Avatar of NecroKnight


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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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People just going to ignore that Theo said that depending on how much you did you will get bigger rewards than others, implying that spending all your power to do one action with a single race will actually hurt you going into the first age rather than help.

Just create. We can rage at him later.
<Snipped quote by DX3214>

Probably, but something also tells me that we'll be getting a lot more power in the coming ages.

Depending how many people worshipping you, that you have.
@Ruby @Jorick

A cousin for you both to add to the sheet!

Hmm. Perhaps he and Joanna can get it off together.
<Snipped quote by The Nexerus>

Totally intended. :)

Will we see any direwolves there?
Too late WELL FUCK

Time to have elves and humans propagate.
<Snipped quote by Boop_Im_A_Dragon>

Please DONT

She created a horde of locusts with faces. Nuff said.

Edenia of course.
First Creation

Illias had been rather surprised when she had suddenly one moment woken up under the sea and then saw how life flowed and continued - one fish eating another. The voice of the All-Father had given her the power to feel the current flow and waves of this world - something that made her smile.

Although, she wouldn't return to Edenia just yet - as she sat under the tides, she pondered and looked at how life flowed and worked. Only on the second day, would she return to Edenia and begin to mimic the actions of her two other siblings. From the very ocean she would create a race of her own - in her own image and in the future, many would ponder which one would have come first.

As Illias focused all her energy and created the race that would be known as 'mer' or elves - into the land of bounty that she had created. Pulling the water and filling it with the warmth of her smile and existence - before letting it take shape in the form of elves. From this would remain a chilling liquid - devoid of the warmth of life now, already cold and freezing by the mere presence of it.

This she couldn't leave here - less it take away the children she had created just now. Thus Illias would gather all of this ice water and would sent it away to the east of Edenia. Chilling the lands and morphing them into a tundra - with one remaining drop of life, creating a hotspring in the colden north. Once she was finished, she smiled at her creation - although just as immediately, Illias would fall back into the waves - exhausted and in need of recovering her energy.

Is it possible to have Joanna as head of House Lannister? Or would that be too much, during this time?
Is this place still open/looking for people?
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