Avatar of Noogget


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
if you're stressy and depressy and your life is kinda messy, clap your hands 👏👏👏
3 yrs ago
*windows 98 boot up sound*


I've got lots of problemsWell, good thing nobody knows


ᴡʜᴏ ᴀᴍ ɪ?
Nothing to write home about, honestly. This is a heavy WIP, as a lot of things have changed.

I admit I'm a sarcastic piece of shit.

ᴅɪsᴄᴏʀᴅ ﹠ sᴛᴇᴀᴍ
noogget#5629 † n o o g g e t
I mainly write romance and smut, most of my stuff consisting heavily of adult themes. I will only write male characters, normally favoring the dominant role, and will happily write MxF or MxM. Side plots and characters are more than welcome, in which case I will take the roles of any roles needed, be they male or female. Fantasy, anything to do with the occult, and slice of life are just some of my favorites. I will not touch sci-fi or anything to do with politics. I do not seek out partners and I do not take on very many new ones - I rarely post an interest check, and they normally do not stay open for very long.

ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴄʜᴇᴅᴜʟᴇ
I try to post a few times throughout the week, but I make absolutely no promises. I can't do every day very often, and sometimes it will take me a while to get back to you depending on what is going on in my life. I have chronic health issues plus a lot of responsibilities and cannot dedicate my life entirely to roleplay, no matter how badly I wish I could.

Most Recent Posts

another bump!
apparently I cannot control myself. Bump!
Bump! looking for one more partner to itch my scratch!
Open again! Please PM me if interested in this idea!
And it's open once more! Only looking for one more person to add. I obviously make terrible life decisions.

Heyo! I've already got someone that inquired, thanks for the thought though!
New plot has been added! Bumping this so it'll liiiiiive once more.
I'm reviving this shit. Looking for one or two more additional people.
This is probably gonna be a one-shot from my normal interest check, thus why I'm making a new thread. I'm looking for someone to do some rapid-fire roleplaying with me, someone who has a little too much time on their hands as of late. I'm itching to write and don't have a lot of options, so, yeet, I guess.

about me -
I'm 24
I'm also female, but I write prominently male characters who tend to be a little hot-headed and dominating, not saying I won't write as a girl, but you'd have to be pretty convincing. I like my boyos.
I'm an absolute sucker for romance and smut and this is what I am mostly looking for. Someone to write some fluffy cute bullshit with me but also some smut, because y'know, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

what i'm looking for -
Someone with too much time who can reply at least once a day, though I would prefer at least twice, I'm just really bored, pls send help.
Must be +18, y'know, because obvious is obvious.
One to two paragraphs is more than enough, but I will never say no to more. I can easily write a 4+ paragraph reply in about 15 - 20 minutes so I mean, it's whatever. Hit me up, you dweebs.
I don't need in-depth character sheets. Name, Age, real-life face claim, that's it. Bing bang boom, ya got a character.

genres -
I'm mostly looking for Romance and smut, but the main genre can be Slice of Life, Modern, Fantasy, I don't even care. If I had to pick one, I'm kinda itching for more fantasy stuff. Do I have a plot? Not a single freaking one, this girl has fuck-all. I might edit this if I can come up with a plot.

If you happen to have a plot that you just haven't been able to find a partner for, feel free to drop it in my DMs, the worst that can happen is I'll say no.

Hit me up. I'm so desperately bored.
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