bags, "Let me guess, clothing change?" She walked up to inspect the other bag and saw the dress, corset, and underwear. God, women had to wear these then? "Oh, that's gonna hurt, isn't it? I'll go get changed then." She had gotten used to the demands placed on her. Blending in with the time so as to not stick out. If she had to suffer with a corset choking the breath out of her, so be it.

A new day had dawned, and with it came a new trainer, as Bart quickly discovered upon waking. Belladonna... He was a bit surprised that a paradox would be teaching them, but he didn't know how long she'd been around. He supposed if she would be training him, she must be rather experienced. At this point, he assumed he'd still be training with Faith. He didn't mind her so much anymore, and she seemed more than capable of holding her own, so he was fine with that. He quickly got himself down to Peter's grave site, and saw Belladonna, along with Faith, along with a bag clearly labeled "Male" Taking the initiative, he strode up to it, took the bag, and said, "I'll get right changed then so we can start the day." If there was one thing he'd learned by now, it was to not waste the time of the trainers. It seemed most of them didn't care much for formalities. Giving a nod of acknowledgement to Faith, he turned back towards the house to change into his new attire.

Oh Belladonna was having none of this. They were on a clock and she had been influenced enough by Evelina to wish to stay on it. "We will not delay while you dawdle. You behind the tree, you other side of the tree. No peaking. I'll help with the corset," she said as she took a hold of the corset and moved into position. As soon as Faith was ready she started lacing it up with an unnatural speed before leaning over the womans shoulder from behind. "Breath out and brace against the tree pulling forward. Three, two." She hadn't even reached one when she pulled back tight, the corset cutting in at the waist and flattening the poor woman's chest. This obviously wasn't a corset designed to accent the breasts. "One." There was a slight grin on her features as she helped with anything else that was needed and motioned towards the portal."Come now, we have death to witness."

Faith stepped back into place, as she had originally attempted to follow Bart back to the house. Changing outside wasn't ideal, but then again the quicker she got changed the quicker they could proceed with their training. Though she at least was happy her attire had pink on it, though the corset left little to be desired. She went back behind her designated tree and waited for Belladonna to help her. She did as she was told and braced herself against the tree as she waited for the count. Before she knew it, she felt her breasts push back against her as if attempting to strangle her through her inside. She felt her waist tighten as the corset was set on her body. She breathed out again, though somewhat strained. She didn't let go of the tree until she managed a steady rhythm. Once done, she turned to face the other Paradox. "Please tell me its whoever decided to make this corset? If not, I'll happily deal out death myself. The world will thank me for it, one day."

There was a bit of mirth in Belladonnas ebony eyes as a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Oh darling a woman should always train in a corset. Wonderful invention, if one can proceed with their breath taken away, imagine what one can do when it is cut free. It is truly liberating," she said in a cool voice. Then she followed up, "Especially when a debonair man when a hot dagger assists."

Bart stopped in his stride, and turned red. He didn't like the idea of changing outside, much less where people might catch a peek. Not wanting to argue with Bella though, he stepped behind his tree and reached into the bag, and pulled out his rags. He frowned, as he was at least used to dressing up a bit when he went off camp.He slipped into the wool clothes, and scratched himself. He wasn't a fan of these to say the least, and stepped out after Faith was dressed, and dryly said, "Should I rub a bit of dirt on my face too? I look like a pauper." He was surprised with himself at that. It was unlike him. He considered that maybe Faith was rubbing off on him a little. He positioned himself next to Faith, and looked quizzically at Belladonna, wondering who's death they'd be witnessing.

"Do not be silly, two women of peerage would never allow their boy to accompany them in filth," the Elder paradox stated as she held up a single finger. Turning, she walked smoothly towards the portal and stepped through. On the other side, clouds of gray rose into the air from smoke stacks down the street. There was a divide and it was painfully obvious. A handful of people with far too much money walked past crowds of poor and starving. "Ireland, during what you would call the Great Potato Famine. In truth, what you are witnessing is Genocide."

Faith smirked at Belladonna's comment. It was true, to an extent. Plus, it added a bit of sexiness to look good and be badass doing it. Still, she felt snug while Bart was dressed in what looked like drab, but somewhat comfortable clothing. It wasn't until Bella mentioned that he was their "boy". Now it made sense. They were members of the upper crust, dressed as such, and Bart was part of the lower sect, probably one who worked for them. Now she was happy. She followed Bella through the portal and noticed immediately the difference between the classes here. She was happy she didn't have to appear like a pauper, but wasn't that a danger also? Didn't royalty often get killed for having too much? And now they were here during a horrible time in Ireland's history. "Are we to merely observe this?" She didn't know if she relished watching a group get killed off.

Bart kept himself from glaring at Belladonna. He didn't at all like the role she had decided to give him, but he did know better than to argue with her. That, and he was confident nothing would come of it. It was just the cover she choose. If there was one upside, there was no way Faith was more comfortable than him, even if the wool irritated his skin, at least he could breath easy. He followed her and Faith through the portal. He shuffled uncomfortably near his companions, looking upon the crowds of poor people. He didn't quite understand the point Belladonna was trying to make by having them bear witness to this. Genocide was an odd word for it, in Bartholomew's opinion, as one considers the word to typically describe death via some kind of active choice, rather than from the mere staying from action, but it was horrible nevertheless. "We're not to interfere." He reminded Faith, a touch of bitterness in his voice.

Belladonna nodded slightly to Bartholomew's words but she did not look at him or address him. Lacing her fingers together below her breast as she walked, she kept Faith to her right and Bart to her back left. Yet she did make sure that when she spoke she could be heard by him without straining. "There are some things even if we were to interfere it would not change much. What you are witnessing is systematic genocide. Water mold began this but.." she stopped speaking as a man stumbled into their path, his mouth was green. Bright green and his skin pallid, clammy. He dropped to his knees and fell dead at their feet. Belladonna looked at him with pity. "Cholera, Typhoid. It is wiping this village off the face of the earth. In his belly, he could not even find rotting water molded potatoes to fill it. Grass from the field to stop the pains caused by that had not seen food in far too long."

Faith felt her anger get the best of her after Bart's stupid comment. "I know that, boy, learn to speak when spoken to." Hey, she had to get into character right? She knew that they were not to get involved, but were they merely here to observe as a large number of people just perished? Or was there more to this they needed to see and understand. As they walked, a man stumbled forward and fell before them, dead. She felt more pity for him than she would have imagined. These people were slowly dying. People like she was pretending to be didn't suffer. "And I don't suppose the wealthy elite did much to aid them? Sitting in their towers as the lower class slowly died?" She would be the first to admit she was spoiled in her past life, but she liked to think that if she knew of people outside dying, she would have tried to help. The apocolypse changed that dynamic though.

"What a bitch." Bart thought to himself. He was used to Faith's attitude by now, but being talked down to in that way really ground his gears. He clenched his jaw, and took a surprised step backward when the man stumbled in front of them. The anger in his eyes was instantly replaced with what could only be described at pity. He was surely a revolting sight, and Bart did quickly avert his gaze, but it was something very sad as well. Death by starvation was not an easy way to go, and that topped with Cholera and Typhoid must've made it all the more painful. He thought to speak to respond to Faith, but in tune with his role he kept quiet. He disagreed with her sentiment though, information didn't travel the same way it did when he was alive. If a family was well off, there's a good chance they either didn't know the extent of the problem, or were only effective at helping out near where they lived. That was just his speculation anyway.

"For some it will. They will be able to buy their way over the borders that are closed. There is plenty of food but the potatoes cannot be sold. It is what these farmers pay their English Landlords with. They are tossed off their lands, out of their homes, into the streets, the poor houses, and the coffin ships to the New World where even if they survive to that point will be pushed aside and signs will hang in windows - No Irish Allowed." Belladonna kept walking as she spoke. The further into the village they progressed the worse it looked. The harder it was to breath because of the smell of rotting dead that were in piles in alleyways before they could be taken to mass graves. Children in work houses looked out of stone buildings with dirt and blood on their faces. They were skeletons with skin wasting away.

This was a feeling that Faith had not experienced before. It was like her stomach wanted to be anywhere else but there and then. She felt warm in her chest. Was she having a heart attack? COULD she have a heart attack? God she still didn't understand this whole Paradox process. No, this was something else. She felt...sad. Depressed even. She walked along with Bart and Bella and watched as death claimed another after another, and they could do nothing about it. History had already claimed them. "I hate this. I'd rather have Walker encounters day after day than watch these people perish from something that could have been aided."

Bart watched on as Faith began to audibly freak out. He frowned and averted his eyes. It was incredibly sad, and, from Bella's last comment, completely unfair. He looked at the town around him, and sputtered at the smell. His lip quivered for a second as his eyes lingered on one of the children, somebody obviously already consigned to death. He ripped his eyes away and stared at the ground, struggling to follow his companions. He agreed with Faith, this was repulsive on every level. He swallowed hard, trying to keep himself from throwing up at the sight.

The walk continued and Belladonna lead them out of the town. A mother was curled up on the side of the road, holding her child and singing to the baby weakly. The childs lips were purple and the body rigid. The mother was still singing to her long dead offspring. No words exchanged but she gave the woman a look. The two seemed to understand each other. Mother to mother. The road broke off and then Bella turned and lead them far into a field, up a hill, and stopped as they came to the top. On the other side was something far worse. A potters field newly dug. Hundreds of bodies laid out, rotting, flies were swarming. "Is what we have endured anything compared to this? Petty squabbles. Hurt feelings. Attitude. No, all must be pushed aside for mark my words young ones. Should we fail at our jobs, at what we have been chosen for, this will not just be a moment in time. Our entire world will be a grave and we too shall lay festering."

It was a shitty lesson to learn, but probably one Faith needed most of all. If she were to do this new job of hers, she would have to change. So far she had been operating as if this was a do=over. A way for her to try again. Hell, she even still hoped that she would be able to go back to her world. It seemed like it would not be the case and now she had to stand here and watch as people died and she could do nothing. But Bella was right. The work that they did was important and it was needed. Saving history and those in it meant that others got to continue to live. As much as she would love to heal these people or put a bullet in Hitler, it would ruin history and the world. "I understand. Thank you for showing this to me. I have....a lot to think about, it seems."

Bart's eyes locked on Bella as she spoke, and for once he think he got it. These people's duty, his duty was to make sure that the world didn't turn to this. He drew breath, and exhaled, looking at the pestilence and death strewn around him, he nodded. He just didn't understand why it was him chosen to protect this world. He felt a twinge of anger, knowing that that was a secret never to be known to him. It felt unfair, being saddled with such responsibility without knowing why, but at the same time, this wasn't something he could shirk off. For whatever reason, he was here, and for as long as he was, this was the work in front of him. Bart nodded along with Faith. "Thank you Belladonna, I think I needed this." He said, lowering his head towards her.

Belladonna gave a long gaze across the mass of bodies. A wagon starting up the hill behind them, filled with more bodies. Turning she started back down the hill with her arms crossed and pulling her shawl closer as the winds kicked up around them. It was a long silence on the trek back from the elder Paradox. Then as they neared the portal she began to speak in her velvet voice, quoting something very dear to her heart. It could be heard in each syllable that slipped passed her lips. "Was there a man dismayed? Not though the soldier knew someone had blundered. Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die." Stopping at the portal there was a slight tug at the corner of her lips. "Into the valley of Death my darlings."

Faith followed Bella closely, eager to leave this place. She had a lot of thinking to do. She made note to remember this time period. It would be a reminder that she had an important job. That, above all, the balance of time was important. Even if it meant watching a people die. It was a harsh truth, but a truth that needed to be learned none the less. She stepped into the portal without a word. What could she say really?

Bartholomew walked towards the portal along with Bella, and was quiet as could be on the trip. When Bella finally spoke, it brought a small, melancholy smile to his face. He thought on the words, about how they applied to the Paradoxes. Soldiers recruited for reasons that they knew not, to fight in a battle that they would almost certainly never see the end of. He might have once thought such a sentiment to be foolish, but now he understood. This was bigger than him. Keeping history intact was something far more important than his continued survival. Even if he didn't want to take on everything that admission meant. He stepped through the portal, letting to moment hang without comment.
Miss Creme
Location: Shadowell Forest, Chair 13
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme's eyes hovered on Blush, her smile widening as she spoke. Nobody had ever really spoken to her that way this woman was, it it just made her feel good to be respected in such a way. She blushed at her compliment, and said, "Thank you Miss." She made herself comfortable in her seat, forgetting all about the man who'd troubled her so not moments ago. Something about this woman made her feel special, and she desperately wanted to keep talking to her, to be her friend. A brief look of distress crossed her face when she the Miss turned away from her, during which she finally noticed the way she'd been referring to her, as if Miss Creme were a flower. That was endearing in a way, if a little strange. When she turned her attention back on Miss Creme, her face still had that look of concern, but it quickly melted back to relief.

"Would, um, you like to spend this night with me?" She said, and her face reddened quickly, rewording her sentence, "I mean, this is surely going to be an interesting night, I'd hate to go through it alone. Having somebody by my side would certainly make things easier." She said, smiling at her hopefully. She wanted to keep spending time with the woman, and as bold as it was to ask, she felt it necessary to do so. This could be a great opportunity for her to make a new friend, and while she couldn't quite place why, she felt like Her and Blush would just make the best of friends. She was used to being around women of relatively low class, and Blush seemed to be quite of opposite of that, holding herself in a high regard. Maybe that was why she was so taken with her, surprised that a women of status wanted to even give her the time of day.

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene shrugged, "Pretty alright, it'll be better after breakfast." He stomach grumbled. She looked at her toaster impatiently, drumming her fingers on the counter. She pulled out her planner at Emmie's question, and peered over it, "I have to go grocery shopping, after that lunch, some free time, dinner, and I wanted to head out to that tire yard later in the night." She said, closing it back up, and back into her pocket. She then continued to say, "You're welcome to come with me if you like, or you can just tell me what you want me to grab from the market."

It was at this point that her toast popped up, and Adalene smiled. "Hey, I could always try making toast myself." She said, half jokingly as she pulled it out. That'd be a good way to burn the apartment down. In reality, she probably had to be careful not to do that, she didn't want to be connected to a string of arsons. She stepped over the fridge and pulled out some butter, which she liberally applied to her toast. Taking a bite out of it, she said, "Toaster does it pretty well though, think I'll stick to that for awhile." She said, chewing as she did, and swallowing quickly after.
Miss Creme
Location: Shadowell Forest, Chair 13
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme hadn't noticed that somebody had decided to sit next to her, so when Debutante Blush spoke up she had a brief look of surprise on her face, before straightening herself out, taking her feet off the seat, and placing her hands on her lap. She was about to speak, when she saw a man take the seat just one spot over from her. Her eyes lingered on him for a second, and she scooted herself closer to Blush as a chill ran down her back. Maybe it was the mask he was wearing, or just the way he carried himself, but she felt very uneasy near him. She didn't know why she felt the way she did, but the hair on the back of her neck stood straight up at the sight of him. Looking over to the Miss, she bowed her head at her a little. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Miss." She said, a small smile across her face.

She looked the Miss up and down, her head bobbing ever so slightly as she did so. She seemed fairly normal, and Miss Creme wasn't creeped out by her at all, so she certainly didn't mind engaging with her. She continued to say, "Of course, I hope you'll excuse my resting, it's been quite a journey." She said, her voice soft, but loud enough to be heard. She daintily took her arm up to her face and rubbed her eyes, before bringing her hand down in front of her mouth to cover a small yawn. She supposed she could continue on fine without too much rest, it'd be rude for her to ignore this woman and not talk to her. She then realized she had never answered the Miss's initial question, and hastily said, "And yes Miss, my rest was lovely." She nodded at her, widening her smile a bit.
Miss Creme
Location: Shadowell Manor - Front Gate, Chair 13
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Quite amazed by the crowd that had amassed itself for this event, Miss Creme had a look of astonishment on her face. Seeing all these people around was a sight to see, but made her that much more conscious about herself. Unconsciously, she adjusted her posture to keep her standing as straight as she could, with her hands clutching onto each other tightly behind her. She had jumped in surprise at the site of the machination as it rolled into view, letting out a small "Oh my!", having never seen anything like that before. Covering her ears as it came to a stop, she gave the man piloting it a startled look. So they'd be riding that to the manor? She did find it quite fascinating to look at, but she wasn't sure how she felt about the safety of riding it.

Stuck where she was, not quite wanting to get on something that looked so haphazardly thrown together, but also knowing she couldn't very well leave. She steeled herself and deciding that at least she would soon be out of the cold, she moved herself slowly forward towards the vehicle. Not quite knowing who to sit next to, she left it up to fate, and took free seat that lacked any neighbors. She did find the seats quite odd, but she wall small enough that she could comfortably sink back into them. It was very nice to finally get off her feet and have a sit. So nice, in fact, that she decided to pull her legs up to her chest, sitting in an almost fetal position in the chair. She could very much use a rest at this point, and took a small second before the ride started up, to rest her eyes, closing them for just a little while.

She didn't intend by any means to fall asleep, but she was relaxing herself pretty well. After a few moments, she creaked her eyes back open, deciding it best not to risk going unconscious around a ton of strangers. Curled up in her chair, she gave a yawn, carefully covering her mouth as she did so. Miss Creme was very comfortable here, her coat functioning as almost a kind of blanket, keeping her warm and snug on the seat. She pulled the lower half of her face into the collar of her jacket, and exhaling, warming up her cheeks considerably. Smiling at herself, she rested her head against the back of her seat, pulling her face out of her jacket a tiny bit to accommodate this.

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Living with Emmie had been a new thing for sure, but between classes starting, and Emmie finding her a place to practice her powers, she didn't really mind her. Emmie seemed like a really interesting person, even if she wasn't letting her in much. Having a friend who could teleport was certainly something she was happy about. Ready for the day to start up, she stepped out of her room and found Emmie making herself a sandwich. "Hey Emmie." She said casually, "Plan for the day?" Adalene asked, following suit and making herself some toast, pulling out bread, and inserting it into her toaster.

She didn't mind having Emmie crash here so far,but she was curious if she'd be able to find her own place to live. She didn't really know about any kind of skills or capabilities Emmie had, though she presumed it wasn't much, given what she knew about her. If she was at least looking to get a job, Adalene would be fine keeping her around here while she got off her feet. Her biggest concern at this point was honestly coming home one day and finding Emmie missing. She didn't, in Adalene's estimation at least, seem like the type of person who liked to stay in one place for too long
Miss Creme
Location: Shadowell Forest - Front Gate
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Coming upon the manor, Miss Creme was quite relieved. She'd been on foot for a long while now, and even as her coat kept her warm enough in this freezing cold, she was very much looking forward to getting inside and out of the elements. She swallowed the last bit of a peppermint candy she'd been sucking on to distract herself on her journey, and hurriedly walked towards the gate. She had heard the guards telling them to have their invitation ready, and quite afraid of the notion of being shot, she dug into her purse and took out her invitation for inspection. She put her other hand in her coat pocket, trying to make sure she stayed warm and avoided frostbite. Soon enough, it was her turn to present her invite.

Miss Creme approached Leo, and held out her invitation carefully. "Here you are, sir." She said with a small smile, though her bottom lip was noticeably trembling. She was clearly nervous as it was being inspected, even though she had no reason to be scared of being shot in the moment. She didn't like that they started out threatening them, and she was worried it was reflective of the overall tone of the evening. She continued past him once she got the go ahead, and found a place to await further instruction. She stood with her arms folded behind her back, watching on the group that had been called on. She had no idea why any of this was happening to her, why she'd been targeted for blackmail, why she was called here, nothing. She'd just make it through the night, and hope nothing went horribly wrong. It was a party after all! For all she knew, she might be in for a really fun time, but she had a gut feeling that that simply would not be the case.

Adalene Jones

Location: Pizza shop
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene raised her eyes in surprise. "Wow." She couldn't imagine what'd she'd do if her parents died. She was dependent on them even now, so going through life without ever really having them would be so tough on her. "Sorry I asked..." She said, feeling pretty down after that. "Um.. Well, I just wanna say you can crash at my place as long as you like." She was clearly uncomfortable at this point, and was very relieved that her number was called quickly after. "I'll go get that." She quickly stood up, and hurried towards the register. She grabbed the pizza, and brought it back, taking a moment on the way to recompose herself.

Sitting back down, she smiled at Emmie, "School's starting up next week for me, so if you do stick around that long, I'll be gone most days, just please don't wreck the house if that's the case." She didn't want to presume, but she wasn't sure what Emmie would be like as a roommate, and setting ground rules would be a good thing to start off with. "Also, dibs on first shower when we get back." She said with a smile.

Nancy, Faith, and Bart

Location: Ville au Camp - the Swamp
Skills: History (General Human History), Acting, Mimic, Photography

Nancy was throwing stones into the swamp, just waiting for her pupils to arrive. It would be a nice change of pace, getting a new set, after her few months working with Pasty. After a certain point, they came to get a read on your personality and expect certain twists and surprises. But these two were fresh and Nancy hadn't been able to sleep much the night before, eagerly coming up with more and more ideas - most of them inspired by Faith, but she had made sure to throw in a few things to purposefully catch Bart off guard as well. "It's a small world after all," Nancy sang under her breath. She didn't really care if they showed up on time or not. In fact, she'd be mildly irritated with them if they did arrive right on the dot.

Faith woke up a bit later than normal, despite the alarm. Having been training with the Hat for a while, she had gotten used to her body being sore and fatigued, but it didn't make it any easier. Still, she was thankful for the sessions, even if she had to be paired with Bart for them. She was sure Evelina had a hand in that and paired them on purpose. Faith woke up and glanced at the door, seeing the familiar note. She read it and dropped it instantly. "The swamp?!?" Of all the places to train at, she had to be at a swamp? And she wasn't with Evelina this time around either. Faith moved slowly around her room, getting dressed and grabbing her knife and sheathing it, before she stumbled out the door and made her way, hesitantly, to the swamp.

Bartholomew woke, saw the note under his door, and nodded, getting dressed. Once he was ready to head out, he bent down, picke dup the note, and read it. Oh fun, it'd be Nancy, finally time for him to get to know her. They'd be working in the swamp, which he didn't really mind. He'd run by there enough that he actually kind of liked it. Excited, he headed out the door. Working with the Hat wasn't bad horrible, but he didn't at all mind taking a break from combat training. He did wonder what Nancy might have in store for him. He hurried towards the swamp, and wondered if he'd still be working along side Faith. Best he could tell, she wasn't here to make friends, to say the least, which made her less than fun to spend time with. Reaching the Swamp, he waved at The Cards, "Good Morning!" He said, smiling, trying to put his best foot forward with her. "How's your morning going?"

"Are you always this happy so early in the morning?" Nancy couldn't help but ask, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Bart. She had a sudden craving for sweets so she pulled a caramel chew out of her pocket and popped it into her mouth, before throwing one to Faith and another to Bart. She wasn't going to make them sit in a swamp, early in the morning, and just watch her eat candy. She then walked onto a fallen log in the swamp, balancing on it with her arms out. "To start...Faith, right? I want you to put Bartholomew on your shoulders and carry him."

"Which reminds me....What would you two like to be called? I ask because let's be honest, some of the names Paradoxes are stuck with are quite awful."

Faith made her way over just in time to see Bart already there. So it seemed she would be paired up with him again. Faith caught the candy in her hand and looked at it. She wasn't a big fan of caramel, but she ate the good anyway. For all she knew, this was part of the test. It wasn't until Nancy actually placed her task in front of her that Faith finally came to attention. "I'm sorry. What?" She wanted her to carry him? Not only was that probably not going to happen, but she would soon lick off caramel from the swampy log. "You want me to carry him? I'll drop him for sure, either on purpose or accidentally. And I prefer Faith. It's my name, after all."

Bart caught the chew, and cocked his head in surprise as Nancy's initial question, having just tried to put his best foot forward. He was a bout to answer as Faith appeared, at which point Nancy asked her to pick him up. He gave The Cards a curious look. "Pardon me?" He asked in a mix of surprise and confusion. He turned his head to Faith and shot her a look at the mention of dropping him on purpose. Recomposing himself, he continued, "I prefer Bart, if that's alright. And um, why do you want Faith to carry me? I can walk fine." He popped the chew into his mouth, letting it melt on his tongue as he waited for some kind of explanation.

"Yes, of course. I want you to carry him. Put him on your shoulders. Haven't you two seen Star Wars? It's like that, when Luke carries Yoda. Except Faith will be Luke and Bart, you'll be Yoda," Nancy replied matter of factly. She popped another piece of candy into her mouth as she waited for them to do it. She didn't care if Faith dropped him, on purpose or accidentally. "Go on then, we don't have all day."

Faith gave the Cards another look. This bitch had to be on crack or something. She could understand going back in time to see some Civil War battle, but to carry some loser on her shoulders for no clear reason? And in a swamp?!? This was insane. But far be it from her to not make an effort in this crazy time. She looked over to Bart and shook her head. "Fine. Get on then. Don't touch my hair or so help me..." She knelt down to allow the boy to climb on her shoulders, but she would drop his ass if he so much as did anything other than sit there.

Okay, maybe Nancy wasn't all there. Not seeing a good way out of this situation, Bart sighed, and nodded at Faith, "I won't touch your
hair if you don't drop me...
" He said, stepping behind her, and climbing carefully onto her shoulders, actively trying to avoid touching her hair. He sat himself down on her shoulders, and looked towards the Cards, completely lost as to what in the hell this was all about. He was mostly focusing on keeping his balance at this point, but managed to get out. "Alright... what now?" He said, moving the Caramel chew to one side in his mouth.

Nancy pulled out her camera, a Leica III and positioned it perfectly, taking photographs of Faith and Bart. She was trying her best not to laugh too much. The lighting was good and she did enjoy taking pictures of the Paradoxes - especially since sometimes, they did seem to last longer. "Beautiful. Now if you'll walk through that portal, we'll be on our way," Nancy said and she stepped to the side, as a portal appeared. "And if you do decide to drop him on purpose, let me know so I can get a candid shot of the look on his face, Faith."

Faith glared at the woman. What the hell did she think she was doing? Taking pictures like she's some circus animal and making her carry this sack of worthlessness? She had half a mind to drop Bart then and there, but decided against it. This had to be a trick of some sort. She had to keep carrying him. She wouldn't give her the satisfaction. "Hold on, loser. Here we go!" Faith quickly followed her into the portal, holding on to Bart as best she could.

Bart blinked at the flash, and swayed a little, trying to keep his balance. He gave an annoyed look down at Faith, did she have to be so rude? He didn't really understand people like that. He knew she was from undead world, so maybe that hardened her? He didn't know. He felt the ground move beneath him as Faith carried him, which made him feel quite silly. He peered forward as they made their way through the portal, curious to see what would be on the other side.

Disneyland ~ April 2014

Nancy was positively beaming as she brought her charges to the true site of their lesson - the Haunted Mansion ride. Of course, the fact that they had gotten to change out of 1940's attire and into fashion from the early 21st century also put a smile on her face. "So here is where we'll be having our first lesson," Nancy explained, as she got into line for the ride and motioned for them to follow her. It was about the middle of the day and the sun was beating down, but the lines weren't too terribly long. "Rule number one - don't use your powers unless you are in a life and death situation," Nancy instructed.

"And I'd give you more rules but honestly, the rest are sort of guidelines," she mused. "But at any rate, I doubt either of you will have any trouble with blending into this time period - even if it doesn't come with the usual heaping of undead that you're accustomed to, Faith. Instead, your job is to find out a personal secret from whomever you sit with on the ride. This ride has been having some problems lately and will break down while we're on it - so you should have a good period for a chat with them. If you can get them to give up this information, then you're a damn good actor and as a treat, I'll let you pick the next ride we go on - and that'll be just for fun, no lessons involved."

Faith exited the portal and instantly recognized where she was. Even if she hadn't been there before, it was easy to put two and two together. The sights, the smells, and the sounds instantly took her back. She hadn't been here in years and the apocalypse kind of put this further down the list of desired locales. Though, she did often wonder what happened to Disneyland after. She also enjoyed being out of her 1940's attire, as fashionable as she looked in them. 'Ok, get down now." Bart should appreciate the fact she didn't just drop him, but she let him down and prepared to queue up. She was excited for this task. Sitting and talking to someone, finding out secrets, this was easy, especially if they were stuck on a ride.

Bart gasped as they appeared in Disneyland. He'd never been able to go here as a kid! They were always too poor, and even though he would have loved to go. His face lit up, and any apprehension he might of felt about Nancy dissolved in a moment. This put her in his good books for sure. He listened to what the goal of their lesson would be, and quickly got down off of Faith's shoulders and onto the ground. He gave a hum, and said, "Could we get a little advice?" He asked, cocking his head. He'd never quite done anything like that, and while he mightbe able to come up with a few ideas, this wouldn't be his forte.

"Personality mirroring will endear you to some," Nancy mused, as the line moved up some more. They were almost at the very front now. "But others hate a yes-man with a vengeance. Of course, know that only lies have details and that unless you're dealing with someone from a criminal past or organization - which is quite possible in this timeline and location - people generally enjoy talking about themselves. My biggest recommendation? Have fun. You'll know what to do, I'm sure. And if you don't, I'll send you on It's a Small World to do the same exercise until you do."

Faith didn't want to toot her own horn, but she was fairly confident she would succeed in this task. She loved talking, especially about herself. If anything, if she opened up, others would too. She just hoped she wouldn't be paired with some loser or something whose deepest secret was that they wet the bed until they were 20. She would NOT be put on that ride either. She would sooner kill herself (again) than have to listen to that fucking song on repeeat. "No, I got this. I'm excited!"

Bart gave a mock shiver at Nancy's threat. "The horror." He said playfully. He'd never been on it, but he had heard the song on the ride was a little repetitive. He nodded at her advice though, and started planning. The hard part would be getting somebody comfortable enough on one ride. Maybe he could give, or pretend to give some secret of his own, show vulnerability, and get them to mirror it. Yeah, that could work. He'd either go with that, or try "personality mirroring", as Nancy called it. He'd have to see if he could insight the type of person he was next to.

Nancy gave them a smile as they were ushered into the room. "Everyone, please head to the dead center of the room," one of the workers announced. The Haunted Mansion ride always began the same way, and Nancy enjoyed every single bit of it. It reminded her in some ways of one of her favorite movies from this time period - Beetlejuice. Once the introduction was finished and they were ushered down the halls, Nancy climbed into a doombuggy all by herself. "See you two on the other side," Nancy called out.

Faith entered the attraction, ignoring the spiel. She had heard it before and it got tiresome. She looked forward to the down time, if one could call it that. She got to relax on a ride and complete a fairly easy task. She looked at the potentials in the room with her, hoping to land an easy one, but was that the point? Soon, they got on and she saw Nancy enter alone. She got up to her own cart and sat down, waiting to see who would sit with her.

Much to her dismay, a heavy-set, middle-aged woman in full Disneyland get-up joined her. She gave Faith a warm grin. "Sorry dear. Husband and son got the other cart to themselves. We'll just have some good girl time, yeah?" The woman's accent screamed Minnesota and Faith fought the urge to stab her eardrums. She had to remember the task at hand. "It's no trouble at all! I love what your wearing by the way. Very cute." The woman sat down and turned to face Faith before they got moving. "Thanks dear. So nice to sit next to such a kind, pretty girl." Faith rolled her eyes out of view as the ride started. Soon they were moving through the ride and Faith counted what she saw, waiting for the time for the ride to break. Soon, it happened, just as Nancy said it would. The woman next to her sighed. "Oh dear, this is the 5th time this has happened to us. We must be cursed. Sorry dear, I am sure this will pick back up soon." Faith nodded, but she already knew she had a time frame. "You may be right, ma'am. How about we have some girl talk before they get it working?" The woman chuckled, "Oh dear, I doubt an old woman like myself has much to talk about with a young thing like you."

Faith thought a moment. This woman had to have a secret, as stupid as it may be. She had to cater to her. What would a married, older woman keep secret? Soon, Faith mustered up some tears, letting them fall. "It's just...my boyfriend broke up with me. We were supposed to be here together! He left me for my best friend and just..." Faith cried, letting her fake emotion come over her. The woman soon had an arm around her. "Oh dear, there there. Pretty thing like yourself will find someone else, I'm sure. He sounds like an idiot." Faith laughed, "Yeah. It's just, seeing you with your husband and son, got me thinking about marriage. How wonderful it must be. Being together for years. During your best and worst times. And it got me thinking of the future. Your life must be so great!" Faith looked over to the woman, seeing if her line hit a snag. The woman sighed, "I tell ya dear, it's not all its cracked up to be. You should enjoy your youth. There's a big world out there. I only wish I spent my days looking at it. Got married too young dear. My father even told me I shouldn't marry Hank. Said he had a bad feeling about him, but did I listen? No, and now I am 30 years invested with only stretch marks and credit card debts out my eyeballs." The woman gasped, "Oh dear, I never told anyone that! You just seem like such a peach to talk to." Faith wiped her wet eyes, "Thank you, ma'am. That helped." More than the woman would ever know.

Bartholomew scanned up and down the ride, if he picked a seat with somebody already in it, that'd help ensure he'd be able to get the information he wanted. He saw a teenage boy sitting on his own, and thought for a moment. Quickly, he had a plan, and smiled to himself, ever impressed with his own cleverness. He approached the seat, and sat down. The boy gave him a look, and he shrugged, "Seat was open and I needed one, all good?" He asked coolly. "Yeah, I guess..." The boy said, evidently a little annoyed that he wouldn't be on his own. Bartholomew rested his arms on his own legs. The kid didn't seem too happy at the moment, which was odd for the "The happiest place on Earth". As the ride started up, he initiated step one, getting him talking. "So, what brings you here? Vacation?" The teen scoffed at Bartholomew. "Why do you care?" Bart shrugged, "Guess I don't kid."

That surprised the boy, and he practically glared at Bartholomew. "Asshole." He grumbled, at which point Bart looked at him and smirked as the ride started up, "I'm just not very interested in talking to bratty teenagers. Take your angst somewhere else." That should do it, he figured. The goal was to get him angry enough. People loved to talk, and given the opportunity, they'd say almost anything. Police commonly used this, get a potential suspect talking, and let them talk and talk, and they'd end up slipping up and sharing something they didn't want to. Now all he had to do what shut up. The teenager looks pissed as could be, and just as Bart hoped, started talking. "Alright, yeah, sure, just assume." He said, Bart gave him a sideways look, but remained otherwise silent. "People like you are the actual worst, you think you know me after five seconds?" Bart visibly rolled his eyes, things going swimmingly. He focused on not smiling, or giving any positive cue to him. "Why? Why do you think it's okay to treat people like this? Tell Me!" The teenager's voice was quiet, but it was also harsh, with notes of sadness.

With Bart's continued silence, he said, "Whatever. I'll forget it all tonight. You're what weed's for." Bart exhaled. That counted, as far as he was concerned. So the kid liked the Devil's Lettuce. Not earth shattering, but no way in hell his parents knew. He looked back over at the kid, "Listen, I'm sure High School's hard, and nothing's wrong with smoking on occasion." He said, carefully, "But trust me. Don't use it as a coping mechanism." The kid rolled his eyes, and looked away, not talking to Bart anymore. He sighed, and shrugged. He couldn't fix people, and he figured that he kind of had to toe a line here. Interfering too much would put him in hot water, and he didn't need that in his life.

Once Faith and Bart exited the ride, they'd see Nancy wearing a pair of Nightmare Before Christmas Mickey Mouse Ears, eating some cotton candy as she waited for them. Nancy was a bit curious to see if they'd had managed to complete the task - and if they hadn't, she hoped they'd lie to her and convince her that they had. It would be a good enough test of acting if they'd be able to pull that off. "So? How was it? Anything good for the Burn Book?" Nancy asked, referencing another popular film from this era. She loved the movies. She then held out the cotton candy to Faith and Bart, in case they wanted to partake in some.

Faith walked out jollier than she had originally been. She even took some of the cotton candy Nancy offered her. "First, solid reference. Love that movie. Second, I sure did. Sat next to some old lady who told me her father told her not to marry her husband. You could almost sense the regret. She poured it out once I let the water works run. It was almost too easy. That was...oddly enjoyable considering we were just in a swamp." Faith was almost tempted to buy her own Mickey Mouse ears, though she knew it would not last.

Bart stepped out of the ride, and calm and collected. He saw Faith and Nancy, and walked over to them. He didn't catch the reference, not being a Mean Girls aficionado. "Story of the century, teenage boy does pot because he's bullied." He said dryly. "People love the sound of their own voices, it turns out. Spilled the beans when I poked him in the right ways." Though he was proud of himself for getting it out of him the way he did, he couldn't help but feel a bit bad. "It's kinda sad honestly." He clearly looked uncomfortable with what he'd just done.

Nancy looked at Bart, raising an eyebrow at that last comment. "Of course it's sad. People's darkest secrets are always sad - same for Paradoxes and Emendators. There's a reason they don't tell people - to hide pain. But if you need something to help you sleep at night...acting and lying won't do it. The other Emendators can teach you to be heroes - I'm just going to teach you how to survive, how to slip through people's fingers that way you can be heroes if you wish, to stop the forces that would destroy us." Nancy then couldn't help but feel annoyed at herself for that bit of monologuing. "As promised, you two can pick the ride we go on next. After that, it's back to work - this time you need to pick an accent you overhear here and try to mimic it."

Faith rode her high of succeeding at her task all the way to one of her favorite rides in Disneyland. "Space Mountain!" She didn't care if Bart wanted to or not, it was her favorite ride ever since she was a kid. She would ride the hell out of that and not think about the next task of mimicing an accent. Something she was sure she would fail at. Accents were hard to master, but she would give it her all, especially if the threat of Small World still hung over them. She woulds not ride that without someone dying.

Bart nodded at Nancy's words. Sure, he might have to lie to survive, but that doesn't mean he had to like it. In the mean time, he was in Disneyland for the first time in his life, and he was gonna take this as a small pleasure for himself. He thought he had a pretty good idea about who Nancy was, and said, "On the other hand... We could do Small World anyway." He said, flashing a smile at the Emendator. This was two pronged, one, it might upset Faith, and she hasn't been too kind to him, so he was feeling admittedly spiteful, and two, he thought Nancy would appreciate the irony.

"Do you enjoy torture?" Nancy asked Bart with a laugh. "If so, I can teach you all about how to cause someone pain in order to get information....But right now, I decide Faith wins and we're going to ride Space Mountain. Let's be real - that and Splash Mountain are the best two rides here, with the added benefit that Space Mountain isn't based on a racist story." The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, beyond Nancy working the occasional lesson about accent mimicry into the rides. However, by the time they had finally gotten to Splash Mountain, the Emendator was content to just let her charges enjoy Disney with her.

"So, I hope you two give me a five star rating, it will not have any impact whatsoever," Nancy joked, as they returned to Ville au Campe. "If you got blisters while at Disney...Consider it a part of your souvenir. And honestly, it won't be the worst thing to happen to you two while you're here."

Faith was happy she got to ride Space Mountain. It made her forget, even for a brief moment, she was dead and was about to take part in this thing that could mean the end of her forever. She also hadn't forgotten Bart's suggestion of going on Small World. She would pay him back later for even trying. However, during the exercise, Faith found it hard to grasp some accents. She managed Southern pretty well, but English could have used some work. Still, she got to ride rides, so it wasn't all bad. "Definitely five stars. Useful tools and fun rides. Would have been complete if we got some of that mango Dole ice cream they sell here." Faith wasn't optimistic they would get that, but it was an enjoyable time overall as they made their way back to the portal.

Bart had an absolute blast on the ride, definitely the coolest coaster he'd ever ridden. The rest of the day went by with some difficulty, having never done any kind of accent work before. He tried his hand at French and English, but he knew that it wasn't very good. Southern was definitely the easiest, and was the only half convincing one. Once they were back at the camp, He cracked a smile at Nancy, "Maybe four and a half, for that stunt at the beginning." He said playfully. This training was, at least, much more fun than working with Gil.
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