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    1. Norschtalen 7 yrs ago


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Soon the teacher arrived to give some much needed order to the silliness that Selena had started, so she meekly backed off and listened what everyone else was saying. She still kept her shirt off however. Trad told Selena that she was going to be on the offense alongside of Krysanthe, Cian, and Sepia. She didn't know them very well but she at least knew what they looked like now. "Hi. Hope we win, yeah?"

Eventually the game started properly. Her team managed to get the ball first and Trad passed it to Selena. She caught it on one hand and moved forward, dribbling it like she was suppose to in the book. Trad ordered her to pass it to Krysanthe and Selena was about to, but she did notice someone who seemed to be covering Krysanthe. Selena wasn't sure what she was capable of and wasn't sure if she wanted to take that risk. However Selena couldn't just keep running with the ball either, less she become a target. So she had a wonderful idea and used it.

"Got it! Think fast!"

Right after Selena finished a dribble she crouched low to the ground and hopped high into the air, at least twenty five feet up. She hoped that surprising the opposition with the jump would give her just enough time for her to pass the ball at Krysanthe from her higher angle. This way, the chances of someone running between Selena and Krystane to intercept or knock the ball off course was minimized. It wasn't a fool proof plan but hopefully it'll get her team the first point.

With a snort Kyra cleared the air in front of her face of the sickening purple haze. Her patience was wearing thin and she made this clear enough with her look and attitude. "What is it then? If you want my company or services, that will be no on both accounts. I've no interest in your type, and I'm a hunter not a healer." Kyra glared at this mean with hostile intentions, crossing her arms defiantly. Her hand clenched into a fist, but only to hide how easy it would be for her to grab her short sword and slice this man's throat. Her mind ran through many possibilities of her slaying this foul man, hiding his body among the bushes or in a camp without none the wiser. However for now all she could do was stare in plain defiance.
So far Kyra has tested her resolve from trying to kill anyone here. It'd be so easy for her. Poison their food or water supply, slit some throats in their sleep, light some tents on fire. Kyra was half-tempted to try to "heal" any of their wounded, and report a massive amount of brigands and cultists who didn't survive their injuries. But she had to bide her time. She was here to save Leosin, and after he was safe then she could get her revenge. Then she can find some semblance of justice. The fact that she got to see the leaders of this camp was good; now Kyra knew who she needed to eliminate first and foremost. Cyanwrath was without a doubt likely going to be their toughest opponent, however Mondath was just human. Not that she was going to be an easy foe to take down, but she was likely weaker then Cyanwrath.

Something else on Kyra's mind however was the other prisoners. While she knows that Leosin is their main priority, Kyra couldn't let the other prisoners here stay under the cult's oppressive rule. Kyra had to distance herself to remove any temptation of trying to free them preemptively, but she had it in her mind to somehow liberate the other slaves, even if she couldn't personally escort them. She wants to give them a chance to run. Or even a chance to fight. But before Kyra could wander off too far she heard someone approaching her. "D'you have a minute?" When she turned her head she saw a puff of purple smoke come her way. Waving the foul smog away Kyra kept walking.

"No I don't. Get lost."

Dulga Tarata

"Remember the plan. We stick close together and take them out one at a time. Avoid team fights if possible. Kaida and Yozakura, Akasha and myself. Let's go." Once Yoshida gave everyone the signal Dulga led her team forward, straight towards the school building. She had already mapped out the quickest route to the school, though she also had a few detours in mind if case they ran into trouble. Dulga's footsteps were surprisingly subtle despite her size, and even her guns didn't jostle enough to be easily heard. It was eerie how quite someone her size could be. It wasn't long before they reached closer to the school and Mamoru pointed out a vantage point. It'll be a good place to start.

"Alright, me and Akasha will secure this building. You two," Dulga pointed at Kaida and Yukari. "Keep an eye out for other students and stay nearby. If you find anyone, inform us and we'll get into position."

Using her shotgun Dulga entered the building by snapping the doorknob with her hand. She had her rifle ready to gun down anyone or anything that wasn't on her side, but the room was empty. She quickly made her way up the stairs after doing a quick sweep of the area, tossing over any covers, cabinets, and opening any closets were someone could be hiding. Once the coast was clear she opened up a window facing towards the school building and took out her rifle. "Akasha watch my back and patrol the parameter." Looking through the scope Dulga tried to see if anyone else had made it to the building yet. So far no signs of entry as far as she could see, but she did notice something fast moving through the skies. By the time she traced the movement it had gone further south, where Team C should be.

"Must be Nakamiji. He's not a problem right now but he is alone. The rest of his team must be on their way to the point while he skirmishes with the others. No way they could keep up at his speeds."

Dulga resumed her watch over the area, the shadow of her being hidden in the dark house. Even though she has Mamoru here Dulga kept her own senses keen for others, as well as her allies. She was listening for subtle changes in their breathing, movement, anything that might tell Dulga where they are and where her opponents might be. She would not let herself become the hunted.

Alias: Iron Cross
Real Name: Chokichi Takanashi
Role: Commander
Age: 16
Quirk: Weight Manipulation - Chokichi’s powers allow her to manipulate her own weight, enabling her to do things like jump from great heights without hurting herself by making her light as a feather or even crush cars underneath her feet by increasing her weight exponentially. She can only change her own weight, though anything or anyone she’s carrying will also be affected if she’s holding onto them when she changes her weight.
Description: A delusional girl who fancies herself as “The Iron Cross Commander” or “Commander Iron Cross”, she leads Team Iron Cross to do villainy. Which is mostly just using their powers selfishly, hanging out together, or just dressing up and trying to seem like a well organized gang of misfits. Chokichi only leads this gang in secret due to her parents strict upbringing and this is her form of escape from that life. She’s actually a very talented dancer though this is only due to her parents draconian teaching methods which has driven her to the point of insanity.

Her minions, the Triple Threat Triad, are actually childhood friends of hers. They grew up together since preschool. At first they were bullying and picking on her but after inviting them to her birthday party (They’ve never been invited to one before because they were naughty kids) they became friends. She appreciates them well enough but admits that she doesn’t really see any of them as “Boyfriend Material”.

Chokichi has developed a one-sided rivalry over the entity known as “6AD” who has consistently defeated her top scorer in various dancing games in different arcades. She battled 6AD in a dancing game before and was soundly thrashed, which wounded Chokichi’s pride as a dancer. She now seeks 6AD and wants to even the score. First of course she needs to figure out who 6AD is.

Chokichi is very athletic and strong for a girl her age and her kicks are strong enough to break glass, knock down doors, and even bend steel poles, though she has no experience in fighting. She carries an aluminum saber prop she threatens to use but doesn't know how to and she doesn't even realize that it's dull. She’s mostly a braggart and has her minions do the fighting for her but she is very slippery and hard to get a hold of or land a hit on. Good thing too, she crumples like a wet napkin.

Despite her abilities and quirk Chokichi does not go through the hero course, but is part of the general studies so she can go to her part dancing classes, due to her parent’s own obsession. She is one of the top students in that class but she cares very little for it beyond making her parents happy. She genuinely does want to do some heroics but doesn't think she has the stomach for some of the more violent things a hero has to do. She’d prefer to try to do some humanitarian aid such as running a organization for abused and runaway girls. She even volunteers at a shelter that teams them ballet.

Alias: Triple Threat Triad
Real Name: Hiro, Fuma, Mikato Manji
Role: Minions
Age: 15
Quirk: Triplet Teleportation - The Triple Threat Triad can all teleport to each other at will, even if the other brother isn’t conscious.
Description: The minions of Team Iron Cross, these three brothers are mostly doing it for fun and because they’re friends with the Commander. They like her well enough since she is kind to them and tolerates their tomfoolery though they think she’s a bit too crazy for their tastes. Their quirk and appearance often makes it hard for strangers to recognize them though once you get to know them personally they’re easier to identify.

Hiro considers himself the eldest brother and thus is more level-headed and thinks things through, but he’s also a rather arrogant and bossy. Tries to be the voice of reason with the group but he’ll gladly join in on the fun too as long as he can make sure no one gets seriously hurt. He actually has a job (convenience store clerk) and shares the money with his brothers if they aren’t annoying him.

Fuma fancies himself a charmer and ladies man so when it comes to talking to girls or people he tends to be the one to do it. He’s a decent liar but Fuma is actually pretty shy around girls who are interested in him which makes it easy to tease him. Really good at games and playing instruments, he wants to be a musician when he grows up but worries that sort of job won’t pay well.

Mikato is the most hot blooded and naive of the three brothers and while he generally thinks well of his brothers he also gets into arguments with Hiro a lot. Mikato is the most heroic out of the brothers and sees his using his quirk against the “law” simply being able to make his brothers happy regardless of what the rules say. He cares more about making his friends and family happy then following the rules.

The three brothers are fairly athletic and healthy, but they don’t really train and some days they pig out and get really lazy so they’re not really strong either. They do tend to play a lot though and since joining Team Iron Cross they've been more physically active, but in terms of combat threat individually they’re not so tough. Together they’re more threatening if only because they often gang up on one person at a time so that it’ll always be three-on-one. Hiro has the best reaction speed, Fuma is better at taking hits, and Mikato has the most strength. They've been considering taking karate lessons but they don't have enough money for uniforms or tuition.

Dulga Tarata

Dulga crossed her arms and listened to Kaida and Yukari chat. They seemed pretty focused on Jett, which made Dulga rub her eyes. She really hoped Kaida's crush and Yukari's relationship with him isn't going to interfere with the training. She had very little patiences for high school romances, even from her friends. She snapped her fingers to get their attention. "Focus. If we're going after Team A, we'll use a mix of Kaida's and Yozakura's plan." Dulga pointed to the south-west part of the school, there there was a small neighborhood and a large parking lot. "If they intend to get into the school quickly, they'll have to cross through this open parking lot. That will make them easy pickings. However, we can't dismiss the possibility that they might try to hotwire a car or something, if there's any here. I wouldn't be surprised if there is." Dulga remembered how Team A somehow got their hands on a car yesterday, and Dulga kept that in mind.

"I don't care what you have to do to try and isolate them. If I had to guess, Ezra may be willing to stay back and try to hold off Yozakura and Kaida if he thinks they're alone. I'm sure Kasuke would have made plans for herself, Haven, and Tomoe to get inside and try to fortify the place. They wouldn't try to play defensive until they can secure the objective, but they aren't going to be so reckless as to attack other teams and potentially weaken themselves before they can fight for the point. So our priority will be speed: we need to be fast enough to intercept them first. Then deception: we need to lure Ezra away from his team. Kaida and Yozakura, I'll leave that to you. Tell him that Akasha and I have already gone inside to set up our own traps, or that we're going after other teams. Whatever you think would work best. And when he least expects it," Dulga loaded her guns. "I'll take my shot."

Of course that was just the first plan. Dulga would've liked to try to plan out everything else, but this battle was going to be chaotic with so many players involved. Heck, they might not even be able to take on Team A if they're not fast enough, get caught by something, or end up running into another team. Dulga reminded everyone about this. "But above all, be adaptable. Nothing is certain, not even victory. Stick close and keep your wits about you. Who knows what might happen." Dulga did one more check on her equipment before she knelt down to rest. She needed to conserve her energy for what was about to happen.

@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara@Heartfillia

Dulga Tarata

First, Dulga raised her hand towards Mamoru. Then she grabbed Mamoru's head, which almost fit completely in the palm of Dulga's hand, and then very lightly she started to crush Mamoru's face. "Shut up and listen." Dulga said coldly. "I'm not impressed at what you did yesterday. Far from it; it was reckless and pointless. Your 'traps' failed to stop the opposing team and just got in the way of your allies. Your 'tactic' to disable the truck only manage to take out one student and yourself. You need to stop rushing into things and thinking that you can handle it on your own. Don't rely on luck, and don't expect any mercy. This may be a training exercise, and your life might not be on the line, but make a foolish mistake and it will be your last." Dulga held Mamoru up to eye level, glaring directly into her eyes. She wanted to pound it into Mamoru's head that she was not to do anything like what she did yesterday.

"Do not leave my side. Communicate anything you see, and if your sugar-addled brain can form enough thoughts to formulate a plan, you tell us first before you go off and do it." Dulga dropped Mamoru back onto the ground as she looked to the others. Her softer expression was gone, and now it was all business. Now that they were further away from other students, and thus prying ears, she spoke about their specific tactics. "The plan is to skirmish. I don't want us to do team battles until the other teams are weaken, but Yozakura is right: we can't just keep playing defensive either. Yozakura and Kaida, I want both of you to work together and take down students one at a time. Mamoru and I will provide fire support and long-range recon." Dulga took out the communicator and made sure to sync up with her teammates. If possible she'd also bring up a map of the area.

"I can't say I know who our first opponents will be, but I have an idea of who to prioritize first. From Team A, we must eliminate Ezra. Seeing what his quirk can do he's probably the only other student who could match me in range ability. Take him out and the rest would be easier to pick off. Obviously watch out for Jett and his quirk. Teleportaion is not an easy quirk to work around and from his kit I imagine he has more tactics than just trying to hit you from your blind spots." Not that Dulga didn't consider Mina a threat herself, but if all she had was hand-to-hand combat and her light-based quirk, Yukari should have no trouble taking on Mina. And while Dulga wished she could spar Mina as she promised yesterday the chances of that happening in this class was slim. Tomoe was a bit of a dark horse in their team; Dulga still doesn't think she had the skill or ability to be a hero, but aside from Tomoe's sleepy demeanor, Dulga had no idea what she could do. That being said Dulga doesn't consider Tomoe a large threat.

From Team C we need to take out Roy. His quirk will provide his team the most flexibility when it comes to fighting the rest of us. Don't underestimate the others though; I believe that one of them uses electricity." Dulga has only seen Roy's fight from yesterday, and she was only somewhat aware of Jojo's ability when Dulga was in the armory room yesterday. The other two team members Dulga has never met or seen before. One looked like a goat and the other was a cat.

Out of Team E, Fumika has the strongest quirk. Her projections can allow her to utilize the ability of anyone she's seen before, so she must be eliminated or else she'll capitalize on our weaknesses, or cover her allies. That being said I don't like the look of their new teammate. I believe he's from Class 1B... Full of troublemakers." Fumika's powers had a lot of potential locked behind her meek person. Still Fumika wasn't to be underestimated even if she is holding back, because the moment she stops is when she's most dangerous. Sizing up Takashi, Dulga could tell that he's experienced. He doesn't carry himself like a regular pugilist but a professional hitman. His gear was most telling. Chikai, Dulga didn't have any info on aside from her name. She met her yesterday and that was it. Dulga would have to keep an eye on them, but what worried her the most was the completely armored figure that Dulga's never met. She vaguely recognizes his name and only because she saw it on the roster for 1B. And after hearing all the trouble 1A and 1B had, she wouldn't be surprise if this Amane was also bad news.

And lastly out of all the students in Team E, I think Donny is the most important to eliminate. While Acion may have the ability to fly I'm confident that I can shoot him down no matter how fast he's going. On the other hand I don't have any means to shoot someone who's underground. I don't know what Donny is capable of aside from his tunneling abilities, and I suspect that without being able to dig underneath you he's not a very good fighter. Make sure you stay on the high ground." Donny demolished an entire building. And if the point the were expected to take was inside a building, that would just put everyone at risks. Acion was fast and could fly but Dulga was no stranger to shooting fast moving, small targets. Being bigger won't make it any more difficult once she gets a few seconds to figure his path. Luelle's quirk, from what Dulga remembered, allowed her to control fire and ice, which would be a problem. However Luelle also didn't seem to be that tough so one good shot was all Dulga needed to take her out. Haruka however.... Dulga didn't think much of her at first until she arrived to the armory decked out in some sort of power armor. Truthfully Haruka was probably Dulga's worse match up since her rubber bullets would be useless against that heavy armor, so Dulga would have no choice by to use hand-to-hand. And she didn't like to do that.

"We stick close to each other and remain on the move. The other teams will likely send their fastest or stealthiest to try and scout ahead, so Yozakura I need you to sniff out anyone trying to hide, and Kaida you need to crush them quickly. If we can eliminate at least one student in a team, that would make the rest of the team easier targets from the others."

@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara@Heartfillia

Dulga Tarata

As Dulga waited for Kaida to arrive she heard some shouting from another group. Glancing over Dulga noticed Jett and someone who was apparently his mother talking to him. Dulga narrowed her eyes at the two and was familiar with them. Dulga didn't often keep up with all the heroes in the world, baring a few favorites, but she somewhat recognized the two as gun-toting heroines. However Dulga didn't remember many details beyond that. Her mind was too focused on the task at hand to be curious about other people's families. Soon Kaida arrived asking for what she had missed, which Mamoru had summarized. "Something like that. Me and Akasha as a pair, you and Yozakura as another. From what I've noticed most of the others here don't have the same level of range capability as me. I will keep my distance and gun down anyone in my sights. So I'll need you two to make sure they aren't behind any cover." Dulga didn't feel like she needed to emphasis her teammates being careful. Hopefully they had common sense to play it safe like she was. She didn't care for glory, only results.

When Mamoru asked about everyone's quirks Dulga gave Kaida a quick glance. She knew that Kaida was secretive about her quirk, and Dulga only had a vague idea of what it is herself. Wings, scales, claws, fire resistance Kaida was either a demon or a dragon. Understandable something like that may not be something Kaida wants as public knowledge, so Dulga quickly stepped in. "Walk and talk. We've been standing around here for long enough. Besides that trust that Kaida and Yozakura can take care of themselves, Akasha. You and I need to have some words about our tactics." Dulga gave the pinkette a stern glare. Knowing what Mamoru pulled off yesterday, Dulga wanted to keep her teammate close to minimize any collateral damage. Dulga may have been the type who'd favor pragmatic strategies like laying trap or ambushes, but she won't tolerate any excessive plans that'll endanger not just Mamoru's opponents, but possibly her own teammates.

@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara@Heartfillia

Selena crossed her arms and gave Sand a disbelieving look. The white-haired huntress didn't know what the girl with a sandy complexion had in mind, but she didn't agree to the idea of Sand playing as the only shirt on the skin's team. Not to mention Sand was talking in a very strange dialect, like some sort of old fashion way talking. Selena had only heard something like that in period pieces. "No dice, m'lady. We must follow the captain's example, as I and my friend here have, and if you are truly loyal to the cause you shall as well." Selena said with a highborn accent, or at least what she thought was one. If Sand was going to talk in funny accents Selena could too. That's when Sand tried to direct their attention to the opposing team, and when Selena looked her eyes went wide.

On the other side was also Sand, but without her shirt. Truly, what first started as a joke really did turn into something marginally more serious. But not really. Sand went over to the other shirtless Sand, questioning her and if she has the same package. Selena, sensing shenanigans, came over to add some more fuel to the fire. "Aha! I knew it! We have a spy among us!" Selena approached and pointed her fingers accusingly at shirt!Sand. "How clever, trying to give us a strategy when you were in fact our opponent in disguise! But your plan has been foiled by the power of loyalty as only someone on our team would share our unique uniform. Charlatan! Traitor!" Continue to wax ham fisted accusations at shirt!Sand, she was legitimately curious who the shirtless!Sand was. Surely not the actual Sand, but frankly at this point Selena really wasn't sure. But there was one way to find out.

"Obviously both sides are relying far too much on treachery and confusion to overwhelm the other. Frankly I don't know which one of you is the real Sand. So I'd say to make it simple: If you're the real Sand on Team SKIN, you can keep your shirt on. But only your shirt. Nothing else past the shoulders or below the waist." Then Selena looked over to shirtless!Sand with a wink and a smile. "Time to prove your loyalty to Team SKINS for everyone to see!" This joke might've gone too far.

@Lazo@Plank Sinatra
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