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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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@Leos Klien@Andronicus23@CaptainBritton@Elgappa@Genni@Polaris North@Wampower

Well, since you might have already realized I got some bad news.

Been swamped with my numerous RPs, RL and also work, that I had recently started going to. Problem being, that leaves me less time to focus on here. Although, I don't want to leave you guys hanging.

Secondly, I'd also like to know how many people do want to continue this and whom are gone?

It is perfect.

In America, the situation had developed from suicidal collapse to mildly fucked. Namely what people they had managed to rescue or whom had come to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex by themselves were quickly put to work. Either trained as militias, farmhands or workers to help build fortifications and restart where able. Although due to the rather fractured nature of the Federal Government - then President Atkins had to sign in Executive Order 78. Namely 'establishing' martial law and granting the military, the rights and hands to help restore Colorado into some semblance of function.

During that time, Atkins had also instated numerous individuals into a higher position - namely writing into force that Sergeant Jackson of the USMC would become Sergeant Major of the Army, forming a Joint Special Operations Command with what Generals remained and also having Valentina Tsernova inaugurated as the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. While some might state against the idea of having a foreign national become leader of the US Air Force - the truth was, there wasn't anybody else with any air experience in the entire area.

In that same regard, she was also acting Secretary of the Air Force - which would have meant a conflict of duty and too much authority in the hands of a single person. But at this point, they were mostly symbolic, since they didn't have anybody else on hand. Many others were filling double positions in the in United States Cabinet - which at this point wasn't much. Namely, one General, two Colonels whom had been promoted from their roles as Sergeants, a Sergeant Major, and two Captains who acted as the head of the Joint Special Operations Command and Secretary of the Army. All in all, not the best situation.
While Colorado was mostly returned under authority, the situation still remained bleak - especially, as after marshal law had been 'relaxed' two weeks after it had been enforced - they had lost most contact with Secretary Tsernova, whom had taken the AC-130 out for a reconnaissance flight. Without having reported anything back - they couldn't in essence do anything if she had decided to leave or had gotten shot out in some likelihood. Plus it wasn't like they could ask her 'spouse' Sergeant Gent whom had gone with them and taken along five Marines.

Things remained the same for some time, until activity popped up on the radar - namely a transport helicopter. "This is Secretary Tsernova here, carrying about....ugh...several politicians from...Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and what remained of Montana...over..." she stated, leaving the President simply flabber-gasted and asked for a repeat.

"Ugh. I might have engaged in some gunboat diplomacy...and I had to leave the AC-130 in Kansas since it ran out of fuel then, but I did get the states under the banner of the Federal Government. More or less..." she added, then added in a shy tone. "...please tell me marshal law was still in force?"

Atkins, for hearing such a blatant abuse of authority - did the expected outcome and simply laughed. Namely in a good and hearty tone, leave it to their resident Russian woman to cause incidents that would have left the old United States more red with political bureaucracy than the former Soviet Union. "General Robb. Clear her in, if she is carrying what she says she is, then I will need also a good and preferably sound-proof somewhere. It is going to ugly soon enough, and get that old geezer of a VP out. We might need to show his face to the others..."

Robb carried out the order immediately as he assigned five of his most trusted worthy men to escort the vice president out into a remote location where he would be safe and would be incapable of causing any kind of trouble. As they near the landing zone soon soldiers of formed a line as they welcome the VIP’s inside the mountain complex. As Robb continues to organize the various materials and facilities to house their new guests. Moments later Robb radios in, he had secured a small room that was recently dug up which was an VIP bunker. Due being buried for some time the electronics have been smashed to bits, and monitors have been spit or cracked by the impact of the dirt surging in. But, it was built to last, its steel walls still standing and keeping the ground in bay and its spacious area was meant to become a multipurpose area in the event of a nuclear annihilation happening.

After landing Gent plants, a small kiss onto his wife' cheek, his way of telling her to relax and for doing a good job. The VIPs in question weren't like the tight-suit pencil pushers that you would see in the previous years as these people wore tattered clothes and informal attire. One could see the vibe and aura of a survivalist that was preparing for the end times. While some had the normal attire or reasonably formal as the soldiers escort them to where they can meet the president. While they were mostly unarmed and non-hostile the way they moved and interacted are the very same actions of someone being forced to.

Valetina for her part, merely pulled off the headset and when the politicians had loaded off - she swung the helicopter back over to the airfield and set her down there. Where more or less, what crew-men they had could take a look over the thing. It had been a luck of the draw find anyway, back when they ran out of fuel after circling one state and had to land and commandeer another way of transportation. "Ohh...could use a shower, and nice sleep after that," replied Tina, yawning - as she had flown for two days straight.

Gent seeing the sorry state of his wife decided to carry her like a princess, as they both dash worth to the showers, when they arrive back at the Complex. Drenched in sweat from their bodies he didn't do anything to her...not until they were alone and she had fully rested.

Nevertheless, those whom arrived at least could take note - that the area was indeed THE Cheyenne Mountain Complex, that the soldiers in the area still wore the United States Army uniform and those inside had the same appearance, if looking a bit too young than most of them. Still the location looked a step above, of what the rest of them had - namely, an APC was guarding the entrance, something more than the rest of them could run or operate. At least expect one of them.

Soon enough, the 'political guests' were shown into the room, where sat President Atkins - namely a suit, that smelled literally of a politician, namely a more higher rank than most of them. "Gentleman, welcome," he said, as General Robb showed them inside the VIP Room. After which, the room was sealed and leaving the President and General Robb with the six political leaders. Some whom were more community leaders than the legitimate leaders of the state legislature.

"So this is what's left of the great ol' US of A." One of the meaner or crazier looking guest said as he slams his hands on the prepared table catching the other guest off guard. "Can you tell me why a non-american threaten me and my people with cold american military hardware to go with her back to the very country that couldn't protect me when everything went south?!" He says angry with the heavy handed method enforced upon his people. "That land was protected by my people's blood and steel... when those things attacked us we fought them till they left... When those bastards came knocking on our doors he slammed that door so hard that it fell on top of them." He says with more intensity with ever word.

"Those lands are ours, my people deserved it and I'll be damned to make my people bow down to the very government that abandoned and failed to protect us. the lands of Kansas belongs to us Kansasians." he declares with various people erupting in the same manner with several others saying their rights to their regions engulfing the room into a hazily uncontrollable noise at this point.

President Atkins, didn't say much about that - letting everybody vent their anger, as he himself simply tapped his finger onto the table, until they shut their arguing against each other. "So. That is your answer then? You are going to demand, we leave - stick your flag in that land, lands which all of our ancestors might have once walked through, and declare it yours? What then?" asked Atkins, rather calm about the situation.
"You are going to stay that way? Surrounded by several other states? Telling your grandchildren in the future, how you declared to be a small piece of a broken nation - instead of uniting in solidarity?" asked Atkins, talking and walking slowly around the table - before he stopped in front of them all, hands placed onto the table. "Yes. This is what is left. Valetina, was formerly an immigrant from Russia, just a few weeks ago, I had took her Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America. Pardon, if her English is a bit lacking. Last I checked, those lands and likely equipment belonged to the Federal Government."

"I will admit, America is in shambles. It is a mess, but staying here - arguing over who has authority where, it is childish and it solves nothing. Aren't we all American? Don't we have a duty to help each other in time of need? When everything is running fine and dandy, nobody bothers against the system of governance - yet when we experience the first great catastrophe since the Great Depression, do we just...fall apart? Is this the legacy of our forefathers and to our children? A dead nation? A divided nation? As of this moment, we have monsters, traitor-PMCs and other terrorist-militias running about and laying their claims on America...." he explained, to them. "...I was a leader like you people once, a Senator of these lands. Now...I a sad to see the state of our nation."

"Are you willing, to honestly state, and then walk out of those doors - with the knowledge, that if you do, America as you know it will be dead? No more United States. No more, American Way of Life. No more, Liberty, Freedom and Democracy. We'll just be a broken nation, a dozen so states that may or may not survive this crucible of war. You can stay and help reform the Federal Government or walk out now, and forevermore regret those decision - when you look upon the dead remains of this great nation, on your deathbed."

"WE CA....." The man from Kansasian from before yelled out stood up in disagreement before another stood before him now humbled and reasoned with the arguement of the president. "Me and my people shall return to the united states of america." He announces, reluctanty but, didn't have any doubts or seconds thoughts his dreams of founding a nation gone as he bows down humidity.

Then another and another stood up and like the man from before have gave up nationhood. This continued until four leaders were left now surrounded by all sides of what is now the US of A. Their faces full of worry of the troubling situation they are in.

"So now that you have all this men and soldiers with you now, so your gonna force my people and join you?" He responds to the others and especially the president. "You will have to pry control of my lands from my cold dead hands." He says with hostilities.

"No. I am not going to force you to do anything," replied Atkins, rather calmly in that regard. "Just like how the Thirteen Colonies came together in unity, I don't plan on repeating the mistakes of many other Federal States. I will not force others to fight you. We are Americans, in this room and I don't have any desire of spilling blood if I can avoid it. So you can stay as an American, or leave and be a Kansanian, if you wish so hard, until the day you die."

Namely, the way Atkins spoke - it struck a hidden cord behind his words, namely - he was seeing the man as he wanted, a Kansanian, a lone state - before the divided yet slowly rebuilding nation of the United States. "The choice is yours, as it has always been in America. A land of opportunity, a land of equality - where an American from Kansas can feel equal to an American from Californa or Texas," he stated.

"I can understand your dislike. What is it about? The bureaucracy? The corruption? The mindless lobby groups, that were basically legal bribery? If America failed you, then I am sorry to hear it. I have tried to keep it together, no matter how slim or dead a chance it might seem. But I will not force you to submit or stay. I am not eager to start a Second American Civil War."

He was shocked to see that the president was willing to let him free but, his eyes turns to rage with his last question. "Your inability to prevent all of this... Legacy was based in america... and because of that the world's down the drain." He responses, slamming his hands on the table. "All of this is all your precious nation's fault." He adds as he points at the flag on the room. "I am not part of this, and I will not let my people go down the path of destruction." He says as he marches on out, with four of the others that have chosen to stay independent.

"But look around you, warlords, PMC's everyone is taking a piece of the pie, that second civil war is already happening." He says before he leaves for good. "They have a point, they weren't just divided they were fighting one another of the pieces as they try to make their own house... We are already in a civil war then that means we should kill them right here and now. " Another response pointing at those that left.

"I share his concerns, aside from corruption and greed that has taken over this country for so long, we all had a part in this apocalypse." One of those that stayed voiced out. "All of us did... Germany... and others more." Another one voices out a hint of sadness and realization as he recites the nations.

President Atkins merely shook his head, as some of them left, namely the representatives of Montana and Kansas - after which he merely sighed and rubbed his forehead, before speaking to those whom chose to remain. "Ironic, that when everything is running well - then nobody has any good words to say then. But when things collapse, we are somehow at fault of letting this happen," he sighed, as he looked at the others. "I will admit, I am not a member of the higher echelon of government. I was simply a Senator from D.C - this state used to be my home. If you are wondering how did I came to power...well simply, the Vice President tried to kill one of our own soldiers - because he defended another, due to political reasons. As such, they had to remove him due to physical instability...and were only a few days away from having to declare Martial Law and simply dissolve what authenticity remained of the United States of America."

"Funny, huh? Our government is broken yet we have a common enemy - yet we are still at each other' throats. In addition, we have gotten word from Europe. Namely it seemed that the old Soviet Union seemed to have reformed into something - with them and the Germanic Republic working together against these monsters," he spoke - informing that, while they as Americans were arguing over who was responsible for this act - the Europeans were already forming power-blocs against the invaders. It didn't take them long to connect the dots and realize what it would mean for a divided states of America. "I have nothing against the Europeans - but I want America to stand as an equal partner than a broken state needing a hand-out. Such an act, would break not only our identity but our very stature as the Land of Liberty."

It seemed, that compared to the others Atkins seemed to be more of the idealist than the others - even at this time. "Killing somebody who has come to talk, isn't traitorous yet any future talks might be compromised because of it. Would you come and talk, if you knew that you might be killed off - if you don't agree with what the opposite is offering?" asked Atkins. "Besides...they might come around later...or not, and we will have to demolish them from the air. I will admit, I am against bloodshed if it can be avoided. However, if those that left want to attack us at our weak moment - we will defend ourselves."

"Yes. That is the American way of life. No change is required until its broken all across our lap. The system that produced the status quo, so heavily entrenched that nothing could change it," spoke Atkins, closing his eyes and thinking about all he had done as Senator - before he re-opened his eyes. "We all have things we are not proud of. But at this moment, we can't remain thinking about what we have done. We can only march forward and hope we can build something better - than from where we came from. Like the Romans, we can either think about the glory times our nation had - or we can take these injuries, and use the knowledge we have gained to rebuild into something better."

"America has made mistakes, who of us hasn't? We can stay here and blame each other. Or we can swallow our pride and try to salvage what we can," spoke Atkins. "Since whether we want to admit it or not - our nation is based upon cooperation. We are stronger together, than divided. As such, I will say - the Federal Government has several roles and positions in need of willing. We are in-need of both men and resources. In exchange, we can pool our resources together - offer better chances of survival and possibility of having others rejoin the United States. In addition, we can lay the groundwork for the new United States."

He was an idealist but his words were full of truth the others sigh heavily as they extend their hands. "You have my support and the support of my people, we will help you rebuild this nation and right its wrongs." He says as the trench coat man, that looks exactly like a prepper said, he words rings of truth and honestly as the others follow suit. People that looked like doctors, priest and the every normal looking joe made their way to the president their new leader. "Lets make this work then, the names father James and as you can see I am a follower of the lord but, I won't spare one minute to put a bullet into your head the first time I see every going wrong again... God knows I won't." He smiled, introducing himself a unique greeting as he shakes his hand, he wore a customized priest suit and an large bible in his sides, he had a few scars on his head and he looks like an commando of sorts.

"I'm Robert, people have been scrambling towards my lands we have no more room so we can send them here to help you, also I organized a semi-organized information gathering network, and I have been hearing alot of activity in PMCs occupied areas that I believe we should discuss in alone." He introduces himself showcasing his expertise and worth. "Of course it won't be a hundred percent true but, its better than seating around and attacked from all sides." He ends as he goes back he had a bartenders kind of attire and had an cunning and thinking vibe to him.

Then a middle aged woman comes along with a pair of jeans and a camo jacket she places, three documents on the table of five PMC strongholds in her area now scorching in flames and now in ruins. She didn't spoke or utter a word, as she places five used detonators on the table showing that she had a hand in it. She had a nameplate on her jacket with the name Tina on it. And other various people introduced and revealed there factions merits and how they can help. The room now had an merry atmosphere unlike before where a clear vibe of hostilities was in the air, now people were telling each other their stories and opinions.

Atkins for his part was mostly focused on getting a functional government going into operations - and namely telling the others, of which Senator he had been, during the times of lobbying and usual corruption in D.C. Needless to say, he had been the average Democrat in all honesty - spouting talks to help the poor and minority. Although Atkins did try to put his ideas into practice more often than not. "...the system then. I mean, now that everything is finished and done - I can see, that it was a mess. I guess that was why so many others were complaining about it. We liked to lie to ourselves, we were a beacon of progress. But we just had a better system of corruption. Or a more legal one...I think our level of nonsense might have reached Russian levels even."
President Atkins for his part didn't sugar-coat much of anything, beyond having some military secrets remain hidden due to certain reasons, he was rather blunt with his assessments. Namely they had PMCs operating, but in all honesty, once they had a reformed and reunited enough the divided United States Armed Forces - then they could easily push against the PMCs. Since they were operating in a way, that wasn't linked to their nature. As PMCs were basically private-armies-for-hire - problem being, nobody was currently paying them for such an act. Perhaps some rich people were, but one couldn't utilize money if the system was destroyed. As likely, many of these PMCs would be realizing running a private-military-company was much easier than trying to run an entire state by themselves.

As such, they could write off the PMCs as simply better armed, trained and equipped terrorists - one that was annoying and you had to keep your eyes open for, but could be ignored for the time being. The bigger problem, was the secessionist forces elsewhere and the namely monsters in their lands.

"I am open for ideas here. While, we can't force everybody back into the Union - I am still of the opinion our future lies in reunification. Any ideas on how to perform it?" he asked, namely his new Secretaries of various Departments. Namely, as he found out - having their Chief of the Air Force flying about and threatening bombardment from the air, wasn't the best way to work-out a workable start to a relationship.

"Let me ask you Mister President, are these monsters? really monsters?" Robert asks as he tosses an interesting picture. "I got this interesting rumor that a settlement somewhere in the continent have been working and interacting with these invaders." He says as the picture shows the imagine of a group of orcs with humans. "Does this kind of interaction legal? or are they traitors?" He continues before shutting off as he awaits his answer. The others on the bad group where shocked as they see the strange interaction. "How sure are we that its happening? or maybe its a ghoul?" People on the group started to question or state their opinions.

"I've checked its a legit photo and I have confirmed they were helping- no cooperating with one another. " He states as confirms its legality. "Here is my opinion on the matter, we should learn more about this enemy of ours, we'll been fighting at them for so long that we don't understand why they are attacking us. as for our people that don't support us all we can do is hope that they won't attack us while we push on and take the fight to the enemy and as we liberate our people it would be natural that those that didn't join us would have no choice not to." He proposes

"Well I proposed, we start laying up some proper communication- I'm taking about cable and other methods, the more life here improves the more people we'll join us and with them more hands to maintain and improve our territories." John proposes, me and my scouts have found out some locations where these PMC store their equipment. We can take them but, without proper equipment even if we get to them we won't be able to get the trucks out to safety. "Once we have proper communications and a little persuasion people would start gathering and go back to the USA." He ends as Atkins agreed to the idea of setting up proper communication lines - as he agreed on providing some Tier One Units for the job.

President Atkins was surprised by the pictures and the information, as far as he knew the Invaders had been killing humans left and right - without showing any type of mercy. Although he took note, that this seemed rather strange in all comparison. "A ghoul looks like a dead body, and my eyesight isn't that bad. This is most strange, I will admit. Still, you are right - we have barely any information on the subject. Their strength, weakness or what are they doing in our world in the first place."

As that happened, he soon buzzed and spoke into an intercom. "Please send in Colonel Tsernova," he ordered - ten minutes later, after being pried from the hands of her love - Valetina Tsernova emerged, being allowed inside and quickly saluting the President. The gathered people would note, that she was the same person who performed the rather 'big stick' policy to get them here. "Colonel. See if you can get into contact with the European states and ask if they could share any information with us. Dismissed."

Valetina, nodded and quickly exited the room. "Before you ask, she is Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force. Since in all honesty, we have nobody else to fill that role. Plus, she helped many of the current men escape and save this Complex," he explained - on namely how a rather Russian looking woman, managed to get so high and already integrated into the US Government so quickly. "Plus, she was a pilot for the Russian Air Force, before getting stranded here - so she might have a way to contact the Euros. Last we heard, they were doing better than us."

After the initial meeting the President soon, found out that Tina was mute so she was assigned someone that can communicate in her stead as she could then focus on leading a small group of saboteurs to hit enemy lines. "Tina told me that, Aurora has been using a small train, to transport children off to a remote prison that they are using now as a training facility where they train them or rather brainwash them to fight for them. The train station could help us move troops and between the states faster and more efficient. And plus liberating these children would shine a better light onto our emerging nation."

When Tina spoke up or namely had her words translated to the President, the gathered people noted how...his facade of calmness broke for a moment. "Give me the location please...and prepare for a Combined Arms Assault," he ordered to the nearby Marine Guard. Indicating his extreme dislike of hearing children being subjected to such a fate.
@Omega Man

Time to gear up Lizard again. Although a bit more solo-focused, or maybe not. Depends on what kind of people we will get.

Marxism is always open, always critical, always self-critical. - Ernest Mandel

"A fair day at work. Despite the rather simple request, to some it might seem a very far away and difficult situation to grasp. How many centuries had our ancestors, fathers and mothers, toiled away on farmlands? Barely living from day to day and yet being dominated by Kings, Tsars, Emperors and Dukes. This isn't to bad-mouth the times of the past - simply a reminder to the people, that life long ago had been much harder. While one can argue, a peasant wasn't much educated then to make choices that would best benefit him - one can also say, that the 'lord' had no incentive of educating the peasant either. Just three hundred years ago, the Industrial Revolution started and with it a larger push towards progress and equality all across the social classes. For Russia, this happened only two hundred years ago and with bitter resistance."

"I ask many, how much do they work physically and mentally? How much do they create? How much time do they put into their work? How many times have they sacrificed their health for their work? After answering those questions, ask yourself this. How much are you paid and how much do you think you should be paid? Take the peasant for example - long ago, he was at the bottom of the social class. Poor and filthy. Yet, he produced the most important thing of that time - food for all. Thusly, one can agree that the peasant should be much more better off, than how he is. Sadly this isn't the case. Many times, we have workers of all shape and type - whom work hours upon hours, and are paid almost nothing. This is a notion, that is liable to be present in any country in the world - be they under a monarch, a democracy, a social republic or a communist one. It is rather easy to test for yourself. Ask the nearest person, how much do they earn and how much do they work."

"I will stress this though. This isn't me calling the 'Workers to Revolt'. No, this is merely an observation of the status of our world. Violence, though necessary isn't the best tool to be utilized in seeking social progress. Oftentimes, it might lead to the destruction of what you are seeking. Nor am I asking for the 'Bourgeoisie' to be overthrown - one has to admit, that those same people are people, like the 'Proletariat'. Or in simply, there isn't much physical difference between a worker and an owner. It is, that problems arise when the Owner tries to utilize his Workers as tools and not as people. Trying to engage in 'Revolution' merely entails you to return the suffering back onto the Owner - namely starting a cycle of vengeance. A Bourgeoisie is a worker like the Proletariat - only they have decided to utilize their mental power over their physical one."

"In my times, I have come to understand that while we are different. Each of us, have our own political, physical and mental differences. Same goes for the worker and the owner. One has decided to create income through risk, trial and his mind. While the other has decided to create his income through, labor, work and his body. Thus, trying to incite Revolution would in the long term, eliminate all great thinkers - leaving nothing but the ignorant and poor left. The worker and owner often times need each other, to work in unison would benefit both. To work against each other would benefit neither. A worker has taken the choice to work with his body - and thus has an obligation to both work yet also the right not to be exploited. An owner has taken the choice to work with his mind - and thus has the right to his share yet also the obligation to see his workers as people."

"Achieving unity is a hard and constant progress - as both worker and owner, try to slowly grab more for themselves. In some cases, the owner has more power, in other cases it is the worker. I myself, do believe that lasting change can only be achieved through dialogue and cooperation. Violence only fosters resistance. For both the owner, whom would see his workers less as people - due to the damage caused to him. While the workers, will see the owners less as people - due to the damage caused to him, too. Both, need to admit the faults of the other and both have to make sacrifices for such a goal. But such a goal of synergy might have better results in trying to achieve the Communist Utopia - than violent social revolutions, that leave the state more broken and worse off with a system that is more oppressive than the old."

Arkhangelsk was a rare city to be in, as it was officially part of Socialist Union - thus according to some of the more vocal socialistic states of the world - it would be void of any capitalist structure. But in all honesty, the opposite was true - while it was less prosperous than most capitalist states - it did have a system, that allowed even the lowest worker to have a somewhat decent standard of living and food in their belly, while not destroying trade entirely. It also helped to stimulate what little economy they had, in their region of the divided Russia. Plus, by nature the Union couldn't get everything they needed from within their own lands - thus they needed to trade with others and utilize some form of currency.

The first eight years, took some time in setting up some form of a stable currency. It was difficult, as they had to build-up a basic building block of a state from scratch and then have it worth something. Nowadays, the ASU utilized a currency called chevronets - namely a money that was begged to the gold standard. It was as good a thing as any, since it allowed them to trade and have their currency be worth something. Plus, it held a safety net for the people - in case things went awry, they had a way of of redeeming their worth. It wasn't the perfect system - but people could at least get by.

Thus was life Arkhangelsk - as it wasn't so much as they progressed, they merely lived. As far as things went, compared to the rest of Russia it was a good enough situation as any.

@Omega Man


A few days to scavenge through the junk for the moment.

Secondly I am back to work now, so replies might come slower.

The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end. - Leon Trotsky

"Socialism. Many might have heard of it's tales and it's exploits, it's many ways of belief and it's many ways of use. To some it has meant purpose, drive, freedom, future. The most it has come to symbolize anarchy, chaos, destruction. A force of ignorance against the 'rightful' ways of order and life. In my time in this world, I have come to acknowledge that no political idea - no matter how noble, must suffer from both to be a political ideal. Although, many might ask what is socialism in it's basic form? In the beginning, it was an idea. A simple idea."

"An idea that had been created during a time, when progress was outpacing our morals. When development was going faster, than kindness for our fellow human being. But, that is merely it's creator. Karl Marx. Many names accompany the man - visionary, fool, educated, idiot. In the Russian Empire, I am sure his name is likely most hated. For it was his ideas, from which the Russian Revolution began - under the purpose of establishing a Socialist Utopia. I admit, I had been one of many - a Bolshevik under times, when food was few and life seemed worse by the generation. We had gained many names after such an event - heavy of which was coward and traitor."

"I will not deny this. I was young, barely of age to enlist at that - yet I was old enough to read, think and feel. What was told to us, and what we could see happening before our eyes and to our families - told us, that what the Tsar was speaking wasn't all truth. While the rest of the world kept on progressing we were still stuck in the times of nobles and peasants. In my youth, I felt I could change my homeland - to perhaps make it better for family and for others. In that regard I don't consider myself a traitor - is it treasonous to wish for a better life for yourself and all? I guess...that is the naivety of youth..."

"As one might ask, why did we do it? Bringing both suffering and chaos, to Russia for many years and likely for many decades furthermore? The truth is likely most illusive - I don't know. In those times our lives weren't any better than those of our parents or grandparents. It wasn't perfect, yet we lived - sadly corruption and bureaucracy kept our lives in such a state for many generations. Though there existed many great Czars, they weren't enough to keep the powder keg of a nation we called from exploding. You can add as many fancy titles and words to your name and your nation as you wish - but it wouldn't change the fact that Russia, my Russia was broken."

"The Czar was like any king of old. They ruled with absolute authority and absolute rightness. The whole nation moved with their authority, its armies were like their fists and our factories and farms moved by his dictation. Unfortunately the sad truth is, thou the Czar might be the ruler of all - their power and crown was still ordered by a mere human. A man or woman, whom could make mistakes, make bad decisions and be subject to anger or failure. Sadly, in our case - when the Czar suffered so did we. When their ideas turned sour, we paid the costs. When their armies died in the Great war, our men suffered. When their agents hunted socialists, our people were killed."

"The notion of the Czar could be best stated by one Englishman, Lord Acton: 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men'. In the Revolutions of 1917, us few whom supported the people like Lenin - trusted in the ideals, they spoke. Brotherhood, equality, freedom and self-determination. Our lives had suffered, thus likely the choice was made to replace the Czar and the ilk whom had left our people astray. I myself, believed in the notion of mass protest. If enough people demanded change, surely even the Czar could be reminded of his mortal chains?"

"Sadly, it failed and in doing so - we gave the man, more authority than ever before and our message and ideals were turned into literal heresy. That were both hated by the Czar, the Church and by anybody else that would dare strike without feeling retribution. I admit, some of our people had likely ideas for violent overthrow of the Czar and his aristocratic kind. Some of us hoped for a better future. Although, afterwards and the years since I will admit, I might have very much misjudged the actions of our own leaders. Power corrupts as they say."

"Years after the 1917 Revolution failed, we have had many over the years - all of which had been crushed under the boot of the Imperial Army. In such acts, I have gained my own wisdom - the iron-boot of the Czar isn't worth trading for the unstable elements of revolutionary socialist ideals. I might sound a bit hypocritical. Criticizing the same elements, to which I belong to? Yes, I do. Like there have been many good Czars. I do think that some ideas are worth studying, not to be discarded due to the actions of others. Every man and woman should be given a chance to make their own decision on it. Since socialism, in its most basic - is an idea and wish to ask. To ask, why can't a worker be paid his fair share for his work?"

Amani Yukarev soon set down the pen, that he had been using. Soon enough finishing another chapter, in his book - namely, Journeys of a Socialist Worker. Sixty years it had been, since he was born - all those years, and here he stood. Namely as Chairman Yukarev, in an official capacity - the leader of the Arkhangelsk Socialist Union. The desired dream of namely Vladimir Lenin, Julius Martov, Leon Trotsky and many other political leaders of the Socialist Revolution. In his years, he had come to grips with how flawed many such men had been and their ideas for the future.

How would have socialism been better - when they had advocated the same ideas, that the Czar had used against them. Though Amani wasn't any stranger to fighting for your life - he had come to understand, that change couldn't forced by boot or revolution. Hadn't Karl Marx himself advocated for a steady evolution? While back then, violent overthrow might have seen as many to be the only answer - the honest truth was, it hadn't accomplished anything. In trying to incite change they had several times been answered by iron and blood. Although instead of learning from the acts - both the Czar and the Socialist Revolutionaries had kept on fighting. Instead of backing down, both incited more hate and destruction. He almost considered it ironic, that the end of the Empire hadn't come from their designated enemy - instead it came from another direction entirely.

Yukarev shook his head at the idea, as he rose from his seat - slowly fetching out his pipe from inside his coat and lighting a smoke to clear his head. In his old age he had a lot to think about - namely he was in charge of oblast that had become a state in itself. It had no Czar or Imperial Army to rely on - nor goods or people from other regions. At the current moment it was the blacksmith of its own fortune.

Those thoughts made him walk over to the nearby window, as he allowed some cool air to brush against his face - as the cold air was punctuated with some puffs of hot tobacco smoke. Outside the city of Arkhangelsk was operating in a modest fashion, as it was - people were simply trying to make it day-by-day for the past eight years. Even the meager ruling of over a million people took many hours of work both physical and mental. In this cold north, there was always the need for food to feed the people, clothes to keep the covered and fuel to keep them warm. For such a remote location, one had to give people credit on securing their source of food and ways of clothing themselves.

Although, in these times fuel was harder to come by. While wood could fuel the rural villages and remote locations, for the few cities that existed fuel was needed and rationing and usage of such was always a constant requirement. Not just for the homes, but also for the equipment and machinery that delegated the lives and livelihood of several thousands. Life here was hard, but Yukarev could at least take comfort in the knowledge - that people were able and willing to work together for a common good.

Yukarev knew that things kept on moving beyond these frozen forests and lands - contrary to the ideas, he wasn't an ignorant socialist nor a raving revolutionary. He had no desire, on expanding or using Arkhangelsk to 'bring revolution to the proletariat'. As it was, he neither trusted himself with such power nor the idea, that revolution would bring freedom or equality through suffering. He was too old to believe those ideals anymore - for him, Yukarev was content with the simple knowledge that Arkhangelsk and its people could simply life their lives in peace...and he could also smoke his pipe also in peace.
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