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@Nallore Finally had some free time, let me know how it is.

@Nallore Finally had some free time, let me know how it is.

Miss Creme
Location: Central Hall -> Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Creme was surprised Jasper had addressed her, and gave a quiet shake of her head, "Oh, I'm just passing through." She said quietly, "To um, get to the Ballroom. So sorry for the confusion." She explained politely, before starting off to the next room. She felt awkward after that. She supposed that her excusing herself must've attracted his attention. That wasn't the reaction she wanted, she simply wanted to be able to pass by him without seeming rude. Instead, she needless attracted the attention of a busy and important man. Putting her eyes forward, she hurried her way out.

Crossing into the next room, she was relieved as the ballroom was now in sight. She hoped it wouldn't be too full yet, given that she must've been one of the closest to the room when the announcement was made, she couldn't think that it would be yet. Between the ejection on the train ride and the stabbing earlier, tonight just was not on track to be a good one for her. Granted, things had honestly been bad for awhile, ever since the blackmailing started. But she knew her luck would turn around sooner or later, and why not have it happen tonight?

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene's hand went quickly into her purse, and she laid down some cash into the checkbook. She smiled at the waitress, and nodded along with Emmie. She was a little disappointing that Emmie would rather run than face things head on, but at least she knew that now. She followed her along to the bathroom, and was quiet as they went. Emmie basically had a panic but it seemed she didn't put it together enough that she could push it. She clearly didn't have much of a knack for tactics, but hey, if these powers were showing up randomly, not everybody would be able to use them as efficiently as possible.

Stepping into the room with her, she cracked a smile, "Anywhere." She said, taking Emmie's hand she she could take her. She wanted ot see what Emmie could come up with, Adalene felt like she'd been taking the lead on their activities for the most part, and finding out what Emmie liked to do, when given the option to do anything. "Just remember, we're still testing out and training our powers later tonight, so let's not go anywhere too crazy." She reminded her.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Bart watched the women walk through the house, with a kind of silent bemusement. That was odd for sure, but he didn't interfere. It seemed their new guests were intent on doing their laundry. Now, Bart wasn't paranoid per say, but he didn't know exactly how to feel about that. On one hand, they had to focus on Peter's grave site and what was going on there, but on the other, them collecting their clothes and walking around the grounds like a trio out of horror movie should probably be investigated. He looked between Faith and them, and sighed. There already was a group on their way to the grave, and he thought that this might merit some attention.

Bart grimaced, "You might have a point." He exhaled, phrasing things carefully, not wanting to be to explicit with Andromeda listening in on them. He quickly turned to her "I'm not sure if we want to go there yet," He said thoughtfully " I think it might suit us best if we looked into those women. Other people will undoubtedly be checking out the grave site, I'm not sure the same can be said for them." He reasoned. He wasn't going to check them out alone though, Gil had specifically told them all to stick close. He motioned his head towards the Kitchen House door, hoping they'd both agree with his train of thoughts and look with him. "What'd you two think?"
Miss Creme
Location: Grand Vestibule -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Creme was initially surprised when Sister Penance and Captain Moss walked away without addressing her, but she was glad to see that she decided to take initiative. As it seemed the man would be getting plenty of attention, she defaulted to following Jasper's earlier instruction. Apparently, they were to gather in the ballroom now that the "true" guests were arriving. An odd way to phrase it, she thought, but it was none of her concern. She still didn't really understand what the Lord of the manor how exactly wanted her here for, but hoped that more answers were on there way, now that the night was starting to take off.

Quietly stepping past Oliver and Jasper, she looked around the Central hall, saying "Pardon me Sirs." Lowering her head as she did so. She didn't take much tome to admire the scenery around her, still not in a good head space after the sight from earlier. She hoped getting to the ballroom before others would give her a much needed break to recollect and stabilize herself. She crossed right through the center, quickly reaching the other side. On the bright side, she figured she might be able to see Blush again if they truly were to all regroup in Ballroom.

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene smiled at Emmie. She was clearly not taking this well, but she shook her head. "Don't worry about it, really. Worst case scenario? I kick his ass seven ways from Sunday." She said reassuringly, finished up the food on her plate. She was pretty confident she could take some loser Emmie stole from in a fight. Taking a napkin and cleaning off her face, she looked away for a moment. She really wasn't that worried. It did surprise her though, that the man managed to remember Emmie well enough to recognize her from across a restaurant. That seemed unlikely. It wouldn't hurt, however, if they could avoid confrontation.

"Just the check please." She said to the waitress, before turning her attention back to Emmie. "If we wanted to stay out of trouble..." She said quietly, waiting to make sure the waitress was out of earshot, "After we've paid, we could teleport out from the bathroom." she didn't like the idea of risking losing her lunch, and would be fine otherwise confronting the man, but she figured putting the option out there was fair. "Either way works for me." She reassured her, leaning back in her seat. She wanted Emmie comfortable, and she didn't know how Emmie reacted to conflict, so this would be a good way to judge that.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Bart made a "Hmm," At James' comment. He made a fair point, if they were watching them, planning about sneaking around was self defeating. Still, they had to communicate, and if they were openly hostile to the group, then any plan they made would necessarily be at a disadvantage. His attention turned to The Hat as he entered, and really smiled. He liked getting praise, it let him know he was doing something right, and it just felt good to know he was appreciated. He looked over at Faith worriedly though, at the mention of Golgotha and Miss Babylon. If Gio had gone to investigate that, surely their misadventure would soon be common knowledge to the other Emendators if it weren't already. Getting ahead of that would be the best thing for the two of them, he though.

He inhaled for a moment, and stared straight ahead at Faith, hoping to get her attention. If he was going to go to share this with Gil, he wanted Faiths permission, it was her fuck up too after all. Most of all, he didn't want to reveal this to the paradoxes around him. Maybe it was stupid, and maybe they'd find out anyway, but he didn't want to make himself look like the failure that he was that day. Closing the distance between Faith and himself, and quietly said to her, "We should talk." Hoping she'd be on board with coming clean. In light of recent events, that really deemed to be the only course acceptable course of action. There was no room for secrets right now.
Miss Creme
Location: Grand Vestibule
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme took a step back at Jasper's response to her, and turned her head down a tiny bit. Perhaps she could have chosen her words more carefully, but she doubted the man was stabbed on accident, though she could be wrong. She liked to assume the best in people, and while the Madame had put her off, she didn't want to think she would hurt anybody on purpose. She regretfully admitted to herself, however, that that was, in all probability, the case.She didn't have a good response for Jasper, so she counted her lucky stars that he was quick to be off, evidently having more important things to attend to.

Drawing breath, she turned to the two others who had joined her on this endeavor, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Um, I could go find that Oliver man." She offered, hoping to be able to help. She made a face though, "I'm not quite sure about what he'd need past bandages though, if you can give me some directive, I'll do my best to follow it!" She added on. To her, that'd be the best way for her to help. It'd speed up the process of giving the man the help he deserved, while keeping herself safe and away from the situation proper. She moved her gaze between them, hoping they'd appreciate her plan and take her up on it.

Adalene Jones

Location: New York, New York
Interacting With: Emmie Adams
Abilities being used: N/A

Adalene snorted at Emmie's smirk, and returned it in kind. "Sure." She said playfully. Adalene noticed Emmie's discomfort, and went on guard. She followed her gaze, and gave Emmie a worried look. Had she noticed something Adalene hadn't? She figured Emmie was one to keep on her toes, given the fact that she had been living on the street for quite awhile before moving in with Adalene, and that would kind of be a necessary life skill in order to survive. She pulled her purse closer to her, ready to spring in to action if they were in some kind of danger.

She was then relieved when Emmie explained the situation. "Oh, I see." She pursed her lips for a second, and tried to come up with a solution to this. That man looked mad, and she wanted to avoid a scene. Making a decision, she quickly, and quietly said, "No you didn't. If he comes over here, let me do the talking. You're new in town, my sister." She said simply, trusting Emmie would understand what she was putting down. NYC was a big city, and she considered it would be pretty believable that somebody might be a lookalike of another person. She however did give her a pointed look, "Later though, I do want to know what exactly happened." If Emmie was in the habit of robbing people, Adalene might have to rethink their relationship a tiny bit.
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