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Arthur Stanford

The first thought to cross through his head was about the distinction between being a god of Death, and being a god of The Dead. Thinking about it for a moment, he presumed this was why Hades was often heralded as the kind of the underworld, meaning that he wasn't actually responsible for the death of individuals. This made helped alleviate any potential feelings of worry from being sired by somebody with such a problematic domain. That being said, his emotions still were in a bit of a shell shock. "Right, dagger is deadly, like most daggers. I'll be careful with it." Normally, he might be able to find a more tactful way of phrasing that, but at the moment, he was unable to do so.

"So..." He was kind of thrown off by Athanasia's continual barrage of questioning. He liked the girl enough, but god, she didn't really have an off button. Collecting himself, he paused for a moment, closed his eyes, and returned to the conversation with a smile. "Well, I certainly can't wait to meet our other step siblings, is there a weekly meetup, or something of the like?" He asked. He figured half-bloods with the same parent would probably get together in some way, people having connections like that tended to help. If not, he considered starting one, and cementing himself as a leadership figure at the camp. Even in the advent of earth shaking news, Arthur still had machinations stirring in his head, it just was who he was.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Faith's Room -> Backyard Area

Bart smiled as Faith seemed to be able to actually address her feelings. To him, this was a signal of great progress for her, something he would have normally taken the time to recognize and congratulate her for, but the earth begun to shake and rattle beneath him. A look of worry crossed his face, and he said, "Whatever it was, I doubt it was good." He said uncomfortably responding to her. "Let's go check that out. Now." He said, turning his back to her, and starting towards the door. If Niburi was coming this quickly, they were fucked beyond all measure. That being said, he found it hard to imagine that this was anything else.

As he walked towards the backyard of the house, he had a troubled spring in his step, evidently scared of what may lay before him, but nevertheless resigned to confronting it. As he stepped out to the back of the house, he saw The Hat and James congregating outside, heading towards what he could only assume was the source of the disturbance. As he stepped towards them, he figured that announcing their presence to them would only be good, keeping people aware in times of potential danger was obvious protocol. "Faith and I aren't far behind." He called out to them, making his way closer to the swamp. "Any idea what we're dealing with?"
Arthur Stanford

Arthur was relieved as they hit the ground, apparently finally free of potential threats, at least for the immediate future. He was about to take a moment to get accustomed with the area in front of him, when two skeletons erupted from the earth in front of them. Ready to leap into action again, he barely got out ,"I thought this place was-" Before the skeletons presented him with a blade. Gingerly, he took it from them, and played with it in his hand. Cold to the touch, he was unfamiliar with wielding such a weapon, but hopefully he'd get used to it. "This is different than your weapons." He noted, having seen theirs to be of shimmering gold.

Looking between Athanasia, he asked, "Any reasons for that?" Before taking a quick second to see the symbol floating above their head. He nodded along to his apparent half-sisters questions, but tacked on one more. "You missed the most important one though, who is our father, or mother?" He asked. He had some guesses, the big one coming to mind being Hades, but there were other gods of death probably, and today wasn't a day for assumptions. He looked over to the senior campers, figuring they'd be given them some explanation.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Sitting Room -> Faith's Room

So it seemed, in light of the evidence provided, that the best option they seemed to have was to send all of them, sans Faith, out on their own to survive or die as a kind of training. That was a scary thought for sure, he himself having no rightful idea on how he'd ever make it on his own with the threats that loomed over their heads. He'd resolve to do it, for sure, but it was certainly a scary thought. Cracking his knuckles out in front of him, he said, "Yeah, getting a full nights rest sounds like a good idea, looks like we have some long days ahead." He agreed, and stepped away from the group, but he didn't head right off to bed quite yet.

Following after Faith, he met her at her room. If they were about to go off again, then he might not see her for a long time, or even at all. The friendship they'd garnered, crazy and ethereal as it was, meant something, and leaving things unsaid between the two of them wouldn't be right. "Hey you." He said, cracking a smile outside her door, "Ready to play the hero and save all our asses?" He asked, slightly sarcastically. He knew she couldn't be feeling good about this, even if she didn't say it, and he wasn't gonna force her to confront that by any means, but he hoped she'd at least talk about it with him. It wouldn't be good for her to keep all this bottled up.
Arthur Stanford

Oh poor Ezekiel. All he had to do was politely decline Athanasia's request for comments, but no. he had to patronize, and insult her. That was the sort of behavior for which he could not stand. He simply smiled at Ezekiel, and said , "I believe it's Pegasi, Athanasia, though it couldn't hurt for you to run through all the possibilities." He said with a smirk. "Pegapeople?" He pondered. He didn't foresee the two of them getting along so well, but he was more than willing to give a second chance, if he apologized for his behavior.

He chuckled a bit, at Athanasia thinking she was too old for a babysitter. He wasn't going to correct her, but to say that he'd take her too seriously would be about as incorrect. He did want to know though, how long they'd be on this chariot. He glanced down at the ground below them, and smiled at the sight. This was something truly amazing. He cleared his throat, saying "So, what's our ETA?" as he took in the view.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Sitting Room

As Siduri walked out the door, Bartholomew pursed his lips. It seemed as if they'd reached the extent of help from the two of them that they'd be getting. The sentiment of them hearing, but not listening was worrisome, it meant that they though they'd missed some key point, but it seemed they weren't willing to reiterate or explain any further. The only thing he could possibly pull from their words was that they should somehow throw caution to the wind and dive in head first to save Eve. He could only assume something like that would impose massive risk, and would almost certainly result in disaster.

Looking between the present Emendators for their reactions, he hoped they'd had some clearer understanding into her intentions. He had no idea how to properly react to, or deal with this. His first impulse was to step after her and demand further explanation, but that sounded like a plan that could only end poorly. Reminded of what Alicia had told them not so long ago, he knew that, as seemed to be the default lately, he was out of his depth, and was to act as a subordinate to the Emendators. Let them decide how they'd react to this, and go along with it. That sounded like a far safer idea that might actually get them a little more help.
Arthur Stanford

Hopping into the chariot with Zek, he couldn't help but rub his temples as Athanasia hopped into questioning. He cleared his throat and said after her," Arthur Stanford, co-president of the hell raising committee." He said, coyly smiling at his friend. He wouldn't be bombarding them with any questions, though he was full of them. Get to safety, then he could start to ask some clarifying questions. Granted, he may need a few less of those in light of the answers to Athanasia's questions.

He looked at the chariot in a bit of surprise. He got the theming for sure, but he couldn't help but think that there must be more practical design choices than those invented thousands of years ago. He supposed he wasn't to judge though, he was certainly in the dark on quite a few things, between the existence of gods and flying horses. Smiling at Athanasia, he made a calm down motion with his hands, "Let's get to safety first, then we can ask every question we can think of." He wouldn't feel safe and happy until they were far away from this prison of a school.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Sitting Room

Bartholomew kept his eyes locked on Gio as he spoke, admittedly wanting and answer on the existence of dragons, and being a bit disappointed when he never got one. Running over Gio's question in his head, he did take a moment to consider his options. The unknown of death, or the mountain of preventing the End of Days. In his eyes, there were two main points driving his ultimate decision. For one, if he failed, he'd end up dying anyway, and two, it was just the right thing to do. He couldn't sit idly by and let everything end, not when he was in a privileged position to actually do something about it. This was a greater calling for him, something he'd needed for awhile.

"Of course I'm in, no matter the odds, we have to at least give it a go." He responded, crossing his arms. He'd fight, and he might die, that was a new thing he'd have to internalize, and even after accepting this responsibility, it still seemed distant in a way. Acceptance of the difficulty of the situation wasn't defeatist in his eyes, it was key to them having a chance for success. The weight of the consequences of their failures demanded that; that they understand that they'd have to give everything to make it through and have a chance of preventing to End of Days. That was how he saw it, anyway.
Arthur Stanford

As the heroes arrived, and started fighting off the monster for them, Arthur felt himself finally start to relax a bit. These people would keep them safe, but then what? They were to go to this camp, and then they'd be safe? This seemed like the start of a story, not the end of one, and with that always came a certain bit of uncertainty. His life would be different from here on out, that's for sure. These people seemed to treat fighting these monsters as an everyday occurrence, meaning that their lives compared to his, must be insane.

Arthur turned and smiled coyly at Athanasia, "While I'm sure they'd appreciate the gesture, something tells me your parasol wouldn't be nearly as effective as their arrows." He said, as they continued to close the distance between themselves and their saviors. He had questions, and he expected answers soon, even if he knew he had to keep his mouth shut to stay alive for now. He figured that, no matter what might come, this new life might not be that bad, since he was lucky enough to be pretty good friends already with the people who'd be joining him.

Bartholomew Rosecliff

Location: Sitting Room

Bart's face fell at that. Eve had told them when they had first came that they'd had the option to opt out, he just never though any of them would take it this late in their training. He wasn't going to cry about it or anything, but that made him feel pretty crappy. He had though there was a bit of hope for her after they looked over their reports together, but, apparently she hadn't. It was a shame, she was his only friend here that he wasn't Stockholmed into liking. Not that he didn't like Faith, but it looked like she'd be going away for awhile. He supposed it would give him a chance to bond with the other Paradoxes more.

"That's unfortunate." He said quietly, but tried not to dwell on it more in the moment. He turned his attention to Gil, and processed what he had to say. From the sound of the current plan, they might all be going out on their own kind of training. This would probably be good for him, he could use time on his own to reflect on the current course of events. Furthermore, he would like refinement of his powers, though the implications of doing so was a little worrying to him. It meant either a lot of blood, or a lot of him mucking about in people's heads, and getting willing participants to that didn't sound easy.
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